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2013 Cap Space And Offseason


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I bet we are the only franchise talking about 2013 at this point. Everyone wants to win next year, except us.

Talking about 2013 cap space and possible free agents is one thing. Talking about tanking the season again to get Barkley next year might be the dumbest topic I have ever seen on this Forum.

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Talking about 2013 cap space and possible free agents is one thing. Talking about tanking the season again to get Barkley next year might be the dumbest topic I have ever seen on this Forum.

And if Barkley turns out better then you wouldn't think that.

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then again their is the slight possibility if we traded for a whole bunch of picks that we do go 5-11 -6-10 and DONT get the number one pick next year, yeah I dont see that as a good idea to trade away a carbon copy of Peyton

A carbon copy of WHAT? He hasn't played an NFL down, yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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A carbon copy of WHAT? He hasn't played an NFL down, yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Plus he doesn't even look like Peyton in the slightest.

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Talking about 2013 cap space and possible free agents is one thing. Talking about tanking the season again to get Barkley next year might be the dumbest topic I have ever seen on this Forum.

Did you see the topic about Irsay's ingrown toe nail?
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@ mr. Debonair,...ummm alright. Thats really not the point I was trying to get across. If the rams got 3 first rounders(swapped one with the redskins so its actually 2) and a second rounder, i dont see a reason why not to believe we could get more for the #1 pick.

Its too late now. The Redskins were the only team that were going to pay through the nose to move up the draft. They already made their trade. There are no other teams willing to pay even close to what they paid for the #1. We are basically stuck with the #1 pick. I for one welcome our new Luck Overlord.

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Its too late now. The Redskins were the only team that were going to pay through the nose to move up the draft. They already made their trade. There are no other teams willing to pay even close to what they paid for the #1. We are basically stuck with the #1 pick. I for one welcome our new Luck Overlord.

You dont know who the Colts will pick. For all we know Jim may regress to his father's way of thinking and draft Weeden #1 overall to spite a nightmare he had.
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And if Barkley turns out better then you wouldn't think that.

Yes I would. For one, there will be other teams that will be horrible next year so you could never guarantee we would have the 1st pick. If someone like Aaron Murray (or insert any college QB that isn't in next year's draft) has a good year and looks more promising than Barkley, should we trade that pick too, tank another season to get the #1 pick in the 2014 draft?

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Never draft USC QBs

lol i definently agree on that one....Palmer has been injury prone, Leinart cant even get a start and when he did he got hurt, and then theres sanchez who jets fans want gone and were wanting manning even if it was just for 1 year and trade sanchez away. Landry Jones would be the better option lol

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do they still have andre carter or is he free agent? I thought I saw him a free agent at the ticker across the NFL Network channel

Hes a free agent. They lost both Carter and Mark Anderson in free agency, unless they bring one of them back. But they still need major help at pass rush so Freeney makes sense for them.

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I don't understand this fascination with barkley.

Some here seemingly would prefer we stink for twenty years, trade our 1st overalls every year, and wait to draft Peyton's kid when he enters the draft.

We've seen (well, some of us have) the 20 years of mediocrity "movie" before. Its called the Indy Colts pre-Manning. It certainly wasn't a "blockbuster".

As far as we know , Barkley could blow out a knee this year. THEN WHAT?

Draft Luck, build a solid team around him, and take what we get.

I'm excited at the prospect of what Luck brings.

But I will certainly miss P-Money.

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Hes a free agent. They lost both Carter and Mark Anderson in free agency, unless they bring one of them back. But they still need major help at pass rush so Freeney makes sense for them.

they should have kept Carter even though he got injured he was doing good for them when he was healthy but I dont know how old he is I havent looked or why they released him, maybe cap reasons, I saw they havent been very active in free angecy with the exception of I think one signing

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Hes a free agent. They lost both Carter and Mark Anderson in free agency, unless they bring one of them back. But they still need major help at pass rush so Freeney makes sense for them.

Colts or Patriots trading one of their stars to the other.....can't see that happening.

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Well I think Darelle Revis, Patrick Willis, Jake Long, Victor Cruz, and Greg Jennings are all FA's next year....it's not going to happen but I would probably explode with giddiness if we got Patrick Willis...Darelle Revis is nice too :)

Darelle Revis is a FA in 2014 and his contract states that he cannot be Franchised, so the Jets will have to allow him to FA. This Colts D with Revis...Wow

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It's going to be an exciting few years. Hope the Colts take Robert Woods next year if they have an early draft pick. The Colts should also go on a FA frenzy next year with Grigson, just like what the Eagles did last year. We have the space...

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It's going to be an exciting few years. Hope the Colts take Robert Woods next year if they have an early draft pick. The Colts should also go on a FA frenzy next year with Grigson, just like what the Eagles did last year. We have the space...

Howd that turn out for them? Not trying to sound snoody, cuz i agree with you a lot, yet i cant with you on this one. FA isnt about buying a million fa's. Its about smart pickups to stop-gap till you can get the player you want to develop via draft.

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Howd that turn out for them? Not trying to sound snoody, cuz i agree with you a lot, yet i cant with you on this one. FA isnt about buying a million fa's. Its about smart pickups to stop-gap till you can get the player you want to develop via draft.

You're right, it's about finding the right players for the system. The Eagles went crazy in FA and just got the best players available, not matter what system or scheme they played in. I would want to get superstar players that fit in our system and can work well with our players. Maybe doing what the Eagles did was excessive, but I want to see the Colts be a little more open when it comes to spending money. They don't have to spend all of it, but I want to find the right players. My motto is to build a foundation first filled with quality players then build on that. We're doing that now, so I'm saying next year, we start by adding star players to the team, and those star players must fit the system.

So bottomline, I'd like to see the Colts get some star free agents next year, but only get the ones that fit our system.

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You're right, it's about finding the right players for the system. The Eagles went crazy in FA and just got the best players available, not matter what system or scheme they played in. I would want to get superstar players that fit in our system and can work well with our players. Maybe doing what the Eagles did was excessive, but I want to see the Colts be a little more open when it comes to spending money. They don't have to spend all of it, but I want to find the right players. My motto is to build a foundation first filled with quality players then build on that. We're doing that now, so I'm saying next year, we start by adding star players to the team, and those star players must fit the system.

So bottomline, I'd like to see the Colts get some star free agents next year, but only get the ones that fit our system.

I agree we should def continue to build lol, just not like the eagles haha.

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I agree we should def continue to build lol, just not like the eagles haha.

Yeah, I kinda take that back...I'd like to sign a good amount of players like the Eagles did, but I would want those players to fit the system.

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