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Luck vs rg3


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Ben gets hit a lot because he extends plays and holds on to the ball for a long time, not becuase he runs downfield. Which is exactly what Luck does right now, the reason why he is getting blasted a lot. I would think with a bad O-line he'd get the ball out faster

The biggest hits I've seen on Luck have been in the pocket when he wasn't able to escape, not when running downfield. When he runs downfield, he tends to run towards the sidelines or gets low at almost the right time, though sometimes a fraction of a second too late. Point being he's taken the big hits, imo, when he's still in the pocket and not when he's run out of the pocket or downfield.

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The biggest hits I've seen on Luck have been in the pocket when he wasn't able to escape, not when running downfield. When he runs downfield, he tends to run towards the sidelines or gets low at almost the right time, though sometimes a fraction of a second too late. Point being he's taken the big hits, imo, when he's still in the pocket and not when he's run out of the pocket or downfield.

No I'm saying he is doing what Raotheieslelberger does.

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16 Interceptions 5 fumbles lost thats 21 turnovers and when your hit several times a game because he is playing WITHOUT an O Line and you have an incompetent O Coordinator(yes thats right Arians has shown complete incompetence at times, many in fact) who does not know how to use his QB's strengths to his advantage then your going to turn the ball over some, No excuses just facts

Excuses ...

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Ignoring that its B/R and that the writer has some bias towards the Colts I thought this was still a interesting breakdown, I know some of these numbers have been touched on already but it also throw in comparisons across the other QBs around and historical numbers:


It's not the be all and end all by any means.

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So, basically rg3 is the next evolution in qb. Is having a better year and apparently we should of drafted. Got it....now roll out and have fun drueling over your boy. Cause I'd still take Luck over him. And I love the colts fans who don't even support their own qb and constantly talk smack and want another. Kick mud maybe? Be a Denver or Washington fan.

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Statistical Comparison

I will attempt to compare Andrew Luck and RGIII based purely on their stats and the implications of their stats. For those who will say “the only stat that I care about is 8-4” that’s fine and all, it’s just that this post isn’t intended for you.

All information is based on stats as of December 4, 2012.

Their basic stat lines read as:

Andrew Luck- 279 of 503 Attempts 55.5% Completion 17TDs 16INTs 3596 Yards 76.1 Rating

Robert Griffen III 218 of 325 Attempts 67.1% Completion 17TDs 4 INTs 2660 Yards 104.4 Rating

Comparison on downs


1st Down 89 of 131 1301 Yards 67.9% Completion

2nd Down 71 of 102 792 Yards 69.6% Completion

3rd Down 52 of 85 520 Yards 61.2% Completion

4th Down 6 of 7 47 Yards 85.7% Completion


1st Down 114 of 208 1520 Yards 54.8% Completion

2nd Down 90 of 158 964 Yards 57.0% Completion

3rd Down 72 of 134 1059 Yards 53.7% Completion

4th Down 3 of 3 53 Yards 100.0% Completion

Third down conversion is another statistic of importance.

RG3 38% 3rd Down Conversion Percentage

Luck 46% 3rd Down Conversion Percentage (Among the highest in the league)

RG3 is best on 3rd Down and 0-2 Yards to go 6 of 7 85.7% completion % 140.8 QB Rating.

Luck in similar situation : 8 of 17 47.1% Completion % 62.4 QB Rating

Luck is best on 3rd Down and 11+ Yards to go 18 of 30 60.0% completion % 106.4 QB Rating

RG3 in similar situation: 13 of 23 56.5% Completion % 64.8% QB Rating

Passes Thrown


Behind the LOS 58 of 74 316 Yards 78.4% Completion

1-10 yards 95 of 145 862 Yards 65.5% Completion

11-20 Yards 41 of 58 874 Yards 70.7% Completion

21-30 Yards 7 of 13 199 Yards 53.8% Completion

31-40 Yards 0 of 3 0 Yards 0. 0% Completion

41+ Yards 4 of 11 246 Yards 36.4% Completion

67% Of RG3’s passes are within 10 yards of the LOS. RG3 has a higher completion percentage with throws 41+ yards. RG3 is more accurate at all levels of throws with the exception of passes 31-40 yards.


Behind the LOS 44 of 67 254 Yards 65.7% Completion

1-10 Yards 125 of 202 1205Yards 61.9% Completion

11-20 Yards 68 of 121 1153Yards 56.2% Completion

21-30 Yards 15 of 38 468 Yards 39.5% Completion

31-40 Yards 2 of 12 77 Yards 16.7% Completion

41+ Yards 1 of 9 18 Yards 11.1% Completion

53% of Luck’s passes are within 10 Yards of the LOS. Luck gains most of his passing yards between 1-20 yards from the LOS.

After a statistical review, it's evident that statistically, RG3 has had the better year. I am aware that statistics do not tell the entire story and that there are numerous other situations and intangibles to consider such as offensive systems, offensive line, defense, opponenets faced, wins, team pass attempts vs run attemps. Some of those things cannot be weighed evenly and calculated, so we're just left with statistics.

If I can infer some things from the stats, it's that RG3 is in a very precise offense and his accuracy is a great benefit to the system, while also benefiting from the system. Conversely, Luck is in a system that does ask him to throw the ball down the field more and therefore explains the amount of yards gained passing, and may also explain the high interception rate, as he is throwing into the heart of the defense more regularly. What is evident however, is that at most levels of throws down the field, RG3 does have a higher completion percentage. Although us Colts fans may argue for reasons why, we have to admit that we would love for Luck to be more accurate and throw less interceptions. An interesting note: The Redskins offense is very innovative and suits RG3 very well. As mentioned earlier, it's very precise offense, but when things do not work out and the team is faced with third and long, RG3 has a low conversion rate. This would lead me to think that his strength are throwing precise short routes, and more accurate very deep routes. The numbers seem to indicate that in passing downs, when asked to drop back and read a defense and make a throw 11+ yards, he has had his difficulties. Meanwhile, Luck has had his difficulties connecting on long passes of 41+ yards.

Link... please...

Here is ESPN.com stat info on total team O...

Specifically 3rd down conversions.


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True, but being a fan of another team does not mean that you can't acknowledge reality. I get that this is a Colts forum, but threads like this that go on and on with repetitive arguments about silly misconceptions is what fuels the fire that so many want to die out.

True, but lets be honest. We are doing MUCH better then expected and even you hoped for. You had us at 4 wins right? Vance maybe at 5 or 6 I don't remember.

I used to hear the two of you almost giggling through your computer screens when people had optimism here heading into the year or before any early games. When we beat the Vikings people were like, "Now don't get your hopes up. It's only the Vikings."

I like you Texans fans but be honest. If RG3 was the Colts QB would you guys be parading around cheerleading for him like you do now?

As for the Skins they DO have a shot to win the division. So do the Cowboys as hard as it is to believe and the Giants are still in the division lead.

And I won't be stunned at all if the Redskins beat the Ravens this weekend. Ravens D is not nearly as good as it's reputation suggests this year and they are quite soft vs. the run compared to previous seasons.

Of course when the Redskins lost games we often had silence. When the Skins lost to the woeful Panthers I heard nothing about them or RG3 here.

And I will say it once and I will say it again. Irsay was always going to draft Luck over RG3. He still would.

RG3 is an electrifying and exciting player. He is like drugs right now. IMO the short term benefits and highs of RG3 do not out weigh the long term benefits of Andrew Luck as a more traditional QB who we are used to seeing have success in this league.

Just say no to drugs kids.

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It is better to have difference than general agreement all the time. How boring would that be? Myself and the Redskins fans are not the only ones who think this argument is ridiculous. I have seen Colts fans (Jason being one of them) who acknowledge that Griffin is indeed having the better season and there is no doubt about it. Numbers don't lie my friend. Griffin throws short passes? Cool. So does Brady, Manning, other elite quarterbacks as well. Griffin has beaten Newton's rushing record, but according to some, he wasn't going to last the whole season because of hits he took? He seems just fine to me. They run different offenses, yes, but Griffin runs his better. He doesn't have to put up 300 yard games and lead his team out of deep holes in order to win, and that's perfectly fine. At first the knock on Griffin was that he can put up numbers but winning is everything...because 12 was winning. Now that Griffin is winning too, what can people resort to? The numbers argument. Wins don't lie and stats don't either.

Yes, RGiii is breaking records but at the same time so is Luck. Luck will most likely shatter Newtons passing record and blaming it on an Arians offense would be the same as blaming RGiii's rushing record on Shanahans offense.

Point of the matter is they are both performing phenomenal and breaking records. What Luck has done with the Colts who (at the beginning of the year where favored to win few games) is unbelievable. What the Skins & RGiii are doing is phenomenal as well.

Statistically RGiii is having better numbers where Luck is better in terms of comeback wins aka clutch.

They each have their strengths, if Luck could cut down a good portion of the INTs it sure would make him look much better. Pretty much just needs to work on some better decisions, which I'm sure he will.

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Yes, RGiii is breaking records but at the same time so is Luck. Luck will most likely shatter Newtons passing record and blaming it on an Arians offense would be the same as blaming RGiii's rushing record on Shanahans offense.

Point of the matter is they are both performing phenomenal and breaking records. What Luck has done with the Colts who (at the beginning of the year where favored to win few games) is unbelievable. What the Skins & RGiii are doing is phenomenal as well.

Statistically RGiii is having better numbers where Luck is better in terms of comeback wins aka clutch.

They each have their strengths, if Luck could cut down a good portion of the INTs it sure would make him look much better. Pretty much just needs to work on some better decisions, which I'm sure he will.

Andrew and Indy are playing with so many rookies on O... I listened to a Reggie Wayne interview on 1260 the other day. And he said point blank... "we are not ready to go no huddle" ...

It takes time. It can take YEARS. But this O, when it gets on track will be DEADLY.

It's coming...

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What do people think of Big Ben's comments? Hmmm......


Charlie Batch, who turned 38 Wednesday, delivered a 23-20 win against Baltimore -- but all the talk around the league is about the rookie crop, led by Robert Griffin III and Andrew Luck.

"It makes me laugh a little bit because people are talking about these rookie quarterbacks and they should be talked about, they're great players,'' Roethlisberger said. "My thing has always been, 'Let's wait for two or three years to see if they're great yet. They've done some great things. And they have all the potential in the world to do it.

"I'm sure if you go ask Tom Brady, Peyton Manning or myself, any of those veteran guys, we'll say we're going to keep doing what we do. Let all the press go to those guys and we'll just try and win games."

He then warned the rookie quarterbacks: "No question about it, it is a completely different ballgame when you get to the playoffs."

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What do people think of Big Ben's comments? Hmmm......


Big Ben was carried by a GREAT D and a GREAT RUNNING game his rookie year...

and he may have turned in one of the ALL TIME WORST SUPER BOWL EFFORTS OF ALL TIME.

But, Ben made up for it his second attempt.

Ben's words are true...

If WASHINGTON fan really expects for Shanny and RG3 to run option ball for the next few years then... ???

Tape doesn't lie.. the thing that really helps this O is that Shanny is running all "plays" out of the same "look" ..

Colt fans are totally used to seeing this.

but ... The enemy will figure it out. And then ... gotta be able to throw the rock, or run it.. When the run/pass is nowhere to be found..

IMO Shanny is COTY... hands down. He is really doing a great job of tailoring his team to its strength.

I guarantee you all that he knows his QB cannot be asked to do what RG3 is doing over the "short term" ... but ... Shanny's job is on the line. He has a GREAT young QB, who is ready and willing to roll with it .... so...

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Lets all just be honest here for once.

Luck and Indy were expected to be rebuilding this year. And guess what. They ARE. But, this rebuilding year might result in a WC spot too. Scary isn't it? Luck is gonna be a stud for many many years. This isn't homerism. It's the truth.

Luck is going to be great. He doesn't even have an o line or run game half the time and he can still come up with big plays to win the game. Heck imagine what we might be able to do when this team is complete?

If I wasn't a Colts fan I might hate us. We go from Peyton Manning all those years to Andrew Luck.

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Lets all just be honest here for once.

Luck and Indy were expected to be rebuilding this year. And guess what. They ARE. But, this rebuilding year might result in a WC spot too. Scary isn't it? Luck is gonna be a stud for many many years. This isn't homerism. It's the truth.

Luck is going to be great. He doesn't even have an o line or run game half the time and he can still come up with big plays to win the game. Heck imagine what we might be able to do when this team is complete?

If I wasn't a Colts fan I might hate us. We go from Peyton Manning all those years to Andrew Luck.

Very fortunate... But I always say,,,, "one makes their own LUCK"

Ironically I have not seen any anti Irsay threads lately.... hmmmmmmmm?

hehe... It is truly amazing what time can do to a situation.

Jim Irsay did not fall victim to "ticket sales, and PR trouble" ...


On several different levels..

And it was the RIGHT one.

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True, but lets be honest. We are doing MUCH better then expected and even you hoped for. You had us at 4 wins right? Vance maybe at 5 or 6 I don't remember.

I used to hear the two of you almost giggling through your computer screens when people had optimism here heading into the year or before any early games. When we beat the Vikings people were like, "Now don't get your hopes up. It's only the Vikings."

I like you Texans fans but be honest. If RG3 was the Colts QB would you guys be parading around cheerleading for him like you do now?

As for the Skins they DO have a shot to win the division. So do the Cowboys as hard as it is to believe and the Giants are still in the division lead.

And I won't be stunned at all if the Redskins beat the Ravens this weekend. Ravens D is not nearly as good as it's reputation suggests this year and they are quite soft vs. the run compared to previous seasons.

Of course when the Redskins lost games we often had silence. When the Skins lost to the woeful Panthers I heard nothing about them or RG3 here.

And I will say it once and I will say it again. Irsay was always going to draft Luck over RG3. He still would.

RG3 is an electrifying and exciting player. He is like drugs right now. IMO the short term benefits and highs of RG3 do not out weigh the long term benefits of Andrew Luck as a more traditional QB who we are used to seeing have success in this league.

Just say no to drugs kids.

So now Griffin's play is comparable to drugs. Hmmmm. If he was a Colt, and performing at the same level that he is performing at now, then yes, I would be very impressed and singing his praises. I would be scared as Hades at playing him, but I would still be singing praises. This isn't about some sort of agenda I have against the Colts and going, " Ha ha! You should have got Griffin! Luck sucks!" I, and it seems a whole lot of others, are impressed with Griffin's work. I would be much more terrified of playing Griffin than of playing 12 right now. None of us can honestly say that 12 is going to succeed long term and Griffin is not, especially not this early. For all we know Griff could be the Manning of this class. We will have to wait and see how things shape out.

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Big Ben was carried by a GREAT D and a GREAT RUNNING game his rookie year...

and he may have turned in one of the ALL TIME WORST SUPER BOWL EFFORTS OF ALL TIME.

But, Ben made up for it his second attempt.

Ben's words are true...

If WASHINGTON fan really expects for Shanny and RG3 to run option ball for the next few years then... ???

Tape doesn't lie.. the thing that really helps this O is that Shanny is running all "plays" out of the same "look" ..

Colt fans are totally used to seeing this.

but ... The enemy will figure it out. And then ... gotta be able to throw the rock, or run it.. When the run/pass is nowhere to be found..

IMO Shanny is COTY... hands down. He is really doing a great job of tailoring his team to its strength.

I guarantee you all that he knows his QB cannot be asked to do what RG3 is doing over the "short term" ... but ... Shanny's job is on the line. He has a GREAT young QB, who is ready and willing to roll with it .... so...

That's the thing. Griffin does know how to throw it. I believe that both he and 12 will continue to have success in their respective offenses for years, but then again, we can never predict the future. Let's just enjoy the cream of the crop this year, no need to tear the other guy down and say " Oh, he's doing good now BUT..." Doing good now is all that matters. There's always time to adjust for the future later.

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That's the thing. Griffin does know how to throw it. I believe that both he and 12 will continue to have success in their respective offenses for years, but then again, we can never predict the future. Let's just enjoy the cream of the crop this year, no need to tear the other guy down and say " Oh, he's doing good now BUT..." Doing good now is all that matters. There's always time to adjust for the future later.

Andrew L has been beat up all year.

And he ain't running the read option... :D

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Andrew L has been beat up all year.

And he ain't running the read option... :D

Maybe he doesn't have the right tools to do it. Being a track star and world class athlete kind of helps Griffin lol. When you have a Ferrari why would you drive a Prius? Nothing wrong with the Redskins offense.

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Maybe he doesn't have the right tools to do it. Being a track star and world class athlete kind of helps Griffin lol. When you have a Ferrari why would you drive a Prius? Nothing wrong with the Redskins offense.

Hehe... "IF" Shanny had Andrew.. the entire playbook would be open to Luck... Shanny's playbook.. not Baylor's..

I mean really? Where are you coming from? Luck just learned an entire NEW O in half the time most vet QB's get.

And he is running NO HUDDLE. When Arians and Pags decide to turn him loose .... look out.

But it's cool.. I like watching a college QB keep playing a college QB in the NFL...

At least RG feels comfy.. aye... The heat is on now.

Big Boy Pants required..

hehe.. . hugz and kissz...

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So now Griffin's play is comparable to drugs. Hmmmm. If he was a Colt, and performing at the same level that he is performing at now, then yes, I would be very impressed and singing his praises. I would be scared as Hades at playing him, but I would still be singing praises. I would be much more terrified of playing Griffin that of playing 12 right now. None of us can honestly say that 12 is going to succeed long term and Griffin is not, especially not this early. For all we know Griff could be the Manning of this class. We will have to wait and see how things shape out.

Possibly starting next year......it's gonna get real interesting. Stuff about to get real next year...and is getting realer this season sooner then expected. If Luck stays healthy and we ace the draft again and delve into FA a bit then this division race will become even closer then the 3 game gap we currently have as a rag tag bunch you yourself predicted to win 4 games.

You can continue to worship RG3 and the Synder fantasy football operation all you want for all I care but you won't be fighting them either for any division titles in the future.

You will be watching Luck though for a very very long time in our own division. And you will probably never love the kid either since unlike what the Texans/Jags/Titans have at QB.....ours is special and deep down you know this.


OH MY GOD do I sound like a Colts/Luck homer on my forum? Oh noooooo!!!!! :drama:

I forgot. All hail RG3 and his revolutionary QB style. :worthy: OH MY GOD those physical attributes and that speed and OMG the way he sometimes smiles........*squeals*

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Hehe... "IF" Shanny had Andrew.. the entire playbook would be open to Luck... Shanny's playbook.. not Baylor's..

I mean really? Where are you coming from? Luck just learned an entire NEW O in half the time most vet QB's get.

And he is running NO HUDDLE. When Arians and Pags decide to turn him loose .... look out.

But it's cool.. I like watching a college QB keep playing a college QB in the NFL...

At least RG feels comfy.. aye... The heat is on now.

Big Boy Pants required..

hehe.. . hugz and kissz...

Shanny would have taken Andrew in a heart beat and you know this. Would have been his baby Elway to groom.......

They didn't have the choice though. We did. And we took Luck and ain't looking back.

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Hehe... "IF" Shanny had Andrew.. the entire playbook would be open to Luck... Shanny's playbook.. not Baylor's..

I mean really? Where are you coming from? Luck just learned an entire NEW O in half the time most vet QB's get.

And he is running NO HUDDLE. When Arians and Pags decide to turn him loose .... look out.

But it's cool.. I like watching a college QB keep playing a college QB in the NFL...

At least RG feels comfy.. aye... The heat is on now.

Big Boy Pants required..

hehe.. . hugz and kissz...

Welll, hehe, Griffin learned his playbook pretty fast too, before the season evern started...

And 12 can do anything in half the time 3/4s of the rest of the QBs in the league do....I mean, those are the statz!!!

...and when he takes the reigns, he won't be forcing tight throws and gifting defenders with interceptions! And he'll still thank the safety after he takes the game winner back to the house!!!


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Possibly starting next year......it's gonna get real interesting. Stuff about to get real next year...and is getting realer this season sooner then expected. If Luck stays healthy and we ace the draft again and delve into FA a bit then this division race will become even closer then the 3 game gap we currently have as a rag tag bunch you yourself predicted to win 4 games.

You can continue to worship RG3 and the Synder fantasy football operation all you want for all I care but you won't be fighting them either for any division titles in the future.

You will be watching Luck though for a very very long time in our own division. And you will probably never love the kid either since unlike what the Texans/Jags/Titans have at QB.....ours is special and deep down you know this.


OH MY GOD do I sound like a Colts/Luck homer on my forum? Oh noooooo!!!!! :drama:

I forgot. All hail RG3 and his revolutionary QB style. :worthy: OH MY GOD those physical attributes and that speed and OMG the way he sometimes smiles........*squeals*

No, you sound like someone who is in a cult. Note the word, cult, not Colt lol. No offense Jules but I know that you are better than resorting to cold sarcasm to prove a point. I would take Schaub and even Yates over 12 at this point..at least Yates already has a playoff win under his belt lol. Yeah, 12 is special...a rookie who is barely beating terrible competition. I will continue rooting for Griffin, not worshipping him...especially when he wins a Super Bowl before 12 does. How's that for a bold prediction? ;) I don't care much for his smile as much as his awesomeness, game winning mentality and propensity for NOT creating turnovers. But that's just me.

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Shanny would have taken Andrew in a heart beat and you know this. Would have been his baby Elway to groom.......

They didn't have the choice though. We did. And we took Luck and ain't looking back.

There's an article on NFL.com right now about this very topic. Snyder feared that the Colts would take Griffin after seeing him at his Pro Day and was incredibly relieved when they took 12 instead. It seems both teams got exactly the guy that they wanted. :applause:

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Welll, hehe, Griffin learned his playbook pretty fast too, before the season evern started...

And 12 can do anything in half the time 3/4s of the rest of the QBs in the league do....I mean, those are the statz!!!

...and when he takes the reigns, he won't be forcing tight throws and gifting defenders with interceptions! And he'll still thank the safety after he takes the game winner back to the house!!!


The irony to me is that we as Colts fans don't hype up/love Luck anymore then you praise/hype up and gush over Rg3.

And he isn't even your QB.

I mean I understand. Sometimes I like QBs of other teams too. I have sometimes flat out gushed to the point it is sickening over Rodgers.

But, even Luck made me kinda forget about Rodgers which is crazy to people I know......

I swear to God that if Luck is down 10 near the end of a game I would rather have the ball in Luck's hands over Rodgers. Some QBs just seem to have IT when it matters and Rodgers has never been a big comeback guy.

If anyone can't see that Luck has IT in his rookie year on this team with all these holes......wow. It's just out there for anyone to see if they are interested.

I just can't wait to see what this team looks like next season. And the season after. And the season after that.

Man we are LUCKY as Colts fans.

We should watch some of those Andrew Luck workout videos too and become hardcore fan girly.

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Welll, hehe, Griffin learned his playbook pretty fast too, before the season evern started...

And 12 can do anything in half the time 3/4s of the rest of the QBs in the league do....I mean, those are the statz!!!

...and when he takes the reigns, he won't be forcing tight throws and gifting defenders with interceptions! And he'll still thank the safety after he takes the game winner back to the house!!!


Please post the stats .. how many times does RG3 throw off of play action.? hmm?

Who is second in the NFL?

What is RG3's completion % off of NON play action passes? hmmm? RG3 leads the league in throws off of play action 45%

I already posted 3rd down conversion stats... so... sorry about your LUCK.

I'll check in ... in the morn if you care to try.

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There's an article on NFL.com right now about this very topic. Snyder feared that the Colts would take Griffin after seeing him at his Pro Day and was incredibly relieved when they took 12 instead. It seems both teams got exactly the guy that they wanted. :applause:

Synder is an * though lmao. And didn't Shanny take Luck out to dinner a few times before the draft? Look it up cause I don't remember.

Hook up Shanny to a lie decter test someday.....

Besides they are so desperate for some instant success in DC they will drive this RG3 into the ground. They need something going now......that franchise has been an embarrassment. And they need success sooner then later IMO.

Oh man, I must be totally ticking off the people who said they didn't like the Luck fan girls/boys aren't I?

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The irony to me is that we as Colts fans don't hype up/love Luck anymore then you praise/hype up and gush over Rg3.

And he isn't even your QB.

I mean I understand. Sometimes I like QBs of other teams too. I have sometimes flat out gushed to the point it is sickening over Rodgers.

But, even Luck made me kinda forget about Rodgers which is crazy to people I know......

I swear to God that if Luck is down 10 near the end of a game I would rather have the ball in Luck's hands over Rodgers. Some QBs just seem to have IT when it matters and Rodgers has never been a big comeback guy.

If anyone can't see that Luck has IT in his rookie year on this team with all these holes......wow. It's just out there for anyone to see if they are interested.

I just can't wait to see what this team looks like next season. And the season after. And the season after that.

Man we are LUCKY as Colts fans.

We should watch some of those Andrew Luck workout videos too and become hardcore fan girly.

Hype up? I defend the guy. I acknowledge that he is playing great for a rookie quarterback, no matter what system he is in. I read these threads enough and see Colt fans attacking other Colts fans if they even mention that 12 could have done better in that game. The most common retort? " He won, that's all that matters, and he's a rookie so give the guy a break." 12 can do no wrong to some. Manning has indeed passed on the torch. I like 12, have since he was playing at Stanford. I actually got giddy knowing that he would be in the division...but, like every other QB in the NFL (including Griffin) he is not perfect.

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No, you sound like someone who is in a cult. Note the word, cult, not Colt lol. No offense Jules but I know that you are better than resorting to cold sarcasm to prove a point. I would take Schaub and even Yates over 12 at this point..at least Yates already has a playoff win under his belt lol. Yeah, 12 is special...a rookie who is barely beating terrible competition. I will continue rooting for Griffin, not worshipping him...especially when he wins a Super Bowl before 12 does. How's that for a bold prediction? ;) I don't care much for his smile as much as his awesomeness, game winning mentality and propensity for NOT creating turnovers. But that's just me.

Yates > Schaub

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The irony to me is that we as Colts fans don't hype up/love Luck anymore then you praise/hype up and gush over Rg3.

And he isn't even your QB.

I mean I understand. Sometimes I like QBs of other teams too. I have sometimes flat out gushed to the point it is sickening over Rodgers.

But, even Luck made me kinda forget about Rodgers which is crazy to people I know......

I swear to God that if Luck is down 10 near the end of a game I would rather have the ball in Luck's hands over Rodgers. Some QBs just seem to have IT when it matters and Rodgers has never been a big comeback guy.

If anyone can't see that Luck has IT in his rookie year on this team with all these holes......wow. It's just out there for anyone to see if they are interested.

I just can't wait to see what this team looks like next season. And the season after. And the season after that.

Man we are LUCKY as Colts fans.

We should watch some of those Andrew Luck workout videos too and become hardcore fan girly.

Jules they are on OUR board... they will fizz and fade away.... or get banned...

they are clueless.. Drunk with OPTION FOOTBALL...

But ... it's not he SEC... hehe..

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No, you sound like someone who is in a cult. Note the word, cult, not Colt lol. No offense Jules but I know that you are better than resorting to cold sarcasm to prove a point. I would take Schaub and even Yates over 12 at this point..at least Yates already has a playoff win under his belt lol.

Dude stop you're making us look bad

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Please post the stats .. how many times does RG3 throw off of play action.? hmm?

Who is second in the NFL?

What is RG3's completion % off of NON play action passes? hmmm? RG3 leads the league in throws off of play action 45%

I already posted 3rd down conversion stats... so... sorry about your LUCK.

I'll check in ... in the morn if you care to try.

I'm not one to go and waste time looking up numbers because no matter what you and/or the other Griffin "non-supporters" will try to find a way to twist them and claim that they are a result of the "college happy system". I'm sure one of the Redskins fans here will be happy enough to post them though. No need to take away anything from Griffin because he is successful passing, play action or not...That'd be like me saying Well, 12 has a lot of yards, but it's because he throws the ball a lot. Well duh...

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