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45 minutes ago, shasta519 said:


He was arguably the most inaccurate R1 QB of all time (depending on which metric you use). And for me, it's always been about the lack of touch. Occasionally, he will dip his shoulder and throw these little side-arm passes that have no accuracy, but most of the time it looks like one type: a fastball.


And he can be accurate on these passes, but it's also inconsistent. JT O'Sullivan mentioned this in the breakdown Week 1 (curious to see his and Baldy's breakdowns this week). When AR throws it with a lack of touch, it can do a few things: create too much anticipation and it becomes an overthrow, cause the ball to sail high and it can limit the angles he can drop in passes.


It's a big issue that has overall limitations on AR's passing. This offseason, (I believe) his personal QB coach talked about improvements from year 1 to year 2 with this ability to change speeds and throw with touch, so they have been working on it.. But so far we haven't seen these improvements. 


Until that happens, he's going to be a highlight reel player who struggles overall, like he was at UF.


Nailed it!!!

I think almost everyone (haters/lovers) understands this. Whether he's a bust or boom eventually, the facts were always pretty clear. He's a truly raw dude with god-type, unicorn, truly ONE-of-ONE physical gifts capable of breaking any defense and changing the league. Those are facts.


Raw also means he has that jarring experience gap that is always going to have to get learned one way or another. What's happening now is folks are having to live through the reality of what was always going to happen. So, we see lots of polar opposite comments, lots of frustration, lots of annoyance, lots of 'I told yous' but let's all not lose track of the basic fact - We all knew these struggles were coming, what we didn't know and still don't know is how it ends. 


A raw player must learn. How quickly he learns, how accurate he becomes, how much of a leader he truly becomes, how he learns to balance his gifts with his weaknesses, how he learns to own the game, his drive to win. That all determines how it all ends.

This young man has a good teacher, patient staff, good owner and organization, and the burning will to be great. For me, he'll get really good faster than he should but it doesn't mean he aint gotta learn. This is the QB choice, I think he can and will be great. The other QBs in college don't matter - not unless there's an Andrew Luck out there and FWIW there isnt'.


The team record means nothing this year, same as last year. Once fans get to that realization, it becomes easier to swallow the present struggles. There's the question of how much blame the GM should take for the longer term failure to win but that's another story entirely.

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1 hour ago, Solid84 said:

So, Luck? Manning?


Look, AR is never going to be a 70% completion rate QB. What we get is his running ability instead, which should add a lot of “short passes” effectively adding to his “completions”.


There’s little evidence really that’s he’s inaccurate. Most QB are inaccurate their first few years in college as well and so was AR. 

Again, not saying he’ll ever have Brees-level accuracy, but can we give him a chance?

I give him more chances than a lot of people.  But to hear the Josh Allen data point as a reason to get hopes up is a bit of a fallacy.  The reality is that most accuracy issues settle themselves out in college, either to the good or to the loss of playing time.


BUF drafted Allen high because of his athleticism and took a chance that his accuracy improved.  Now they don't want him to run as much after about 4 seasons in the NFL, for good reason...and he's a physical beast compared to AR, IMO.

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2 hours ago, DougDew said:

Cowherd and his Podcast Co-Pilot were reminding his listeners that QBs generally never improve their accuracy...they struggle with it their entire career.  And that using Josh Allen as an example might just simply create a lot of false hope.  Just sayin'

Go Huskers, we have Dylan Mahomes. One Reason I always liked you because you love the Huskers so I never put you on ignore and just put up with you chuckling homer simpson GIF.

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5 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Go Huskers, we have Dylan Mahomes. One Reason I always liked you because you love the Huskers so I never put you on ignore and just put up with you chuckling homer simpson GIF.

I put up with your backhanded shots because I'm mature.  Go Huskers.

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1 hour ago, Colt.45 said:




Nailed it!!!

I think almost everyone (haters/lovers) understands this. Whether he's a bust or boom eventually, the facts were always pretty clear. He's a truly raw dude with god-type, unicorn, truly ONE-of-ONE physical gifts capable of breaking any defense and changing the league. Those are facts.


Raw also means he has that jarring experience gap that is always going to have to get learned one way or another. What's happening now is folks are having to live through the reality of what was always going to happen. So, we see lots of polar opposite comments, lots of frustration, lots of annoyance, lots of 'I told yous' but let's all not lose track of the basic fact - We all knew these struggles were coming, what we didn't know and still don't know is how it ends. 


A raw player must learn. How quickly he learns, how accurate he becomes, how much of a leader he truly becomes, how he learns to balance his gifts with his weaknesses, how he learns to own the game, his drive to win. That all determines how it all ends.

This young man has a good teacher, patient staff, good owner and organization, and the burning will to be great. For me, he'll get really good faster than he should but it doesn't mean he aint gotta learn.


The team record means nothing this year, same as last year. Once fans get to that realization, it becomes easier to swallow the present struggles. There's the question of how much blame the GM should take for the longer term failure to win but that's another story entirely.


 His body language after these not in sync passes is not good.

Olson pointed out how we are body catching his passes, we saw bobbling of them also. One might think guys are not tracking his passes well. Less speed, combined with better anticipation and touch maybe? Josh Allen had big problems year one. 

 Caleb Williams had his share of problems last night.

 I would say that Steichen and Jim Bob had a very lackluster day/week.


  Our defensive staff had another brainless day.

 I watched 5 games yesterday. We had the worst LB play. I think it's coaching strategy. Our guys can't be this poorly prepared. We need better anticipation and aggression. Playmaking. There is enough history proving we are stuck in the mud with Gus and his ancient coaching staff. And Ballard's roster theories.

 I have credited much of our recent years of mediocrity on Frank and his hold on Irsays history of loyalty. And there is truth there. But there is a vision and plan that Ballard to a degree has made an open book.

 Defensively, it's a screwed up mess. He can't build one. So many wasted draft picks, so much at best mediocrity. 

 Replacing him shouldn't be a step backwards, but a step forward. 

 After the season is fine, but i'm thinking the Irsays will not want the malaise on defense to linger under Gus, just as they wanted Frank gone for that reason.

 It is what it is, and after that long wait for a new season, hugely disappointing. 

 One thing is certain, there are a number of talented QB's to enjoy watching, and Every team and fan base has to deal with injuries and a lot of frustration in every game we watch. Pray for our Colts!

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4 minutes ago, throwing BBZ said:


 His body language after these not in sync passes is not good.

Olson pointed out how we are body catching his passes, we saw bobbling of them also. One mighty think guys are not tracking his passes well. Less speed, combined with better anticipation and touch. Josh Allen had big problems year one. 

 Caleb Williams had his share of problems last night.

 I would say that Steichen and Jim Bob had a very lackluster day/week.


  Our defensive staff had another brainless day.

 I watched 5 games yesterday. We had the worst LB play. I think it's coaching strategy. Our guys can't be this poorly prepared. We need better anticipation and aggression. Playmaking. There is enough history proving we are stuck in the mud with Gus and his ancient coaching staff. And Ballard's roster theories.

 I have credited much of our recent years of mediocrity on Frank and his hold on Irsays history of loyalty. And there is truth there. But there is a vision and plan that Ballard to a degree has made an open book.

 Defensively, it's a screwed up mess. He can't build one. So many wasted draft picks, so much at best mediocrity. 

 Replacing him shouldn't be a step backwards, but a step forward. 

 After the season is fine, but i'm thinking the Irsays will not want the malaise on defense to linger under Gus, just as they wanted Frank gone for that reason.

 It is what it is, and after that long wait for a new season, hugely disappointing. 

 One thing is certain, there are a number of talented QB's to enjoy watching, and Every team and fan base has to deal with injuries and a lot of frustration in every game we watch. Pray for our Colts!

I thought that the Olsen comment about Colts receivers body catching balls was a strange comment.  I didn't notice it before.


That bad thing about body catching passes is if it hits your body then it can bounce out of your hands.  Perhaps this is causing the high drop rate ?


I wonder why receivers are body catching passes ?  Is AR throwing it too hard ?

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7 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Doug, I am apologize if I have ever offended you but some of your takes do suck Homer Simpson Laughing GIF by FOX TV- Go Huskers, that Indiana game might be a problem, they look awesome.

Enjoy Dylan Transfer-Ola while you can. 😁


He'll be hitting the transfer portal again after this season.

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21 minutes ago, DougDew said:

I give him more chances than a lot of people.  But to hear the Josh Allen data point as a reason to get hopes up is a bit of a fallacy. 

Why is that, lol? All we have is hope at this point and Allen is the literal schematic for how to do it?



The reality is that most accuracy issues settle themselves out in college, either to the good or to the loss of playing time.

AR had ONE dropback in 2020 and 74 (63 pass attempts) in 2021. He had 378 dropbacks (330 attempts) in 2022. 453 total dropbacks (394 total attempts). For referance* a raw Josh Allen had 679 total dropbacks (572 total attempts). AR has like one full season of college experience total. He's not settled yet, but people are judging him like a finished college product when in reality he's a MASSIVE project.



BUF drafted Allen high because of his athleticism and took a chance that his accuracy improved.  Now they don't want him to run as much after about 4 seasons in the NFL, for good reason...and he's a physical beast compared to AR, IMO.

He's a schematic for AR and ultimately I believe the Colts will have the same plans for AR.



*More examples:

Patrick Mahomes: 1454 total dropbacks (1301 total attempts)

Lamar Jackson: 1224 total dropbacks (1004 total attempts)

Joe Burrow: 911 total dropbacks (784 total attempts)


The reality is AR was a project even in college. Now he's a massive project in the NFL.

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12 minutes ago, DougDew said:

I give him more chances than a lot of people.  But to hear the Josh Allen data point as a reason to get hopes up is a bit of a fallacy.  The reality is that most accuracy issues settle themselves out in college, either to the good or to the loss of playing time.


BUF drafted Allen high because of his athleticism and took a chance that his accuracy improved.  Now they don't want him to run as much after about 4 seasons in the NFL, for good reason...and he's a physical beast compared to AR, IMO.


 You can repeat this tired argument till your dying days kind sir but accuracy is more about processing, timing, and touch. All things that get better with practice and experience.

 Surround a guy with some time to throw, a sound running attack, good weapons, a high quality Coaching staff,, and he has a good shot to make the playoffs.

 Give the team a top ten D to go with it, maybe a good shot someday for a Conference Championship game. 

 I was very impressed with last seasons final 8 teams. The QB's were out outstanding and the teams as a whole were well coached and tough.

 Ballard's program looks like a bottom feeder.

We are catfish, and yes suckers!

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5 minutes ago, Solid84 said:

Why is that, lol? All we have is hope at this point and Allen is the literal schematic for how to do it?


AR had ONE dropback in 2020 and 74 (63 pass attempts) in 2021. He had 378 dropbacks (330 attempts) in 2022. 453 total dropbacks (394 total attempts). For referance* a raw Josh Allen had 679 total dropbacks (572 total attempts). AR has like one full season of college experience total. He's not settled yet, but people are judging him like a finished college product when in reality he's a MASSIVE project.


He's a schematic for AR and ultimately I believe the Colts will have the same plans for AR.



*More examples:

Patrick Mahomes: 1454 total dropbacks (1301 total attempts)

Lamar Jackson: 1224 total dropbacks (1004 total attempts)

Joe Burrow: 911 total dropbacks (784 total attempts)


The reality is AR was a project even in college. Now he's a massive project in the NFL.

Goodness, Burrow and Mahomes are two of the most accurate throwers in the NFL, and that was Burrow's forte at LSU.  It wasn't size, speed, or pure arm strength.


I'm not sure of your point.  AR is a massive project for the NFL, so he needs to now get the education (development) he should have gotten in college?  So is he on a 4 year degree program, or are we expecting him to look like Josh Allen by the end of the season?  And since Allen was an anomaly, how smart is it for a fan to invest their emotions into a player being able to replicate an anomaly?


I hope he succeeds.  I have nothing invested in this other than wanting to see the Colts win.

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4 minutes ago, throwing BBZ said:

All things that get better with practice and experience.

Nonsense.  Not every one of 5 billion males on the planet can have NFL quality accuracy simply by repetition.  Just more experience gives a human better instinctive hand to eye coordination?  Why do some college QBs get it and some not...its just coaching and experience?

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Just now, DougDew said:

Goodness, Burrow and Mahomes are two of the most accurate throwers in the NFL, and that was Burrow's forte at LSU.  It wasn't size, speed, or pure arm strength.


I'm not sure of your point.  AR is a massive project for the NFL, so he needs to now get the education (development) he should have gotten in college?  So is he on a 4 year degree program, or are we expecting him to look like Josh Allen by the end of the season?  And since Allen was an anomaly, how smart is it for a fan to invest their emotions into a player being able to replicate an anomaly?


I hope he succeeds.  I have nothing invested in this other than wanting to see the Colts win.

Mahomes had a completion rate of 56.8% his first season of college. Jackson had 55.2%. Can we stop the overreacting and look at it for what it is? AR has a season/season-and-a-half of college snaps. AR effetively needs to catch up for the lack of experience he has and had even in college. AR was at least one full season of college experience behind everyone else when he got into the NFL. Then he got injured his rookie year. AR has SO much catching up to do.


Allen is a farily recent addition to the NFL and he made the adjustments AR needs to make. Why does anything that happened before Allen matter? Allen figured it out and has the schematic. Everyone who failed before him didn't. I'm not saying AR is DEFINITELY going to be Allen, but how about we give him the benefit of the doubt before listening to Cowherd?

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15 minutes ago, Solid84 said:

Mahomes had a completion rate of 56.8% his first season of college. Jackson had 55.2%. Can we stop the overreacting and look at it for what it is? AR has a season/season-and-a-half of college snaps. AR effetively needs to catch up for the lack of experience he has and had even in college. AR was at least one full season of college experience behind everyone else when he got into the NFL. Then he got injured his rookie year. AR has SO much catching up to do.


Allen is a farily recent addition to the NFL and he made the adjustments AR needs to make. Why does anything that happened before Allen matter? Allen figured it out and has the schematic. Everyone who failed before him didn't. I'm not saying AR is DEFINITELY going to be Allen, but how about we give him the benefit of the doubt before listening to Cowherd?

Their first season's in college? Then they proceeded to learn their trade while in trade school , but we have to teach the guy who came into the NFL relatively unprepared.  I don't see where that is a positive point you're making.  


All I'm saying in this thread is that I reject the posts that basically say, " AR just needs more experience and everything will be all right"...and any observations of him not making progress should fall on Steichen and his play calling (again with the play calling). 


And a lack of acknowledgment that the problem might simply be that AR lacks the physical talent to be an NFL quality passer.  I'm acknowledging that this is possible.   

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2 minutes ago, DougDew said:

Their first season's in college? Then they proceeded to learn their trade while in trade school , but we have to teach the guy who came into the NFL relatively unprepared.  I don't see where that is a positive point you're making.   

Sigh, it's not man. What I'm saying is people need to judge AR relatively to where he's at in his progress and people are judging like he's further along than he is.



All I'm saying in this thread is that I reject the posts that basically say, " AR just needs more experience and everything will be all right"...and any observations of him not making progress should fall on Steichen and his play calling (again with the play calling). 

And that's my point. You're judging him like he's further along than he is. He's needs to be judged like he's a Mahomes/Jackson/Allen with one year of college experience - because that's where he's at. He will get better because they all get better after their first season.

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1 hour ago, ADnum1 said:

I thought that the Olsen comment about Colts receivers body catching balls was a strange comment.  I didn't notice it before.


That bad thing about body catching passes is if it hits your body then it can bounce out of your hands.  Perhaps this is causing the high drop rate ?


I wonder why receivers are body catching passes ?  Is AR throwing it too hard ?


When your college WRs and NFL WRs both struggle with catching the ball...I doubt it's just a bad coincidence. NFL WRs are paid to catch the ball, but throwing hard doesn't make it easier on them.

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