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Irsay And Manning Released Joint Stament (Merge)


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The media is just jerkin us around by our leashes, ain't they?

They(media) just want to see Peyton in a bigger market, where he is more marketable, big star belongs in a big market, that's how they feel. It's the samething they did to Albert(stl cards) although a bit different situation but they got to AP and forced his hand, tho the stl organization didn't help much either, tight wads. and go figure the angels sign a 5billion dollar contract after they sign AP, by who? The media, Fox.

But my point is I hope Irsay and Peyton are smart enough to see that, cause it would be a sad day in Indy and for sports period to see a legend have to leave his home against his will. Trust me I already know. (See above)

IMO I always thought Irsay thought the world of Peyton, I mean why would you come out and say I want to make PM the highest paid QB next year, and then pay him 26 mil not to play. That's why I always thought this was a big set-up on Irsay part trying to get more For that pick. I just can't believe he would just leave Peyton in the dark like that.

With that said tho I must admit, I'm trying my hardest to stay positive cause I understand the effect the media has on everything these day, but as the days go by I'm beginning to question my theory.

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Classic but you didn't suggest a topic. Lol

Was Krapvitzs poking fun? Hey if he can spin it, so can we.

Kravitz saying he is verklempt is tantamount to a child spilling his milk on purpose and then acting surprised the kitchen floor is wet. So he spins the divide, then acts surprised and emotional that the two sides are basically forced to express their friendship and willingness to work it through?

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I am glad to see this. It tells me that if nothing else they are going to work to end this the best they can for the fans no matter how it ends.

I thought about this today after I saw the statement. It's pretty clear Manning wanted to get some kinda message out when he called Kravitz back. He's too smart not to know that Kravitz was going to ask him what he did and if he really didn't want to talk about it I think he would have said "Bob you said you wanted to talk about Eli so let's stick to that please." So Manning was trying to get something out there.

Personally I thought it was that he was trying to get it out there that he wants to be a Colt next season. Now after reading this and seeing how it's playing out maybe he was trying to get Irsay's attention to talk to him. He made the point he was in the Colts complex everyday rehabing and maybe he just didn't like that the Colts weren't talking to him. Think about it this goes back to Grigson not returning his phone call and then Peyton brought up that they had just had a quick chat. Maybe Peyton just felt ignored and wanted to get their attention and sit down and talk and see what the plan was going forward. If no one was talking to him and they just fired most of the coaching staff and really for the first time Peyton was seeing total change going on around him I could see how Peyton might have gotten the feeling that the Colts were just done with him and maybe Peyton just wanted to sit down and see if the Colts still want him.

I go back to something I said last night. I think despite everything that has happened that if he's healthy Peyton Manning will be a Colt next year. That's the 28 million dollar question though. Will Peyton Manning be healthy?

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Will be waiting for more dramas coming after next weekend when they really start to solve the issues. I just don't think there will be any definite prediction on Manning's healthy coming up next month, since it is still a lengthy recovery and he is not actually playing until months later. The owner will need to make a tough decision since he will need to be prepared if eventually Manning cannot play agian. Things happening right now don't show any sign for him to bring Manning back.

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i know some people have actually tried to defend Kravitz as "just reporting what irsay and peyton said"...but if you listen to the audio of what irsay said yesterday, he didnt sound "angry" at all...and Bob took much of what he said out of context to sound the way he wanted it to sound.

You can go back to the beginning of the season when Kravitz had already been pushing article after article about how we needed to cut Manning and move on and how much he wanted us to do that....and now, he spins everything to push that agenda, and then says how sad this all makes him yadda yadda yadda...

Fact is, Kravitz has ALWAYS done this sort of thing, long before he even came here. He was the "controversy" and negative guy in Denver and at ESPN when he was allowed to work there.

I'm sure that if Peyton is our starter day one next season...and if he wins his 5th MVP and 2nd Super Bowl...and Super Bowl MVP...Kravitz will still be harping on why it was a dumb move to have Peyton here.

Again it's not the tone Irsay used it's the words. I don't care how nice you are when you say when you say things like "Peyton's a politician" and then talk about keeping things in the family then you are trying to say you aren't pleased with the person. Jim Irsay wasn't. With that said I am glad Peyton Manning and Jim Irsay are handling this like adults and talking to each other about it and stopped trying to talk to each other threw the media.

Again if Kravitz was really truly twisting what Peyton said and Peyton was trying to get message out there don't you think Peyton Manning would have called someone else to get the real message out there? He's Peyton Manning he can call any media person he wants and they are going to drop what they are doing to talk to him. Also if Kravitz truly twisted what Peyton said the first time do you really think Peyton would have called him last night?

Almost all the local media took what Irsay said last night as Irsay not being pleased with Peyton. Not just Kravitz and those people don't just make up their view points because of what Kravitz thinks. They saw the video too and again heard the WORDS used to by Irsay and came to that conclusion.

There was some tension between Peyton and Irsay. With that said they did what adults do when they have an issue they sat down and talked about it and probably cleared the air which is exactly what Tubaguy said should happen and did happen. It's a very good sign to have happen. Let's not kid ourselves though I don't care how much spinning Kravitz might have been trying to do there was something there for him to spin up.

I would also like to say once again I am not a Kravitz fan. I don't like his writting and normally when I read him I don't his opinion on things I just stick to reading the quotes in his stories. Like I said I was one of the few bashing on Kravitz and Phil B. earlier this year when they were crying to anyone in the world they could find that Polian wouldn't talk to them. Most people here at least took their side because it was a chance to be anti-Polian. Like i said at the time if they are truly the reporters they say they are rather than complaining about how Polian wont talk to them go find another source and make him talk to you to get his own message out there.

I just don't think this is Kravitz fault. He might have given the pot a good stir but there was already something in the pot for him to stir.

Again this is a question of Peyton's health. I think if he's fully healthy that Irsay is going to pay Peyton Manning and go from there. It'll be a lot easier to justify trading Andrew Luck if he forces that trade if you know you have a healthy Peyton Manning. However, if we don't know if Peyton Manning's fully healthy it's going to be really hard to justify taking that risk because of what happens to the cap if you get it wrong and if Andrew Luck looks at you and says I don't want to come there if Peyton's there.

If Peyton's close on health I could see him agreeing to push that deadline back as long as the Colts promise to not trade him during that time. That could buy them more itme up till about the draft. Then the Colts are probably going to be forced to make some kinda decision one way or another because the future of this team is going to be completely different with Peyton Manning vs. a future of starting over without him.

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you do realize that Kravitz called Peyton first and left a message WANTING TO DO AN ARTICLE ON ELI BEING IN THE SUPER BOWL...and then when Peyton called him back to talk about that, at the end "while i had him on the phone anyhow", Kravitz asked the other questions....

Where is the article on Eli that Kravitz used as his basis for the original phone call?!

Do you also realize that Kravitz worked in Denver while Elway was there, and towards the end of Elway's career, Kravitz said that they had to cut their losses and move on from Elway...that only fans who were afraid to let go would say anything otherwise...that it was time to face the facts and come to grips with the fact that the Broncos would never win a Super Bowl with Elway...

Then barely a year later, they won the first of TWO Super Bowls that they won BACK to BACK...

Kravitz also was fired from ESPN before he came here....and the type of writing he does has never changed.

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Actually he seems to be ok with it.

@bkravitz: After reading the Irsay-Manning statement, I'm feeling a little verklempt. (Spell check didn't like verklempt). But glad they talked.

Wonder what kind of article he is going to write...

I think he, Kravitz, is being sarcastic. The statement was nice but it wasn't anything that someone could reasonably say made them wrought with emotion or emotional (I believe that is what verklempt means).
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you do realize that Kravitz called Peyton first and left a message WANTING TO DO AN ARTICLE ON ELI BEING IN THE SUPER BOWL...and then when Peyton called him back to talk about that, at the end "while i had him on the phone anyhow", Kravitz asked the other questions....

Where is the article on Eli that Kravitz used as his basis for the original phone call?!

Do you also realize that Kravitz worked in Denver while Elway was there, and towards the end of Elway's career, Kravitz said that they had to cut their losses and move on from Elway...that only fans who were afraid to let go would say anything otherwise...that it was time to face the facts and come to grips with the fact that the Broncos would never win a Super Bowl with Elway...

Then barely a year later, they won the first of TWO Super Bowls that they won BACK to BACK...

Kravitz also was fired from ESPN before he came here....and the type of writing he does has never changed.

I do realize that and if you read my post above this one you'll see my thoughts about that.

Kravitz has explained that. He said once he got Peyton on the phone he said hey well I got you here... Which is what any media person is going to do you have THE sports story in sports right now on the phone you have to see if he'll at least talking about that. You have to be kidding yourself if think Peyton didn't see that coming. Even if he didn't if he didn't want to talk about this stuff he would have told Kravitz "Hey Bob, you said you wanted to talk to about Eli so let's keep to that." We would have then gotten the Eli colum and a note from Kravitz saying I tried to ask Peyton about his future with the Colts didn't want to tak about it.

What happened to the Eli colum? Bob Kravitz got a much bigger story. If you listen to his interviews since then he said he had to get up at 4;30 to rewrite his colum which means he had the Eli colum ready to go with a Peyton quote or two and then when he got all that out of Peyton it changed things.

Yeah Kravitz worked in Denver. His job is offer his opinion. That's what he gets paid to do. That's what he's doing. That's why I said when I read Kravitz I tend to ignore his opinion on subjects and just stick to the quotes in his story which are NOT his opinion. Bob Kravitz did not make up Jim irsay calling Peyton a politican and telling Peyton to keep things in house. Those are not things you say if you aren't upset about something they said. Also Peyton talked to Kravitz again last night sorry Peyton's not going to do that again if Kravitz spun the orginal message of what he was saying.

Like I said though I am glad Peyton and Irsay did the right thing and talked about it like adults. That's what needed to happen.

If people want to use this to rant and rave about Kravitz feel free but you are just shooting the messanger on this one and notice he's not the only one who is dishing out this message in the media and I am sorry I am not going to say Bob Kravitz has enough power to enflunce what everyone in the media world thinks.

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I go back to something I said last night. I think despite everything that has happened that if he's healthy Peyton Manning will be a Colt next year. That's the 28 million dollar question though. Will Peyton Manning be healthy?

All medical professionals said Peyton Manning will be healthy. That's a given. It's a matter of how long before that happens, not "if."

There's no question he will be a Colt if he's healthy. All the talk about "I don't see a way he comes back," is just that: talk. Every single thread on these boards has at least 40% of the posts clogged with people saying, "Since the Peyton Manning era is over..." without basing it on anything other than their own sadistic desire to be overly emo and dramatic.

The last thing either of them have said about it is, if healthy, he's going to play here. Period. There have been no reports anywhere to suggest that he's doing anything but healing and rehabbing. The Colts organization is always tight-lipped with the media, Peyton's personal battles are always kept out of the limelight, and Irsay fools every last person until the end.

"Isn't an internet forum for speculation...derp de-derp..?"

Sure, so speculate, don't make up something from nothing people. (These comments were not directed specifically at you, GoColts, you just happened to be the quote I originally responded to.)

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I am glad to see this. It tells me that if nothing else they are going to work to end this the best they can for the fans no matter how it ends.

I thought about this today after I saw the statement. It's pretty clear Manning wanted to get some kinda message out when he called Kravitz back. He's too smart not to know that Kravitz was going to ask him what he did and if he really didn't want to talk about it I think he would have said "Bob you said you wanted to talk about Eli so let's stick to that please." So Manning was trying to get something out there.

Personally I thought it was that he was trying to get it out there that he wants to be a Colt next season. Now after reading this and seeing how it's playing out maybe he was trying to get Irsay's attention to talk to him. He made the point he was in the Colts complex everyday rehabing and maybe he just didn't like that the Colts weren't talking to him. Think about it this goes back to Grigson not returning his phone call and then Peyton brought up that they had just had a quick chat. Maybe Peyton just felt ignored and wanted to get their attention and sit down and talk and see what the plan was going forward. If no one was talking to him and they just fired most of the coaching staff and really for the first time Peyton was seeing total change going on around him I could see how Peyton might have gotten the feeling that the Colts were just done with him and maybe Peyton just wanted to sit down and see if the Colts still want him.

I go back to something I said last night. I think despite everything that has happened that if he's healthy Peyton Manning will be a Colt next year. That's the 28 million dollar question though. Will Peyton Manning be healthy?


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From my point of view, if Manning is healthy (and that includes 95% healthy), Irsay must keep Manning. Irsay was looking for some different kind of leadership. Grigson made it very clear that "first and foremost" (don't know how often I heard that phrase over the last couple of days) he was looking for leadership in a coach. And Pagano said that one of his first priorities is also looking for leadership inside the team (which, for me, was a clear indication that he wanted to talk to Manning about different things). And as leadership can definitely be attributed to Manning as well I can do nothing but imagine how good this could end when they just start working and talking together.

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From my point of view, if Manning is healthy (and that includes 95% healthy), Irsay must keep Manning. Irsay was looking for some different kind of leadership. Grigson made it very clear that "first and foremost" (don't know how often I heard that phrase over the last couple of days) he was looking for leadership in a coach. And Pagano said that one of his first priorities is also looking for leadership inside the team (which, for me, was a clear indication that he wanted to talk to Manning about different things). And as leadership can definitely be attributed to Manning as well I can do nothing but imagine how good this could end when they just start working and talking together.

Pagano referenced Peyton and Ray lewis being the best leaders out there. I think Pagano wants Peyton on his team.

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