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Press Conference Is 2 Hours From Now

Phil J

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I think you are exactly right.......We were likely going to be 1-1 after 2 weeks anyway....and we can be 1-1 with Collins

If its anything else, he'll say so....

They're not going to hide it.......They want Collins to know its on him...He's an old pro.

......Its nobody's fault....Peyton's 35 years old...

I'm not giving up on any game, and I'm taking the Colts statement at face value - we don't know when Peyton will be back.

All that being said - IF Collins starts the season, can anyone tell me why we couldn't be 3-3 or even 4-2 after 6 games?

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exactly....I think they're really nervous about his recovery but he's just human he aint superman

What they are saying is: "We dont know. Things havent gotten much better"

If he does not practice this week, its clear he wont play this week../This isnt a playoff game.

..We'll reevaluate next Monday...and hope for the best.

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I'm wondering if the Manning situation was part of the motivation for the Fullback, which is a position the Colts don't ordinarily carry. The FO may realize we can't rely too much on Collins' arm for victories and the running attack needs to help out more. Who knows, this may be exactly what DB needs.

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What they are saying is: "We dont know. Things havent gotten much better"

If he does not practice this week, its clear he wont play this week../This isnt a playoff game.

..We'll reevaluate next Monday...and hope for the best.

Yeah that's what it's look like now since he cant practice no need to get prepared for sunday's game

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I'm wondering if the Manning situation was part of the motivation for the Fullback, which is a position the Colts don't ordinarily carry. The FO may realize we can't rely too much on Collins' arm for victories and the running attack needs to help out more. Who knows, this may be exactly what DB needs.

I think you nailed it,this will be a grind it out and try to run it offense.Also protect the d because the FORMULA was always for peyton to get us a lead and turn our DE'S loose.

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Sorry, I was referring to an earlier post where the guy equated his neck injury to Peytons. He then went on to say you live on a crazy train.

First off Mod Edit im not a guy. Second I was injured by a horse that sacked my * like a DT coupled by a bad softball injury that was never fixed. So don't act like you know me. You don't. Ever been knocked around by a 1200 pound freight train with four legs.. no? Didn't think so. His type of injury is not limited to playing in the NFL. Get a clue. So hand me one of your lorazapams so i can join in on the fantasy. lol

Per forum rules: Personal attacks of any sort will not be tolerated

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Well I hate to say this because I have been a fan for many years but I say keep him out until he can recover completely. Won't make many fans happy but why let him play and take a chance on ending his career. I myself would rather have a completely healthy Manning even if our year sucks. JMO of course but wouldn't all the fans feel awful if he played before being healed and ended up messed up for life. Please don't bash this because we all have our individual thoughts. :sorry:

If he gets cleared to play, he's healed. Once something is healed, that's it. Especially in the case of damaged tissue. When it's deemed ready to go, there's no more "recovery." He's at no larger risk for injury at that moment than he would be waiting another 3-4 weeks. It doesn't get extra-healed or something.

EDIT: Individual thoughts don't make them correct. We are talking about tangible, observable progress here. Doctors and fitness experts can monitor, reference evidence, and assist in Manning's recovery. There's virtually no room for opinions when it comes to determining if the tissue is ready or not. Predicting when that will take place is one thing, but again, once it's healed, it's healed.

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lol the way some people are acting you might as well think he's been murdered by the ghost of Ted Bundy. He could miss awhile but that's why the Colts brought in Collins, he's a proven player, heck I think I would be hilarious if Painter started and kicked the Texans butt wk 1, lol!!! Yes I cam dream, but it is a possibility as well hahah!!

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lol the way some people are acting you might as well think he's been murdered by the ghost of Ted Bundy. He could miss awhile but that's why the Colts brought in Collins, he's a proven player, heck I think I would be hilarious if Painter started and kicked the Texans butt wk 1, lol!!! Yes I cam dream, but it is a possibility as well hahah!!

Good one!I guarantee that the Texans won't be preparing for Painter. :D

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For people saying that if Manning isn't back in a few weeks that we should give up, I say to you STOP BEING A QUITTER. I want Manning to play week one just as much as every colts fan here BUT neck injuries are no joke. I'd rather him come back in week 2.. 3.. or beyond 100% healthy. If P money came back less than 100% before he is ready and gets hit the wrong way then his career would be in jeopardy down the line. We have no idea how Collins will plug into the system, alot of players are back healthy and ready to play. Lets see if they can plug in and get the job done. Stop being so doom and gloom all the dayum time! It isn't the end of the world, its not like this was happening at the end of the season with playoffs and the division on the line.

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