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Elite in drunkenness

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I have no idea how accurate this is, to be honest. The objective of the smartphone app is a good one, just not sure I feel inclined to trust the results. 


Titans fans probably want to drown out their sorrows, like Falcons fans. Colts fans are still reminiscing about Peyton and Luck, I guess, and drinking to it, lol :) 

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48 minutes ago, ColtStrong2013 said:

Nonsense way to collect data. Come to a home Bills game sometime. The optics are waaaay different . I've been to both Colts and Bills home games dozens of times...there is no comparison.

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24 minutes ago, cdgacoltsfan said:

Nonsense way to collect data. Come to a home Bills game sometime. The optics are waaaay different . I've been to both Colts and Bills home games dozens of times...there is no comparison.

I don’t think it’s a good study. Lucas Oil seems to be pretty tame. One Kansas City fan I talked to in 2022 was taking his son to Lucas oil, because he said he wasn’t ready to take him to Arrowhead yet. He had read that Lucas oil was more family friendly, which is true based on my experiences there and other stadiums. 

The fact that Indy was 3 and Kansas was last is laughable. I’m sure lucas oil holds their own in alcohol sales, especially considering they are cheaper than many other places, but that’s not even remotely close to being the same breath as overall drunkenness, which is a large result of the pregame activities outside the stadium. And anyone that goes to colts games knows the pregame activities are nothing compared to other locations, like Buffalo… 

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3 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

.08 Homer Simpson Laughing GIF by FOX TV- that is like 2 beers, that isn't even drunk. If I took the test during all these close games, who knows what my test would have been?? This past season drove me nuts lmao .

Im pretty sure your blood alcohol level would have been……………




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5 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

Im pretty sure your blood alcohol level would have been……………




Nah not even Homer could handle that. I think .30 is considered legally dead by law. I actually have a breathalyzer here at my house. I have to have it because of my line of work. I have to be 100% sober before work because I drive a company vehicle. On one of my off days watching the Colts, I blew into it and blew a .12 that was after 4 strong beers that were like 9% in volume and 2 shots of Crown (whiskey) over around a 4 hour timeframe but the funny thing is I was coherent. I was feeling buzzed but not drunk. I ate Pizza that day though as well which probably helped. A friend of mine got drunk out of his mind, this happened around 25 years ago. He wrecked his car, and he told me when he got tested by the police, he tested .26 - got DWI. He didn't even remember what happened. It is ok to drink, just don't drink and drive and drink in moderation. 3 or 4 Beers and a shot of whiskey or 2 is ok as long as you are at home chillin. Eat well and sleep it off. 

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21 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Nah not even Homer could handle that. I think .30 is considered legally dead by law. I actually have a breathalyzer here at my house. I have to have it because of my line of work. I have to be 100% sober before work because I drive a company vehicle. On one of my off days watching the Colts, I blew into it and blew a .12 that was after 4 strong beers that were like 9% in volume and 2 shots of Crown (whiskey) over around a 4 hour timeframe but the funny thing is I was coherent. I was feeling buzzed but not drunk. I ate Pizza that day though as well which probably helped. A friend of mine got drunk out of his mind, this happened around 25 years ago. He wrecked his car, and he told me when he got tested by the police, he tested .26 - got DWI. He didn't even remember what happened. It is ok to drink, just don't drink and drive and drink in moderation. 3 or 4 Beers and a shot of whiskey or 2 is ok as long as you are at home chillin. Eat well and sleep it off. 

Would you feel better if I listed it as .0881?

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I will drink a few beers tailgating before a game, and maybe one during. I am too old to drink like I did in college, and my single days.

The worst drunk I've seen at a game was a Lions fan that puked in a peanut bag, and my buddy handed him a empty cup to finish. 

His friends carried him, and the 2 puke containers out, and didn't return for the remainder of the game. 

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7 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

Would you feel better if I listed it as .0881?

That is still considered legally drunk. So not really LOL. I only drink on my off days and it is mainly to relax me. During Colts games it helps my nerves. I don't see how some people drink like a 12 pack of beer a day or even a 5th of Whiskey a day. That would make me sick and that is real bad for you. Some do it though. I have been around people that do it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/21/2024 at 10:56 AM, ColtStrong2013 said:

I’m sure lucas oil holds their own in alcohol sales, especially considering they are cheaper than many other places, but that’s not even remotely close to being the same breath as overall drunkenness, which is a large result of the pregame activities outside the stadium.

Yeah there is a difference between drunkenness and beer sales during the game.  At cold outdoor stadiums those people are hammered when they get there


The op made the title to be funny but there is a difference 

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38 minutes ago, BlackTiger said:

Yeah there is a difference between drunkenness and beer sales during the game.  At cold outdoor stadiums those people are hammered when they get there


The op made the title to be funny but there is a difference 


I was the OP and the one you quoted. Lol. And yes, i was being funny and sarcastic at the same time. I think they probably do hold their weight in beer sales, but mostly because it's cheaper than most places. There's a reason the drunks drink before the game... 

I've been to more games at Lucas Oil than i can recount, and I really can't tell you an instance where I was around someone drunk. I know that there probably were at every game, but nothing like what I see posted online. I've never seen a fight at lucas oil like i see weekly posted online at what seems like the same stadiums

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2 hours ago, ArmchairQB said:

This seems like a “we want to write about football but it’s the offseason” type of story.  Much more important things to write about 


seems like a post where the op wanted to post something colts related, but that’s all that was on the google search. 

and I was the op.

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On 3/1/2024 at 2:25 PM, RollerColt said:

“Rain makes corn, corn makes whiskey”


And in Indiana we’ve got plenty of all three. Hell if you ski at Perfect North Slopes you can see our major distillery in the distance. 

I live 30 minutes from there.

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