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Oklahoma RB Joe Mixon turning Pro....

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Admittedly, I don't know much about the entire situation.  I watched the video...why are none of the news folk talking about a woman attacking a man and that man defending himself, then distancing himself from the assailant?  His response looked quite heavy handed, but the video shows him getting attacked by another person...under the law, he has a right to defend himself... Again, if there is more to the story, I am not aware of those facts. (Mixon)

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you want to act tough and hit a man then you should be treated like a man and be able to get hit back by a man. stupid females think they are so tough that they can just hit us men and not think anything is going to happen. buuuuuuuut.... I would never actually punch a female unless I had to. like if I had to defend myself. the better option for him was to just pimp smack her and left it as that!

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2 minutes ago, tweezy32 said:

you want to act tough and hit a man then you should be treated like a man and be able to get hit back by a man. stupid females think they are so tough that they can just hit us men and not think anything is going to happen. buuuuuuuut.... I would never actually punch a female unless I had to. like if I had to defend myself. the better option for him was to just pimp smack her and left it as that!

This post is so unbelievably sexist

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Just now, Colts_Fan12 said:

No lol I'm all for drafting the kid trust me but everyone saying she deserves it is wrong imo but he made a mistake move on kid served his suspension and is trying to grow from this 

she didn't deserve a punch in the face, but saying she doesn't deserve something is stupid just because she's a female.

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Just now, Colts_Fan12 said:

Well he should have just walked away he knows this now.

just watch the video on the first page of the thread of the guy describing the story.. makes people change their views completely. i was against her from the start and that video of the guy telling what really happened made my views even stronger

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I honestly would take a pass on him. He made a huge mistake, the kind of mistake you just cant make, It cost Ray Rice his career. The NFL frowns on this type of behavior as well and it should. I have never hit a woman and don't believe in it. Of course I have never been put in a situation where I have had one attack me either throwing punches at me, etc.. but more than likely I would run away from the situation and get away from that person rather than fight back with it being a woman.

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2 minutes ago, tweezy32 said:

just watch the video on the first page of the thread of the guy describing the story.. makes people change their views completely. i was against her from the start and that video of the guy telling what really happened made my views even stronger

I get she was running her mouth off but football players can't just go punching midget women and expect to not completely destroyed them 

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10 minutes ago, Colts_Fan12 said:

I get she was running her mouth off but football players can't just go punching midget women and expect to not completely destroyed them 

shes a pretty decent size girl. she isn't some small 4ft 100lb girl. like i said before i know he shouldn't have punched her, but she shouldn't be acting tough with a man and not expect consequences. obviously she didn't know what she was doing cuz she was too drunk and high to comprehend what she got herself into in the first place.

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I saw the video, nowhere near as bad as I thought it'd be. Based on the posts here, we'd think he pummelled the person repeatedly.

Punching someone who hit you first is a human body's involuntary knee-jerk reaction, just like seeing a deer in the middle of the road will instinctly get a person to swerve (though it's not a good idea). As much as a person is morally sound or taught not to do so, it's not completely preventable.


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Part of what hurt the young girl is after the punch, she dropped like a stone and her face slammed into the table.


That is thought to have contributed to a number of her facial fractures.  


I'd like to remind people here of three things....      


--- The incident was nearly 2 and a half years ago.    Around 3 years at the time of the draft.


--- The kid had just turned 18.     That's a very young age for an incident like this.    This is not like Ray Rice who was 27.


--- The young lady struck him first, and struck him hard.     Not that he didn't have it coming,  just,  he responded instinctively.   


I think these three things add up to a 2nd chance,  at least for me.


I respect everyone who disagrees.      This is a highly, deeply personal issue.     And, as I noted in another post,  I strongly suspect Irsay will not approve drafting the kid,  no matter what the round.    I don't see him with the desire to defend a pick like this.      So, I don't expect it to happen.      But if I were the GM,  I'd be talking with my owner and encouraging him to reconsider.     I think the kid is worth it....    (in the mid-rounds)



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On 1/6/2017 at 5:54 AM, jshipp23 said:

He spit in her face before he knocked her out too..He is an animal. .I have ZERO respect for a man that hits a woman...I have no problem giving guys 2nd chances,  but it depends on what they did..I wouldn't want that guy in my organization. .He should have went to prison for that in my opinion...

He should have punched her harder

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On ‎1‎/‎6‎/‎2017 at 2:54 AM, jshipp23 said:

He spit in her face before he knocked her out too..He is an animal. .I have ZERO respect for a man that hits a woman...I have no problem giving guys 2nd chances,  but it depends on what they did..I wouldn't want that guy in my organization. .He should have went to prison for that in my opinion...

I agree, me personally I would've just got out of the situation by walking/running away and staying away from her once she attacked me. Had she had a weapon that would've different but she didn't and he easily could've just got of there. I wouldn't draft him but that is just me.

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14 hours ago, FalseStart said:

Admittedly, I don't know much about the entire situation.  I watched the video...why are none of the news folk talking about a woman attacking a man and that man defending himself, then distancing himself from the assailant?  His response looked quite heavy handed, but the video shows him getting attacked by another person...under the law, he has a right to defend himself... Again, if there is more to the story, I am not aware of those facts. (Mixon)

A fine line definitely.   While we are taught not to be physical with people, should we expect people to always be so level headed when being attacked?


How many times is he supposed to let her hit him before putting her down?  More than once?  More than 5?

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30 minutes ago, DougDew said:

A fine line definitely.   While we are taught not to be physical with people, should we expect people to always be so level headed when being attacked?


How many times is he supposed to let her hit him before putting her down?  More than once?  More than 5?

If it were me, I'd, just restrain her it's not that hard..You don't have to let her keep hitting you..What you don't do is hit her and knock her out..

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On ‎1‎/‎6‎/‎2017 at 4:10 PM, DougDew said:

I assume the authorities looked into the matter and made the appropriate judgment about punishment, unless we think the police are bigots who hate women.   If I'm trying to build a football team, I can't see how my judgment now about what he did three years ago would be better than the authorities' judgment was at the time.


Yes, if the authorities thought it mandated prison, then he wouldn't be available for the draft, so some other RB would be evaluated in his place.  

I wouldn't exactly say Oklahoma authorities accepting a plea deal with community service was appropriate but that's the legal system. The police have nothing to do with it. He was never arrested and turned himself in. The state decided it was cheaper to cop a deal and move on...plus well we know athletes get special treatment. It is what it is. I've never seen him apologize for the incident or anything but that could be because there are still civil suits pending so maybe he can't admit to wrong doing. Seems the fact is he made some racial slurs, she pushed him, he lunged at her so she slapped him, then he hit her. Both people have some fault and each should have walked away but I see nothing wrong with NFL teams looking deeply into this behavior and deciding yes or no if they want to bring someone with this history into their organization.

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18 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I honestly would take a pass on him. He made a huge mistake, the kind of mistake you just cant make, It cost Ray Rice his career. The NFL frowns on this type of behavior as well and it should. I have never hit a woman and don't believe in it. Of course I have never been put in a situation where I have had one attack me either throwing punches at me, etc.. but more than likely I would run away from the situation and get away from that person rather than fight back with it being a woman.

I agree. And people who hit women like that usually end up doing it again. Its not worth it.

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4 hours ago, jshipp23 said:

If it were me, I'd, just restrain her it's not that hard..You don't have to let her keep hitting you..What you don't do is hit her and knock her out..


Have you seen the video?       The sentence in bold says no.


She didn't repeatedly hit him.        She shoved him with two hands once.     It was not violent.


But then, after a moment,  she blasted him with her right hand that struck Mixon part on the throat and part on the side of his head.       It was quite a shot.      But it was one hit,   not a repeated hit.


He later told police he thought a guy had hit him,   not a woman.


But right after she hit him,  he instinctively reacted and punched back.     A short, quick left hook right out of the Mike Tyson school of punches.     It was devastating.     She dropped and her face hit the table.    That fall helped inflict the damage she suffered.


But it was only one hit from her.       It all happened very, very quickly.


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53 minutes ago, dgambill said:

I wouldn't exactly say Oklahoma authorities accepting a plea deal with community service was appropriate but that's the legal system. The police have nothing to do with it. He was never arrested and turned himself in. The state decided it was cheaper to cop a deal and move on...plus well we know athletes get special treatment. It is what it is. I've never seen him apologize for the incident or anything but that could be because there are still civil suits pending so maybe he can't admit to wrong doing. Seems the fact is he made some racial slurs, she pushed him, he lunged at her so she slapped him, then he hit her. Both people have some fault and each should have walked away but I see nothing wrong with NFL teams looking deeply into this behavior and deciding yes or no if they want to bring someone with this history into their organization.

I think NFL teams should look into his behavior, past and present.  They will put more resources into it and know much more about it than anybody on this forum.  Yet, if the Colts drafted him, some will still think they know more about it than Irsay, and are a better judge of what should be done.  

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15 hours ago, CantBeStopped said:

He should have punched her harder



You may be entitled to your opinion,  but I don't think you have any idea just how terrible you look with the posts you're making.      This one and others in this thread.     


You're not new, but you don't post much,  so these posts you're making are giving people their first real impression of you.       Look around this thread,   you're pretty much the only person saying what you're saying.     It's not a good look.       You might want to reconsider.....      or not.    


Entirely your choice.....


But Dear God these posts are awful....


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59 minutes ago, dgambill said:

I wouldn't exactly say Oklahoma authorities accepting a plea deal with community service was appropriate but that's the legal system. The police have nothing to do with it. He was never arrested and turned himself in. The state decided it was cheaper to cop a deal and move on...plus well we know athletes get special treatment. It is what it is. I've never seen him apologize for the incident or anything but that could be because there are still civil suits pending so maybe he can't admit to wrong doing. Seems the fact is he made some racial slurs, she pushed him, he lunged at her so she slapped him, then he hit her. Both people have some fault and each should have walked away but I see nothing wrong with NFL teams looking deeply into this behavior and deciding yes or no if they want to bring someone with this history into their organization.

He did apologize and said it's never okay to hit a woman. Calling someone a homosexual who is a homosexual is not a racial slur. Her calling him the n word is a racial slur however. She shoved him then spit in his face (causing the lung) and then slapped him.

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Just now, twfish said:

Irregardless my point was it's not a racial slur. Homophobic yes, racial? No. What she said was racial though. If we're going to be a PC culture let's atleast use the correct terms


Once the slurs start flying,  you have a flash fight.     Meaning it starts almost instantly.


No one stops to measure which insult was worse or better....      things just start.    The fur starts flying.


I'm not looking to defend or absolve anyone here....    this didn't start with one person.    Everyone has some level of responsibility here.      And since Mixon is bigger and stronger, and as a player,  is representing the school,  then his share of the blame is bigger.    At least, it is to me.


And still....    I hope he gets a 2nd chance.     Losing your life's dream over a flash fight at age 18 seems way too much for me.   


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