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Jerry Brown?


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Im starting to like this guy even more after today. He looked like he left every thing on the feild and worked his butt off on every play. He played well on D and jumped a man on SP he is a hard worker, and that could pay off from a guy like him. I hope to see him on the 53 man roster or atleast on the PS

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How did he look compared to Freeney?

I thought Addison looked just as good but wasnt double teamed like Freeney (who is, right??? :)). He was beating his O-line guy consistently and was in the backfield constantly. Plus, I am a bit skeptical of Hughes' tackling more than Addison's.

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I loved Addison more than Hughes, he was making plays all over.

Addison did stand out, but Hughes stood out even more to me. They looked like a starting caliber tandem together. Addison is quickly becoming one of the best stories of this preseason, however. He affected the game tonight against first string competition and is a lock to make this team. Disclaimer...he abused Mike Adams tonight a bit, which seems to be the going rate.

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Addison #97 right? He played pretty well, out played DF if all players were equal.

With Freeney being double teamed, someone wasn't taking advantage of it. The NT is supposed to eat double teams, so if Freeney is getting it, then our other DLine men are getting handled 1 on 1. We might have to back them up with LBs and safeties more often.

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I like these young Linebackers we have that seem to be stepping up. Addison, Brown, Hughes and Dont forget Freeman has looked pretty good. We may very well have some pretty good hidden linebacker potential. If we could get our secondar to play solid I think ur Defense could really have a chance at being a good defense. I already like where I see the run D heading so far but the secondary is still shaky.

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Addison #97 right? He played pretty well, out played DF if all players were equal.

With Freeney being double teamed, someone wasn't taking advantage of it. The NT is supposed to eat double teams, so if Freeney is getting it, then our other DLine men are getting handled 1 on 1. We might have to back them up with LBs and safeties more often.

Freeney was doubled with a TE in a 2 TE set. Even if it renders DF ineffective personally, it is a big win for the defense to soak up another eligible receiver.

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Freeney was doubled with a TE in a 2 TE set. Even if it renders DF ineffective personally, it is a big win for the defense to soak up another eligible receiver.

Not if they're making DF ineffective and moving the chains, that's a big win for the offense. They were dictating what was happening. Hopefully a change at NT will make teams second guess double teaming Freeney. Again I think it helps the D if Freeney is double teamed, but only if other players take advantage.

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Not if they're making DF ineffective and moving the chains, that's a big win for the offense. They were dictating what was happening. Hopefully a change at NT will make teams second guess double teaming Freeney. Again I think it helps the D if Freeney is double teamed, but only if other players take advantage.

This staff would welcome a double team on Freeney by the tackle and TE every time they can get it.

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This staff would welcome a double team on Freeney by the tackle and TE every time they can get it.

Well sure but it's useless unless someone else takes advantage. For some reason in this scheme, Mathis may not be able to do this like he did in the tampa2. I'm looking for the NT or DE on his side to do this, or another blitzer.

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Well sure but it's useless unless someone else takes advantage. For some reason in this scheme, Mathis may not be able to do this like he did in the tampa2. I'm looking for the NT or DE on his side to do this, or another blitzer.

Bingo - If they block 4 with 6 or 7, we'll bring 5 and it will be short series.

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yea i agotta agree with joker and chad...i have been impressed with Adison, both vs rams and steelers he was acitve.

imagine the posibilites on obvious passing situations with mathis, redding, nevis, freeney, addison, hughes...MAN! im not saying we are going to use all the guys in the same play im saying the combinations to keep guys fresh might be something to look for.

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yea i agotta agree with joker and chad...i have been impressed with Adison, both vs rams and steelers he was acitve.

imagine the posibilites on obvious passing situations with mathis, redding, nevis, freeney, addison, hughes...MAN! im not saying we are going to use all the guys in the same play im saying the combinations to keep guys fresh might be something to look for.

It's definitely a good problem to have and I am sure Freeney will still be alternating out quite a bit and we will probably see quite a bit of Hughes in the regular season. As far as Brown goes, I was very impressed, same with Adison. I really hope Brown makes the team, even if he will rarely get to play OLB, he would be a nice piece for Special Teams.
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