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Griffin wounded.


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So long as people understand, I'm not making fun of him for being hurt. I'm making a joke about the situation to lighten the mood. It's been a long, emotionally exhausting day. 


Yeah right, dude.


Let's make some jokes when a DT rearranges Luck's vital organs, because that will be just as funny, no?

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So long as people understand, I'm not making fun of him for being hurt. I'm making a joke about the situation to lighten the mood. It's been a long, emotionally exhausting day. 



You have no reason to feel bad Ruk. Anybody with 2 brain cells seen this coming with the silly offense the Skins are running. Yeah, it was effective, but its been predicted all season the RG3 was going to get seriously injured playing that way. 

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OK, when he gets his knee blasted by a safety we can call him 'Andrew Crutch'. Or something.

I suppose?


I would never make a joke if the injury was serious in nature....a neck injury, carted off the field etc. He's representing himself to this fanbase, Indianapolis, as a dodged bullet of sorts. 


My "RG Triage" comment was a ribbing aimed at his litany of missed time this year. Of all the ammunition in a QB's skill-set, toughness is paramount. He appears to have it all but the aforementioned toughness. 


I don't want to fight with people. I'm sorry if I offended your sensibilities but I honestly meant nothing ugly by it. 

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Shannahan is going to be torn a new one tomorrow. Can't wait for the headlines.


He deserves whatever punishment that's coming to him..I'm more * about this than us losing the playoff game today..there's about a lot of bitterness towards RG3 on this board so I won't be surprised to see people to use this as an opportunity to push their agenda..

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I suppose?


I would never make a joke if the injury was serious in nature....a neck injury, carted off the field etc. He's representing himself to this fanbase, Indianapolis, as a dodged bullet of sorts. 


My "RG Triage" comment was a ribbing aimed at his litany of missed time this year. Of all the ammunition in a QB's skill-set, toughness is paramount. He appears to have it all but the aforementioned toughness. 


I don't want to fight with people. I'm sorry if I offended your sensibilities but I honestly meant nothing ugly by it. 

Je doesn't have toughness? He played almost an entire game on a wrecked knee.

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Je doesn't have toughness? He played almost an entire game on a wrecked knee.

I'll rephrase....it's obvious he can't take NFL punishment. How can he last 10-15 years at this rate? With a concussion and a wrecked knee already....where to go from here?

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I think some people are over reacting a bit to a little joke that wasn't meant at all to be in any way sick or evil.


Good Lord people, I fell on ice on new yrs. day, broke 3 ribs, got a cracked shoulder bone and cracked elbow and yet my family and friends have been poking at me all week about being clumsy. Its not a big deal.

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