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Dolphins release Chad Johnson


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I haven't seen anything else saying something to that effect. NFL.com says nothing and I haven't seen Schefter post anything. This could mean the end of his career though. He's 34, and clearly still a trouble-maker. I don't know of any teams that would want to take a chance on him...though I could see the Rams pick him up. They need WR help and Fisher is a good coach and leader who could possibly keep him in check.

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NFL.com just put it up. Yep, I think that's the end of his career. His poor attitude and character really impacted (and some would say wasted) his talent and legacy. He could have been a very good WR. What's odd is that you would have thought that after his stay in New England, he would have matured and understood what it takes to be successful.

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Philbin said before the arrest it would be day to day...then the arrest....gt to love a coach that sticks to his guns. Nice job Coach Philbin and Mr. Ireland! He had yet another opportunity...and failed again.

FX is correct...please no Chad Johnson signing threads.....he has had ocho cinco chances.

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Its over....

he's not near what he was and now his name is synonymous with wife-beating...

Exactly....if these charges are true I gotta believe his NFL days are finished for good, and should be.

Juvenile end zone dances and sideline idiocy is one thing....violence against a woman is another.

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Exactly....if these charges are true I gotta believe his NFL days are finished for good, and should be.

Juvenile end zone dances and sideline idiocy is one thing....violence against a woman is another.

I agree completely, but having just read a blurb about his wife, I wouldn't be surprised at all if it truly was an accident. She sounds like a piece of work - or something. While Johnson's persona is ridiculous, and it sounds like they richly deserve each other, I'm never heard or read anything about him in his entire career to suggest that he has a violent streak. And "headbutting" isn't exactly the "go to" implement of choice - particular in a domestic dispute. I can't help but feel bad for the guy.

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I agree completely, but having just read a blurb about his wife, I wouldn't be surprised at all if it truly was an accident. She sounds like a piece of work - or something. While Johnson's persona is ridiculous, and it sounds like they richly deserve each other, I'm never heard or read anything about him in his entire career to suggest that he has a violent streak. And "headbutting" isn't exactly the "go to" implement of choice - particular in a domestic dispute. I can't help but feel bad for the guy.

Sure....if these somewhat surprising domestic violence charges are false and it truly was an accident, then so will I.

I'm 99% sure we'll never get the actual facts....but NFL GMs may simply not see the risk/reward with him any longer regardless. The WR-starved Dolphins, of all teams, cut him from a completely non-guaranteed contract situation...that can't be good.

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Sure....if these somewhat surprising domestic violence charges are false and it truly was an accident, then so will I.

I'm 99% sure we'll never get the actual facts....but NFL GMs may simply not see the risk/reward with him any longer regardless. The WR-starved Dolphins, of all teams, cut him from a completely non-guaranteed contract situation...that can't be good.

True - frankly I wasn't expecting him to stick with the Dolphins regardless. I'm not really talking about his career.

When I say that I feel bad for him, I'm referring to the fact that while I in general HATE mentally disturbed prima-donna players such as Terrel Owens, DeSean Jackson, Deon Sanders, etc., Chad Johnson always seemed like a bit of an innocent. He was more funny (often at his own expense) that arrogant and off-putting. I hate watching the de-evolution of a nice guy. More to the point, I hold out hope that he IS a nice guy.

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True - frankly I wasn't expecting him to stick with the Dolphins regardless. I'm not really talking about his career.

When I say that I feel bad for him, I'm referring to the fact that while I in general HATE mentally disturbed prima-donna players such as Terrel Owens, DeSean Jackson, Deon Sanders, etc., Chad Johnson always seemed like a bit of an innocent. He was more funny (often at his own expense) that arrogant and off-putting. I hate watching the de-evolution of a nice guy. More to the point, I hold out hope that he IS a nice guy.

Same here....I not a huge fan of end zone antics but he did crack me up with a few of them and came off as a guy just having fun. No problem there.

I'd be happy if it was found out that he didn't intentionally hurt the woman and it was truly an accident....but that is sadly not the reality is so many incidents like this one.

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Chad Johnson has been clean on and off the field other than this domestic disturbance incident. No his career is not over. If T.O. can get another chance in the NFL, so can Mr. Johnson. Who in the world is the Dolphins QB gonna throw to? Coach Philbin pulled the fire trigger way too quickly without letting all the investigative facts fall into place.

Coach Philbin made a huge locker room mistake here IMO. Chad is a good WR, a decent guy, and the owner desperately needs to fill seats in his stadium. Letting go of Chad is a colossal disaster Philbin. You need playmakers to win in this league. Are you trying to become the newest Coach with the shortest NFL tenure Philbin? Way to go Mr. Philbin...Mission accomplished sir. :facepalm:

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Coach Philbin made a huge locker room mistake here IMO. Chad is a good WR, a decent guy, and the owner desperately needs to fill seats in his stadium. Letting go of Chad is a colossal disaster Philbin. You need playmakers to win in this league. Are you trying to become the newest Coach with the shortest NFL tenure Philbin? Way to go Mr. Philbin...Mission accomplished sir. :facepalm:

I agree 100%

This heavy handed attempt at team discipline is loaded with backfire potential. These are men with complex lives of their own, and this idea that they can be ruled with fear in such a way seems detrimental to the teams overall health.

I have serious issue with any man that hits a woman out of anger. However, this incident is still just an "alleged" incident and the details.......we aren't privy to those.

My ex-wife gave herself a black eye once when we were arguing/fighting. In a wild move, she tried to grab the phone from my hand and as I pulled it back, the phone released from my grip and popped her in the face. Her fault for being a temperamental nut. Thankfully, she didn't use that against me and fully professed that it was an accident. Of course her mother absolutely was convinced for years that she was lying and I hit her.

Just sayin.....sometimes things aren't what they seem.

Chad is a fun loving, happy, foul-mouthed jokester.......and SO AM I.

I'm sorry but I feel there is this imbalanced high standard we demand from professional athletes, something that none of us would allow in our own lives. But for some reason, millionaires that play a boys game are so far above us, so worthy of worship, that we must hold them accountable for missteps with catastrophic consequence.

Imagine if you and your wife/husband got in a fight and it got loud. The cops got called....no big deal right. Well imagine it is all they talked about in the news for the next 2 weeks and you lost your job over it. Not only that, but now nobody in your profession wants to hire you ever again.

Something is wrong with that standard.

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Some of my best buddies are commenting on this, yet I have to agree to disagree..

Coach Philbin gave Chad Johnson clear expectations that there would be 'zero tolerance' after his cocky expletive laced press conference that I found offensive to our nation's children and women....as well as many people that abhor swearing in the media.

I counted the F word 7 times in the press conference. Sure it was bleeped, but Johnson cockily glared and growled "Get used to it...it is how I bleeping am." Philbin had already determined "distraction detected....not needed.'

Then the contact with a woman is reprehensible. I will call it an 'alleged' head butt, but as one poster on this board said "If you get this mad and this close, be a man and walk away."

It also did not hurt that his pass catching skills have diminished....and he has serious problems learning offenses (see Patriots)

In the end, the negatives outweighed the positives. Coach Philbin lost his son last year. I am sure he felt that he wanted a no nonsense football team...I also bet he wanted ZERO part in Hard Knocks.....Mr. Glitz Ross called that one...crazy owner IMO. Again my opinion.

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Some of my best buddies are commenting on this, yet I have to agree to disagree..

Coach Philbin gave Chad Johnson clear expectations that there would be 'zero tolerance' after his cocky expletive laced press conference that I found offensive to our nation's children and women....as well as many people that abhor swearing in the media.

I counted the F word 7 times in the press conference. Sure it was bleeped, but Johnson cockily glared and growled "Get used to it...it is how I bleeping am." Philbin had already determined "distraction detected....not needed.'

Then the contact with a woman is reprehensible. I will call it an 'alleged' head butt, but as one poster on this board said "If you get this mad and this close, be a man and walk away."

It also did not hurt that his pass catching skills have diminished....and he has serious problems learning offenses (see Patriots)

In the end, the negatives outweighed the positives. Coach Philbin lost his son last year. I am sure he felt that he wanted a no nonsense football team...I also bet he wanted ZERO part in Hard Knocks.....Mr. Glitz Ross called that one...crazy owner IMO. Again my opinion.

I've got to agree on this one. Chad knew the expectations, he hasn't proved lately he is a difference maker, and he was already pushing the limit with his press conference rant. I don't think it's a heavy handed disciplinary act - It's following through on consequences for actions and keeping him from being a distraction to the rest of the team.
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Wait, when has he ever been a troublemaker prior to this? A flamboyant showboater? Yes. A trash talker? Yes. But when has he ever done anything prior to this that would indicate that he is a troublemaker?

I would hope that his crazy wife changes her story....and I wouldnbt be surprised by that..

,..but Chad smacked his girlfriend around in college....its on record..

he's done.....

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Some of my best buddies are commenting on this, yet I have to agree to disagree..

Coach Philbin gave Chad Johnson clear expectations that there would be 'zero tolerance' after his cocky expletive laced press conference that I found offensive to our nation's children and women....as well as many people that abhor swearing in the media.

I counted the F word 7 times in the press conference. Sure it was bleeped, but Johnson cockily glared and growled "Get used to it...it is how I bleeping am." Philbin had already determined "distraction

detected....not needed.'

I can certainly respect a difference of opinion on this topic Brent. Friends aren't always gonna see eye to eye and I wouldn't want them too in every circumstance either. This compulsion by the NFL to want every athlete to be a model citizen on and off the field is not realistic. Does a person need to use profanity to express themselves and effectively communicate? No. Was this act foolish? Yes. Was it worth getting let go over? Absolutely not.

Then the contact with a woman is reprehensible. I will call it an 'alleged' head butt, but as one poster on this board said "If you get this mad and this close, be a man and walk away."

First and foremost, I respect all women and I do not condone the use of any violence against them. The NFL is a gladiator business where men are constantly being asked to endure pain, show toughness, and display their desire to win at any cost. I don't want a locker room of choir boys and saints personally. Sometimes, in passionate people arguments escalate and direct harm results in another individual. Is therapy needed here? Probably. If we throw away the key on every individual who committed domestic violence against their spouse or girlfriend, there would be no one left. No one was aware of exactly what was said during this violent altercation with his wife beyond those 2 in question and the cops who filed the report.

It also did not hurt that his pass catching skills have diminished....and he has serious problems learning offenses (see Patriots)

The Patriots offensive scheme is a very intricate and elaborate scheme overall. No, Chad skills haven't severely diminished, but his work ethic and desire to hit the reset button and prove himself over again has IMO.

In the end, the negatives outweighed the positives. Coach Philbin lost his son last year. I am sure he felt that he wanted a no nonsense football team...I also bet he wanted ZERO part in Hard Knocks.....Mr. Glitz Ross called that one...crazy owner IMO. Again my opinion.

A new football team could care less if your son died last year. You are brought in to win Championships and you win championships with playmakers and veteran commodities. I don't give a bleep if Coach Philbin hates Chad's guts and deplores his crazy stage antics. You find a way to co-exist, tolerate one another, and win. The NFL is all about production on the field not sainthood and kumbye Ya locker rooms IMO.

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I gave my opinion and stick by my opinion. I emphatically disagree on nearly every point and that is a recipe for disaster. Jump ball.... :)

I wouldn't want it any other way Brent. Be true to your convictions. The Miami roster is not loaded with premium talent. Sure, you can fill some holes their camp roster cuts from other squads I suppose. Experience really matters and Miami needs to fill stadium seats and the only way to do that is string together consecutive victories usually through a key veteran presence on the field. Chad Johnson is not drug dealing thug here.

I don't jump for balls. I prefer Yo Yos and boom a rangs; items that automatically return to their owners with little to no effort required. haha

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I have to say, my initial reaction was "don't let the door hit ya in the rump, there Chad..."

However, watching this


gave me a different take.

Chad handled the whole thing with class. I've had the displeasure of seeing way too many friends and colleagues getting canned when the economy tanked, and I can tell you precious few handled their dismissals with as much tact as Mr. Johnson.

This morning, I was content to see him kicked to the curb, but now I kind of hope he finds a way to end his career in a way more satisfying to him. Good luck, Chad.

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I wouldn't want it any other way Brent. Be true to your convictions. The Miami roster is not loaded with premium talent. Sure, you can fill some holes their camp roster cuts from other squads I suppose. Experience really matters and Miami needs to fill stadium seats and the only way to do that is string together consecutive victories usually through a key veteran presence on the field. Chad Johnson is not drug dealing thug here.

I don't jump for balls. I prefer Yo Yos and boom a rangs; items that automatically return to their owners with little to no effort required. haha

I found something I agree with here....the Dolphins 'could have' benefited from a veteran presence." That is far as will go...btw boo-a-rangs suck....I forget I threw them and the suckers come back and hit me in the noggin every time. Maybe THAT is what is wrong with me :)
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I have to say, my initial reaction was "don't let the door hit ya in the rump, there Chad..."

Chad handled the whole thing with class. I've had the displeasure of seeing way too many friends and colleagues getting canned when the economy tanked, and I can tell you precious few handled their dismissals with as much tact as Mr. Johnson.

This morning, I was content to see him kicked to the curb, but now I kind of hope he finds a way to end his career in a way more satisfying to him. Good luck, Chad.

After having a few days to mull this episode over and a productive discussion with my friend BrentMc11, I have a few additional thoughts. What if I were in Chad's shoes? I just lost my job, my wife, my reputation, and a lucrative T.V. deal on VH1 in a couple of days. I have no familiar routine anymore. I might go to jail for a longtime. Women all over the country just labeled me a wife beater and pathetic excuse for a human being. I am symbolically and literally blacklisted and no corporation will touch me revenue wise with a 20 foot pole. My point here is that I am worried about suicide and Mr. Johnson's mental health. He just lost everything and his life is in a tailspin. Not to mention no more steady paycheck is coming in either.

Everyone, with the exception of serial killers, serial rapists, and pedophiles, is capable or redemption. This country is built on 2nd chances just ask Eagles QB Michael Vick. Please try not to make fun of Chad Johnson right now. Yes, his actions lead to this result and he must take responsibility for his actions and behavior. Now, is not the time to condemn and alienate. Now, is the time to ponder, reflect, and forgive. Hopefully, Mr. Johnson will seek professional therapy and anger management assistance too. Good luck Chad on your road toward recovery, redemption, and career rebirth. "There by the grace of God go I."

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