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Pop Rocks and Tootsie Pops


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Hats, music videos, what does it matter? At least these quarterbacks aren't getting in trouble like the other guys in the NFL.


I checked this forum for the first time in ages because I knew somebody would get up-in-arms over this harmless video :loco:

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I checked this forum for the first time in ages because I knew somebody would get up-in-arms over this harmless video :loco:


"I came to the forum specifically to see if someone brought up this video with RG3 in it, so I could berate them."

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Hats, music videos, what does it matter? At least these quarterbacks aren't getting in trouble like the other guys in the NFL.

Like I said over on the other thread, is that our standard now? Arrests? How about maturity? Class? Understanding your represent a franchise, a fanbase, a city?  Seems as though these guys just want to stick their chests out and say look at me!

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Like I said over on the other thread, is that our standard now? Arrests? How about maturity? Class? Understanding your represent a franchise, a fanbase, a city? Seems as though these guys just want to stick their chests out and say look at me!

I guess Tom being in all those Uggs commercials and going to derbies and whining about Welker to the media all represent class. And Rob G dancing and partying for the cameras too. Come on man. Athletes are just like us, and if all people have to complain about is singing and wearing a flipping hat then they need to get lives. How do either of those things affect fans or perception in any way? Get outta here.
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I checked this forum for the first time in ages because I knew somebody would get up-in-arms over this harmless video :loco:

He stopped showing his action figures so they had to find something new to criticize. lmao
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Man, they just havin fun.  Its not like he's showing you how to break down an ak, or make pipe bombs.  He and his wife are just kicking back having a good time.  Dude is on top of the world right now.  Haters gonna Hate.  LIke Qwiz said, if that what you have to criticize is someone in they own house, cuttin up then they need to find something better to do.  SMH :facepalm:   Pop Rocks and Tootsie Pops Pop Rocks and Tootsie Pops

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Terry Bradshaw and Namath are pretty darned eccentric....at least in their old age :)




I'm just saying, every time there has been  a NFL player who loved the "fame" and publicity, media, etc, etc It has always ended bad, For examples, see Chad Johnson, & T.O.

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I'm just saying, every time there has been  a NFL player who loved the "fame" and publicity, media, etc, etc It has always ended bad, For examples, see Chad Johnson, & T.O.

I had to kid a little....you are absolutely correct.....it does not end well for the 'drama kings/queens'   haha

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I guess Tom being in all those Uggs commercials and going to derbies and whining about Welker to the media all represent class. And Rob G dancing and partying for the cameras too. Come on man. Athletes are just like us, and if all people have to complain about is singing and wearing a flipping hat then they need to get lives. How do either of those things affect fans or perception in any way? Get outta here.

Are you really comparing endorsement deals to this?  Really?  Stretch much.


My comment was not meant to bend you out of shape. I just think today's athletes that are under 25 are a product of the times and therefore like to scream "look at me" all the time. I get it. I don't have to like it. The world will go on. I really do hope his knee is ok because it would be a shame if we were robbed of his play this season.

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QB's also don't tend to be eccentric, and entrenched in the media.

That's a bad thing? Last I checked Manning and 12 make commercials too. And they're doing just as fine as Griff/ Kaepernick are.
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Are you really comparing endorsement deals to this? Really? Stretch much.

My comment was not meant to bend you out of shape. I just think today's athletes that are under 25 are a product of the times and therefore like to scream "look at me" all the time. I get it. I don't have to like it. The world will go on. I really do hope his knee is ok because it would be a shame if we were robbed of his play this season.

Playing in the NFL is saying " Look at me". Wearing gloves to match your clothing says it. Going to parties with celebrities and making Facebook posts says it. I'm not bent out of shape, it's just that people seem to want to find anything to complain about.
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Playing in the NFL is saying " Look at me". Wearing gloves to match your clothing says it. Going to parties with celebrities and making Facebook posts says it. I'm not bent out of shape, it's just that people seem to want to find anything to complain about.

^Complaining about people complaining.


The off season is longggggggggggg.

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^Complaining about people complaining.


The off season is longggggggggggg.

Making an observation about difficult people isn't complaining. The offseason is too long, people and athletes alike can't seem to think right without football unfortunately.
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Making an observation about difficult people isn't complaining. The offseason is too long, people and athletes alike can't seem to think right without football unfortunately.

I think most people who complain think they're just making observations, but honestly I was just messing around lol.

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I think most people who complain think they're just making observations, but honestly I was just messing around lol.

Then I think people should have observation making privileges revoked till September comes haha And then have it revoked again in February
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Hats, music videos, what does it matter? At least these quarterbacks aren't getting in trouble like the other guys in the NFL.

That's kind of what I think. It's not like he's pulled a "Ron Artest," yet and slacked off on his sports career to become an aspiring crappy rapper.

Was it stupid? Probably.... Is he a good rapper? If that's him, obviously not....

There is def much worse one can do. However, people think it may have underlying tones from the Jodie Arias trial with regards to her and Trevor's ummm, "intimate" encounters involving Pop Rocks and Tootsie Pops.

None the less it is highly strange, eerie almost.

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That's kind of what I think. It's not like he's pulled a "Ron Artest," yet and slacked off on his sports career to become an aspiring crappy rapper.

Was it stupid? Probably.... Is he a good rapper? If that's him, obviously not....

There is def much worse one can do. However, people think it may have underlying tones from the Jodie Arias trial with regards to her and Trevor's ummm, "intimate" encounters involving Pop Rocks and Tootsie Pops.

None the less it is highly strange, eerie almost.

Pop rocks and tootsie pops are attributed to Arias? Hmm never heard that before, that is strange. I doubt Griffin would be drawing attention to himself making fun of something as serious as that though. Maybe they're just popular snacks? Lol.
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That's a bad thing? Last I checked Manning and 12 make commercials too. And they're doing just as fine as Griff/ Kaepernick are.

They also aren't causing any controversy, and are acting in a professional manner.


Either way it's irrelevant.


We'll see where these young QB's end up, but if history tells us anything, it's that the attention obsession can only hurt in the long run.

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Playing in the NFL is saying " Look at me". Wearing gloves to match your clothing says it. Going to parties with celebrities and making Facebook posts says it. I'm not bent out of shape, it's just that people seem to want to find anything to complain about.

Sure the NFL is a look at me league but RG takes it to another level you have to admit. The dude holds press conferences like every five minutes. At some point enough is enough ...

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They also aren't causing any controversy, and are acting in a professional manner.

Either way it's irrelevant.

We'll see where these young QB's end up, but if history tells us anything, it's that the attention obsession can only hurt in the long run.

So it's Griffin and Kaep's fault people stereotype them. Alright, that sounds fair. Making videos and wearing hats are hardly cause for "attention" grabbing. The media loves guys with personality, not robots.
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Sure the NFL is a look at me league but RG takes it to another level you have to admit. The dude holds press conferences like every five minutes. At some point enough is enough ...

He hasn't held a press conference since his team's season ended, and as far as I recall only does what every other QB does when it comes to media sessions.
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Pop rocks and tootsie pops are attributed to Arias? Hmm never heard that before, that is strange. I doubt Griffin would be drawing attention to himself making fun of something as serious as that though. Maybe they're just popular snacks? Lol.

You wouldn't think so, but articles from the Washington Post and USA Today make light of it. All speculation of course, media always has to dig around in poop. haha

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So it's Griffin and Kaep's fault people stereotype them. Alright, that sounds fair. Making videos and wearing hats are hardly cause for "attention" grabbing. The media loves guys with personality, not robots.


Hey I don't make the rules of the media, my best advice is to avoid it at all costs, even if that means you don't spend your saturday afternoon putting stupid videos on youtube, or going out in public wearing other teams gear.


I mean come on, did RGIII expect that everything would be cool when he talked about his wedding registry and then took a picture of himself sitting in all the boxes sent by fans and posted it online? Also did Kaep think that no one would notice the Dolphins hat? I mean at some point common sense has to be used or you are just inviting in the drama and attention a la TO / OchoCinco.

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Hey I don't make the rules of the media, my best advice is to avoid it at all costs, even if that means you don't spend your saturday afternoon putting stupid videos on youtube, or going out in public wearing other teams gear.

It's none of our business what they do. Don't like the video? Don't watch it.
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