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Aaron Rodgers - a one hit wonder


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I think it is time to say what has been true now for a couple of years - Rodgers is a one hit wonder. Brett Favre was right. He did inherit a championship team in 2008 and to his credit won the bowl in 2010 but he has done little to nothing in the post-season the past couple of years to substaniate him being the greatest QB in the game. He has won one playoff game the last two years and was pounded by the Giants last year at home after going 15-1 and the niners this year. And before you blame it on his poor defense, Brady has been playing with a defense that is just as inept and has made the SB and the AFC conf champ game this past year while throwing to smurfs. If Rodgers is the greatest, time for him to prove it. The NFC has only gotten tougher with all the young guns going there - RG, Kaep, Russell and Newton. As Rodgers has said himself, your legacy is made in the post-season and so far his legacy says he is a one hit wonder.

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One hit wonder?  Nope.  He is too talented and too good for it.  Their offensive line, running game, and defense were a mess this year.  Rodgers still put up big numbers.

Until the post-season. What is your excuse for last year when he went 15-1 and got destroyed by the Giants?

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Until the post-season. What is your excuse for last year when he went 15-1 and got destroyed by the Giants?

If I remember correctly, that year, the Packers rested their starters in the last game.  Rodgers didn't start in week 17 against the Lions and they had a bye week, so he went like 3 weeks without any NFL game action.  He still had a decent game, but his receivers dropped passes like crazy.  The Packers' leading receiver that game had 3 receptions despite 46 pass attempts from Rodgers.  Rodgers was also the Packers' leading rusher.  Not only that, but the defense gave up 330 yards and 3 TDs to Eli.


For what it's worth, I'm not a big fan of Rodgers, but I think he is too good to be considered a one hit wonder.  He had one ridiculous season, but he has still put up solid numbers in other years.

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Until the post-season. What is your excuse for last year when he went 15-1 and got destroyed by the Giants?

U mean the team that went on to win the SB? The difference between Brady and Rodgers? Brady didn't have to face the Giants until the SB.....plus the patriots had a lucky draw last year....84 OKlahoma Sooners and then getting extremely lucky vs the ravens.

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Are you disputing the fact that Rogers is one of the best quarterback in the league? Most would agree that he has been for some time now. The only thing that would change that would be if his performance slipped. It happens (ie: Rivers) but it hasn't happened to Rodgers.


Depicting any QB as failing because their team didn't win the Super Bowl in a given year is ridiculous. Were you expecting him to win it every year? Do you now believe that Flacco is the best QB in the league? DId you consider Eli the best QB in the league after he won it last year? Linking team accomplishments with one individuals performance so rigidly is simplistic and misleading. A TEAM is unlikely to win the SB without a top QB, but the opposite side of that equation is NOT that a top QB can't be such WITHOUT winning the SB - if for no other reason than that there is more than one top QB. They can't ALL win it every year, can they? If that makes the others failures in your mind, you need to switch to tennis or something.

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U mean the team that went on to win the SB? The difference between Brady and Rodgers? Brady didn't have to face the Giants until the SB.....plus the patriots had a lucky draw last year....84 OKlahoma Sooners and then getting extremely lucky vs the ravens.

I sure hope OP has reasons, sorry I mean excuses, for Brady's post season failures since the early 2000's.

Because apparently if you don't win the Superbowl every year, your a one hit wonder lol.

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Are you disputing the fact that Rogers is one of the best quarterback in the league? Most would agree that he has been for some time now. The only thing that would change that would be if his performance slipped. It happens (ie: Rivers) but it hasn't happened to Rodgers.


Depicting any QB as failing because their team didn't win the Super Bowl in a given year is ridiculous. Were you expecting him to win it every year? Do you now believe that Flacco is the best QB in the league? DId you consider Eli the best QB in the league after he won it last year? Linking team accomplishments with one individuals performance so rigidly is simplistic and misleading. A TEAM is unlikely to win the SB without a top QB, but the opposite side of that equation is NOT that a top QB can't be such WITHOUT winning the SB - if for no other reason than that there is more than one top QB. They can't ALL win it every year, can they? If that makes the others failures in your mind, you need to switch to tennis or something.

You need to re-read my post. I said he is a one hit wonder because he inherited a champ caliber team in '08. When he had his best season ever in 2011 he was smashed by the Giants at home. When you look at this complete  body of work - a 6-10 season to start, a 10-6 season with a loss in his first playoff game to Arizona and then the magic run in '10 that was aided by the historic comeback of the Eagles vs. the Giants otherwise the Pack does not even get in, and then you combined that with the last two seasons where he was one and done and got smoked by an upstart in Kaepernick that completely outplayed him then you have my basis for why I believe he is a one hit wonder. He may very well go the way of Rivers given his team is now starting to disintegrate. The fact that he blamed his rooked practice squad for the Packs slow start last year tells you all you need to know.

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He's done what he's done under the worst offensive line in the league, possibly worse than ours. He has the evasion, arm strength, accuracy and decision making that makes a QB great and he is the consensus best QB in the league right now. So no he's not a one hit wonder. Peyton's only won one SB. Is he a one hit wonder? No. 

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He's done what he's done under the worst offensive line in the league, possibly worse than ours. He has the evasion, arm strength, accuracy and decision making that makes a QB great and he is the consensus best QB in the league right now. So no he's not a one hit wonder. Peyton's only won one SB. Is he a one hit wonder? No. 

51 sacks last year. Most in the league. Not very evasive. His Oline looked that bad because he hung on to the ball way too long. Even Jaworski criticized him for that. Need to see more from him in the post-season for him to be more than a one hit wonder.

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He did as much as Tom  Brady did this year. Won a playoff game before losing the next. And Rodgers was on the road unlike Brady and didn't have a bye week either.


So is Tom Brady a "first half of the 2000's" QB wonder only? I have given Brady the benefit of the doubt lately and expecting more. Since you know he is supposed to be "Joe Montana 2.0".


But, the moment I cannot get out of my mind is still when Brady would not outrun Ngata for 4 yards in the 4th quarter with comeback potential on the line. Way to put it all out there on the line Tom.....bravo. Brady was horrible vs. the Ravens two years in a row in the title game.

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He did as much as Tom  Brady did this year. Won a playoff game before losing the next. And Rodgers was on the road unlike Brady and didn't have a bye week either.


So is Tom Brady a "first half of the 2000's" QB wonder only? I have given Brady the benefit of the doubt lately and expecting more. Since you know he is supposed to be "Joe Montana 2.0".


But, the moment I cannot get out of my mind is still when Brady would not outrun Ngata for 4 yards in the 4th quarter with comeback potential on the line. Way to put it all out there on the line Tom.....bravo. Brady was horrible vs. the Ravens two years in a row in the title game.

If you count beating Joe Webb as a playoff victory, ok. What about last year when Rodgers had the bye, was at home and had a 15-1 record and a season for the ages and was significantly outplayed by Eli? Brady on the flip took the worst defense in the league to the SB and was a wes welker drop away from beating Eli and the Giants.


But really my point is not about Brady as Rodgers is not anywhere near Brady but about the fact that the guy got the billing as "the greatest" off of one magical playoff run. I mean Eli at least did it twice. Rodgers has been smoked by supposedly inferior QBs in Eli and Kaep the last two years. He needs to prove much more in the post-season to be more than a one hit wonder. I am doubting we will see it though as the champ caliber team he inherited in 2008 is coming apart and he already blamed his rookie practice squad for his slow start last year.

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You need to re-read my post. I said he is a one hit wonder because he inherited a champ caliber team in '08. When he had his best season ever in 2011 he was smashed by the Giants at home. When you look at this complete  body of work - a 6-10 season to start, a 10-6 season with a loss in his first playoff game to Arizona and then the magic run in '10 that was aided by the historic comeback of the Eagles vs. the Giants otherwise the Pack does not even get in, and then you combined that with the last two seasons where he was one and done and got smoked by an upstart in Kaepernick that completely outplayed him then you have my basis for why I believe he is a one hit wonder. He may very well go the way of Rivers given his team is now starting to disintegrate. The fact that he blamed his rooked practice squad for the Packs slow start last year tells you all you need to know.

First of all, they weren't "one and done" the past two years. They beat the Vikings. Secondly, it's hard to determine that he inherited a "champ caliber team" when they in fact had "failed" in their last season prior to his starting. Or are you now saying that it's a team game after-all.


I re-read your post, and I read this post a couple of times, and I read your contributions on other threads which suggest that you are a Pats fan. I thought that this "all that matters in the playoffs" attitude sounded familiar. Personally I thought that 15-1 was very impressive, and the mvp that went with it well deserved. But that's irrelevant to you apparently. Al that matters is that his team was upset in the playoffs - by the same team that beat YOUR team and won the Super Bowl by the way. What exactly does one hit wonder mean? Joe Montana won the Super Bowl in 1981. Was he a "one hit wonder" in 1983? Were you writing him off already as an abject failure? By the way, the niners didn't even make the playoffs in 82. Believe it or not, regular season performance IS germane to the evaluation of quarterbacks. This isn't the NBA - making it to the playoffs is an accomplishment in it's own right. And by your own definitions your sweetheart has been an abject failure since 2004. All the QBs who have won the Super Bowl since must be better than him, correct?


And by the way I don't like Rogers at all. I just like this line of reasoning even less.

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First of all, they weren't "one and done" the past two years. They beat the Vikings. Secondly, it's hard to determine that he inherited a "champ caliber team" when they in fact had "failed" in their last season prior to his starting. Or are you now saying that it's a team game after-all.


I re-read your post, and I read this post a couple of times, and I read your contributions on other threads which suggest that you are a Pats fan. I thought that this "all that matters in the playoffs" attitude sounded familiar. Personally I thought that 15-1 was very impressive, and the mvp that went with it well deserved. But that's irrelevant to you apparently. Al that matters is that his team was upset in the playoffs - by the same team that beat YOUR team and won the Super Bowl by the way. What exactly does one hit wonder mean? Joe Montana won the Super Bowl in 1981. Was he a "one hit wonder" in 1983? Were you writing him off already as an abject failure? By the way, the niners didn't even make the playoffs in 82. Believe it or not, regular season performance IS germane to the evaluation of quarterbacks. This isn't the NBA - making it to the playoffs is an accomplishment in it's own right. And by your own definitions your sweetheart has been an abject failure since 2004. All the QBs who have won the Super Bowl since must be better than him, correct?


And by the way I don't like Rogers at all. I just like this line of reasoning even less.

You did not read close enough. He has been one and done twice in his playoff career. His second season where he lost to the Cardinals and then two years ago to the Giants. I am not sure what it matters what team I am a fan of as I am discussing Rodgers and his title as the greatest QB. Your hypotheticals make no sense as right now all we have to go on is the here and now. His team was champ cailber in 2008. It had made it all the way to the NFC champ game until Favre threw the pick to the Giants to end it. That team was stacked and continued to be stacked the past four years. Few would disagree with this assesstment.


It is not just that his team was upset in the playoffs, it is that he was SMOKED in his house by Eli and then smoked again by the niners this year. I do look at how QBs perform in both the regular season and post season and Rodgers has underperformed the last two seasons by a lot losing to supposedly inferior QBs. If you are to be called the "greatest" then I think you need to have more than just one magical playoff run. Greatness is proved over time. The guy is 5-3 and has one playoff victory the last two seasons. He has been one and done twice in four playoff appearances. If you want to talk about Brady, he went 10-0 and 3 rings and has been back to the bowl TWO more times since his championship runs. That is greatness. Right now Rodgers has a lot to prove as he said earlier this year, legacies are built in the post-season and right now he has one great run, same as Flacco, Brees and one less than Eli.

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Im assuming we are talking about a 1 championship for  and not his individual skills which have no reason to raise any doubt....so with that said Ill bring up Peyton Manning only winning 1 championship at least to this point, why did I bring that up? Because both Manning and Rodgers have yet to have more then a couple players around them consistently step up consistently, for Manning it was his defenses, for Rodgers its been the same thing, Thats not to say Manning has played real good in the playoffs because he certainly hasn't but he did lead up there multiple times despite a consistently below average defense, same for Rodgers

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You did not read close enough. He has been one and done twice in his playoff career. His second season where he lost to the Cardinals and then two years ago to the Giants. I am not sure what it matters what team I am a fan of as I am discussing Rodgers and his title as the greatest QB. Your hypotheticals make no sense as right now all we have to go on is the here and now. His team was champ cailber in 2008. It had made it all the way to the NFC champ game until Favre threw the pick to the Giants to end it. That team was stacked and continued to be stacked the past four years. Few would disagree with this assesstment.


It is not just that his team was upset in the playoffs, it is that he was SMOKED in his house by Eli and then smoked again by the niners this year. I do look at how QBs perform in both the regular season and post season and Rodgers has underperformed the last two seasons by a lot losing to supposedly inferior QBs. If you are to be called the "greatest" then I think you need to have more than just one magical playoff run. Greatness is proved over time. The guy is 5-3 and has one playoff victory the last two seasons. He has been one and done twice in four playoff appearances. If you want to talk about Brady, he went 10-0 and 3 rings and has been back to the bowl TWO more times since his championship runs. That is greatness. Right now Rodgers has a lot to prove as he said earlier this year, legacies are built in the post-season and right now he has one great run, same as Flacco, Brees and one less than Eli.

Who exactly gave Rodgers the greatest QB title? Manning and Brady retire? 

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Im assuming we are talking about a 1 championship for  and not his individual skills which have no reason to raise any doubt....so with that said Ill bring up Peyton Manning only winning 1 championship at least to this point, why did I bring that up? Because both Manning and Rodgers have yet to have more then a couple players around them consistently step up consistently, for Manning it was his defenses, for Rodgers its been the same thing, Thats not to say Manning has played real good in the playoffs because he certainly hasn't but he did lead up there multiple times despite a consistently below average defense, same for Rodgers

ok, then we are back to making excuses. ok, make excuses if you want. Flacco took a below average defense to the playoffs and played lights out. If Rogers is all that and a bag of chips, I would expect him to be able to do the same. Why does he get  pass if he is the greatest? I mean he had a 15-1 team and got smoked. That is my point.

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ok, then we are back to making excuses. ok, make excuses if you want. Flacco took a below average defense to the playoffs and played lights out. If Rogers is all that and a bag of chips, I would expect him to be able to do the same. Why does he get  pass if he is the greatest? I mean he had a 15-1 team and got smoked. That is my point.

Ok now breatheeeeeeeeeeee...calm down......read my next post...........Goossssssfrabaaaaaaaaaaaaa  :thmup:  :yes:

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what post? Most analysts and football experts believe Rodgers is the greatest QB in the game. I don't, never have. That is the reason for this thread.


Who exactly gave Rodgers the greatest QB title? Manning and Brady retire? 

 That post
Last I saw Manning and Brady were still playing like I said
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You did not read close enough. He has been one and done twice in his playoff career. His second season where he lost to the Cardinals and then two years ago to the Giants. I am not sure what it matters what team I am a fan of as I am discussing Rodgers and his title as the greatest QB. Your hypotheticals make no sense as right now all we have to go on is the here and now. His team was champ cailber in 2008. It had made it all the way to the NFC champ game until Favre threw the pick to the Giants to end it. That team was stacked and continued to be stacked the past four years. Few would disagree with this assesstment.


It is not just that his team was upset in the playoffs, it is that he was SMOKED in his house by Eli and then smoked again by the niners this year. I do look at how QBs perform in both the regular season and post season and Rodgers has underperformed the last two seasons by a lot losing to supposedly inferior QBs. If you are to be called the "greatest" then I think you need to have more than just one magical playoff run. Greatness is proved over time. The guy is 5-3 and has one playoff victory the last two seasons. He has been one and done twice in four playoff appearances. If you want to talk about Brady, he went 10-0 and 3 rings and has been back to the bowl TWO more times since his championship runs. That is greatness. Right now Rodgers has a lot to prove as he said earlier this year, legacies are built in the post-season and right now he has one great run, same as Flacco, Brees and one less than Eli.

At last, it comes back to Brady. I detest talking about him, but I'm quite confident that it's your primary reason for being a member of this site, so I'll indulge. My view of Brady is that he contributed virtually nothing to the first super bowl victory, couldn't even make the playoffs the next year, and was a solid but not historically impressive contributor to the second and third. Those were victories by an excellent TEAM, with a special defense led by a coach who I will readily admit is one of the best in the history of the sport. Brady has improved immeasurably since then, and I have a lot of respect for what he has accomplished - even if I root against him. It is ONLY in the more recent period that one could consider him one of the best QBs in the league. Yet ironically during that same period he is 7-7 in the playoffs, no championships, and a couple of "one and done"s of his own. By your own argument he can only be considered an abysmal failure. During the same time period (much of which is was learning the trade, not an established star) Rodgers was 5-4 with a SB win. What was your point again? Or perhaps they are both terrific QBs and your argument is specious.


I actually consider - like most people - Brady, Rodgers and Manning to be the three best QBs in the league. I see little point in starting a thread seeking silly reasons to denigrate any of them. To do so begs the question, if they are such failures, what exactly do you call the dozens of other QBs in the league?


And what hypotheticals are you referring to? My point about Montana was a perfect comparison to point out the nonsensical nature of your argument.

Edited by MAC
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At last, it comes back to Brady. I detest talking about him, but I'm quite confident that it's your primary reason for being a member of this site, so I'll indulge. My view of Brady is that he contributed virtually nothing to the first super bowl victory, couldn't even make the playoffs the next year, and was a solid but not historically impressive contributor to the second and third. Those were victories by an excellent TEAM, with a special defense led by a coach who I will readily admit is one of the best in the history of the sport. Brady has improved immeasurably since then, and I have a lot of respect for what he has accomplished - even if I root against him. It is ONLY in the more recent period that one could consider him one of the best QBs in the league. Yet ironically during that same period he is 7-7 in the playoffs, no championships, and a couple of "one and done"s of his own. By your own argument he can only be considered an abysmal failure. During the same time period (much of which is was learning the trade, not an established star) Rodgers was 5-4 with a SB win. What was your point again? Or perhaps they are both terrific QBs and your argument is specious.


I actually consider - like most people - Brady, Rodgers and Manning to be the three best QBs in the league. I see little point in starting a thread seeking silly reasons to denigrate any of them. To do so begs the question, if they are such failures, what exactly do you call the dozens of other QBs in the league?


And what hypotheticals are you referring to? My point about Montana was a perfect comparison to point out the nonsensical nature of your argument.

And your "assessment" of Brady is what I could expect from a Colts fan. My gosh, and you accuse me of being on here with an alernate agenda. Let me educate you. The Pats were 5-11 when Brady took over in 2001. They were basically the Jaguars of the NFL. Bill Belichick "the genius" that you believe he is was going to be fired after the 2001 season if the Pats had another losing season which they were on their way to with Bledsoe beginning 0-2 losing to the mighty Bengals and Jets. When Brady stepped on the field he had 167 passes without a pick an NFL record to begin a career that stands today and second is not even close. The vaunted pats Defense was middle of the pack and bend don't break all season. Brady routinely led 4th quarter comebacks all season amassing a 14-3 record en route to a 9 game winning streak to end the season. In the SB, Brady had a 14 point only to see his "great" defense let up back to back TDs in under 8 minutes. He then took the ball with no time outs and marched down the field for a game winning score. If you actually bother to check his stats from 2003 and 2004 you will see both years he was statiscally at the top of the league and beating the likes of Manning and McNair (co-MVPs) in the playoffs and leading more game winning drives in the SB when his defense gave up an 11 point lead in the 4th to the panthers and again almost gave up a 10 point lead to the awful Eagles.


In terms of his play since the runs? A perfect 16-0 season with a record 50 TDs and one flukiest catch in SB history away from a perfect season. And then you have last year where he took the worst ranked D in the league to the #1 seed in the AFC and to the bowl only to lose on a wes welker drop. THat is Tom Brady - the greatest ever.


Not to  your point on Rodgers, I am not bashing him. I am just stating the fact that I believe to be called "the greatest" you have to have done more than one magical playoff run. And not get smoked in the playoffs in consecutive years.

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And your "assessment" of Brady is what I could expect from a Colts fan. My gosh, and you accuse me of being on here with an alernate agenda. Let me educate you. The Pats were 5-11 when Brady took over in 2001. They were basically the Jaguars of the NFL. Bill Belichick "the genius" that you believe he is was going to be fired after the 2001 season if the Pats had another losing season which they were on their way to with Bledsoe beginning 0-2 losing to the mighty Bengals and Jets. When Brady stepped on the field he had 167 passes without a pick an NFL record to begin a career that stands today and second is not even close. The vaunted pats Defense was middle of the pack and bend don't break all season. Brady routinely led 4th quarter comebacks all season amassing a 14-3 record en route to a 9 game winning streak to end the season. In the SB, Brady had a 14 point only to see his "great" defense let up back to back TDs in under 8 minutes. He then took the ball with no time outs and marched down the field for a game winning score. If you actually bother to check his stats from 2003 and 2004 you will see both years he was statiscally at the top of the league and beating the likes of Manning and McNair (co-MVPs) in the playoffs and leading more game winning drives in the SB when his defense gave up an 11 point lead in the 4th to the panthers and again almost gave up a 10 point lead to the awful Eagles.


In terms of his play since the runs? A perfect 16-0 season with a record 50 TDs and one flukiest catch in SB history away from a perfect season. And then you have last year where he took the worst ranked D in the league to the #1 seed in the AFC and to the bowl only to lose on a wes welker drop. THat is Tom Brady - the greatest ever.


Not to  your point on Rodgers, I am not bashing him. I am just stating the fact that I believe to be called "the greatest" you have to have done more than one magical playoff run. And not get bashed in the playoffs in consecutive years.

Brady 6th in passing yards in 2003, 10th in passing touchdowns


Brady was 10th in passing yards in 2004 and 6th in passing td's in 2004, 


Excellent assesment

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Brady 6th in passing yards in 2003, 10th in passing touchdowns

Brady was 10th in passing yards in 2004 and 6th in passing td's in 2004,

Excellent assesment

No it's a terrible assessment that bends and twists the truth. The Pats D wasn't middle of the Pack, it was the best D in the league averaging 16 points per game. He also didn't mention how the defense was the only reason they won that Super Bowl intercepting Warner 2 times and shutting down Faulk all game and how Brady only threw a little over 100 yards and 1 Td the entire game.

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It wasn't. Read what I wrote. But he got dragged in like he always is when the greatest discussion comes up. He will forever be the QB that every QB in the FA/cap era measures himself by.

Really? Because Brady measures himself by Peyton. He even said it himself.

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No it's a terrible assessment that bends and twists the truth. The Pats D wasn't middle of the Pack, it was the best D in the league averaging 16 points per game. He also didn't mention how the defense was the only reason they won that Super Bowl intercepting Warner 2 times and shutting down Faulk all game and how Brady only threw a little over 100 yards and 1 Td the entire game.

In 2001 the pats D was not #1, check again. Both O and D were 6 in points and Pats O was 19 in yards while the D was 24. If you actually watched the games like I did, every one of them, you would have saw a bend don't break D. And you seem to forget that Brady took two of those TOs and put them up for scores and was game MVP because his D wilted at the end as it has in EVERY SB and he led the game winning drive.

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