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Jim Irsay Does He Or Doesnt He


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The only thing that is remotely like a Pinto about Luck will be his rookie contract, comparatively speaking.

Thanks to the CBA he will be quite a value if he doesn't crap the bed on us. People are going to be mean and overly-critical of him. Personally I'm giving him a year before I join in on the meanness.

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Thanks to the CBA he will be quite a value if he doesn't crap the bed on us. People are going to be mean and overly-critical of him. Personally I'm giving him a year before I join in on the meanness.

I expect him to do very well with his new team this upcoming season.

I think the fans of his new team will be very fortunate to have him as their starting QB.

I think he will work very hard to prove that to his teammates, his coaches, his team owner, and the team's fans (in that order).

If I read him correctly, he will care less if he gets any fans himself.

I expect him to succeed.

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I expect him to do very well with his new team this upcoming season.

I think the fans of his new team will be very fortunate to have him as their starting QB.

I think he will work very hard to prove that to his teammates, his coaches, his team owner, and the team's fans (in that order).

I expect him to succeed.

Honestly it's not him I'm worried about. It's the rest of the team I'm concerned about. Luck is just the planned fall-guy because of Manning.

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Your arguement could be seen from a different perspective...

League average is 1 SB win every 32 years.

Jim Irsay has only been the Owner of the Colts for 15 years and has 1 SB win already under his belt.

Ultimately, if we can hand him all the blame for any decisions we don't like, then he also gets all the credit for assembling (and paying handsomely for) the staff and team that provided the most consistant regular season success this league has ever known, and for leading the club to 2 SBs appearances and 1 SB win... in only 15 years. In fact, I think the club has had better than 10 wins in all but like 4 years under his ownership.

Yes, there are teams that have won more SBs, and teams that have been to more. But there are a LOT more teams that have gone way longer since their last SB appearance.

I do give credit to Irsay for hiring Bill Polian. It was by far the best decision he ever made. I also give him credit for firing him when Chris was taking over.

Most folks would say Irsay was involved enough to take the credit for what he did, but not involved enough to take the blame. That's just what Ive been getting at.

If he wasn't paying attention to what Bill was doing, then he shouldn't really be taking any credit for it either. Its only logical. Hey if he was in Bill's ear making picks then he should get the credit, but then he should also get the blame for the over inflated payroll.

If we remove Robert Irsay from the equation to make Jim's stats look better. :) then yes, Irsay has had an incredible run. Best in history IMO.

but combined overall is bleak. If you look at what the Franchise did before Robert Irsay took over in 1972...

3 NFL championships 1958, 1959, 1968 and a Super Bowl win in 1971.

Thats 4 championships in 12 years. Followed by 1 in 40.

If yogurt Irsay sells the team one day I'm not gonna cry. Just saying.

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Most folks would say Irsay was involved enough to take the credit for what he did, but not involved enough to take the blame. That's just what Ive been getting at.

If he wasn't paying attention to what Bill was doing, then he shouldn't really be taking any credit for it either. Its only logical. Hey if he was in Bill's ear making picks then he should get the credit, but then he should also get the blame for the over inflated payroll.

I appreciate everything you said. My impression of Jim, though is of someone who owns the blame more than seeks credit. Just because I think he deserves some of the credit isn't to imply I've ever seen him ask for it. If he was saying Polian made many of the decisions, my impression is that he was owning that that was how he let that relationship play out, not that he was trying to say it was Polians fault. Even in the "Manning Decision" he talked about how it was all on him to figure out what best served the team. I haven't seen him ask for any accolades for a whole lot of anything.

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Posted · Hidden by shecolt, March 22, 2012 - response to inappropriate post
Hidden by shecolt, March 22, 2012 - response to inappropriate post

Your right because the Colts would not have been in a position to move forward with a product that potentially is equal to the prospect that Manning was coming out. If we were #2 or 3 perhaps that trade is made and Manning lines up this year again for the Colts and hopefully for the next 4 years to finish his contract and career as a Colt. Didn't happen that way, we had the #1 pick and such a prospect sitting there for the taking.

You are able to sit here and have a look at the body of work and success but you couldn't be so sure about where the stock would have went with picking Manning in 1997. Same thing holds true for 2012 and the pick of Luck. Stock is still pretty solid after the run with Manning but given the fact that Luck is potential for another 10+ years of a similar (and hopefully better) run, the stock should continue to rise in Colts nation. Or you could sit back and second guess the move and be irritated about it until Luck proves you wrong or right. You seem to believe he will nont pick the team up and win super bowls, many disagree so we could revisit this in about 5 years and see who is right or wrong. Cup half empty on your side it seems from all your posts. Maybe you can curl up with the lifesize Manning doll and feel better abou the upcoming season.


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Yes it is. Who is the customer for his business?. Mostly fans.

We dont need to be involved in decision making but we need to be informed and communicated.

Why? He owns the team and it is his money on the line. He needs the fans in the seats but he doesn't owe an explanation to someone sitting in one of them if they do or don't like his decisions.

As fans the only thing he owes us is the opportunity to sit in one of the seats and watch his employees on the payroll to play football.

The bottom line is if you don't like his decision and protest by not going to a game there will be someone else that doesn't need to be told the details of the business known as the Indianapolis Colts and that fan will gladly sit in the newly vacated seat.

He isn't ignoring or abusing his customers, he's running a business and says nothing if it isn't any of their business.

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You are not a customer of your plant, you are an employee, very different

OK but does the plant manager owe an explanation to the customers why he laid off employees?

Nope, it's none of their business because they still get the same product made by different employees.

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It was a business decision, the Colts are a business, and the details are none of our business unfortunately.

Im not sure I agree with you. As a business owner I can tell you that if the customer asks for an explination on why I did something to their tool, I need to explain that to him. We are customers and we should be told about what is happening to our team. I think its a little arogant of Irsay, but thats a lib for ya.
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Im not sure I agree with you. As a business owner I can tell you that if the customer asks for an explination on why I did something to their tool, I need to explain that to him. We are customers and we should be told about what is happening to our team. I think its a little arogant of Irsay, but thats a lib for ya.

Careful... I understand you can get in trouble with Mods for getting into politics or religion on here... And as a liberal business owner, I take offense... :)

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Living near Baltimore, MD. I get to hear all the negatives about good ole Robert Irsay. He truly is a hated individual and if you mention his name near a Ravens fan (a die hard Ravens fan) you will get an ear full.

Jim Irsay is doing what he thinks is best for the team and the organization. We don't have to like it and most likely we all have had issue with decisions that were made before the Manning release. Yes, it does seem unfair to us true blue Colts fans that we don't have an explanation as why he didn't work things out with Peyton but did we really ever get an explanation from him about Jim Harbaugh, Marshall Faulk, Edgerrin James, Marvin Harrison and the many other players over the years?

We feel like a bunch of brides that were left at the alter and we feel we need an explanation. Most likely we will never get one.

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I have to express my opinion on this so I can move on! Irsay is a coward. He did nothing but lie everytime his lips moved. He would not even look at Peyton during the press conference. Peyton said he had no idea he was going to be let go when he met with Irsay. Peyton filled the coffers and put the Colts on the map and has even made it possible for history to repeat itself. I hope nothing but the best for the players and staff connected directly to them. I hope there's at least a couple more championships to celebrate in #18's future. I'm sorry it won't be in "Blue & White," I would like to say how awesome it is that the people of Indy are always first to acknowledge what he's done as a person throughout the years in their city. Peyton Manning is a real class act as well as the best QB.

So, while the NFL is a business and decisions have to be made it's the way they're handled that makes the blinders come off and you see the character of the person in charge. Jim Irsay should have been told "money can buy anything, except class."

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I have to express my opinion on this so I can move on! Irsay is a coward. He did nothing but lie everytime his lips moved. He would not even look at Peyton during the press conference. Peyton said he had no idea he was going to be let go when he met with Irsay. Peyton filled the coffers and put the Colts on the map and has even made it possible for history to repeat itself. I hope nothing but the best for the players and staff connected directly to them. I hope there's at least a couple more championships to celebrate in #18's future. I'm sorry it won't be in "Blue & White," I would like to say how awesome it is that the people of Indy are always first to acknowledge what he's done as a person throughout the years in their city. Peyton Manning is a real class act as well as the best QB.

So, while the NFL is a business and decisions have to be made it's the way they're handled that makes the blinders come off and you see the character of the person in charge. Jim Irsay should have been told "money can buy anything, except class."

Yes, you can also talk to Tim Tebow about that.

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Yes, you can also talk to Tim Tebow about that.

I think it is rather ironic.

PM is now a Bronco, and the new starting QB there, displacing a much-loved starting QB in Tim Tebow.

For those Peyton fans who migrated to become Bronco fans, I am sure they have noticed the reaction from some Tebow fans regarding this move.

I hope they can see the irrational hatred directed against John Elway, and I wonder if they can equate any of that irrational hate to how they reacted to Jim Irsay's decision to release Peyton.

I wonder if these Peyton fans will look back and remember the calm collected arguments from Colts fans, and use them to try to assuage the anger of Tebow fans with their new team.

What goes around, comes around.

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