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Andrew Luck Reportedly at Odds with Colts


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why don't they leave the kid alone, that let Manning do what ever the heck he wanted to do, now all of a sudden they want to hold this kid back.

I can't even think of a commercial that Manning isn't in. He made more money doing that than playing football.

This is all Manning's fault!

According to most of your posts, Isn't Everything?? enter :sarcasm:
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Now wait a minute!!....Let's look at this from the club's point of view.

I mean can't ya just see it now?

Andrew Luck sitting in a Vegas casino....endorsing a strip club....smoking a Camel non-filter....with a glass of the latest coolest Vodka in one hand....and with two of Vivid Video's latest stars on each arm?

Is THAT where you people want our classy Colts organization to wind up???!!! :lol:

It just depends on which two of Vivid's stars your talking about haha !

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If I am reading it right, this means the Colts are trying to have veto power over Luck's endorsement deals and he must run it by them for their approval before accepting. If I'm wrong, someone please correct me.

If my interpretation is correct, then the team is being a bit ridiculous. You just had Peyton Manning as your QB, arguably the most over-exposed player in NFL history. And doing all those endorsements and commercials never hurt his performance or the team. If you are trying to be more secretive, start by having Irsay shut down his Twitter

I cannot think of 1 reason why Irsay or Grigs would put any more pressure or bad vibes on Luck.Andrew if you ever read this do not take any of that pety ____ to heart.Thumbs down to front office on this 1.Was not sure I could say crap not the other word guys.Just is not right to hold up contract on something we never did with 18.
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I don't know, but I can tell you it irritated me no end to see this video where Andrew Luck said he represented Stampede Blue: http://forums.colts.com/index.php?/topic/8370-andrew-luck-interview-at-nflpa/

You never saw Peyton doing anything like that.

I do think that the team should have some say with regard to marketing

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Jim Irsay. No surprise.

This would be a huge surprise if true (and the irsay is already saying its not). Since irsay has no track record of doing this with any other player including the king of endorsement deals Peyton Manning. He did three contracts with him and never had anything like this. So yes it would be a huge surprise so the shot irsay just because you may not care for him is not really true.
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