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Kravitz Is Back Peddling


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Every single article since the 0-13 Kravtiz has said some sort of slant to the effect of Manning has to go. Now he writes this article saying "What If Peyton Stays With The Colts":


He is now giving it a 1% chance Peyton will be back. I just love the fact that his friends are asking him if he is going to pack up his bags and leave if he has been wrong all this time. And I also loved how he tried to validate his reputation.

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The man gets paid to write his opinion..... and people read it, apparently on a regular basis, and are fully entitled to trash him if they want. But they read it.

I don't see this as a back-pedal though, because if the CBA indeed DOES allow a re-do of Manning's contract, which has been widely believed and reported NOT allowable under the CBA.... then yes, that adds to the possibility of Peyton staying.

All I ask from an opinionated, sometimes over the top columnist (and there are plenty)... is that they be capable of saying "I was wrong".

Kravitz is willing to if events dictate.... so I'm not sure where the problem is.

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Every single article since the 0-13 Kravtiz has said some sort of slant to the effect of Manning has to go. Now he writes this article saying "What If Peyton Stays With The Colts":


He is now giving it a 1% chance Peyton will be back. I just love the fact that his friends are asking him if he is going to pack up his bags and leave if he has been wrong all this time. And I also loved how he tried to validate his reputation.

So do you think giving it a 1% chance of Manning returning a significant back-peddle?

And do you really think Manning will be back with the Colts?

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Serious guys? "Not sure where the problem is" and is this a "significant back-peddle". Yes from what Kravitz has been saying for the past several months its a HUGE back peddle from what he said before. Just look at his prior articles:

"Peyton is done in Indianapolis"..."This is over. Has been for a while"


"It is so sad and so hard to write it again, but it's true: Quarterback Peyton Manning is done in Indianapolis."


"Now Jim Irsay, the Indianapolis Colts' eccentric but mostly beloved owner, is less than a month from telling quarterback Peyton Manning that if he doesn't retire, he will be cut."


"I don’t see them accepting whatever offer Irsay puts on the table, and, quite frankly, I’m not sure Irsay wants Manning to take whatever offer is on the table"


"I just don't see it.The cons outweigh the pros. By a lot.This has got to start being less about public relations and more about doing what's right. This has got to be about Irsay growing a backbone, moving on and dealing with the backlash"


And do I also need to link to "noodle arm"?

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Serious guys? "Not sure where the problem is" and is this a "significant back-peddle". Yes from what Kravitz has been saying for the past several months its a HUGE back peddle from what he said before. Just look at his prior articles:

"Peyton is done in Indianapolis"..."This is over. Has been for a while"


"It is so sad and so hard to write it again, but it's true: Quarterback Peyton Manning is done in Indianapolis."


"Now Jim Irsay, the Indianapolis Colts' eccentric but mostly beloved owner, is less than a month from telling quarterback Peyton Manning that if he doesn't retire, he will be cut."


"I don’t see them accepting whatever offer Irsay puts on the table, and, quite frankly, I’m not sure Irsay wants Manning to take whatever offer is on the table"


"I just don't see it.The cons outweigh the pros. By a lot.This has got to start being less about public relations and more about doing what's right. This has got to be about Irsay growing a backbone, moving on and dealing with the backlash"


And I did not even mention "noodle arm"

So going from zero to 1 out of 100 means he is backing up? You know what that says to me? That Kravitz and most everyone else with an honest view of the situation believes that Manning has played his last game in Indy. In the next few weeks, I would say the odds are 99 out of 100 that we find out that Kavitz was spot on with his assessment. To which the common theme from many, maybe even you, will be that Kravitz ran Manning out of town instead of the more rational and correct view that he just gave his opinion and had no bearing on the eventual outcome.

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If the CBA had any meat to it they don't allow Peyton to redo contract.

And that's what I've gathered from what I've seen spelled out.... but it keeps coming up that they could slide the bonus date.... essentially a re-do.

It would be nice if a news organization could have NFLPA and NFL lawyers publicly clarify this once and for all..... it seems like an issue that would have been etched in stone one way or the other.

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Opinion writers have a place. I find it helpful to explore topics from all different perspectives.

Kravitz doesn't even provide this. His opinions are always so predictable. They always smell like dead fish and/or garbage. He will always take the low road and demonstate a knack for bottom feeding. He seems to think this creates the most exposure.

I meet more and more people that sever their ties to the INdy Star because of his type of exposure. He's an embarrassment to the city.

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The man gets paid to write his opinion..... and people read it, apparently on a regular basis, and are fully entitled to trash him if they want. But they read it.

I don't see this as a back-pedal though, because if the CBA indeed DOES allow a re-do of Manning's contract, which has been widely believed and reported NOT allowable under the CBA.... then yes, that adds to the possibility of Peyton staying.

All I ask from an opinionated, sometimes over the top columnist (and there are plenty)... is that they be capable of saying "I was wrong".

Kravitz is willing to if events dictate.... so I'm not sure where the problem is.

Apparantly, the CBA does allow for contracts to be restructured. Cullen Jenkins just restructured his $25M contract that he signed last offseason.


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Apparantly, the CBA does allow for contracts to be restructured. Cullen Jenkins just restructured his $25M contract that he signed last offseason.


If he signed that original contract after March 13th 2011... which I guess pegged this coming March 13th as the start of the 2012 "league year"... then you are right.

If he signed his original contract before March 13th 2011 then that would have dated it in the prior "league year"... if I'm understanding all this lawyerly crap correctly.

I guess we'll find out... but thanks for posting that.

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If he signed that original contract after March 13th 2011... which I guess pegged this coming March 13th as the start of the 2012 "league year"... then you are right.

If he signed his original contract before March 13th 2011 then that would have dated it in the prior "league year"... if I'm understanding all this lawyerly crap correctly.

I guess we'll find out... but thanks for posting that.


here's your answer.. debate away

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here's your answer.. debate away

LOL.... just when I thought we had some clarity.... I find this one...


"Jenkins' original contract was one set up that would force a renegotiation at this point, as Jenkins was set to receive $7.5 million as well as a $5 million roster bonus."

Is there a lawyer in the house??!!

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For the life of me, I do not know why anyone would allow themselves to seriously consider/read/listen to anything from Kravitz aka "Noodle Arm". He has shown himself to be a sports page hype/opinion/click man more than an insightful sports writer. He was a BIG reason Polian quickly dismissed any interaction between the team and the Indianapolis Star (that and their biased coverage of the building of a new stadium).

Having played a part in driving off the Best General Manager in Colts franchise history, he has desperately attempted to manufacture a new shtick...driving off the Best Quarterback in Colts franchise history.

Regardless, nobody will ever mistake him as the Best Sportswriter in metropolitan Indianapolis' history.

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For the life of me, I do not know why anyone would allow themselves to seriously consider/read/listen to anything from Kravitz aka "Noodle Arm". He has shown himself to be a sports page hype/opinion/click man more than an insightful sports writer. He was a BIG reason Polian quickly dismissed any interaction between the team and the Indianapolis Star (that and their biased coverage of the building of a new stadium).

Having played a part in driving off the Best General Manager in Colts franchise history, he has desperately attempted to manufacture a new shtick...driving off the Best Quarterback in Colts franchise history.

Regardless, nobody will ever mistake him as the Best Sportswriter in metropolitan Indianapolis' history.

No one should read him?

That's odd, I'm pretty sure that Peyton Manning himself sought out Kravitz not once, but twice, to use Kravitz as his spokesman.

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I doubt any writer has ever been successful in driving off any player with his writing.

Never heard about the 'power of the press'?? Kravitz says "arm like a noodle" and it's broadcast EVERYWHERE (because he's "an expert on the Colts" don't ya know). Next thing ya know, Sally in the cubicle next to me says "I heard Peyton's arm needs to be amputated!"

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Never heard about the 'power of the press'?? Kravitz says "arm like a noodle" and it's broadcast EVERYWHERE (because he's "an expert on the Colts" don't ya know). Next thing ya know, Sally in the cubicle next to me says "I heard Peyton's arm needs to be amputated!"

Yes, I have heard about the power of the press. However, I have also heard about dispelling the rumors and lies with you-tube posted evidence that you don't have a noodle-arm. It is very easy to call the lie.

Also, no matter what is written about your noodle arm, it cannot run you out of town, when you can show your arm strength to the doctors, coaches and trainers who have eyes to see for themselves.

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For the life of me, I do not know why anyone would allow themselves to seriously consider/read/listen to anything from Kravitz aka "Noodle Arm". He has shown himself to be a sports page hype/opinion/click man more than an insightful sports writer. He was a BIG reason Polian quickly dismissed any interaction between the team and the Indianapolis Star (that and their biased coverage of the building of a new stadium).

Having played a part in driving off the Best General Manager in Colts franchise history, he has desperately attempted to manufacture a new shtick...driving off the Best Quarterback in Colts franchise history.

Regardless, nobody will ever mistake him as the Best Sportswriter in metropolitan Indianapolis' history.

Welcome to the board.

Oh and that post was pretty much off base.

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The comment about Peyton going to Kravitz...Kravitz has just penned 2 articles; one about Polian (attack) and one about Caldwell wherein he basically said the fall of these 2 men were because they did not open up. So Peyton professionally returns the phone call of Kravitz and decides to talk a little from the heart and IMO Kravitz saw it as a HUGE opportunity to get the spot light on HIM. SB was coming and there is no bigger story than Peyton never being able to play again and certainly not for the colts because somehow that would be a bad descision. But as he says he has the best sources and talks to Irsay and Manning, really, thanks, I feel like they really are your friends too. :)

I dont get it. I just hear negative after negative, he just has nothing positive to say. I dont feel like his perspective is the majority of people but yet he acts like his thoughts are foregone conclusions that others just have not got to yet.

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The comment about Peyton going to Kravitz...Kravitz has just penned 2 articles; one about Polian (attack) and one about Caldwell wherein he basically said the fall of these 2 men were because they did not open up. So Peyton professionally returns the phone call of Kravitz and decides to talk a little from the heart and IMO Kravitz saw it as a HUGE opportunity to get the spot light on HIM. SB was coming and there is no bigger story than Peyton never being able to play again and certainly not for the colts because somehow that would be a bad descision. But as he says he has the best sources and talks to Irsay and Manning, really, thanks, I feel like they really are your friends too. :) I dont get it. I just hear negative after negative, he just has nothing positive to say. I dont feel like his perspective is the majority of people but yet he acts like his thoughts are foregone conclusions that others just have not got to yet.

Spot on.

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Just an FYI - I was listening to David Cutcliffe this morning on Sirius and they were talking about Peyton. He said Peyton never had a 'noodle arm', and to paraphrase, he said the comment was ridiculous.

He also said that Peyton was essentially messing up his mechanics trying to compensate for the nerve in order to produce more power on the throw. But he quickly went back to his original mechanics and is throwing the way he always has.

He never said he was 100% but to me it didn't sound like he was very far off.

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I don't understand what would be the difference in moving the date back vs just making a verbal agreement going through the motions of a "CUT" and then resigning?? I don't see why the "legal" thing is such a big deal and there is all this convo about it...

If Irsay wants him here and he wants to be here... Cut him March 8th at noon and resign him on March 8th at 12:01 ... ??? What's the big deal???

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Breaking news: Small market sports writer gets beat with national attention.

Howard Stern was nothing until he started doing things that got everyones attention. He's still doing it and making big money so can you blame Kravitz for trying to stir up some conversation and maybe make a few bucks?
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Breaking news: Small market sports writer gets beat with national attention.

BLUE,, you may be the only one here who understands what 'attitude' writers do..

....SUBVET gets it...

They say what they say because they can say it....

...If they are right..they say they are right..

.....and if they are wrong..they write tomorrow that they are right anyway..

there is no fact-checking in opinion pieces...and the goal is to stir it up... :stir:

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