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NFL Rewind - Colts vs Bears Thoughts


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Ok. So I spent the $35 for NFL Rewind and let me tell you it's NICE! You can watch the entire game in HD. There is both a broadcast version and a condensed version. There is even coach's film and extra perks you can't get on a regular broadcast.

Like everyone else, I was really excited for the season to start so I could see how the new Colts would do. Blah! It's gonna be a long season me thinks. We're better than we were last year just by having Andrew Luck replace Dan Curtis Painter-Orlovsky. But it still might only translate to 3 or 4 wins. And if that's all we're gonna get, I say go all out and "FALL FLAT FOR MATT (Barkley that is)." If he keeps throwing for 5 or 6 TDs per week, he'll EASILY command twice the trade value that RGIII brought last year to the number 2 overall pick. Anyways, just some thoughts:

1. O-line. This O-line is not good enough. Most of these guys are second or third stringers at best on other teams and yesterday it showed. heck, Reitz and Link are barely practice squad guys I swear. Over and over again, Luck was taking shots because the O-line lost their individual match-ups. Remember, the Bears play Tampa 2 so they never even blitzed! It won't be pretty when we face exotic blitzing teams. Just keep Luck healthy for the season is all I'm hoping for.

2. Donald Brown. Donald Brown is not good enough. No one could run behind our O-line. But the Donald has to make simple catches out of the backfield or he won't last. In '98, Faulk helped Manning immensely because he caught like 80 or 90 dump passes from Manning.

3. Live and Die with Freeney. The defense is new. But it sure felt old to me. The defense relied way too much on Dwight. It has since he's been here. Yesterday it was the same. When Dwight was in the game he was double teamed every time. Cutler was clearly rattled. As soon as Dwight left, Forte runs to his side for a huge gain. Nice job Jerry Hughes. Then the Bears just ignored the Colts pass rush the rest of the day. Mathis is great, but he's not Dwight. I really hope the Colts re-sign him at the end of the year.

4. Receivers. Reggie was Reggie. I hope Reggie does well these next three years. I'll be rooting for him. If he does, he'll have a solid case for the Hall. Fleener was really good. If the O-line can get figured out and give Luck some time, Fleener's going to be a monster to cover.

5. Corner Backs. I'm gonna give Davis and Powers a pass. Neither guy played well. But the pass rush was non-existent after Freeney left. Plus Davis just got here. The last Bears TD to Alshov Jeffrey was just like an alley-oop at the end of a blow-out. It looks bad on the defender (Davis) but who cares by that point.

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I didn't think Powers and Davis played all that bad, every catch I saw made on them they were right there. the big thing for me was all the open spots in the zones when we played Zone coverage.

heck Powers had a pick in the end zone running stride for stride but just couldn't hang on after jumping sky high to try.

Also there was an amazing pass by cutler into the soft spot in the cover two that just got over Powers outstretched arm where Marshall made the catch and then laid down to avoid getting lit up by Bethea.

Without a pass rush these guys wont be able to cover long enough period. But if we don't give the opposing QB 5-7 seconds to throw the ball they will be fine.

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Ok. So I spent the $35 for NFL Rewind and let me tell you it's NICE! You can watch the entire game in HD. There is both a broadcast version and a condensed version. There is even coach's film and extra perks you can't get on a regular broadcast.

Like everyone else, I was really excited for the season to start so I could see how the new Colts would do. Blah! It's gonna be a long season me thinks. We're better than we were last year just by having Andrew Luck replace Dan Curtis Painter-Orlovsky. But it still might only translate to 3 or 4 wins. And if that's all we're gonna get, I say go all out and "FALL FLAT FOR MATT (Barkley that is)." If he keeps throwing for 5 or 6 TDs per week, he'll EASILY command twice the trade value that RGIII brought last year to the number 2 overall pick. Anyways, just some thoughts:

1. O-line. This O-line is not good enough. Most of these guys are second or third stringers at best on other teams and yesterday it showed. heck, Reitz and Link are barely practice squad guys I swear. Over and over again, Luck was taking shots because the O-line lost their individual match-ups. Remember, the Bears play Tampa 2 so they never even blitzed! It won't be pretty when we face exotic blitzing teams. Just keep Luck healthy for the season is all I'm hoping for.

2. Donald Brown. Donald Brown is not good enough. No one could run behind our O-line. But the Donald has to make simple catches out of the backfield or he won't last. In '98, Faulk helped Manning immensely because he caught like 80 or 90 dump passes from Manning.

3. Live and Die with Freeney. The defense is new. But it sure felt old to me. The defense relied way too much on Dwight. It has since he's been here. Yesterday it was the same. When Dwight was in the game he was double teamed every time. Cutler was clearly rattled. As soon as Dwight left, Forte runs to his side for a huge gain. Nice job Jerry Hughes. Then the Bears just ignored the Colts pass rush the rest of the day. Mathis is great, but he's not Dwight. I really hope the Colts re-sign him at the end of the year.

4. Receivers. Reggie was Reggie. I hope Reggie does well these next three years. I'll be rooting for him. If he does, he'll have a solid case for the Hall. Fleener was really good. If the O-line can get figured out and give Luck some time, Fleener's going to be a monster to cover.

5. Corner Backs. I'm gonna give Davis and Powers a pass. Neither guy played well. But the pass rush was non-existent after Freeney left. Plus Davis just got here. The last Bears TD to Alshov Jeffrey was just like an alley-oop at the end of a blow-out. It looks bad on the defender (Davis) but who cares by that point.

1. Reitz, IMO, is highly underrated. He didn't even play yesterday, so I'm not sure where your evaluation came from. The left side of the line is pretty solid when he's in there. Olsen and McGlynn yesterday weren't giving Luck much room yesterday to step up in the pocket, especially not in the second half.

2. Eh.. I think had the game been a little closer earlier on I think the run game would have gotten better, but once they were down by 13+ they panicked, The backs just need to play the game like Edgerrin did. If ANYTHING get back to the line of scrimmage. He rarely had negative plays and at all costs they need to have that same mentality. However, I have to say Brown did well with the few carries he had and I'm not a Brown supporter at all. A shame they couldn't have kept that up, but he can't have mental lapses and drop the ball like he did. His first drop he had could have been for HUGE yards. It happens, we just need to hope that was the end of it.

3. Defensively I thought they did fine, especially after being on the field for the 2/3 of the first half. They got worn down quickly when the offense couldn't sustain anything. That's going to happen if that offense can't keep them off the field. If the offense can keep them somewhat fresh, what we saw in the first few possessions we will see deeper into the game, but if not they will be forced to rush 4-5 and sit in zone all day. Once that happened Cutler picked them apart. The run defense was pretty solid with the exception of the 32 yard run. 27 carries and 92 yards. I think we will take that EVERY week. Granted we can't take away that run, but I'm just saying the defense played better than the stats show. As I stated in another post, the offense hung them out to dry with the quick possessions.

4. Agree

5. See 3; Their tackling was good, but once they were put into zone coverage and had no help from the pass rush they were on their own. They did well, I thought, for not having much help later in the game.

The more and more I look back at the game. It really wasn't that bad, but I'm more optimistic than some. They left at least 6 points on the field (missed FG, endzone INT) and had too many mental mistakes (Browns first drop, Brazill's fumble) that only helped benefit the Bears. Just a few bounces our way instead of to the Bears and its a COMPLETELY different ball game.

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The 2 minute drill right before the half was impressive by Luck and the offense. Too bad Adam missed the easy kick.

I agree and they did well with only being given :44 seconds. I had a bad feeling when AV lined up for that kick, but he ALWAYS seems to miss one like that every year. It happens to the best of them, but when the game is on the line give me AV over EVERYBODY.

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My thoughts:

I don't think Powers was as bad as everyone made him out to be. One time covering Marshall he fell on his butt, but got right back up and made the tackle. He nearly had an INT as well. Marshall would make any good CB look bad.

Our O-Line got crushed all day. If your front four doesn't belong to the Giants, then there's no way we should've gotten manhandled all day like that with just 4 defenders rushing. That was ridiculous.

Fleener looked good. I was really happy to see him catch a few finally. When he adjusts to the NFL he will be quite the weapon. That said, I thought we should've used Allen more. Even as a H-Back running to pick up some 3rd downs.

Donald Duck Brown. Can he be any more inconsistent?

That one play where Luck threw the INT, the Bears were waaaay off sides...no doubt about it.

Justin King has already been called for 2 pass interference calls in the first game. Hope this isn't a trend.

We need to use Moore and Ballard more.

I still can't believe Adam V missed that FG. Wow.

And......Why does Arians hate screeens!??!

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My thoughts:

I don't think Powers was as bad as everyone made him out to be. One time covering Marshall he fell on his butt, but got right back up and made the tackle. He nearly had an INT as well. Marshall would make any good CB look bad.

Our O-Line got crushed all day. If your front four doesn't belong to the Giants, then there's no way we should've gotten manhandled all day like that with just 4 defenders rushing. That was ridiculous.

Fleener looked good. I was really happy to see him catch a few finally. When he adjusts to the NFL he will be quite the weapon. That said, I thought we should've used Allen more. Even as a H-Back running to pick up some 3rd downs.

Donald Duck Brown. Can he be any more inconsistent?

That one play where Luck threw the INT, the Bears were waaaay off sides...no doubt about it.

Justin King has already been called for 2 pass interference calls in the first game. Hope this isn't a trend.

We need to use Moore and Ballard more.

I still can't believe Adam V missed that FG. Wow.

And......Why does Arians hate screeens!??!

That first PI call on him was ridiculous. He played/fronted the WR very well and played the ball. The second one was pretty tacky as well.

AV misses one like that EVERY year.

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I didn't think Powers and Davis played all that bad, every catch I saw made on them they were right there. the big thing for me was all the open spots in the zones when we played Zone coverage.

heck Powers had a pick in the end zone running stride for stride but just couldn't hang on after jumping sky high to try.

Also there was an amazing pass by cutler into the soft spot in the cover two that just got over Powers outstretched arm where Marshall made the catch and then laid down to avoid getting lit up by Bethea.

Without a pass rush these guys wont be able to cover long enough period. But if we don't give the opposing QB 5-7 seconds to throw the ball they will be fine.

You hit the nail on the head, i agree with everything, powers played exceptionally well, had a decent amount of tackles and almost intercepted a pass, he dropped it as he fell to the ground. He had really tight coverage and did a great job covering Marshall and jeffery there was only one bad play that stood out to me with powers and personally dont think it was is all his fault, Cutler threw a back shoulder pass while powers wasn't looking by the time he turned his head to react he was out of position,

Davis played ok he is new to the Defense so it is gonna take some time for him to assimilate himself with the terminology and secondary as a whole gotta remember each player has there own style of play and it takes time for player too gain chemistry with each other. The deep ball that Davis got burned on by jeffery wasn't completely his fault it was a blown coverage by the safety i forget if it was Zibi or Bethea but someone missed there assignment.

i thought the Secondary played best in the 1st quarter when we had constant pressure, Once Freeny went down we failed to force any pressure on Cutler, (which is extremely bad) Cutler more often than not had so much time too rip us apart and find the holes n the zones. the Front seven and secondary go hand in hand Good coverage forces sacks and QB hurries/pressure, & QB pressure/hurries forces interceptions/turnovers.

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That first Justin King PI was a great play by king. Donald dropping those passes HURT especially considering the downs he dropped those passes.. but to say someone is not good. after the first game is not good. Last year i would of relied on him making a basic catch more than i would Garcon.

Our Defense came out gunz blazin. the PI call on king was on a 3rd and 10 and gave Chicago the chance to capitalize. and they did the next play. Their Dline was just better than our Oline. they were able to convert long drives into TDs. Once their Oline was able to settle and get a helmet on a helmet we could not get to Cutler who is more mobile than people give credit.

Seth Olsen... IS BAD

Overall we played like a young team because we are. and our head coach in his first game i think did fine. Combine that with going to soldier field against a very VERY good defense starters hurt and numerous players getting hurt in game. we were gonna have problems. we gotta get healthy.

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That first Justin King PI was a great play by king. Donald dropping those passes HURT especially considering the downs he dropped those passes.. but to say someone is not good. after the first game is not good. Last year i would of relied on him making a basic catch more than i would Garcon.

Our Defense came out gunz blazin. the PI call on king was on a 3rd and 10 and gave Chicago the chance to capitalize. and they did the next play. Their Dline was just better than our Oline. they were able to convert long drives into TDs. Once their Oline was able to settle and get a helmet on a helmet we could not get to Cutler who is more mobile than people give credit.

Seth Olsen... IS BAD

Overall we played like a young team because we are. and ou

r head coach in his first game i think did fine. Combine that with going to soldier field against a very VERY good defense starters hurt and numerous players getting hurt in game. we were gonna have problems. we gotta get healthy.

Olsen is Wayne Hunter bad! I hope the same thing happens to him that happened to Wayne Hunter. Traded

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I was thinking of getting this and hooking it up to the TV. When is the earliest you can watch the game? Im assuming you can't watch it live.

For $35 for the entire season I think it's worth it for sure. Sunday was the first time I had it. I couldn't watch it until AFTER the Sunday Night Game ended. Then I couldn't watch it during the Monday Night game. After MNF though it was all good again.

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If we FALL FLAT FOR MATT, we will get so many picks!!!!!! We could get trade down and get Warmack, pick up a second in the process and dominate the draft!!

We're basically a solid o-line and pass rushing d-line from having a very good team. Early in the game our CBs were doing just fine when the rush was attaking Cutler. Soon as Freeney leaves, bam, Cutler has 5 or 6 seconds to read and pick apart our D. Thats asking way too much for ANY cornerback.
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