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Jonathan Taylor comments on his contract/Request trade (Merge)


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3 minutes ago, luv_pony_express said:

There’s a huge difference between one team resisting a certain price point for a position and all 32 teams doing it.  There’s just not much players can do about the latter case - which is what we’re seeing here.


Best way of putting it that I've seen so far. 

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3 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

The media asks Steichen about Taylor at every media availability.   He gives a very limited answer to a simple basic question.  But you and Supe think they should ask far more detailed questions.   The problem is the Colts have made it clear they have zero interest in that kind of question right now. 

To ask that question every day is, in essence, picking a public fight with the Colts.   The media becoming the issue is rarely a good look.   We cover the news, we don’t want to become the news.  

And this debate is over the timing.   The Colts, JT and his agent will answer your questions in roughly 7-14 days.   Maybe not at one presser.   Perhaps over several days as new info becomes known.   But it appears it won’t be today and things here have come to a head over it.   


I agree not everyday.  No reason to badger.

But the question should have been asked by now if it hasn't IMO. 


And I understand the collegiality of the press corps, but if that collegiality interferes with asking obvious questions not to rock the boat.  That's not good IMO.

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18 minutes ago, stitches said:

They are not ignoring it, but it's almost like... they are asking some questions by default... just to say they asked something. None of them has asked the question why is an injury that was supposed to be healed months ago, still a problem? or any similar pointed question... 



I think that question was asked in the early days of camp when it looked like Taylor was a raging 10-alarm fire!   Things were spinning wildly out of control back then.  

It’s now been a few weeks, things are calm, and suddenly there is a whole chorus of why isn’t the media asking the tough questions we demand?!   Sigh…


Again, I don’t see the need to ask an explosive question when everyone knows it won’t be answered and it only puts stress on a difficult situation.

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14 minutes ago, RollerColt said:

All I can think of is that there is a gentleman's agreement at the moment between the team and the reporters to just leave it alone. Maybe the team made an off the record comment that anything regarding Taylor would be told at the start of press conferences, and if nothing is said then nothing is new? 


I'd be okay with that if they had asked some legit questions early on. I'm not expecting updates on Taylor, and I don't mind that they aren't asking about his status every time Steichen is at the podium. If they had done the heavy lifting up front, then it would be understandable that they aren't going to waste time asking unanswerable questions day after day.

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8 minutes ago, BeanDiasucci said:

The question is designed to get at the truth of what's happening. Isn't that job #1 for the media?

Of course it is.   But it’s a waste of everyone’s time when you know in advance that the question won’t be answered.   

No one is ready to talk.   Demanding answers now us counter-productive. 

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5 minutes ago, Superman said:


I'd be okay with that if they had asked some legit questions early on. I'm not expecting updates on Taylor, and I don't mind that they aren't asking about his status every time Steichen is at the podium. If they had done the heavy lifting up front, then it would be understandable that they aren't going to waste time asking unanswerable questions day after day.

It's understandable for sure. And I think for the most part everyone has laid off of the contract speculation type of questions. It's more or less now what's actually wrong with Taylor? You don't just fail a physical for no reason... 

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16 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

Again, I don’t see the need to ask an explosive question when everyone knows it won’t be answered and it only puts stress on a difficult situation.


But this is precisely the job of journalists.  To ask tough questions.  To ask softball questions as if Jenny Finch were pitching, not the fat guy in the beer league.


Not trying to make it personal, but in light of what you told me once on a PM, you are not truly a believer in journalism as it was understood.

Here you seem to be advocating a journalist to be a life coach, reducing stress.  


Not good IMO.

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1 minute ago, NewColtsFan said:

Of course it is.   But it’s a waste of everyone’s time when you know in advance that the question won’t be answered.   

No one is ready to talk.   Demanding answers now us counter-productive. 

A reporter isn't demanding an answer; they are merely asking for one, which is their job after all. If they don't keep asking, they are complicit in the public not getting an answer until the company decides it's in their own best interest to address the question. That's particularly bad in a situation like this where it appears that someone may be lying and others are going along with that lie or set of lies. If the media ignores the question until the Colts decide to address it, aren't they potentially kind of going along with a lie, too, in order to not upset anyone?

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3 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

I think that question was asked in the early days of camp when it looked like Taylor was a raging 10-alarm fire!   Things were spinning wildly out of control back then.  

It’s now been a few weeks, things are calm, and suddenly there is a whole chorus of why isn’t the media asking the tough questions we demand?!   Sigh…


Again, I don’t see the need to ask an explosive question when everyone knows it won’t be answered and it only puts stress on a difficult situation.


Not really. What's happened is that this is a conversation point today because there's a collective disagreement on what the media should and shouldn't ask. Not because everyone has suddenly decided to demand answers about Taylor's recovery because we want to know right now. We could have had this collective disagreement three weeks ago, or at any point so far.

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18 minutes ago, Superman said:


No, I'm not upset about not having answers now. Some might be. I think I have a pretty good handle on what's going on, and why. And I think I know how things will play out, more or less. The way the media handles pressers won't change the timeline or the outcome.


My issue is more that I don't think Colts reporters do a good job at pressers in general. I've been saying this for years, by the way.



To clarify, that's not the question I would want them to ask. I put my prospective question in quotes in that earlier post. But the bolded is the reason the question is relevant, and should have been asked.



This should have been asked as soon as possible after Taylor went on PUP: 'When he had ankle surgery, wasn't the expectation that he would have a 4-6 week recovery? Irsay said he expected Taylor to be ready to go, and Ballard didn't expect him to be on PUP. What happened to cause his recovery to take this long?'


This is the question, and I don't think it's loaded, nor is it designed to get an explosive answer. You ask insightful questions to gain insight, and in a lot of cases, you gain insight even if the question doesn't get answered. Steichen could have shut it down if he wanted to avoid pouring gas on the fire; that his responsibility. The media is responsible for asking the questions; they are not responsible for the answers, or for the fallout from those answers.



I understand that there are behind the scenes factors to consider, and I appreciate them. But if a room full of reporters won't once ask a simple, direct question about the second biggest question surrounding the team (and the first question was answered when they named Richardson the starting QB, so this is now the biggest question surrounding the team) because they don't want to annoy the coach, then this is all just theatre. 


If Steichen says 'I'm not going to talk about that...' I don't want them to ask again, then rephrase and ask again, and then ask in Pig Latin, and then sneak in the back door and ask again. But they should have asked once.


I think it's a fair question, and an important question. Again, I'm not crying out for info because I want it right now, and that's not a fair categorization of my stance here. I'm saying that I believe it's the media's responsibility to ask fair, important questions, and let the person who is being asked the question bear the responsibility of deciding whether to answer, and how. Instead, they've let the team off the hook by neglecting to ask the question in the first place. 

Im not certain I’m following, but I’ll do my best…. 

This is the question you wanted asked 3-4 weeks ago, but it’s NOT the question you want now?   Correct?


28 minutes ago, Superman said:


No, I'm not upset about not having answers now. Some might be. I think I have a pretty good handle on what's going on, and why. And I think I know how things will play out, more or less. The way the media handles pressers won't change the timeline or the outcome.


My issue is more that I don't think Colts reporters do a good job at pressers in general. I've been saying this for years, by the way.



To clarify, that's not the question I would want them to ask. I put my prospective question in quotes in that earlier post. But the bolded is the reason the question is relevant, and should have been asked.



This should have been asked as soon as possible after Taylor went on PUP: 'When he had ankle surgery, wasn't the expectation that he would have a 4-6 week recovery? Irsay said he expected Taylor to be ready to go, and Ballard didn't expect him to be on PUP. What happened to cause his recovery to take this long?'


This is the question, and I don't think it's loaded, nor is it designed to get an explosive answer. You ask insightful questions to gain insight, and in a lot of cases, you gain insight even if the question doesn't get answered. Steichen could have shut it down if he wanted to avoid pouring gas on the fire; that his responsibility. The media is responsible for asking the questions; they are not responsible for the answers, or for the fallout from those answers.



I understand that there are behind the scenes factors to consider, and I appreciate them. But if a room full of reporters won't once ask a simple, direct question about the second biggest question surrounding the team (and the first question was answered when they named Richardson the starting QB, so this is now the biggest question surrounding the team) because they don't want to annoy the coach, then this is all just theatre. 


If Steichen says 'I'm not going to talk about that...' I don't want them to ask again, then rephrase and ask again, and then ask in Pig Latin, and then sneak in the back door and ask again. But they should have asked once.


I think it's a fair question, and an important question. Again, I'm not crying out for info because I want it right now, and that's not a fair categorization of my stance here. I'm saying that I believe it's the media's responsibility to ask fair, important questions, and let the person who is being asked the question bear the responsibility of deciding whether to answer, and how. Instead, they've let the team off the hook by neglecting to ask the question in the first place. 

I hope I haven't somehow botched this response?    I don’t like defending the Indy media.   I only hate Doyel.   The rest I think are above average to good.   But none are very good to great.   Almost every big press conference since I arrived in 2012 typically ends with me frustrated over questions that WEREN’T asked.   I’m always surprised over what is NOT asked. 

And so when I advise people here that the questions they have WILL eventually be asked at the right time, I always wince a little knowing there’s a decent chance that the Indy media won’t ask them.   I’m not trying to be misleading,  I just give people the benefit of the doubt that the right questions, the important questions WILL be asked!    

As for what I consider the “loaded” question…….  I don’t know the wording you prefer, but to me the intent is to find fault somewhere, maybe everywhere.  

Is Taylor lying? 
Are the Colts lying? 
Is the agent lying? 

If they’re not lying, then someone is clearly doing something wrong.   Who?   Why?  

As you’ll recall, the situation was explosive back then.  Finding fault in that moment may have been viewed as unnecessary.   I don’t think the Colts have been let off the hook.  There should be plenty of time and opportunity to follow up with a long recap.   Answers may not come from a press conference, but perhaps a series of extended 1-on-1 interviews with all the parties involved. 

Not sure if I’ve answered all your questions?    Just know, that if not, I’m not avoiding them.   I’m just a bit overwhelmed with how many people have approached with questions for me.  


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2 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

I think the media kinda feels that Taylor is exaggerating the injury and the Colts are just going along with it for now because they don’t want to play hard ball with him so they don’t feel the need to ask the question but i agree they should ask.

Taylor can do all he wants but he aint getting what he wants. Did you see the contract for Cook? It just once again shows that the market just isnt there. There is also news out there that Cook get suspended and the Jets are protecting themselves, but I still think Cook would have signed for less than 10 mill even if he was squeaky clean. It is just not there for JT and he needs to realize that. There is no way he is forcing the Colts hands.  Play or not, I dont think the Colts want him back next year even on a franchise tag.

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15 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

I think the media kinda feels that Taylor is exaggerating the injury and the Colts are just going along with it for now because they don’t want to play hard ball with him so they don’t feel the need to ask the question but i agree they should ask.

Yeah this is most likely correct. But the question should still be asked.

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2 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

This is the question you wanted asked 3-4 weeks ago, but it’s NOT the question you want now?   Correct?


I think it should have been asked at some point since Taylor went on PUP; if it gets asked now, that's fine. But just because we're talking about it today doesn't mean that I only want it asked now because I'm losing patience with the situation.




Almost every big press conference since I arrived in 2012 typically ends with me frustrated over questions that WEREN’T asked.   I’m always surprised over what is NOT asked. 


I just give people the benefit of the doubt that the right questions, the important questions WILL be asked!    



Agreed with the first part. As for benefit of the doubt, I've accepted that the guys in that room probably aren't in touch with what fans want from these pressers. I think they ask questions that will help them get material for articles, because that's how they get graded and paid. And at times, I don't think that motivation syncs up with what fans want to know. More often than not, questions that I would ask are NOT asked, and then the situation gets resolved, and no one cares anymore.




As for what I consider the “loaded” question…….  I don’t know the wording you prefer, but to me the intent is to find fault somewhere, maybe everywhere.  

Is Taylor lying? 
Are the Colts lying? 
Is the agent lying? 

If they’re not lying, then someone is clearly doing something wrong.   Who?   Why?


As you’ll recall, the situation was explosive back then.  Finding fault in that moment may have been viewed as unnecessary.   I don’t think the Colts have been let off the hook.  There should be plenty of time and opportunity to follow up with a long recap.   Answers may not come from a press conference, but perhaps a series of extended 1-on-1 interviews with all the parties involved. 



Not necessarily. Trying to uncover the truth doesn't have to be the same as accusing someone of lying. 


I think the most likely truth is that Taylor strategically used the ankle recovery to land on PUP, so he can report, not be fined, and not have to talk to the media. But if that's NOT the case, then something is wrong, and I think everyone would want to know. And it's at least worth asking whether there was a setback or other development that led to him not being physically ready so far.


Sure the situation was explosive, but isn't it the media's job to cut through the noise and ask for answers? Has anyone asked if he had a setback, if he had another procedure after January, etc.? To me, this is an obvious train of thought. Just one question -- answered or not -- would properly represent the people who follow the team.


I don't think it's good work to say 'let's just wait until everyone is comfortable talking about this.' Sure, this is relatively low stakes as it relates to journalism, but big picture, it's a reporter's job to ask questions even if they are uncomfortable.


Not sure if I’ve answered all your questions?    Just know, that if not, I’m not avoiding them.   I’m just a bit overwhelmed with how many people have approached with questions for me. 


All good, I know you've been bombarded on this one. As you know, I enjoy the civil back and forth.

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20 minutes ago, Superman said:


I think it should have been asked at some point since Taylor went on PUP; if it gets asked now, that's fine. But just because we're talking about it today doesn't mean that I only want it asked now because I'm losing patience with the situation.



Agreed with the first part. As for benefit of the doubt, I've accepted that the guys in that room probably aren't in touch with what fans want from these pressers. I think they ask questions that will help them get material for articles, because that's how they get graded and paid. And at times, I don't think that motivation syncs up with what fans want to know. More often than not, questions that I would ask are NOT asked, and then the situation gets resolved, and no one cares anymore.



Not necessarily. Trying to uncover the truth doesn't have to be the same as accusing someone of lying. 


I think the most likely truth is that Taylor strategically used the ankle recovery to land on PUP, so he can report, not be fined, and not have to talk to the media. But if that's NOT the case, then something is wrong, and I think everyone would want to know. And it's at least worth asking whether there was a setback or other development that led to him not being physically ready so far.


Sure the situation was explosive, but isn't it the media's job to cut through the noise and ask for answers? Has anyone asked if he had a setback, if he had another procedure after January, etc.? To me, this is an obvious train of thought. Just one question -- answered or not -- would properly represent the people who follow the team.


I don't think it's good work to say 'let's just wait until everyone is comfortable talking about this.' Sure, this is relatively low stakes as it relates to journalism, but big picture, it's a reporter's job to ask questions even if they are uncomfortable.


All good, I know you've been bombarded on this one. As you know, I enjoy the civil back and forth.

To add to all of this: Taylor is basically our centerpiece on offense. He’s at the moment our #1 star player, and therefore is going to peak interest in the fan base on what’s going on with him. 

While the team itself is not expected to do much in terms of wins this season, Taylor was still expected to be a major factor in the offense and individually have a “good” year. Love it or hate it, fantasy football is also a big deal still with the league, so this situation is also leaving an effect from that standpoint… 

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49 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

I think the media kinda feels that Taylor is exaggerating the injury and the Colts are just going along with it for now because they don’t want to play hard ball with him so they don’t feel the need to ask the question but i agree they should ask.

I don’t know what “the media” feels and I suspect they have a multitude of opinions about Taylor’s situation, but I think the recent history of this situation suggests he is mostly faking his continuing injury to ensure he gets paid while he boycotts the team. Would it have mattered if Irsay hadn’t done his meandering interview about running back pay? Maybe, maybe not, but at this point I think Taylor will be the ultimate winner. He won’t have a bad year behind a bad offensive line and will eventually find a better spot next season.

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5 minutes ago, azcolt said:

I don’t know what “the media” feels and I suspect they have a multitude of opinions about Taylor’s situation, but I think the recent history of this situation suggests he is mostly faking his continuing injury to ensure he gets paid while he boycotts the team. Would it have mattered if Irsay hadn’t done his meandering interview about running back pay? Maybe, maybe not, but at this point I think Taylor will be the ultimate winner. He won’t have a bad year behind a bad offensive line and will eventually find a better spot next season.

If he has a good season,   he will be right back here next year playing on the tag

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48 minutes ago, Moosejawcolt said:

Taylor can do all he wants but he aint getting what he wants. Did you see the contract for Cook? It just once again shows that the market just isnt there. There is also news out there that Cook get suspended and the Jets are protecting themselves, but I still think Cook would have signed for less than 10 mill even if he was squeaky clean. It is just not there for JT and he needs to realize that. There is no way he is forcing the Colts hands.  Play or not, I dont think the Colts want him back next year even on a franchise tag.

If he has a big year,   they will want him back

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27 minutes ago, Superman said:


I think it should have been asked at some point since Taylor went on PUP; if it gets asked now, that's fine. But just because we're talking about it today doesn't mean that I only want it asked now because I'm losing patience with the situation.



Agreed with the first part. As for benefit of the doubt, I've accepted that the guys in that room probably aren't in touch with what fans want from these pressers. I think they ask questions that will help them get material for articles, because that's how they get graded and paid. And at times, I don't think that motivation syncs up with what fans want to know. More often than not, questions that I would ask are NOT asked, and then the situation gets resolved, and no one cares anymore.



Not necessarily. Trying to uncover the truth doesn't have to be the same as accusing someone of lying. 


I think the most likely truth is that Taylor strategically used the ankle recovery to land on PUP, so he can report, not be fined, and not have to talk to the media. But if that's NOT the case, then something is wrong, and I think everyone would want to know. And it's at least worth asking whether there was a setback or other development that led to him not being physically ready so far.


Sure the situation was explosive, but isn't it the media's job to cut through the noise and ask for answers? Has anyone asked if he had a setback, if he had another procedure after January, etc.? To me, this is an obvious train of thought. Just one question -- answered or not -- would properly represent the people who follow the team.


I don't think it's good work to say 'let's just wait until everyone is comfortable talking about this.' Sure, this is relatively low stakes as it relates to journalism, but big picture, it's a reporter's job to ask questions even if they are uncomfortable.


All good, I know you've been bombarded on this one. As you know, I enjoy the civil back and forth.


Honestly, I don’t think I’ve done a great job explaining the media and explaining myself.   Sleep deprived is a constant problem.   

I think as I respond to various posters I go back and forth between talking specifics, issues or questions, and bigger broader issues with a much different perspective.   I think that has made for some poorly worded answers by me.   In my rush to answer everyone, I don’t think I’ve done a good enough job in each question.   Disappointing. 

I’d like to speak more authoritatively on this but don’t want to come up short.   

Here’s a question for you….   I think you’re on Twitter?   Have you reached out to talk media with any reporters?   Perhaps Kevin Bowen?    See if they respond?   See if they have perspective that I haven’t offered?   I’m sure they do.    Just wondering.   

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2 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

Unless they use that tag on Pittman.

Could be.   It's a big year for Pittman as well.   If he has a big year he will get a contract extension is my guess.   I just don't see JT or any of these other backs getting more than 1 or 2 year deals.    RBs will be drafted then let go once their deal and tag possibilities expire 

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It's been announced that Jonathan Taylor is returning to the team - from his excused absence - and - "will be traveling with the team" to Philly this week.




We shall see what we shall see - BUT - I want to see him OFF the PUP list - encouraging his teammates during practices & the game - AND - ditching the scowling-faced Grinch personna.



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2 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

Could be.   It's a big year for Pittman as well.   If he has a big year he will get a contract extension is my guess.   I just don't see JT or any of these other backs getting more than 1 or 2 year deals.    RBs will be drafted then let go once their deal and tag possibilities expire 

Agree.  I think Pittman will be the priority unless he just has an awful year and Taylor has another year like 2021.

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11 minutes ago, Creekside said:


"What is the current condition and prognosis of JT's surgically repaired ankle?"


This is a loaded question only if there's nothing wrong with it.





That isn’t how a media person would phrase it. They would ask what happened to cause a setback. Especially after Irsay said he was ready.

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19 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


Honestly, I don’t think I’ve done a great job explaining the media and explaining myself.   Sleep deprived is a constant problem.   

I think as I respond to various posters I go back and forth between talking specifics, issues or questions, and bigger broader issues with a much different perspective.   I think that has made for some poorly worded answers by me.   In my rush to answer everyone, I don’t think I’ve done a good enough job in each question.   Disappointing. 

I’d like to speak more authoritatively on this but don’t want to come up short.   

Here’s a question for you….   I think you’re on Twitter?   Have you reached out to talk media with any reporters?   Perhaps Kevin Bowen?    See if they respond?   See if they have perspective that I haven’t offered?   I’m sure they do.    Just wondering.   


I think I understand your point. I just don't think I agree. But maybe you're right and I'm missing something...


I do have a Twitter but I don't engage anymore. A few years back, I think Mike Wells DM'd me, and I replied back, and it was all friendly. Then I went to DM him again a few months later, and he had blocked me. So no, I don't think I'd ever get anywhere on Twitter...


I also asked Kevin Bowen a question on a Reddit AMA a couple years ago, specifically about questions at pressers. Here's his answer (emphasis is mine):


This is a topic that I could talk about endlessly. Pressers aren't that easy. We all have a few questions in our heads that want to get asked. Follow-ups on Zoom are minimal at best. And you have to ask some questions just purely to get things on-record. Plus, sometimes asking a similar question in a different way can lead to that answer finally providing a glimpse into what we were looking for insight wise. I really don't feel like we do a poor job of missing the boat on certain topics. Sure, there are sometimes we all ask stupid/redundant questions, but it's not like Reich is emptying the boo on strategy/game plans. You have to pick your battles there. I hope that answers a bit of what you are asking. This is more of a topic for 2-3 beers at a bar.


I think the first bolded kind of speaks to what I'm saying. You have to ask some questions just for the record. Second bolded suggests there's more he'd like to say, but not on a message board. (By the way, I've since deleted my post asking the question, but his answer is still up.)


But the underlined part is what gets me. I think Indy reporters leave a lot to be desired when it comes to certain topics, and he doesn't. 

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26 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


Honestly, I don’t think I’ve done a great job explaining the media and explaining myself.   Sleep deprived is a constant problem.   

I think as I respond to various posters I go back and forth between talking specifics, issues or questions, and bigger broader issues with a much different perspective.   I think that has made for some poorly worded answers by me.   In my rush to answer everyone, I don’t think I’ve done a good enough job in each question.   Disappointing. 

I’d like to speak more authoritatively on this but don’t want to come up short.   

Here’s a question for you….   I think you’re on Twitter?   Have you reached out to talk media with any reporters?   Perhaps Kevin Bowen?    See if they respond?   See if they have perspective that I haven’t offered?   I’m sure they do.    Just wondering.   

we dont agree a lot and it is funny because Lombardi, who I like, has Nelson as a blue chip guard. I never would have thought he had him so high after last season

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26 minutes ago, Moosejawcolt said:

we dont agree a lot and it is funny because Lombardi, who I like, has Nelson as a blue chip guard. I never would have thought he had him so high after last season

Probably because you have had a bias against Nelson since he was drafted.  And while I give Fredo Lombardi very little credence,  he has been an NFL executive.   He has spent thousands of hours with scouts.  So yeah.   Makes sense to me

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1 hour ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

That isn’t how a media person would phrase it. They would ask what happened to cause a setback. Especially after Irsay said he was ready.


But this is what fans want to know....Is he still hurt?...I don't care about the past and who said what when..


I want to know if Taylor can play or not...Isn't that what we all want to know?

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39 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

Probably because you have had a bias against Nelson since he was drafted.  And while I give Fredo Lombardi very little credence,  he has been an NFL executive.   He has spent thousands of hours with scouts.  So yeah.   Makes sense to me

Sure but Nelson hasn’t been great for 2 full seasons now with consecutive sub 70 pffs.


So it shouldn’t be hard for any cogent being to understand someone not believing Q is “blue chip” at this point.  One might not agree, but it shouldn’t be too hard to see someone’s reasonable position that he is not elite as of now.


Matter of fact it seems like only posturing or lack of reality could be the causes of someone not seeing the reasonableness of the logic.  


My guess is that Nelson’s dramatic decline the LAST TWO FULL SEASONS is primarily a result of his injuries, likely his back issues are causing him to be less dominant.


Hopefully, we will see dominance once again, but if it is indeed back related that is far from guaranteed.

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10 minutes ago, Nickster said:

Sure but Nelson hasn’t been great for 2 full seasons now with consecutive sub 70 pffs.


So it shouldn’t be hard for any cogent being to understand someone not believing Q is “blue chip” at this point.  One might not agree, but it shouldn’t be too hard to see someone’s reasonable position that he is not elite as of now.


Matter of fact it seems like only posturing or lack of reality could be the causes of someone not seeing the reasonableness of the logic.  


My guess is that Nelson’s dramatic decline the LAST TWO FULL SEASONS is primarily a result of his injuries, likely his back issues are causing him to be less dominant.


Hopefully, we will see dominance once again, but if it is indeed back related that is far from guaranteed.

I’d say it’s a combination of having injuries and having to try to cover for both Kelly and Raimann. 

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12 minutes ago, Nickster said:

Sure but Nelson hasn’t been great for 2 full seasons now with consecutive sub 70 pffs.


So it shouldn’t be hard for any cogent being to understand someone not believing Q is “blue chip” at this point.  One might not agree, but it shouldn’t be too hard to see someone’s reasonable position that he is not elite as of now.


Matter of fact it seems like only posturing or lack of reality could be the causes of someone not seeing the reasonableness of the logic.  


My guess is that Nelson’s dramatic decline the LAST TWO FULL SEASONS is primarily a result of his injuries, likely his back issues are causing him to be less dominant.


Hopefully, we will see dominance once again, but if it is indeed back related that is far from guaranteed.

You must have missed Moose bagging on him his first 3 seasons.   He thinks leonard was always overrated.   Obviously wrong on both.   But I bet you agree.    

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5 minutes ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

At least we know that this Taylor thing will mind forward by next week when cut downs are. They have to have some movement by then. Because he either needs to be on pup still  or on roster.

Yeah it kind of forces one’s hand 

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5 minutes ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

At least we know that this Taylor thing will mind forward by next week when cut downs are. They have to have some movement by then. Because he either needs to be on pup still  or on roster.

He will be on the roster.   He will be on the 53 opening day.    Will he play ?  I think so.   

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2 hours ago, Creekside said:


"What is the current condition and prognosis of JT's surgically repaired ankle?"


This is a loaded question only if there's nothing wrong with it.





Hell, it isn't even a surgically REPAIRED ankle.  There was no "injury" it was a general scope to clean up floating debris.... Translation.... About as hard and complicated to recover from as a molar extraction.

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3 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

He will be on the roster.   He will be on the 53 opening day.    Will he play ?  I think so.   


Right now, I think it's 50/50. Taylor can sit out the first 6-8 games on PUP, play the second half of the season, and his contract still tolls. If he looks good in those remaining games, he either gets tagged or hits free agency with less mileage and decent standing. 


The only advantage to him playing early on is to prove he's healthy in case the Colts might consider trading him, and I think that's very unlikely to happen. So might as well sit out until after the deadline, and then try to showcase for half a season.


From the Colts perspective, if they were going to consider spicing up his 2023 contract with some incentives, that might get him to play sooner. But if I were the Colts, I wouldn't budge.

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29 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

You must have missed Moose bagging on him his first 3 seasons.   He thinks leonard was always overrated.   Obviously wrong on both.   But I bet you agree.    

I think and always thought Leonard was overrated simply because he wasn’t an elite cover guy.  I liked him but was not on board with the mega contract he received coming off injury and playing at 218 LBs.  I thought his money would be allocated better elsewhere in today’s passing dominated game.  


I was concerned with Nelson’s number coming off injuries (especially back)and surgery and getting paid like a LT.


However, I LOVED Nelson during his first 3 seasons.  He was the only G I ever remember being fun to watch.  Loved his hustle and support of his teammates. I lived watching whoever that guy Balldinger maybe ?  Who had his IHOP segments that people would link here.


See JVan, unlike many on here my views aren’t personal and I have no attachment to any of these guys at all personally.  They’re all kids and I’m an old man and none of them are my kids, relatives or from my hometown.  Throughout my childhood and into my 20s, I was emotionally attached to my sports heroes.  As I grew older I no longer had that attachment.  I just want to see my sports teams compete and win.  I like some of the guys on my teams but I feel no attachment.


so everything I post comes from that mindset.  I understand some guys enjoy the team differently and want to feel bonded with our guys.  That’s cool too.  But I don’t share that.

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