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Looks Like Ne Will Be Playing In Lucas Oil Stadium For Sb


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The Patriots can not and will not beat the Ravens imo. Still don't like the Pats defense. Even if they do go to the Super Bowl I think all the remaining teams in the NFC can beat them.

My thoughts too. Isn't Green Bay's defense bad too? The would be an interesting SB, 2 teams with great offenses, but really bad defenses.

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I will be a big Texans/Ravens fan for that game. :cheer:

But, the thought of the Patriots playing in the SB at Indy doesn't bother me as much as it would have before the season began.

Because at that time, I had hopes that the Colts would be in contention. :Cry: Which meant that the Patriots would have knocked them off to get to the SB.

Now, the thought of the Patriots playing in or winning the SB in Indy is more like a :yuk:, but not a :puke:

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My thoughts too. Isn't Green Bay's defense bad too? The would be an interesting SB, 2 teams with great offenses, but really bad defenses.

They're bad, but they lead the league in takeaways, and teams who get takeaways historically do well in the postseason, so we'll see.

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well, i am of the lemons to lemonade school of thought. since amercans hate the second place team so much, let them lose the SB and get the 31st pick in the draft. if they won the first playoff game, might as well give them the losers hex, right?

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The Ravens are the only ones who can beat them in the AFC IMO. Unfortunately that team has nack for playing up or down to their competition and I wouldnt be surprised if the Texans upset them somehow (dont expect it though).

I see the Ravens vs. Pats as 9ers vs. Saints II (obviously since its offense vs. defense round II)...I thought the 9ers could slow down the Saints enough but wasnt sure if Smith could play well enough. He obviously answered that bell.

I think the Ravens can slow the Pats on O enough and get to Brady but can Flacco give them enough? It really would be a toss up.

Regardless I see the NFC beating the AFC this year again. I just think both AFC teams are too one dimensional.

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Imo the Broncos were the worst team to make the playoffs this year, so NE demolishing them, doesn't at all surprise me. I don't think they will beat the Ravens. The D will match up ok, and I think Flacco is good enough to expose NE's D. Unlike the Broncos, the Ravens can run and pass effectively on a good day, it comes down to who shows up.

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Baltimore beat NE two years IN New England 34-13 in the Wild Card round, I'm not sure why anyone thinks they can't beat the Pats in NE again. It's pretty much the same matchup. I honestly expect Baltimore to win, if they get past Houston tomorrow. The Ravens D is good enough to contain the Patriots and hold them to a respectable score. And the Ravens offense shouldn't have much trouble against that defense.

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I would prefer the Pats to be here. At least our fan-base has a mutual, yet heated, respect for one another. The Baltimore fan-base hates the Colts, the City and the people of Indianapolis.

That's extremely lame. It happened forever ago, and it had nothing to do with the fans. If those old coots can't get over something that happened in decades gone by, they need to quit watching sports. They have a football team now, and it's a pretty darned good franchise the last I checked.

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I picked the Ravens to win the AFC going through NE, but they better play a lot better than they played today. I know Houston only put up 13 points, but they moved the ball better than I expected. If Brady moves the ball, the Pats will turn those drives into points.

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Baltimore beat NE two years IN New England 34-13 in the Wild Card round, I'm not sure why anyone thinks they can't beat the Pats in NE again. It's pretty much the same matchup. I honestly expect Baltimore to win, if they get past Houston tomorrow. The Ravens D is good enough to contain the Patriots and hold them to a respectable score. And the Ravens offense shouldn't have much trouble against that defense.

While I do believe that Sunday's game is going to be an extremely tough one for the Patriots to win, this year's match-up could not be more different from two years ago. Welker was out for that game and the Patriots did not have Gronkowski and Hernandez yet. Plus NE's offense was firmly in the "throw it deep to Moss or over the middle to Welker" era at that time. They couldn't do much besides that, as noted by Belichick in the "A Football Life" special from a few months back.

It's not going to be a blowout, and the Ravens are a very dangerous team, but what happened two years ago has no impact on this game. If anything, the only impact is that Brady and Belichick will remember what happened and will be out for blood.

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While I do believe that Sunday's game is going to be an extremely tough one for the Patriots to win, this year's match-up could not be more different from two years ago. Welker was out for that game and the Patriots did not have Gronkowski and Hernandez yet. Plus NE's offense was firmly in the "throw it deep to Moss or over the middle to Welker" era at that time. They couldn't do much besides that, as noted by Belichick in the "A Football Life" special from a few months back.

It's not going to be a blowout, and the Ravens are a very dangerous team, but what happened two years ago has no impact on this game. If anything, the only impact is that Brady and Belichick will remember what happened and will be out for blood.

Kills me people bring up that game. It was a fluke. They scored before anyone had even taken a seat lol. How many times does a RB break the line of scrimmage let alone the 1st play? Maybe once every 10 years. Then a Brady fumble and it was over before you could say jack.

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Baltimore beat NE two years IN New England 34-13 in the Wild Card round, I'm not sure why anyone thinks they can't beat the Pats in NE again. It's pretty much the same matchup. I honestly expect Baltimore to win, if they get past Houston tomorrow. The Ravens D is good enough to contain the Patriots and hold them to a respectable score. And the Ravens offense shouldn't have much trouble against that defense.


Patriots in '09:

No Welker.

Brady injured.

No Gronkowski.

No Hernandez.

No BJGE, Woodhead, or Riddley.

No Waters (Pro-Bowl Right Guard), no Solder.

Same teams? Are you kidding me?

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    • To me, it’s also a non- story, but for a different reason.     Because Ryan Kelly, classy guy that he is, has chosen to make it a non-story.  No complaining.  No running to the media to try to generate sympathy.   No hold out OR hold in where you show up but tell the team you won’t practice without a new contract.   He could’ve done any of them.  He chose to do none of them.     I think Kelly is a classy guy.  easy to see why he’s voted a team captain, and I think the union rep.  I also think the Colts under Ballard are filled with classy guys who are easy to root for.  Honestly, it one of the biggest reasons I’ve stuck around since Luck retired.  It’s a fun team to cheer for.    So I like the team, the coaches,  the front office, the owner and the city.   Hope to make it to Indy one day to meet as many of you as I can.   
    • No worries.   Wasn’t making fun of you.  If I had one dollar for every brain cramp moment I’ve posted here, I’d be rich!      It’s all good.  
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