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Brad Wells Apologizes.... Admits Mistake....


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Why are you talking about yourself in the third person?

Actually, the use of the word "you" is actually 2nd person not 3rd person Zachris. "You guys are merciless." I like BHC myself. The guy is wicked smart & funny as Hades IMO. Besides, 3rd person humor, which involves the use of a person's name, like SW1 said this is hilarious in my estimation.

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He's just a guy trying to make a living.

1 last point: A reporter's reputation isn't built on what they know or even what they think they know, but whether they have the courage & professional pride to admit when they made a mistake. Doing this routinely, acknowledging a reporter made a mistake, lends credibility to what that reporter says & their influence proliferates accordingly as their fanbase expands rapidly. I am not calling for Mr. Wells resignation just a refresher course on what being a "professional" reporter really means that's all.

"Thanks to Kyle Rodriguez of ColtsAuthority.com for pointing out the error... Hey, you know that video is old, right? But, Kyle apparently wanted to write an article about the whole thing and, in the process, grind an ax or two. Whatever. It's cool."

Tell me, where in this statement does Brad Wells own up to his mistake? Why does Mr. Wells blame old footage for his own incompetence? That doesn't even smell of a retraction to me or having the courage to say, "You know what I really bleeped up here & I must step up to the plate & own this fiasco & swear to improve my double checking methods." [Crickets chirping]...Sounds like he's passing the blame game buck to me...

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Boys boys boys. I used to post on Stampede Blue when this site went through one of it's poorer changes a few years back. As Wells was on my Polian wavelength (before it got trendy), I didn't mind some of the rubbish he wrote. But the actual forum was pretty dire, and I just stopped going there. Not been back since. I have no defense for the guy as a writer etc, but do we really think he is worth all the brouhaha?


I don't, sorry.


And he's probably a nice guy away from the typewriter.....(showing my age).

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Actually, the use of the word "you" is actually 2nd person not 3rd person Zachris. "You guys are merciless." I like BHC myself. The guy is wicked smart & funny as Hades IMO. Besides, 3rd person humor, which involves the use of a person's name, like SW1 said this is hilarious in my estimation.

Thank you Southie, for those nice words. 100% reciprocated.


Don't be too harsh on Zachris, he meant no harm, thinks Braveheart.

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Thank you Southie, for those nice words. 100% reciprocated.


Don't be too harsh on Zachris, he meant no harm, thinks Braveheart.

I agree 100% I wasn't upset at Zachris or anything. Yes, it was an innocent comment no doubt about that. I'm just very protective of my friends even the ones that I have never physically met in person. By the way BHC, I wasn't challenging you at all. Quite the contrary, I enjoy your insights & slant on things. I was merely offering my perspective on the Brad Wells situation. Friends never see eye to eye on everything & if I tick you off or misinterpret something that you say let me know no holes barred okay. After all, I'm not perfect BHC just darn near flawless though. Only Kidding! That's my standard tag line or opening joke when SW1 royally messes something up on a colossal scale. 


Plus, I like the fact that you stand your ground & maintain your convictions without changing your mind or trying to be Mr. Popular trying to be "warm & fuzzy" at all times. Keep it up BHC!  :thmup:  Thanks for your kind words on my behalf as well even when you think I've lost my mind & gone off the deep end BHC...Splash! 



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Boys boys boys. I used to post on Stampede Blue when this site went through one of it's poorer changes a few years back. As Wells was on my Polian wavelength (before it got trendy), I didn't mind some of the rubbish he wrote. But the actual forum was pretty dire, and I just stopped going there. Not been back since. I have no defense for the guy as a writer etc, but do we really think he is worth all the brouhaha?

I don't, sorry.

And he's probably a nice guy away from the typewriter.....(showing my age).

You see, this is exactly what I talking about BHC. Fly against the wind, cut against the grain of the wood, & drive down the wrong side of the road just to be different. It's who you are & I admire you for that my friend. On 2nd thought, drive in the correct road lane...I don't want BHC to suffer a fatality either. But, some parts of the world do allow driving down the left side of the road I guess...


This cat visiting from America nearly saw all his 9 lives flash before his eyes when he forgot man!




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And he's probably a nice guy away from the typewriter.....(showing my age).

Ah yes, the typewriter. I remember being trained on that in high school too & when the 1st computer was not a portable laptop, but filled an entire room like a giant missile silo. 1st "Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory" & now typewriter flashbacks & doing term paper pages over because of footnote mistakes...Grr!  :rawr: 


Editing is so much easier now. No whiteout needed.  :td:





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And let's not leave out the joyous occasions when typewriter keys stick together & the ink on individual letters of the alphabet fades & cannot be seen on the white paper either. I have such profound respect for reporters who filed stories on typewriters & made the technological switch to computers. Not a seamless or smooth transition either.

Okay, I will step off my soap box & off topic sermon on the mound now. I promise. haha

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, May 21, 2013 - inappropriate/offensive
Hidden by Nadine, May 21, 2013 - inappropriate/offensive

Bet it's awkward when he goes into the locker room...probably gonna be in trouble for this 1, but couldn't help it.....


Yeah, I never thought of that.  He is pretty waiting for some player to come out so he can "jump" on their bandwagon!  hahaha

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, May 21, 2013 - inappropriate/offensive
Hidden by Nadine, May 21, 2013 - inappropriate/offensive

I think Brad Wells tries to be a Shock Jock in the Blog world.  He tries to invent drama and starts screaming about everyone needing to be fired.  I wonder if he ever watches the Colts?  He was crying about not drafting a running back.  And his obsession with Bill Polian never ends.


I was happy to see him owned there on his "facts".   He should just stick to his hairy men he beds..

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You guys are merciless. He's just a guy trying to make a living. Such a hard crowd.



Actually, the use of the word "you" is actually 2nd person not 3rd person Zachris. "You guys are merciless." I like BHC myself. The guy is wicked smart & funny as Hades IMO. Besides, 3rd person humor, which involves the use of a person's name, like SW1 said this is hilarious in my estimation.


I am fairly sure BHC is Brad Wells, which is why I made my comment about third person.  It was referring to his comment, He's just a guy trying to make a living.  So where I see you thought I was wrong, I was actually right in where I was asking why he was talking about himself in third person.  And even if I was wrong, I am nor will I ever be a writer because I suck at it! :cheer2:


On a side note, as I brought up the smile faces, I am shocked they have this one?  :goodluck:

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"Order is restored to the universe. Cats and dogs are not sleeping together. Mass hysteria avoided."

Wait, what in the world does that even mean? "Cats and dogs are not sleeping together." Forget it, I don't wanna know. Sometimes, ignorance is truly bliss. SMH. What Mr. Wells does in his spare time is none of my business right? No comment...

I see what you did there

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So last week, many Colts fans were in an uproar over Wells' assertion that Pep Hamilton was defying Pagano and Irsay talking about running some read-option and pistol and such....


Wells wrote that Pagano and Hamilton must not be on the same page.  He hinted at rebellion....


Turns out,  Brad got himself completely turned around.    There was a story about the Colts offense, and embedded in the story was an interview Hamilton did back in his early days as a Colt.


But Wells mistook it for a new interview and thought Pep and Pags weren't on the same page.


Here's Brad's public apology and explanation...





Glad he came clean.  Can see how it got jumbled from his viewpoint, but a poster here caught his mistake early and was so convincing in his argument against Wells I bought in (and rightly so it turns out) without my typical double checking. A little after ColtAuthority published their piece pointing out the error we already knew (because of Romanian CF, I believe) about.


His admissions keeps me from losing all faith in him. However, I still carry around many grains of salt... just in case. ;)

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I am fairly sure BHC is Brad Wells, which is why I made my comment about third person.  It was referring to his comment, He's just a guy trying to make a living.  So where I see you thought I was wrong, I was actually right in where I was asking why he was talking about himself in third person.  And even if I was wrong, I am nor will I ever be a writer because I suck at it! :cheer2:


On a side note, as I brought up the smile faces, I am shocked they have this one?  :goodluck:

No you were wrong. I'm not Brad Wells. I'm his wife actually.......

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No you were wrong. I'm not Brad Wells. I'm his wife actually.......

haha That's like the line: "I'm not a Dr. but I do play one on TV & I look darn good in a white lab coat with a stethoscope around my neck if I do say so myself." Or perhaps, you were actually being serious my friend. My money is on sarcasm, but SW1 has been wrong before too. It's a toss up. Heads or tails. Care to call it in the air? Just Kidding! 

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The Indy Star use to have a forum..  and it was THE COLT forum.   But, I forget how it went down but things changed for the worse and here we all are...    Well some of us.. 

Everyone left that forum because it was crawling with abusive * trolls. No one did anything about it, so we all left and many of us eventually wound up here.

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Everyone left that forum because it was crawling with abusive * trolls. No one did anything about it, so we all left and many of us eventually wound up here.

The * stands for "New England Patriot fan" trolls. I didn't use bad language, honest!

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I am fairly sure BHC is Brad Wells, which is why I made my comment about third person.  It was referring to his comment, He's just a guy trying to make a living.  So where I see you thought I was wrong, I was actually right in where I was asking why he was talking about himself in third person.  And even if I was wrong, I am nor will I ever be a writer because I suck at it! :cheer2:


On a side note, as I brought up the smile faces, I am shocked they have this one?  :goodluck:

Okay, I can follow your logic & line of reasoning there, but having sympathy for a reporter & believing that he is being unfairly singled out & harshly persecuted for his journalism style is not the same thing as literally being Brad Wells Zachris. Vigorously defending someone can easily unfold in this circumstance with BHC without literally being the same individual in question or perhaps even being married to them as a partner or spouse.


You make it sound like Brad Wells/BHC is on some sort of reconnaissance mission to infiltrate enemy lines by stealth traveling in incognito online to restore his reputation. I thought I was the only admirer of cloak & dagger espionage plots around here. haha It's nice to know that I'm not alone in my spy obsession/fetish around here Zachris.  :D  :thmup:

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Having said all that. If you wanna believe that BHC/Brad Wells are the same person, don't let me stop ya. I don't buy it myself, but hey, I'm in no position to trample all over someone's freedom to subscribe to a certain conspiracy theory or viewpoint. Knock yourself out Zachris...


If anything, you just added to BHC's mystery & intrigue & you just singlehandedly made his following & mystique skyrocket on here. BHC will become a legend on Colts Forum now like Elvis, Beatle mania, & an international criminal that stole millions & never got arrested by the authorities. Ha! Ha! 

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To pile on a little bit (just joking, OK?), should Brad also apologize to his readers for misinforming them on Werner's participation in the OTAs? This off season must be really boring. 


He should. But he won't. He'll obliquely swipe at us for not sending him an e-mail about it and then say whatever.

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Having said all that. If you wanna believe that BHC/Brad Wells are the same person, don't let me stop ya. I don't buy it myself, but hey, I'm in no position to trample all over someone's freedom to subscribe to a certain conspiracy theory or viewpoint. Knock yourself out Zachris...


If anything, you just added to BHC's mystery & intrigue & you just singlehandedly made his following & mystique skyrocket on here. BHC will become a legend on Colts Forum now like Elvis, Beatle mania, & an international criminal that stole millions & never got arrested by the authorities. Ha! Ha! 


I know he is on the forums and in another post, he told someone he was him.  He hates me on twitter!  :)  Poor guy!  He takes it hard, when people say things about him.  But I am sure, BHC is Brad Wells, he just isn't man enough to admit it.

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Looks like I've been rumbled by Miss Marple. Darn it.

Big Blue Shoe, over and out.

The asset has been compromised & needs a new extraction point over. Just Kidding! I am going to be honest here. I had no idea who Miss Marble was so I did a google search & wikipedia said this among other things:


"Miss Marple solves difficult crimes because of her shrewd intelligence,...has given her seemingly infinite examples of the negative side of human nature. Crimes always remind her of a parallel incident. Acquaintances may be bored by analogies that often lead her to a deeper realization about the true nature of a crime. Although she looks sweet, frail, and old, she fears neither dead nor living. She also has a remarkable ability to latch onto a casual comment and connect it to the case at hand."


Okay, so a noisy old bat who never married applies deductive reasoning to solving crimes & doesn't take any crap from anybody. That sounds just like a few relatives of mine that will remain unnamed to protect my own caboose so as to not incur their venomous wrath & retaliation. 


Thanks for the riveting backstory BHC. You are very entertaining my friend. I respect individuals who can roll with the punches & play along with comical & amusing subplots & side stories.  :yahoo:

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I know he is on the forums and in another post, he told someone he was him.  He hates me on twitter!  :)  Poor guy!  He takes it hard, when people say things about him.  But I am sure, BHC is Brad Wells, he just isn't man enough to admit it.

Please tell me that you don't believe everything you read or see online. It reminds me of this French model TV commercial. That's like saying you are tight with something & then you say you know a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a guy that actually saw Brad Wells a few tables across a crowded room. Did that person speak directly with him? Are you sure it's him? Well no, but I waved at him & he waved back. 


I'm not saying that you're wrong Zachris, but heresy doesn't qualify as factual confirmation in my eyes. I need more evidence than that. 



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I don't know Miller.    At least,  I don't think I do,  so can't comment.


I'm pretty sure I've ready Kravitz and I don't recall disliking him....  so, I suspect that I do like him.    I can't remember not liking an Indy-Star writer....    I think they try hard to cover the Colts thoroughly.....


Of course,  Los Angeles hasn't had an NFL team here for roughly 20 years,  so when it comes to covering an NFL team properly, my memory may be playing tricks on me!!      :slaphead:

Kravitz catches a lot of negative comments but some don't realise that he is a columnist not a beat writer. It is his job to write articles that are designed to be controversial. 

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Brad Wells is amateurish at best as is Kravitz, the writers in this city are TERRIBLE...

Kravitz is a columnist, not a beat writer. His job is to be controversial. He is very good at it by the comments he draws. Like him or hate him he is very good at his job. 

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Kravitz is a columnist, not a beat writer. His job is to be controversial. He is very good at it by the comments he draws. Like him or hate him he is very good at his job. 

That is an excellent point crazycolt1. Beat writers simply lay out the basic facts: The who, what, when, where, why, & how vs columnists who have more freedom like a freelance editor to do more opinion based pieces that are more elaborate, detailed, & longer in scope & duration.


Beat writers are like technical writers who compose manuals. Little emotions are discussed here just spit out the facts quickly & simply like a machine gun. Columnists are more like novelists. They can establish the mood, take a more defined stance on an issue or controversy, & ruffle feathers to spark debate & get a visceral reaction glowing or derogatory in nature. 

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Please tell me that you don't believe everything you read or see online. It reminds me of this French model TV commercial. That's like saying you are tight with something & then you say you know a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a guy that actually saw Brad Wells a few tables across a crowded room. Did that person speak directly with him? Are you sure it's him? Well no, but I waved at him & he waved back. 


I'm not saying that you're wrong Zachris, but heresy doesn't qualify as factual confirmation in my eyes. I need more evidence than that. 




Well, I guess I can report him to the mods for claiming to be someone he isn't.  I know they frown upon that type of thing.  Trust me, I don't believe everything I read or see online.  It is full of stupid people that make up some of the stupid stuff in our world today, you see forward and reposted on Facebook daily.  But to come here, and say you are someone, and not actually be that person.  Well, I guess if he chooses to lie and claim to be someone he isn't.  I guess he is just a fraud.  Brad Wells does not have the balls to tell people who he is on here.  Why?  Because he knows people will make fun of him even more. 


The point here is, if BHC is not Brad Wells, he should have NEVER made a comment to suggest that he was.  That is his fault.  It isn't my fault.  BHC should be banned from the forums if this is actually true, because you should not come here, representing to be someone you are not.  If you can't be yourself, then what are you?  Your a nothing. 


For all I know, Southwest1, you could be another one of his famous writers on his page, just trying to defend him.  Or heck, you could be Brad Wells also.  Trust me, I had a friend one day admit to me, that on the Pacer forums, he had multiple accounts.  Each one had a different kind of personality.  He would even go as far as having arguements with himself to start problems on that forums.  Pretty sad and pathetic if you ask me.

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Well, I guess I can report him to the mods for claiming to be someone he isn't. I know they frown upon that type of thing. Trust me, I don't believe everything I read or see online. It is full of stupid people that make up some of the stupid stuff in our world today, you see forward and reposted on Facebook daily. But to come here, and say you are someone, and not actually be that person. Well, I guess if he chooses to lie and claim to be someone he isn't. I guess he is just a fraud. Brad Wells does not have the balls to tell people who he is on here. Why? Because he knows people will make fun of him even more.

The point here is, if BHC is not Brad Wells, he should have NEVER made a comment to suggest that he was. That is his fault. It isn't my fault. BHC should be banned from the forums if this is actually true, because you should not come here, representing to be someone you are not. If you can't be yourself, then what are you? Your a nothing.

For all I know, Southwest1, you could be another one of his famous writers on his page, just trying to defend him. Or heck, you could be Brad Wells also. Trust me, I had a friend one day admit to me, that on the Pacer forums, he had multiple accounts. Each one had a different kind of personality. He would even go as far as having arguements with himself to start problems on that forums. Pretty sad and pathetic if you ask me.

Let me get this straight. Just because I state that I need concrete proof that BHC & Brad Wells are indeed the same person you falsely assert that I am somehow a mole planted to defend him? Clearly, you have a vivid imagination who should be writing best selling science fiction novels. Naturally Zachris, you are certainly entitled to your own point of view.

"Well, I guess I can report him to the mods for claiming to be someone he isn't... BHC should be banned from the forums if this is actually true, because you should not come here, representing to be someone you are not." 2 questions: What evidence do you have to demonstrate that BHC & Bred Wells are the same individual & even if you confirm your hypothesis what's the point? No one is forcing anyone to read his stories or even believe them.

Look, people can have their opinions on any subject, but they are not entitled to their own facts or rather blind assertions regarding someone's reputation do not qualify as facts, especially when conjecture & speculation are used to replace facts. Could you be correct about Brad Wells true identity? Sure, but the lack of evidence/the absence of evidence does not = evidence either.

Regarding SW1, I never went to journalism school, but I have taken a few editing & technical writing classes back in my undergraduate college days. That hardly qualifies me to serve as a reporter for a reputable newspaper with a corresponding website & a few online blogs. Next question: Why am I so vigorously defending BHC? The guy makes me laugh & anyway I am really defending anyone who is bombarded with unfair accusations pertaining to their reputation, ethical practices, & core principles inherent in their profession. If the shoe was flipped on the other foot, I would defend your reputation, honor, & integrity with the same passion & conviction Zachris. Have a nice day.

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