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Unsung heros on the defense


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Turay - He doesn't have too many sacks, but he is consistently creating pressure.


Desir - He's been one of the top rated DB's vs the run all season, and while he's not the best in coverage, he's not a liability. Form tackler every time though.

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1 hour ago, CR91 said:

This is more to recognize those that are getting overshadowed by Leonard and Autry


Hooker- I'll be the first to admit, Hooker has looked slow getting to the ball, but the fact that we're not getting beat over the top has a lot to do with him imo which was something we were giving up a lot I believe last year or two years ago. QBs are not able to get it downfield and instead have to take the checkdown.  


Sheard- While he only has 5.5 sacks, Sheard has been a big reason for our recent success stopping the run. Hes has done a great job setting the edge on the run and not allowing runs to go outside.


Moore- Moore is in no way a shut down corner, but the guy is physical and will come up and hit you. Reminds me a lot of Marlin Jackson


Geathers- While he does have faults and gets criticized like crazy on here, He is third on the team in tackles. Yes his coverage isn't the greatest, but for how we utilize him and play to his strengths, he does make plays when the play breaks down.


Walker- Imo the most underrated player on the team. Walker would be the getting on the praise if Leonard wasn't excelling so much. Hes second on the team in tackles, very good in coverage, and makes all the calls on defense. Leonard has even praised him as the reason hes excelling so quickly in his rookie year. 

Yes, Walker has been great and yes I think Walker has helped out Leonard a lot. I'm glad finally somebody besides me has seen that as well. You take Walker out of this defense and were not as good a defense that for sure. 

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I was pretty high on Walker coming out of Northwestern. Really glad he's rounding into a top level player for this defense, especially since he was in and out of the lineup last season.


Quincy Wilson too, has been coming on the last few weeks. He's starting to show that potential that made him a 2nd round pick. 


Love the young talent growing on this defense. 

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6 hours ago, CR91 said:

This is more to recognize those that are getting overshadowed by Leonard and Autry


Hooker- I'll be the first to admit, Hooker has looked slow getting to the ball, but the fact that we're not getting beat over the top has a lot to do with him imo which was something we were giving up a lot I believe last year or two years ago. QBs are not able to get it downfield and instead have to take the checkdown.  


Sheard- While he only has 5.5 sacks, Sheard has been a big reason for our recent success stopping the run. Hes has done a great job setting the edge on the run and not allowing runs to go outside.


Moore- Moore is in no way a shut down corner, but the guy is physical and will come up and hit you. Reminds me a lot of Marlin Jackson


Geathers- While he does have faults and gets criticized like crazy on here, He is third on the team in tackles. Yes his coverage isn't the greatest, but for how we utilize him and play to his strengths, he does make plays when the play breaks down.


Walker- Imo the most underrated player on the team. Walker would be the getting on the praise if Leonard wasn't excelling so much. Hes second on the team in tackles, very good in coverage, and makes all the calls on defense. Leonard has even praised him as the reason hes excelling so quickly in his rookie year. 

I think that is a great list and insight. If I had to choose 1 player from your list of unsung guys it’s Sheard, that guy has been an absolute beast with few stat lines to prove it. The eye test shows it though. 

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2 hours ago, LockeDown said:

I hope to see Adams and Lewis on that list soon. 

I’ve really enjoyed watching Adams of late, he is a hitter. It’s violent anger when he gets a bead on someone. He isn’t Ray Lewis but he looks like he hits as though he is Ray Lewis. 

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6 hours ago, CR91 said:

This is more to recognize those that are getting overshadowed by Leonard and Autry


Hooker- I'll be the first to admit, Hooker has looked slow getting to the ball, but the fact that we're not getting beat over the top has a lot to do with him imo which was something we were giving up a lot I believe last year or two years ago. QBs are not able to get it downfield and instead have to take the checkdown.  


Sheard- While he only has 5.5 sacks, Sheard has been a big reason for our recent success stopping the run. Hes has done a great job setting the edge on the run and not allowing runs to go outside.


Moore- Moore is in no way a shut down corner, but the guy is physical and will come up and hit you. Reminds me a lot of Marlin Jackson


Geathers- While he does have faults and gets criticized like crazy on here, He is third on the team in tackles. Yes his coverage isn't the greatest, but for how we utilize him and play to his strengths, he does make plays when the play breaks down.


Walker- Imo the most underrated player on the team. Walker would be the getting on the praise if Leonard wasn't excelling so much. Hes second on the team in tackles, very good in coverage, and makes all the calls on defense. Leonard has even praised him as the reason hes excelling so quickly in his rookie year. 

Great topic


I agree


All of the players you mentioned are playing above where many (most.... ME :)) Felt they would be!


Moore is a tough dude...


I would like to see 2-3 more games from Geathers before I get on that train , like last week, before I get fully on that train....



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33 minutes ago, Jdubu said:

I’ve really enjoyed watching Adams of late, he is a hitter. It’s violent anger when he gets a bead on someone. He isn’t Ray Lewis but he looks like he hits as though he is Ray Lewis. 

Adams seems to have woken up


He seems to be getting to game speed


I have VERY high hopes for him, 



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6 hours ago, Shive said:

Turay - He doesn't have too many sacks, but he is consistently creating pressure.


Desir - He's been one of the top rated DB's vs the run all season, and while he's not the best in coverage, he's not a liability. Form tackler every time though.

Desir is improving in coverage as well....


He had a few good plays last week, and I believe he is getting a bit better



This young defense is coming together!!

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30 minutes ago, Boiler_Colt said:

An unsung hero of the Houston game was Muhammed. He set the edge, kept Watson contained and played the run very well.

I was just going to say the guys in the trenches.....the coaches do a good job of rotating the young guys like Lewis, Muhammed, Turay, Ward & Phillips (before IR), Ridgeway and Stewart in to play to their strengths of setting the edge or pushing the pocket. Those guys are the unsung heroes of our Top 10 rated defense....outside of the obvious Hunt, Sheard, Woods and Autry - all of whom were EXCELLENT free agent signings by CB!!!!


I know we gave up on Basham, but CB did a great job of identifying Muhammad and Phillips as good in season pickups! 

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3 hours ago, Jdubu said:

I’ve really enjoyed watching Adams of late, he is a hitter. It’s violent anger when he gets a bead on someone. He isn’t Ray Lewis but he looks like he hits as though he is Ray Lewis. 

He was penalized for that hit on the sidelines but man what a lick that was. I was scared for the WR for a second

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32 minutes ago, LJpalmbeacher2 said:

Let's not forget Eberfus who's orchestrating these kids on how to play his scheme. And of course Ballard for choosing Eberfus!

I think, technically, we can think Josh McDaniels for Eberflus. If I’m not mistaken, he was hired to be part of McDaniels’ staff. Then when he backed out Irsay and Ballard came out and said they would be honoring the contract. We lucked out!

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God, a thread where we are praising the direction of the Indianapolis DEFENSE...puts a tear to my eye haha 


Still LOTS of work in coaching and acquiring talent, but man this is fun. So excited for the direction of this team. Things change in the NFL fast, but right now I believe in this Coaching staff and Front office. 

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7 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

And I’d add one more name...   I think Hint has been a force both as a DE and a DT....    


Plus Autry is healthy now and was just named AFC def player of the week.


The talent is showing up more and more....    this was Ballard’s vision...


Who is this Hint guy you speak of?    :)


Just kidding man



I am anxious to see what this defense can do against the Cowboys.....


Its a precursor to IF we have the mettle for the playoffs




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Hooker, Turay, Walker, Sheard


My personal pick is Hooker.  He started out slow it was most likely due to getting back to game speed.  But whenever he has played, his impact has shown.  He doesn't have the flashy numbers he had last year when he played, but his impact is prevalent.  We barely get beat over the top when he plays and whenever a deep ball is thrown, he's somewhere the area of where it's being thrown.  IMO I think he's living up to the pick.  No, he doesn't have those flashy numbers but his impact is there.

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2 hours ago, smittywerb said:


My personal pick is Hooker.  He started out slow it was most likely due to getting back to game speed.  But whenever he has played, his impact has shown.  He doesn't have the flashy numbers he had last year when he played, but his impact is prevalent.  We barely get beat over the top when he plays and whenever a deep ball is thrown, he's somewhere the area of where it's being thrown.  IMO I think he's living up to the pick.  No, he doesn't have those flashy numbers but his impact is there.

Agreed on Hooker


he seems to be steadily improving...... I dont think he is there yet but getting better



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