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MNF: Packers at Seahawks [Merge]


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Let's not look over what really happened tonight....packers' offense got schooled today. Both the packers D and seattles d looked very sharp

Actually...what REALLY happened...I mean...how can we FORGET...the BOOKIES...do you realize how that one call just changed EVERYTHING in Vegas??!?!?@?!?@?!@?

Somewhere out there a BOOKIE cries tonight...and somewhere out there a BOOKIES high tonight...LOL!

Seriously...some people who just had legitimate bets got schooled hardcore...hope it wasn't their life savings !

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what about the ref standing next to him that signaled INT? :) The gray area here is whether or not you feel Tate had possession. I don't think anyone is changing their mind from whatever it is at this point.

yes there were two calls, but the refs conference and decided on joint possession, many times, even with the normal refs, you will have two opposing calls, and the refs will conference and decide on the better option, here they did just this and went with joint possession . . .

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It is what it is.

The real refs might have made the same ruling, but I would argue that they would have huddled and came out with a ruling and then went under the hood.

They make mistakes too. They at times fail to interrupt the rules properly, so while they likely have a better understanding of the rules than these guys, it's still not a 100% fact that they don't make the same call.

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yes there were two calls, but the refs conference and decided on joint possession, many times, even with the normal refs, you will have two opposing calls, and the refs will conference and decide on the better option, here they did just this and went with joint possession . . .

yeah I know the process...question was rhetorical in nature....basically saying that it wasn't so clear-cut

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I think the MNF announcers were saying this was NOT simultaneous catch... they were saying this WAS a reviewable play....

I believe they corrected themselves, because I got my information about simultaneous catches being non reviewable from the MNF crew. I watched it into sport center when they explained it though, so they likely had more information about everything at that point.

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Even if you want to make this case, how about the no-call on the BLATANT offensive pass interference? They normally don't call interference on those jump balls but you also normally don't have a receiver shove a guy that hard, that early.

i hate this . . . it is one of those unwritten rules in the NFL, 19 times out ofr 20 they will never call PI on the Hail Mary passes . . . that offensive PI have tate the space to grab the ball . . . i just wished they call it . . . I guess maybe with so much hand checkling and what not, they want to see clear, perhaps a tackle, to have PI called . . .

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Tate had control of the ball in the eyes of the ref that called a TD and that is all that counts . . . you can chime all you want, ref say tate had joint possession of the ball when then landed and that is all that counts under the rules of the nfl, and not the rules of ESPN . . .

Um yeah...Isn't that what this thread is about how the officials suck...how they called it wrong.

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I think the MNF announcers were saying this was NOT simultaneous catch... they were saying this WAS a reviewable play....

They said it wasn't a simultaneous catch AND that possession wasn't reviewable.

Watch the replay again. The sideline ref watching the cluster of players Tate was in, is staring right at him do that. Pretty blatant miss for sure.

Yep, let's also not leave out the questionable roughing the passer call at the beginning of the drive and the awful defensive pass interference call on Shields that was, if anything, actually offensive pass interference on Rice.

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I expect a statement by Goodell and if he inexplicably does not give one then if I am team owners, players, coaches and on down then I am going on strike till this ridiculousness is fixed, drastic measures need taken or this ridiculousness will continue

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It is what it is.

The real refs might have made the same ruling, but I would argue that they would have huddled and came out with a ruling and then went under the hood.

They make mistakes too. They at times fail to interrupt the rules properly, so while they likely have a better understanding of the rules than these guys, it's still not a 100% fact that they don't make the same call.

I don't blame the replacement refs, I blame the NFL.

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yeah I know the process...question was rhetorical in nature....basically saying that it wasn't so clear-cut

okay, yes . ..i see your point . . .and agreed it was not clear cut . . . it could of gone either way . . . I think the correct call was made if one looks at it from a step by step basis . . . but if they called it a INT, and it possibly appeared initially, many would unlikely have a problem if it was called a KINT . . .

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I dont think Tate had anywhere near 25% posession of the ball...

We really really REALLY need the real refs back.

Tate is clearly touching the nose of the ball with the back of his wrist. TOUCHDOWN!!!!

This reminds me of the time I thought I won the powerball because the numbers that I picked were very similar to the winning numbers they showed during the drawing.

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Yep, let's also not leave out the questionable roughing the passer call at the beginning of the drive and the awful defensive pass interference call on Shields that was, if anything, actually offensive pass interference on Rice.

The game ended so badly I forgot about that other horrible call they made to hand the game to the Seahawks.

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Um yeah...Isn't that what this thread is about how the officials suck...how they called it wrong.

yeah but I think his point is the regular refs don't call it either so you can't really hate the replacement refs for not calling something regular refs don't call either. Don't worry the replacement refs give us a lot of other things to hate them for.
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Tate is clearly touching the nose of the ball with the back of his wrist. TOUCHDOWN!!!!

This reminds me of the time I thought I won the powerball because the numbers that I picked were very similar to the winning numbers they showed during the drawing.

I think I understand the ruling now... Jennings caught the ball but Tate caught Jennings, ergo Tate caught the ball by the rule of transference.

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Honestly, people are taking everything too seriously. Football is a game. Football is meant as entertainment, and that is exactly what we're getting. Entertainment in ways we didn't quite expect? Sure, but it's still entertainment. Just try to remember that at the end of the day, what happened on the field doesn't actually matter. It's what happens off the field that's important

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Well, I've been defensive of the replacement refs, but now I have to reconsider my standing. I don't think it's been as bad as everyone is making it out to be, at least from an on-the-field calls standpoint, but at some point the lack of professionalism needs to be taken into account. Get the real refs back so we can cry about their calls.

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Honestly, people are taking everything too seriously. Football is a game. Football is meant as entertainment, and that is exactly what we're getting. Entertainment in ways we didn't quite expect? Sure, but it's still entertainment. Just try to remember that at the end of the day, what happened on the field doesn't actually matter. It's what happens off the field that's important

Try explaining that to a Greenbay Packer right now lol.

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Honestly, people are taking everything too seriously. Football is a game. Football is meant as entertainment, and that is exactly what we're getting. Entertainment in ways we didn't quite expect? Sure, but it's still entertainment. Just try to remember that at the end of the day, what happened on the field doesn't actually matter. It's what happens off the field that's important

so what you're saying is, even though the Packers got screwed, it doesn't matter. They flew 6000 miles and should've won a hard fought game.. Stupid call at the end. A game shouldn't be decided on pathetic ref-ing. Not when the evidence is THAT clear it was not a TD.
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