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2016-2017 Indiana Pacers season (and the rest of the NBA)

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35 minutes ago, Myles said:

I think the Pacers have lost some leverage.    I don't think they can get the #2 pick and Randle and Ingram.   Maybe not even 2 of the 3.  

I would beg Atlanta to give us 3 1st rounders now.   


Passing up on 4 was a bad move.

lakers fans want to offer randle, ingram and the 28th pick.  i would hang up on that offer, and not deal with them unless the #2 is involved


they think its a given that hes gone next year, but PG hasnt made up his mind yet.  reports are hes thinking it over right now and meeting with the team next week

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1 minute ago, aaron11 said:

lakers fans want to offer randle, ingram and the 28th pick.  i would hang up on that offer, and not deal with them unless the #2 is involved


they think its a given that hes gone next year, but PG hasnt made up his mind yet.  reports are hes thinking it over right now and meeting with the team next week

I think at this point, I would trade PG for Randle and the #2.    

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42 minutes ago, Myles said:

I think the Pacers have lost some leverage.    I don't think they can get the #2 pick and Randle and Ingram.   Maybe not even 2 of the 3.  

I would beg Atlanta to give us 3 1st rounders now.   


Passing up on 4 was a bad move.

The Lakers want him pretty badly and are thirsty for a SuperStar so who knows? I would love to get 3 or 4 picks from Atlanta and build that way as well but we would need to nail the Draft in doing so. That is a gamble when you give up a proven a SuperStar. I don't trust our FO at this point to nail any Draft.

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1 minute ago, aaron11 said:

id be on the phone with atlanta for sure, but the value of their future picks goes down if they get PG


ideally we get a high pick in this draft



I agree.  

Could you imagine how this team could be built (supplemented) with 8 1st rounders the next 4 years?

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1 hour ago, MTC said:

For those saying Pacers will not win anything with PG gone - what has the Pacers won with him? A division title? Those are irrelevant. 

We went to the Conference Finals twice and took LeBron James 7 games and were real relevant with PG just a few years ago. Why does everyone think if you don't win a Championship you have a crap franchise? I don't get that at all. The Colts went to the Championship Game in 2014 but because we lost to the Pats and haven't won a SB I guess that makes the Luck era irrelevant?

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21 hours ago, Bluefire4 said:

Pretty sure the point was that if he didn't get all-NBA it would be more incentive to trade him because he would get less money from us. I'm aware that he can still get the super max. I posted the tweet on here earlier.


Many players have left for less money... even players like KD who had said they loved the city they were in and hated super teams. Players only can take so much before they chase titles. I'm fine with keeping Paul but if/when he walks next year we'd have to accept the fact that we let him walk for nothing.

'Many players have left for less money"



But....I'm glad you're fine with keeping Paul George

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2 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I give the Celtics BIG BOOOOOOOOOOO! They cant even be competitive at home. The Cavs are playing against a bunch of scrubs! The Pacers gave the Cavs a much tougher time then this soft Celtics team. 50-22 Cavs lmao, this is pathetic. Just bring on the Finals please.

50-22.....so embarassing//

..what can I say?   I dont want GSW vs. Cleveland but its where we are

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3 minutes ago, oldunclemark said:

50-22.....so embarassing//

..what can I say?   I dont want GSW vs. Cleveland but its where we are

This is garbage. Not even watching. GS will probably lose tomorrow. Cavs wont loss untill finals. And will probably lose in 5

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I'm not watching another minute of this series. This is an absolute travesty of how bad the East is. LeBron will go to the Finals 10 more years in a row if he really wanted to. And Boston is one proud pro sports city. This is absolutely embarrassing from Celtics standpoint

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4 minutes ago, oldunclemark said:

This is embarassing..I feel it and I dont even like the Celtics.'

Boston is super proud of the Celtics and this is a disgrace

I cant stand the Celtics anyway haha. I do like Brad Stevens though because of his Indiana ties but watching a Boston team get ripped to shreds like this is hilarious.

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2 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I cant stand the Celtics anyway haha. I do like Brad Stevens though because of his Indiana ties but watching a Boston team get ripped to shreds like this is hilarious.

I hope nobody blames this on Stevens.

They dont have much talent....talent-wise, they're no better than w e are.

One star...little guards, young hope and role players..


Stevens did well to get the here (although if Rondo doenst get hurt, they lose to the Bulls.

72-31 at thew half...that's just cruel

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Just now, oldunclemark said:

when tghey added Korver and then Deron Wiliams....it just didnt leave any place to attack them.


But its 70-29....this is the worst half of a playoff game I have ever seen..and I'm old

I keep trying to tell people that the Cavs are loaded and everyone is like, NO NO it's all LeBron. They have an All-Star team and Kyle Korver is an All-Star if he plays for an Average team. JR Smith just canned a last second shot lmao. 72-31 Cavs at Half.

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7 minutes ago, Luck is Good said:

I'm not watching another minute of this series. This is an absolute travesty of how bad the East is. LeBron will go to the Finals 10 more years in a row if he really wanted to. And Boston is one proud pro sports city. This is absolutely embarrassing from Celtics standpoint



Image result for lelbron

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1 minute ago, oldunclemark said:

Their owner went over the cap and kept adding players..

..what if we'd have gotten Kyle Korver and Lou Wlliams?


I dont know if we had a chance..but what if?

You have to fork out the dough in order to compete in the NBA. It's just a simple fact

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2 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I keep trying to tell people that the Cavs are loaded and everyone is like, NO NO it's all LeBron. They have an All-Star team and Kyle Korver is an All-Star if he plays for an Average team. JR Smith just canned a last second shot lmao. 72-31 Cavs at Half.

Its not all LBJ....Love is a former 1st team all-star and Kyrie is a No.1 pick

Love was 32 and 12 in game 1...and it wasn't noticed

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Hilarious reading all this pity that people give the Celtics. lmao


Come on, it's a team with 17 championships; the richest history in all of the NBA, and people feel sorry for them cause LeBron's team is wiping the floor with them??? Um no, come on...It's like crying over the Pittsburgh Steelers or New York Yankees. It is GLORIOUS to see a team like this get beat down into the ground. No pride, no "great historic team" excuses for them at all. If it was the New England Patriots, this forum would be doing cart wheels celebrating them getting a beat down like this.

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2 minutes ago, Synthetic said:



Image result for lelbron

I knew they would cream Boston, I cant wait for the Finals. That will be interesting. May the best team win there. Cavs could beat the Warriors who knows? The Cavs are playing great but it just isn't LeBron, Cavs are great as a team. We will see how it plays out. I picked the Warriors but hey if the Cavs beat them again I will be the first on here to praise LeBron and his team. I am a stand up guy when it comes to admitting I am wrong on my picks.

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1 minute ago, Synthetic said:


Hilarious reading all this pity that people give the Celtics. lmao


Come on, it's a team with 17 championships; the richest history in all of the NBA, and people feel sorry for them cause LeBron's team is wiping the floor with them??? Um no, come on...It's like crying over the Pittsburgh Steelers or New York Yankees. It is GLORIOUS to see a team like this get beat down into the ground. No pride, no "great historic team" excuses for them at all. If it was the New England Patriots, this forum would be doing cart wheels celebrating them getting a beat down like this.

I'll say it again......they should have been eliminated by the Bulls.

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4 minutes ago, Synthetic said:


Hilarious reading all this pity that people give the Celtics. lmao


Come on, it's a team with 17 championships; the richest history in all of the NBA, and people feel sorry for them cause LeBron's team is wiping the floor with them??? Um no, come on...It's like crying over the Pittsburgh Steelers or New York Yankees. It is GLORIOUS to see a team like this get beat down into the ground. No pride, no "great historic team" excuses for them at all. If it was the New England Patriots, this forum would be doing cart wheels celebrating them getting a beat down like this.

I actually am doing cartwheels because I hate all Mass teams, something you probably didn't even know. I hate the RedSox too.

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15 minutes ago, Luck is Good said:

You have to fork out the dough in order to compete in the NBA. It's just a simple fact

Agreed.... to me, the NBA is much different from baseball and football.

Those sports build through the draft.   In the NBA, you will grow old and die trying to build through the draft.

There arent enough picks.


..and when you get a star......you hold onto him and try to get other stars.

..and you keep trying until you get the right ones

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17 minutes ago, Luck is Good said:

You have to fork out the dough in order to compete in the NBA. It's just a simple fact

I agree 100%. Cavs are 34,000,000 mill over the Cap and Dan Gilbert could give 2 craps about the Luxury Tax. Pacers should just splurge and pay PG and pay Hayward to come to Indy an obscene amount of money as well. Cavs and Warriors would do it!

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Glad to see the Cavs playing the best they have ever played and completely healthy with LeBron, Irving, Love, Korver, Smith, and Thompson. Beating teams by 50 points even! This way when the Warriors take them behind the woodshed and give them a spankin I don't want to hear any excuses to why the so called GOAT by some people LeBron lost.

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9 hours ago, Myles said:

I agree.  

Could you imagine how this team could be built (supplemented) with 8 1st rounders the next 4 years?

You can't trade picks in consecutive years...it would take forever for those to play out and if Atlanta is a playoff team those may all be in the 20s. The best deal would have been to have made a move with Boston at the dead line. Those NJ picks were guaranteed to be top 3 and likely next year too. Not sure what Denver was offering...at least they have some nice young players...Atlanta has nothing. We have basically lost all leverage because if we had traded this year we would have likely ended up with a top 10 pick from our own because we wouldn't have won much and the other team would have likely believed they had a good chance to resign him or him get all-NBA this year or next. Now it's an all or nothing scenario. Let's all be honest...it's a no win situation for us...it's why Bird bailed. Unless we magically sign Hayward and find a way to add a rebounding/defensive big we aren't competing next year....very long shot.

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