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Luck perhaps a LONG way off....


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12 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

The greatest basketball player of all time, Michael Jordan, is a horrible GM. A great, good or even being a player does not make you a good GM or even qualified to be a GM. They are two different beasts. If you can't understand the difference, I don't know what to tell you.

It takes a lot more than watching YouTube videos,   I assure you of that. 

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On 10/5/2017 at 7:08 AM, Jared Cisneros said:

As a fan, you should care about one thing, winning the SB. As great as the Manning years were, they were equally terrible in the fact that Manning had a terrible team around him his whole career in Indy. He goes to Denver, and he accomplishes as much in 4 years there as he does in 15 years here. I'm patient as long as we build the right way, which is getting an elite defense around Luck. People will argue you can hit on players later in the draft. While that's true, you just can't hit on the quality of players later as you can in the top 5 or 10 the majority of the time, and if you do, they are very few and far between where you need pinpoint accuracy and luck to do so. We need playmakers, elite ones. You can say we may do something all you want, but if I offered to bet you something of significance, there's no way you would do it. I'd rather have a 25% chance of doing something in the playoffs next year and have it increase every year, than a 0.1% this year and a 5% next year because we screwed up our draft position by winning meaningless games.


I'm sorry,   you're not going to like this......


But this viewpoint that Manning had a terrible team around him wis whole career in Indy is completely false.   There's not even a little truth in it.     You completely confuse the concent of "not being good enough" with being "terrible".


Those two things are NOT the same.


Look at the talent Manning had around him.


-- Marvin Harrison   Hall of Famer

-- Reggie Wayne     Future Hall of Famer

-- Edgerrin James   Future Hall of Famer

-- Joseph Addai      Good Running Back

-- Pierre Garcon     Good Wide Receiver

-- 3rd WR's like Stokley, White and Collie

-- Dallas Clark        Near Hall of Famer

-- Dwight Freeney     Near Hall of Famer

-- Robert Mathis        Near Hall of Famer

-- And a ton of good, solid defenders to go with them like Bethea,  Jackson,  Powers, Bob Sanders.

-- And I'm missing others that long-time Colts fans can add if they like. 


Your offenses were great,  your defenses were decent,  but not good enough.     That's why you didn't win more.


The idea that a Hall of Fame GM Bill Polian wasted Manning's career because he didn't give him enough talent is false.      Now, I know that Polian's last 3-4 years his drafts were disappointing,  and that's in part why he got fired.    But your claim of "terrible teams around Manning his whole career" shows how little you understand.


And you primarly feel this way because Manning didn't win TWO Super Bowls with the Colts.     And that was because of two plays.      Baskett on the onside kick,  and Manning's terrible pick at the end.      If the Colts win that game you wouldn't be peddling this nonsense.      And that's what it is.  


By the way,   does/has Andrew Luck have/had anything like this kind of talent around him?    


In a word......   No!

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14 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

I guess you don't realize that Chris Ballard used to be an "armchair GM". It's also "armchair GM's" that have the initiative and drive to become scouts and GMs while people like you watch as fans and put your blind trust in them. It may not be me who will become a GM, but a new group of "armchair GM's" will soon be in the NFL in 5-10 years, and ironically you'll be defending them saying they are the pros and defending them against the new armchair GM's" who will be GM's after them. The cycle will repeat and you'll remain clueless as ever, putting blind trust in many "armchair GM's" to come.

I kinda agree with you. But I do believe that Chris Ballard and all the other GM'S has had much more of a role in the football world than most, maybe Chris has had  than most in his field? I'm pretty sure that the "arm chair gm's" don't come from a forum like ours. 

  So exactly what are you getting at? You think your opinion is better than mine? 

  Don't get me wrong, I read a lot of your opinions on this forum and have even agreed and givin a lot of likes. But that's all they are just opinions like mine. not sure if your goal is to work in the NFL in some way or not, if so I wish you luck. If you get a job as a gm on any team in the NFL let me know. 

  Until then our opinions are just that and your just another one being blinded right along with me. 

  All I was saying is that I'm glad most on this forum isn't leading the colts. 

   So what was the point you were trying to make again?? 

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1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:


I'm sorry,   you're not going to like this......


But this viewpoint that Manning had a terrible team around him wis whole career in Indy is completely false.   There's not even a little truth in it.     You completely confuse the concent of "not being good enough" with being "terrible".


Those two things are NOT the same.


Look at the talent Manning had around him.


-- Marvin Harrison   Hall of Famer

-- Reggie Wayne     Future Hall of Famer

-- Edgerrin James   Future Hall of Famer

-- Joseph Addai      Good Running Back

-- Pierre Garcon     Good Wide Receiver

-- 3rd WR's like Stokley, White and Collie

-- Dallas Clark        Near Hall of Famer

-- Dwight Freeney     Near Hall of Famer

-- Robert Mathis        Near Hall of Famer

-- And a ton of good, solid defenders to go with them like Bethea,  Jackson,  Powers, Bob Sanders.

-- And I'm missing others that long-time Colts fans can add if they like. 


Your offenses were great,  your defenses were decent,  but not good enough.     That's why you didn't win more.


The idea that a Hall of Fame GM Bill Polian wasted Manning's career because he didn't give him enough talent is false.      Now, I know that Polian's last 3-4 years his drafts were disappointing,  and that's in part why he got fired.    But your claim of "terrible teams around Manning his whole career" shows how little you understand.


And you primarly feel this way because Manning didn't win TWO Super Bowls with the Colts.     And that was because of two plays.      Baskett on the onside kick,  and Manning's terrible pick at the end.      If the Colts win that game you wouldn't be peddling this nonsense.      And that's what it is.  


By the way,   does/has Andrew Luck have/had anything like this kind of talent around him?    


In a word......   No!

Tarek Glenn, Jeff Saturday, Marcus Pollard, Ken Dilger, Dan Kleco, Booger McFarland, Gary Brackett, Freddie Keiaho,..... man it is a never ending list.

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On ‎10‎/‎5‎/‎2017 at 10:08 AM, Jared Cisneros said:

As a fan, you should care about one thing, winning the SB. As great as the Manning years were, they were equally terrible in the fact that Manning had a terrible team around him his whole career in Indy. He goes to Denver, and he accomplishes as much in 4 years there as he does in 15 years here. I'm patient as long as we build the right way, which is getting an elite defense around Luck. People will argue you can hit on players later in the draft. While that's true, you just can't hit on the quality of players later as you can in the top 5 or 10 the majority of the time, and if you do, they are very few and far between where you need pinpoint accuracy and luck to do so. We need playmakers, elite ones. You can say we may do something all you want, but if I offered to bet you something of significance, there's no way you would do it. I'd rather have a 25% chance of doing something in the playoffs next year and have it increase every year, than a 0.1% this year and a 5% next year because we screwed up our draft position by winning meaningless games.

You are better than this, we all get winning it all matters most but the main reason why we didnt win more than 1 SB was because the Patriots were just better in 2003 and 2004. It happens like when the Celtics were better than Lakers (Jerry West never beat the Celtics going 0-7) or the Warriors are just better than the Cavs (look at LeBron's Finals record). The Colts were dominant from 2003-2010 going 99-29 in those years and going to 2 SB's winning the 1 which backs all of this up. Man if you were a Bills fan losing 4 SB's in a row I couldn't imagine how you would handle that. We had talent around Manning just not a great enough Defense to win more than 1 SB, Freeney was injured in 2009 otherwise I believe we beat the Saints and have 2.

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5 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

You are better than this, we all get winning it all matters most but the main reason why we didnt win more than 1 SB was because the Patriots were just better in 2003 and 2004. It happens like when the Celtics were better than Lakers (Jerry West never beat the Celtics going 0-7) or the Warriors are just better than the Cavs (look at LeBron's Finals record). The Colts were dominant from 2003-2010 going 99-29 in those years and going to 2 SB's winning the 1 which backs all of this up. Man if you were a Bills fan losing 4 SB's in a row I couldn't imagine how you would handle that. We had talent around Manning just not a great enough Defense to win more than 1 SB, Freeney was injured in 2009 otherwise I believe we beat the Saints and have 2.

Not sure if you'll see this, but those were during my teen years and early 20s. I definitely wasn't as mature now and took that a lot harder. Definitely tested my faith in Peyton in why he couldn't dominate in the playoffs on Indy. Then when I see him do the same in Denver in 4 years as 15 years here, it really depresses me. We had a great offense, but besides Mathis and Freeney, our defense wasn't good. The Pats were a great dynasty, but it was very one sided, and I blame that on the lack of a good team. A great offense can't make up for a bad defense, it just can't. The reason I post that I want to get a high pick this year is that I don't want the same to happen to Luck, and I don't believe we can rebuild in time to dominate from a defensive perspective.

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4 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Not sure if you'll see this, but those were during my teen years and early 20s. I definitely wasn't as mature now and took that a lot harder. Definitely tested my faith in Peyton in why he couldn't dominate in the playoffs on Indy. Then when I see him do the same in Denver in 4 years as 15 years here, it really depresses me. We had a great offense, but besides Mathis and Freeney, our defense wasn't good. The Pats were a great dynasty, but it was very one sided, and I blame that on the lack of a good team. A great offense can't make up for a bad defense, it just can't. The reason I post that I want to get a high pick this year is that I don't want the same to happen to Luck, and I don't believe we can rebuild in time to dominate from a defensive perspective.

No biggy, I think Luck can win a SB but we need a Good Defense to do so. I don't even think Great but Good. Ballard IMO will give us that. Chuck will probably be gone after this season because Texans will probably win the Division.

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7 hours ago, XxGoosexX said:

I kinda agree with you. But I do believe that Chris Ballard and all the other GM'S has had much more of a role in the football world than most, maybe Chris has had  than most in his field? I'm pretty sure that the "arm chair gm's" don't come from a forum like ours. 

  So exactly what are you getting at? You think your opinion is better than mine? 

  Don't get me wrong, I read a lot of your opinions on this forum and have even agreed and givin a lot of likes. But that's all they are just opinions like mine. not sure if your goal is to work in the NFL in some way or not, if so I wish you luck. If you get a job as a gm on any team in the NFL let me know. 

  Until then our opinions are just that and your just another one being blinded right along with me. 

  All I was saying is that I'm glad most on this forum isn't leading the colts. 

   So what was the point you were trying to make again?? 

I don't necessarily think my opinion is better than yours, but I think it holds more water when talking about the draft. I do my due diligence every year to study who we should take. I've hit on more picks than Grigson has gotten close too, and I have far less technology than him. That's why I think armchair GM's can be successful, if they have the opportunity and the technology. Unfortunately, most don't get that. 

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4 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

No biggy, I think Luck can win a SB but we need a Good Defense to do so. I don't even think Great but Good. Ballard IMO will give us that. Chuck will probably be gone after this season because Texans will probably win the Division.

If Ballard hits on a 1st round defensive pick next year as well, we'll be well on our way to building a respectable defense. We just can't afford to miss on any more high draft picks. I'll say we go 6-10 or something this year, so I agree, Chuck is probably gone. 

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1 minute ago, Jared Cisneros said:

If Ballard hits on a 1st round defensive pick next year as well, we'll be well on our way to building a respectable defense. We just can't afford to miss on any more high draft picks. I'll say we go 6-10 or something this year, so I agree, Chuck is probably gone. 

I cant really call a record right now because not sure when Luck will be back but I agree with the rest of your post.

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13 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


I'm sorry,   you're not going to like this......


But this viewpoint that Manning had a terrible team around him wis whole career in Indy is completely false.   There's not even a little truth in it.     You completely confuse the concent of "not being good enough" with being "terrible".


Those two things are NOT the same.


Look at the talent Manning had around him.


-- Marvin Harrison   Hall of Famer

-- Reggie Wayne     Future Hall of Famer

-- Edgerrin James   Future Hall of Famer

-- Joseph Addai      Good Running Back

-- Pierre Garcon     Good Wide Receiver

-- 3rd WR's like Stokley, White and Collie

-- Dallas Clark        Near Hall of Famer

-- Dwight Freeney     Near Hall of Famer

-- Robert Mathis        Near Hall of Famer

-- And a ton of good, solid defenders to go with them like Bethea,  Jackson,  Powers, Bob Sanders.

-- And I'm missing others that long-time Colts fans can add if they like. 


Your offenses were great,  your defenses were decent,  but not good enough.     That's why you didn't win more.


The idea that a Hall of Fame GM Bill Polian wasted Manning's career because he didn't give him enough talent is false.      Now, I know that Polian's last 3-4 years his drafts were disappointing,  and that's in part why he got fired.    But your claim of "terrible teams around Manning his whole career" shows how little you understand.


And you primarly feel this way because Manning didn't win TWO Super Bowls with the Colts.     And that was because of two plays.      Baskett on the onside kick,  and Manning's terrible pick at the end.      If the Colts win that game you wouldn't be peddling this nonsense.      And that's what it is.  


By the way,   does/has Andrew Luck have/had anything like this kind of talent around him?    


In a word......   No!

Not to mention a Hall of Fame coach in Tony Dungy.  The Colts had something extremely rare in the Manning era, a Hall of Fame GM, Coach, and QB.  You just don’t see that very often which is why it’s likely that was the Golden Era of Colts Football no matter how good Ballard might turn out to be and even if Luck comes back even better.  

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57 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

Not to mention a Hall of Fame coach in Tony Dungy.  The Colts had something extremely rare in the Manning era, a Hall of Fame GM, Coach, and QB.  You just don’t see that very often which is why it’s likely that was the Golden Era of Colts Football no matter how good Ballard might turn out to be and even if Luck comes back even better.  


Thank you!    Another excellent point!


Which reminds me that the offense had at least two terrific offensive assistants...   Tom Moore as the OC and Howard Mudd as the O-line coach.


Appreciate you chiming in.... :thmup:



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15 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

I don't necessarily think my opinion is better than yours, but I think it holds more water when talking about the draft. I do my due diligence every year to study who we should take. I've hit on more picks than Grigson has gotten close too, and I have far less technology than him. That's why I think armchair GM's can be successful, if they have the opportunity and the technology. Unfortunately, most don't get that. 

It's impossible for you to prove you hit on more than grigson did. 

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One of the worst takes in sports is that Peyton had no help while in Indy. In fact, when you add it all up, the fact is that that squad left money in the form of SB wins on the table. Very few teams in sports history underachieved to a greater extent. The 90's Braves and Bills, the 70's Vikes..



Oh and CBS is reporting that Luck might be a month away still. IF it's week 10 and we are a one win team, there's going to have to be an evaluation of the risk reward. I know why he should play and I agree with some of it, but really if it's a 1-9 team he's coming back to, I think it's pretty easy and logical to sit him.

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On 10/8/2017 at 3:44 AM, NewColtsFan said:




And you primarly feel this way because Manning didn't win TWO Super Bowls with the Colts.     And that was because of two plays.      Baskett on the onside kick,  and Manning's terrible pick at the end.      If the Colts win that game you wouldn't be peddling this nonsense.      And that's what it is.  


By the way,   does/has Andrew Luck have/had anything like this kind of talent around him?    


In a word......   No!



If we are going to revisit that terrible day, I would add Freeney not being able to play through the pain in the second half and Garcon dropping a possible TD that hit him on the numbers that could have blown the game open. 

Also, while Manning had some great teams, they had a glaring weakness in that they were "soft" and fell apart in the playoffs vs teams that could run the ball and stop the run. On D they were weak up the middle. The exception being 2006 (and 09). Let's not forget that to get to the Superbowl in 09, Manning had probably his best game as a Colt to beat the Jets led by Mark Sanchez.


When you look at the stats surrounding wins with a defence ranked in the bottom half of the NFL in both the regular season and playoffs, they are just stupid. You can combine all-time great QB's together (including Brady) into one tally, and Manning still beats them by a massive margin. 

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22 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

It's impossible for you to prove you hit on more than grigson did. 

It's impossible for you to prove I didn't, and judging by my draft posts and accuracy, I'll side with myself on this one. Not sure why you are trying to cut me down.

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17 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

If Ballard hits on a 1st round defensive pick next year as well, we'll be well on our way to building a respectable defense. We just can't afford to miss on any more high draft picks. I'll say we go 6-10 or something this year, so I agree, Chuck is probably gone. 


And what if Ballard uses our first round pick on an O-lineman?


He might also use a 3 or 4 on a running back further cutting in to how much defense we can draft.


This could be a tricky,  complicated off-season.



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23 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

It's impossible for you to prove I didn't, and judging by my draft posts and accuracy, I'll side with myself on this one. Not sure why you are trying to cut me down.

Because you think you could be a gm,  it's ridiculous


You think Ballard was an armchair gm in his way up?   Have you read this article?


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On 10/5/2017 at 8:49 AM, Jared Cisneros said:

Completely agree. Get someone like Arden key or another big pass rusher to get us on track, along with a nasty, shutdown corner to solidify the secondary when Vontae leaves. The sad thing is people don't want this, they'd rather go around 8-8 with a 0.1% chance of doing anything in the playoffs and sacrifice future seasons than get an elite player on defense (which Ballard is competent at drafting), and have a much better chance of winning the SB while Luck is here. Von Millers and Khalil Macks don't grow on trees, but people here tend to think they do. If Luck isn't back in a month, and we lose 2-3 more games, just sit him for the year. Those last games will get him hurt again against those defenses.


Arden Key is my personal favorite too. He and a couple other edge rushing prospects in this class have some serious potential. But just to think. We could actually get a player of that caliber in RD1. Then picking so high we'd most likely come out with a couple really good prospects. 

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6 hours ago, jvan1973 said:

Because you think you could be a gm,  it's ridiculous


You think Ballard was an armchair gm in his way up?   Have you read this article?


Everyone is an armchair GM on their way up, because at one point, you have no knowledge of how to be a GM and start from scratch. No one is IMMUNE to that, NO ONE. Everyone was in my position at one point that is now a GM, and if someone gets into football and works hard enough, they can make it, and you can't say otherwise.

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6 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


And what if Ballard uses our first round pick on an O-lineman?


He might also use a 3 or 4 on a running back further cutting in to how much defense we can draft.


This could be a tricky,  complicated off-season.



If we take an O-Lineman, he better hit, all I have to say. If it's the right pick and Ballard knows what he is doing, I'm fine with it. As long as the team is improving yearly in the draft and FA. Can't always choose who you get, but right now, almost every position can be improved, O-Line being a major one.

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5 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

If we take an O-Lineman, he better hit, all I have to say. If it's the right pick and Ballard knows what he is doing, I'm fine with it. As long as the team is improving yearly in the draft and FA. Can't always choose who you get, but right now, almost every position can be improved, O-Line being a major one.


Whoever we pick better hit, being realistic. We're probably going to pick in the top half of the first round, and we can't afford to whiff on high level picks like that.


I will say, at this point, I think we need to add two veteran OL in free agency in an attempt to resolve these issues. Not that FAs are a sure fix, but that would be more likely to result in an immediate improvement than adding more young players.

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2 minutes ago, Superman said:


Whoever we pick better hit, being realistic. We're probably going to pick in the top half of the first round, and we can't afford to whiff on high level picks like that.


I will say, at this point, I think we need to add two veteran OL in free agency in an attempt to resolve these issues. Not that FAs are a sure fix, but that would be more likely to result in an immediate improvement than adding more young players.

A warm body on the right side that's not horrible would go a long way. The unit always seems to have an obvious hole. If they can get past that..

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8 minutes ago, The Fish said:

A warm body on the right side that's not horrible would go a long way. The unit always seems to have an obvious hole. If they can get past that..


I think they should go back to the late season lineup from last year -- AC, Mewhort, Kelly, Haeg, Clark. 

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9 minutes ago, Superman said:


I think they should go back to the late season lineup from last year -- AC, Mewhort, Kelly, Haeg, Clark. 


That was the formation that gave Irsay confidence that the unit wouldn't suck..or rather be fixed.. ah.. words. There's usually at least explainable reasons why things change. I'm surprised Vuj was still sticking. 

Clark is the guy who's not where he should be, but he did have a nice block today that got a little extra consideration on the broadcast.

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1 minute ago, The Fish said:


That was the formation that gave Irsay confidence that the unit wouldn't suck..or rather be fixed.. ah.. words. There's usually at least explainable reasons why things change. I'm surprised Vuj was still sticking. 

Clark is the guy who's not where he should be, but he did have a nice block today that got a little extra consideration on the broadcast.


I could live with Mewhort at RG and Haeg at LG, but Haeg is getting worn out at RT, and Vujnovich seems error prone. 


Clark was awful in preseason, so it's hard to really complain that he's not on the field. He's been good in his few snaps as a 6th OL, but that's not saying much.

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Mewhort is a guy I thought of as a definite on the oline. So far this year he's had a rough time. 


Sadly, the oline will need another overhaul it looks like, but this time they have to pay for some established talent along with a couple high draft picks.

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7 hours ago, GoColts8818 said:

One of the insiders said today the Colts are targeting the Jags game for Luck’s return.




I have had 10/22 as a target return date for some time now, and Dr. David Chao (who was 3 for 3 in season ending injury predictions in real time last night) Still believes 10/29 or even 11/5 game is a real possibility.


My hope still stands he plays vs. Jax, but realize everything has to progress well and go right all along the way for that to happen.

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On 10/7/2017 at 8:25 PM, Jared Cisneros said:

Not sure if you'll see this, but those were during my teen years and early 20s. I definitely wasn't as mature now and took that a lot harder. Definitely tested my faith in Peyton in why he couldn't dominate in the playoffs on Indy. Then when I see him do the same in Denver in 4 years as 15 years here, it really depresses me. We had a great offense, but besides Mathis and Freeney, our defense wasn't good. The Pats were a great dynasty, but it was very one sided, and I blame that on the lack of a good team. A great offense can't make up for a bad defense, it just can't. The reason I post that I want to get a high pick this year is that I don't want the same to happen to Luck, and I don't believe we can rebuild in time to dominate from a defensive perspective.

I actually think that in terms of talent, the Colts and Patriots were a pretty good match for each other.  The difference was in the coaching staffs.  Put Bill Belichick on the Colts and the Colts are the dynasty.  Not throwing shade at Dungy and others during the Manning era, but Belichick is in a league by himself when it comes to meticulous preparation, physical conditioning, and execution, and how many different 4th quarters has that showed up big for the Pats?


I actually believe that the team rallying in overtime after some initial bumbling is a great sign.  2-3 weeks ago we would have folded like a wet cloth after Brissett's error.  This time we scratched out a win -- helped I'm sure by the incompetence of the 49ers, but we still executed on the final drive.  That's progress.


I actually am beginning to think that the team might just be turning the corner.  A couple strong efforts in the coming weeks and we might just claw ourselves into a position to sneak into the playoffs.  A lot of that credit goes to Brissett's leadership.  He's doing good work with a bad roster and has given his team a chance to win most of the time.  We could have done a lot worse for a replacement and I hope we hold onto this kid.

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57 minutes ago, George Peterson said:

I actually think that in terms of talent, the Colts and Patriots were a pretty good match for each other.  The difference was in the coaching staffs.  Put Bill Belichick on the Colts and the Colts are the dynasty.  Not throwing shade at Dungy and others during the Manning era, but Belichick is in a league by himself when it comes to meticulous preparation, physical conditioning, and execution, and how many different 4th quarters has that showed up big for the Pats?


I actually believe that the team rallying in overtime after some initial bumbling is a great sign.  2-3 weeks ago we would have folded like a wet cloth after Brissett's error.  This time we scratched out a win -- helped I'm sure by the incompetence of the 49ers, but we still executed on the final drive.  That's progress.


I actually am beginning to think that the team might just be turning the corner.  A couple strong efforts in the coming weeks and we might just claw ourselves into a position to sneak into the playoffs.  A lot of that credit goes to Brissett's leadership.  He's doing good work with a bad roster and has given his team a chance to win most of the time.  We could have done a lot worse for a replacement and I hope we hold onto this kid.

Same with Brissett. He honestly feels like a rookie draft pick IMO, just because we never really got anything out of Dorsett and now we are getting results out of Brissett right away as a young player. Speaking of that, Ballard's first rookie draft is coming together nicely. It has it's ups and downs, but guys like Hooker and Hairston look like hits, Mack is starting to figure it out (even if he's a 10 carry back per game eventually, if his production like yesterday, than it doesn't matter), and Wilson is a very good player who just had some bad injury breaks. The rest need some work, but if we hit on 4 players, than it's still a great draft and we are on our way, especially with the FA's Ballard brought in.

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1 hour ago, ColtsBlueFL said:




I have had 10/22 as a target return date for some time now, and Dr. David Chao (who was 3 for 3 in season ending injury predictions in real time last night) Still believes 10/29 or even 11/5 game is a real possibility.


My hope still stands he plays vs. Jax, but realize everything has to progress well and go right all along the way for that to happen.

Like I said it was one of the insiders on TV.  I think it was Glazzer but I am not 100% on that.

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10 hours ago, GoColts8818 said:

One of the insiders said today the Colts are targeting the Jags game for Luck’s return.

I could kind of sorta see them thinking that without any concrete proof.  Pagano did mention they were going to ramp up his activity this week.  Tells me they like what they've seen so far.

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On 2017. 10. 08. at 2:25 AM, Jared Cisneros said:

Not sure if you'll see this, but those were during my teen years and early 20s. I definitely wasn't as mature now and took that a lot harder. Definitely tested my faith in Peyton in why he couldn't dominate in the playoffs on Indy. Then when I see him do the same in Denver in 4 years as 15 years here, it really depresses me. We had a great offense, but besides Mathis and Freeney, our defense wasn't good. The Pats were a great dynasty, but it was very one sided, and I blame that on the lack of a good team. A great offense can't make up for a bad defense, it just can't. The reason I post that I want to get a high pick this year is that I don't want the same to happen to Luck, and I don't believe we can rebuild in time to dominate from a defensive perspective.


Indy's defense was (in points allowed) #2 in 2005 and #1 in 2007. And they were #8 in 2008 and 2009. Being in top10 for half a decade, top5 in a few yeard and #1 once - in points allowed - means a pretty darn good defense to me. A good defense, which Luck never had in his carreer yet.


The battle between the Patriots and Colts was one sided before/until 2003, but it wasn't after and between 2004 and 2011.


My only regret is that we lost to the Steelers in 2005, when Vanderjagt missed that FG in the end. Imo, that 2005 team was probably the best Manning team ever. If we pulled that game somehow, i'm positive we'd have won the ring that year.

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8 hours ago, ColtsBlueFL said:




I have had 10/22 as a target return date for some time now, and Dr. David Chao (who was 3 for 3 in season ending injury predictions in real time last night) Still believes 10/29 or even 11/5 game is a real possibility.


My hope still stands he plays vs. Jax, but realize everything has to progress well and go right all along the way for that to happen.

Well, if he doesn't get out there soon , it's going to be a lost season. 

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3 hours ago, Peterk2011 said:


Indy's defense was (in points allowed) #2 in 2005 and #1 in 2007. And they were #8 in 2008 and 2009. Being in top10 for half a decade, top5 in a few yeard and #1 once - in points allowed - means a pretty darn good defense to me. A good defense, which Luck never had in his carreer yet.


The battle between the Patriots and Colts was one sided before/until 2003, but it wasn't after and between 2004 and 2011.


My only regret is that we lost to the Steelers in 2005, when Vanderjagt missed that FG in the end. Imo, that 2005 team was probably the best Manning team ever. If we pulled that game somehow, i'm positive we'd have won the ring that year.

I was literally sitting about 20 yards off the field when he missed that. Was sick. Best team they ever had in Indy , way better than the SB winner.  But that's football , best team doesn't always win. They would have killed Denver and Seattle . For some reason the Oline choked that game.  

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