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Luck was good again


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edited so I wont be banned

Thank you. I am wondering if G-acker is Green Bay Packer......and C-Bear is Chicago Bear.....No big deal (All Teams/Fans Welcome :)).....just never heard of em, and we have our QB of the future. Runner up Heisman two years in a row.....and showing more maturity in the media interview process than any QB I have heard speak this year. I will stick with our rookie....who is a class act JUST like our beloved number 18 Peyton Manning. Stay classy Andrew. :1colts::colts::coltsfb::coltshorse::coltslogo::coltshelmet: :throwback: :helmet: :shoe: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I forgot to add in all my above posts about numbers/stats and being above average that I do also believe Andrew is the leading tackler amongst the rookie QBs ;) Is he on course to break to season record for number of tackles by a QB lol.

HA HA! I hope we don't have both the number 1 QB and punter in tackling......not good for a Colt's fan's heart.......:):heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: (Seems like a rapid heart-beat.....OK more coffee for me!!) :)
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I plan on spending a good bit of time this weekend going over the first three games of all the 1st round rookie QBs this year. Stuck out of the country and thus don't have access to a lot of resources, so I haven't actually watched a colts game yet - saw Griff a couple times, Tannehil once, and haven't seen Weeden yet. Then I was going to toss Wilson in there since he pretty much came in and took the Seattle job from Flynn and Jackson - the MNF game was the first I saw of him in the NFL. I'm anxious to actually get to sit down and watch every one of Luck's snaps.....repeatedly......till my eyes bleed. :)

Then, if I can muster the strength, sit through a Browns game... (kidding of course, I hope Cleveland does well - they deserve a break)

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HA HA! I hope we don't have both the number 1 QB and punter in tackling......not good for a Colt's fan's heart....... :):heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: (Seems like a rapid heart-beat.....OK more coffee for me!!) :)

Seriously the end to the Jags game wasn't good for my health, I couldn't physically watch the 2nd kick by Vinatieri after the first one and that was a squeeker itself.

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I plan on spending a good bit of time this weekend going over the first three games of all the 1st round rookie QBs this year. Stuck out of the country and thus don't have access to a lot of resources, so I haven't actually watched a colts game yet - saw Griff a couple times, Tannehil once, and haven't seen Weeden yet. Then I was going to toss Wilson in there since he pretty much came in and took the Seattle job from Flynn and Jackson - the MNF game was the first I saw of him in the NFL. I'm anxious to actually get to sit down and watch every one of Luck's snaps.....repeatedly......till my eyes bleed. :)

Then, if I can muster the strength, sit through a Browns game... (kidding of course, I hope Cleveland does well - they deserve a break)

I was planning on doing something similar during the bye weekend, mainly to see if I can predict whose picking Barkley next year lmao

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I was planning on doing something similar during the bye weekend, mainly to see if I can predict whose picking Barkley next year lmao

hehe...early money is on cleveland....by then will they believe in Weeden and trade back, or use another 1st round pick and send Barkley to a Browns team that has been slow to rebuild? I could see another trade happening unless Barkley shows this year that he is a sure-fire franchise guy etc. I'm still not completely sold on him, but have only seen one game this year. I just have a hard time trusting USC QBs.

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hehe...early money is on cleveland....by then will they believe in Weeden and trade back, or use another 1st round pick and send Barkley to a Browns team that has been slow to rebuild? I could see another trade happening unless Barkley shows this year that he is a sure-fire franchise guy etc. I'm still not completely sold on him, but have only seen one game this year. I just have a hard time trusting USC QBs.

There does seem to be a history of USC QBs failing to step up and be Sanchise Franchise QBs. Regardless of his college career this season someone will panic and take him I'm sure, look at the QB picks in the last 2 drafts where need has outweighed talent available. I'm hoping long term we as Colts fan will realise how Luck(y) we have been to pull in two franchise QBs back to back (fingers crossed).

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look at the QB picks in the last 2 drafts where need has outweighed talent available.

yup - the position is extremely valuable and any team whose fans/media are clamoring for a QB will be very pressured into reaching. Miami has been in a tough spot with its fans for a few years now over that position and when they flirted with Manning and lost, they took when most people considered a reach in Tannehil. The same with Cleveland -- Holmgren was out in force doing damage control when they lost out on the #2 pick. Enter Brandon Weeden, who is not a good fit for the west coast offense -- has work to do.

Yeah, I'm with you in saying that the Colts have been one of the very few franchises with really good consecutive QBs (making the assumption Luck turns out to be the real thing). Packers you could lump in there...Patriots. There's not many "49ers" situations out there these days.

Miami had Marino, then back to Griese, Cleveland had Kosar (who was actually pretty darn good), then Otto Graham way back :) Seattle has had...Hasselbeck, Krieg, and Zorn....yeah. Skins had Theismann, then way back to Kilmer/Jorgenson. I'm hopeful for this new batch of rookies because these teams have been without a good signal caller for years.

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How was I not impressed, let me count the ways:

1. could not win a weak Pac12.

2. was owned by the Oregon Ducks. Lost Pac12 by losing to Duck both of his years starting.

3. Threw into coverage.

4.Lost Fiesta Bowl

5.Had trouble against good Defenses

Ask Sam Bradford or Cam Newton about having great numbers and a losing records. Come to think about it ask Jeff George.

Drafted Fleener (when we could have got an O-lineman) and picked up Whalen. IMO, shows that F.O. does not believe in his skills either.

You do realize they lost the Fiesta Bowl over a missed chip shot FG right? After Luck had moved them right down the field. They should have won that game and to act like Luck was the reason it was a loss is beyond laughable.

Suggesting that the Colts drafted Fleener because they really didn't think Luck was that good takes the cake though. At this point, i'm assuming you are either just a troll or just don't have a clue. Possibly both.

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Why is it that people here have such low expectations and start hating on anyone comes in here and demands more?

People have their right to an opinion and forums are designed for them to express them, no matter what they are.

Yes and that includes the people who think some of the things said are just flat out wrong. Just because people are entitled to an opinion doesnt mean that others arent entitled to disagree with that opinion and state why as long as they don't make it personal.
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Yes and that includes the people who think some of the things said are just flat out wrong. Just because people are entitled to an opinion doesnt mean that others arent entitled to disagree with that opinion and state why as long as they don't make it personal.

Personal shots are uncacceptable. I do blame the quote system with notifications. Puts people on the defensive. folks assume that if they're quoted they are being called out. Otherwise you would have gotten liked, and not quoted.

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Yes and that includes the people who think some of the things said are just flat out wrong. Just because people are entitled to an opinion doesnt mean that others arent entitled to disagree with that opinion and state why as long as they don't make it personal.

i agree & disagree

luck is going to be a great player & a star. he's more likable than the great peyton manning

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Personal shots are uncacceptable. I do blame the quote system with notifications. Puts people on the defensive. folks assume that if they're quoted they are being called out. Otherwise you would have gotten liked, and not quoted.

I agree personal shots are unacceptable which is why I said as long as they don't make it personal. I just think that sometimes people lose site of the fact that just because someone says something which is well within their rights that other people are alloud to disagree with that and those are opinions as well.

As for the quote thing I can see your point but I know I've seen people quote in the past to say hey I agree with you, I liked your post, or expand on my point which is all fine. It can also be used to keep a cival conversation like we are having going. To me the real issue would be when someone in a conversation elects not to be civil anymore. That's when things tend to get heated and it tends to go back to the whole personal shot thing. I think a lot of times for some people it boils down to being more interested in being right than talking the point. Once people accept we are all wrong at times, just as I was yeaterday when I said the refs lockout would last for awhile, and being wrong from time-to-time doesn't make value your posts any less then I think people are less defensive.

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i agree & disagree

luck is going to be a great player & a star. he's more likable than the great peyton manning

I agree with that I had that talk with another poster the other night but didn't want to say it here because I didn't want to upset anyone who happens to like Peyton. I get what you are saying though. To me as a person Peyton was extremely stiff and seemed like he did one thing only football. Andrew just seems more relaxed and frankly and I mean this in a good way more dorky. It's little things like luck did a phone interview with a local radio host the other day and then the host mentioned a couple of days later he was texting back and forth with luck. I am not sure Peyton ever did a local radio show call in interview and kinda contacted the local media like he did with Kravitz when he wanted to talk. Even tbe national guys have kinda acknowledged Peyton could hold grudges case in point Dan Patrick makes jokes about how if you say something about Peyton it gives you so many mounths of a Peyton blackout in terms of him being willing to do interviews. Don't get me wrong Peyton is well within his rights to do all these things but if we are talking about which one is more likeable I will side with Luck and that doesn't mean Peyton isnt likeable either because he clearly is.

I want to be clear just because I think luck is more likeable in no way discredits all the great things Peyton did not only for this team but more importantly this city.

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I agree with that I had that talk with another poster the other night but didn't want to say it here because I didn't want to upset anyone who happens to like Peyton.

...edited for length...

I want to be clear just because I think luck is more likeable in no way discredits all the great things Peyton did not only for this team but more importantly this city.

yeah at first i wasn't sure if i liked his dorky personality, but now i am falling in love with it in an uncomfortable manlove sort of way

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Why is it that people here have such low expectations and start hating on anyone comes in here and demands more?

People have their right to an opinion and forums are designed for them to express them, no matter what they are.

No problem with people expressing an opinion even if I don't agree with it. I hope too that people can see the difference between trying to argue your point in a constructive way and a personal attack. I enjoy discussion and debate and there is a good standard on these forums with some very intelligent and well made points. I've certainly learnt a lot in the years I've been reading them.

All I will say though is that it can work both ways sometimes and I'm sure there have been posts made with the intent of baiting a reaction.

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Why is it that people here have such low expectations and start hating on anyone comes in here and demands more?

People have their right to an opinion and forums are designed for them to express them, no matter what they are.

It's not that. heck even I have been somewhat critical of Luck but there is a difference in pointing out his flaws vs. baiting people for inflammatory responses.

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Why is it that people here have such low expectations and start hating on anyone comes in here and demands more?

People have their right to an opinion and forums are designed for them to express them, no matter what they are.

There is nothing wrong with people demanding more, although i will say i think Luck has been better then advertised to this point. I have to remind myself he is a rookie at time with only 3 pro games under his belt. To suggest the only people who think Luck has done a good job are people with low expectations is nonsense.

But to come here and start stating things like the only reason Fleener was drafted was because the Colts didn't think Luck was that good is just silly. I mean come on, think about that for a minute. Irsay risked losing the entire fanbase over a guy who they didn't really believe was that good? That's not a person demanding more, thats someone either trolling or someone who lacks understanding of the situation.

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But to come here and start stating things like the only reason Fleener was drafted was because the Colts didn't think Luck was that good is just silly. I mean come on, think about that for a minute. Irsay risked losing the entire fanbase over a guy who they didn't really believe was that good? That's not a person demanding more, thats someone either trolling or someone who lacks understanding of the situation.


And let this post stand as proof that being quoted shouldn't put anyone on the defensive.

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