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Photos of Greg Hardy's former girlfriend show multiple injuries


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Hardy has somewhat directly addressed the situation in response to the pictures coming out:


Never knew he was such a fan of "Only Fools and Horses".


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Hardy has somewhat directly addressed the situation in response to the pictures coming out:


Never knew he was such a fan of "Only Fools and Horses".


Sounds like empty words to me. Regrets, being the best person I can be....... but mostly I want to play football

Hopefully I'm wrong

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Sounds like empty words to me. Regrets, being the best person I can be....... but mostly I want to play football

Hopefully I'm wrong


Empty is about right.  Real brave of him to tweet out his regrets instead of facing the media's questions, like he did after his blow up on the sidelines, next question, next question.

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I didn't get the impression Jerry Jones was hiding behind the 'we didn't see the pictures' defense. I felt like his point was that they already had a good idea what happened, based on the information they already had, and that the pictures haven't really changed their idea of what happened. Which, by the way, is my thinking also, so maybe I'm slanted on this. But reading the reports and the results of the trial and whatnot, these pictures are what I expected. 


In fact, unlike Goodell and the NFL, the Cowboys are not acting like they had no idea that this situation was this bad. Goodell saw the video and tried to change his decision, then tried to paint a picture of him being misled about the seriousness of the situation. That was mishandled from start to finish. 


Here's where I differ from Jones. I wouldn't have signed Hardy, knowing what I thought I knew at the time. He chose to give Hardy a second chance, as he stated, and that's his right, but i just wouldn't have signed the guy. And it's because, like I said, these pictures are pretty much what I imagined. The reports said he tossed her around, threw her in the bath tub and choked her, etc. Maybe the reports are one-sided, but I was always under the impression that she had been injured. There's nothing surprising about these pictures, IMO.


I wouldn't have signed him, neither would you, more than a few others here, or Charley Casserly.  But Casserly has this right-


“Hardy is a talented player. It’s why he has a job now. It’s why he’ll probably have a job when he moves on from there. There’s an old saying: You tolerate until you can replace. Talented players are harder to replace.”


Jerry doesn't care, just about winning. All the NFL has tried to do to reduce and address DV appears to have been brought back a few steps. 


I didn't expect them (pix) to be that bad, and I didn't expect them to prove he was about to kill her, as she testified.  Now I really believe she thought that was the last night she was going to live on this earth.  Like the Ray Rice video was worse than I expected.  I guess it's a response to insulate myself some from the true brutality of the incidents.

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I hope his second chance includes anger management and domestic violence counseling


That sort of thing just doesn't go away on it's own


It does, but not mandatory-


"Anyone arrested or charged with conduct that would violate this policy will be offered a formal clinical evaluation, the cost of which will be paid by the league, and appropriate follow-up education, counseling or treatment programs," the policy states. "In cases reviewed for possible disciplinary action, the employee's decision to make beneficial use of these clinical services will be considered a positive factor in determining eventual discipline if a violation is found. These evaluations will be performed at designated facilities around the country. The employee may select the particular provider at the designated facility."


Players would rather pay lawyers and appeal it down, than conform to the treatment/counseling to reduce the suspension.  Getting the NFLPA to sign off on mandatory treatment will go over like the league requesting the ability to disclose the substance(s) a player was suspended for abusing.  Zero chance.

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I wouldn't have signed him, neither would you, more than a few others here, or Charley Casserly.  But Casserly has this right-


“Hardy is a talented player. It’s why he has a job now. It’s why he’ll probably have a job when he moves on from there. There’s an old saying: You tolerate until you can replace. Talented players are harder to replace.”


Jerry doesn't care, just about winning. All the NFL has tried to do to reduce and address DV appears to have been brought back a few steps. 


I didn't expect them (pix) to be that bad, and I didn't expect them to prove he was about to kill her, as she testified.  Now I really believe she thought that was the last night she was going to live on this earth.  Like the Ray Rice video was worse than I expected.  I guess it's a response to insulate myself some from the true brutality of the incidents.


Did you read the reports and just find it difficult to believe that it was as bad as they said?

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Empty is about right.  Real brave of him to tweet out his regrets instead of facing the media's questions, like he did after his blow up on the sidelines, next question, next question.

Bingo! That's precisely it Cyjin. Greg Hardy appears to have zero remorse over almost killing his fiancee a woman he almost married & then to top it off, Mr. Hardy ducks & runs away from any form of public scrutiny whatsoever.  He's not doing himself any favors by dodging tough, meaningful questions from reporters about regrets, ways to cool his jets, & what's he learned from his time off if anything. 


What's Jerry Jones gonna do if Hardy's temper spills over into the Cowboys locker room & a player or trainer gets seriously hurt? Greg strikes me as a guy with a short fuse with no off switch when he gets angry. Nice for sacking opposing QBs but not always a luxury off the field in a civilian setting. 

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Newsflash, the NFL, the Cowboys, and many people are scumbags. It's a great decision if it helps Jerry's Cowboys, it's quite obvious he just wants to win. I don't look to athletes for a moral compass. If you hated this that much you wouldn't watch the NFL, because by watching it you're giving people like Greg Hardy money.

#1: We are not talking about 31 other teams just Jerry Jones & the Cowboys. How 31 other teams create their 53 man rosters, scumbags or not, is irrelevant to this thread's topic. What if this Hardy experiment blows up in Jerry's face & fractures the locker room Jb95? Who benefits in that scenario? Nobody. 


It's not a question of possessing a moral compass Jb95; It's whether introducing an unstable element into the Cowboys organization can be managed, controlled, & content especially if they keep losing games. Risk vs reward & Hardy just isn't worth it IMO since Greg is still in denial over what he did & refusing to answer tough questions about his past proves he hasn't grown or evolved as a human being. 


Yes, I know you will claim what made me a saint right? A classic cop out ploy diversion tactic. I never claimed to be a saint largely because I didn't attempt to strangle my fiancee & then act like everything is swell with nothing to see here folks. It's not even about athletic talent. It's about facing your inner demons head on, getting professional help, & owning up to what Hardy did. Denial ain't a river in Egypt Gregg. That's what's called being a man & taking responsibility for your own actions. Until he does that, everything else is simply excuses & lip service which adds up to zero, zilch, & nada in the longrun. 


Let me put it to you this way, if Jerry Jones hasn't won a SB since 1995 almost 20 years ago, would he even consider Hardy as a viable option or new addition? Hades no. Thugs & NFL Championships never go together. See Aaron Hernandez. LB Bill Romanowski is the rare exception that defies the rule. Hardly commonplace. 


Jerry Jones had every right to sign him yes & despite my objections Hardy has a right to earn a living. However, Greg's lack of remorse, empathy, sympathy, & compassion for Nicole Holder is astounding, mind blowing, & boggles my mind. 

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Everyone who is whining about Hardy, if you want a change, stop watching NFL.

It's double standard to whine about a guy who is part of an organization and follow the same organization passionately.

Not quite my friend. It's a love to hate fetish I've been engrained with since I was a tiny munchkin my man. Mutual hatred is a very loyal & powerful force. My disdain for all things Dallas Cowboys related. 


When they falter & crumble, I smile. When they perform admirably, I express a different emotion more intensely.  haha

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Did you read the reports and just find it difficult to believe that it was as bad as they said?


No, I never read or followed trial reports. Not sure how detailed or accurate the reports were.  I only remember initial reports where she said he threw her into a bathroom, then drug in into the bedroom, choked her, the tossed her onto a bed of assault rifles. I expected a bruise or two and scratches, but not what came out. And then the rebuttal stories that he said she attacked him with a shoe drawing blood or something, because she was high as a kite on drugs and alcohol and he was protecting himself.  Then the lines were drawn and the two sides throwing barbs back and forth.  When bench trial results came out, I didn't read details, just that the judge believed her and not him.  He appealed and the rest is history  (paid her off and he's back at work because he has football talent)


I'll bet if there was a video of these events, it would have looked worse than the 'reports' mentioned, or maybe even the bruises indicated.  Some things were under tight control, the NFL had to sue to get permission to go to North Carolina just to view seven (there were more, I believe) of the photos.

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Everyone who is whining about Hardy, if you want a change, stop watching NFL.

It's double standard to whine about a guy who is part of an organization and follow the same organization passionately.


How does that help?  If you are alluding to also not buying items from TV sponsors, never buying team goods etc... then does this not also hurt the 'good guys' of the league as well?  The one we love to watch? The Hardy's of the league are the minority, not the majority.


How about this, Jason Witten grew up in an abusive home (his mother the abused).  He now has a domestic violence foundation since 2010.




Wonder how the relations in the Cowboys locker room is?  I know I'm not going to stop watching good guys (great player) like Witten because of Bad guy (great player) Hardy.  I'll cheer the Wiitten's of the NFL world and jeer the Hardy's of the NFL world.  And there's no double standard in that {and I am not, nor ever was a fan of the Cowboys as an organization, just some of their players over the years.}

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How does that help? If you are alluding to also not buying items from TV sponsors, never buying team goods etc... then does this not also hurt the 'good guys' of the league as well? The one we love to watch? The Hardy's of the league are the minority, not the majority.

How about this, Jason Witten grew up in an abusive home (his mother the abused). He now has a domestic violence foundation since 2010.


Wonder how the relations in the Cowboys locker room is? I know I'm not going to stop watching good guys (great player) like Witten because of Bad guy (great player) Hardy. I'll cheer the Wiitten's of the NFL world and jeer the Hardy's of the NFL world. And there's no double standard in that {and I am not, nor ever was a fan of the Cowboys as an organization, just some of their players over the years.}

To me, from the beginning it isn't about the players.

They are just pawns in this game of chess. It's the law system and NFL which has to clean up its act.

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To me, from the beginning it isn't about the players.

They are just pawns in this game of chess. It's the law system and NFL which has to clean up its act.

It is both. Hardy is a player. The player committed the act

Jerry jones is the league (1/32) He signed the player that committed the act.

The legal system is indeed a large part of the problem. The victim shouldn't have to testify in a case with this much evidence. The photos and a video statement would have been more than enough to convict him.

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It is both. Hardy is a player. The player committed the act

Jerry jones is the league (1/32) He signed the player that committed the act.

The legal system is indeed a large part of the problem. The victim shouldn't have to testify in a case with this much evidence. The photos and a video statement would have been more than enough to convict him.

Law system governs the player or any citizen for that matter in terms of any violation of act. He will have to obey the punishment.

Yes, what he did is wrong but is the law system holding him accountable to the level he should be?.

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To me, from the beginning it isn't about the players.

They are just pawns in this game of chess. It's the law system and NFL which has to clean up its act.

It starts with the individual player/person. It is Hardy who has to clean up his act.

I believe that many teams have sent the message that they will not draft or sign players who have checkered pasts. It seems to be working. There does not appear to be as many reports of NFL players getting arrested as there were the last several years.

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It starts with the individual player/person. It is Hardy who has to clean up his act.

I believe that many teams have sent the message that they will not draft or sign players who have checkered pasts. It seems to be working. There does not appear to be as many reports of NFL players getting arrested as there were the last several years.

To everyone, we live in a world where lot of people are bad. It's a fact. In a dream world, we all wish everyone adhere to rules and be a noble citizen. But it doesn't happen.

There is a reason we have law system for people who violate. They need to do their job first.

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To me, from the beginning it isn't about the players.

They are just pawns in this game of chess. It's the law system and NFL which has to clean up its act.


All well and good.  Our law system has flaws and loopholes, which the rich and powerful (which the pawns of the game clearly are) can utilize in their favor.  The NFL has issues in cleaning up the messes the legal system leaves behind.  But the NFL can't complete the project the cause the NFLPA (which is the players, those pawns of the game) will not agree to it.  The NFL also want's to state which drug a player was found in violation of the PED/Substance Abuse policies.  The NFLPA won't allow it (likely because some drugs carry a bigger stigma, if not penalty, than others)


The NFLPA (players) have just as much responsibility in all of this as the League itself.

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Law system governs the player or any citizen for that matter in terms of any violation of act. He will have to obey the punishment.

Yes, what he did is wrong but is the law system holding him accountable to the level he should be?.

I said the legal system is indeed a problem. I even detailed how things should have been handled differetly. That doesn't absolve the cowboys from signing him. He doesn't have a right to play football. That is a privilege. I wouldn't hire a guy I know beats women.
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No, I never read or followed trial reports. Not sure how detailed or accurate the reports were.  I only remember initial reports where she said he threw her into a bathroom, then drug in into the bedroom, choked her, the tossed her onto a bed of assault rifles. I expected a bruise or two and scratches, but not what came out. And then the rebuttal stories that he said she attacked him with a shoe drawing blood or something, because she was high as a kite on drugs and alcohol and he was protecting himself.  Then the lines were drawn and the two sides throwing barbs back and forth.  When bench trial results came out, I didn't read details, just that the judge believed her and not him.  He appealed and the rest is history  (paid her off and he's back at work because he has football talent)


I'll bet if there was a video of these events, it would have looked worse than the 'reports' mentioned, or maybe even the bruises indicated.  Some things were under tight control, the NFL had to sue to get permission to go to North Carolina just to view seven (there were more, I believe) of the photos.


I think a video would be harder to stomach.


The reports painted a pretty graphic picture. I read enough to convince me that she had been hurt.

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All well and good.  Our law system has flaws and loopholes, which the rich and powerful (which the pawns of the game clearly are) can utilize in their favor.  The NFL has issues in cleaning up the messes the legal system leaves behind.  But the NFL can't complete the project the cause the NFLPA (which is the players, those pawns of the game) will not agree to it.  The NFL also want's to state which drug a player was found in violation of the PED/Substance Abuse policies.  The NFLPA won't allow it (likely because some drugs carry a bigger stigma, if not penalty, than others)


The NFLPA (players) have just as much responsibility in all of this as the League itself.

The chasm probably would not be so big between the two if they felt like they had a commish who had a clue.

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#1: We are not talking about 31 other teams just Jerry Jones & the Cowboys. How 31 other teams create their 53 man rosters, scumbags or not, is irrelevant to this thread's topic. What if this Hardy experiment blows up in Jerry's face & fractures the locker room Jb95? Who benefits in that scenario? Nobody.

It's not a question of possessing a moral compass Jb95; It's whether introducing an unstable element into the Cowboys organization can be managed, controlled, & content especially if they keep losing games. Risk vs reward & Hardy just isn't worth it IMO since Greg is still in denial over what he did & refusing to answer tough questions about his past proves he hasn't grown or evolved as a human being.

Yes, I know you will claim what made me a saint right? A classic cop out ploy diversion tactic. I never claimed to be a saint largely because I didn't attempt to strangle my fiancee & then act like everything is swell with nothing to see here folks. It's not even about athletic talent. It's about facing your inner demons head on, getting professional help, & owning up to what Hardy did. Denial ain't a river in Egypt Gregg. That's what's called being a man & taking responsibility for your own actions. Until he does that, everything else is simply excuses & lip service which adds up to zero, zilch, & nada in the longrun.

Let me put it to you this way, if Jerry Jones hasn't won a SB since 1995 almost 20 years ago, would he even consider Hardy as a viable option or new addition? Hades no. Thugs & NFL Championships never go together. See Aaron Hernandez. LB Bill Romanowski is the rare exception that defies the rule. Hardly commonplace.

Jerry Jones had every right to sign him yes & despite my objections Hardy has a right to earn a living. However, Greg's lack of remorse, empathy, sympathy, & compassion for Nicole Holder is astounding, mind blowing, & boggles my mind.

I don't even bother reading your posts because they're so long winded and missing anything you couldn't put in a single sentence. Don't waste your time.

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I said the legal system is indeed a problem. I even detailed how things should have been handled differetly. That doesn't absolve the cowboys from signing him. He doesn't have a right to play football. That is a privilege. I wouldn't hire a guy I know beats women.


 I have repeated this a few times. What Hardy did is WRONG. There is no doubt about that.


To fix it, you are targeting cowboys. I am targeting law system and NFL. They have the authority to stop organizations like cowboys to hire players like Hardy.

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I have repeated this a few times. What Hardy did is WRONG. There is no doubt about that.

To fix it, you are targeting cowboys. I am targeting law system and NFL. They have the authority to stop organizations like cowboys to hire players like Hardy.

What you aren't getting is, Jerry Jones, along with the other 31 owners, is the nfl . He was the one who signed him, he didn't have to. The legal system is to blame as well, which I have mentioned

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What you aren't getting is, Jerry Jones, along with the other 31 owners, is the nfl . He was the one who signed him, he didn't have to. The legal system is to blame as well, which I have mentioned

He is part of NFL not THE NFL.


Lets just say, JJ and NFL are the same. Then, the blame is in the legal system. 

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He is part of NFL not THE NFL.


Lets just say, JJ and NFL are the same. Then, the blame is in the legal system. 

Exactly which is why entertainment organizations should not try to discipline outside/above of the law. Either let the law handle it or have an independent third party arbitrator but the NFL can't seem to figure this out.

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Hardy has somewhat directly addressed the situation in response to the pictures coming out:



Just had to say I express my regret 4 what happened in past and I'm Dedicated to being the best person & teammate that I can be

— Machiavelli Kraken (@OverlordKraken)

November 8, 2015

but mostly I am Grateful 4 the opportunity to play in NFL #GodBlessHookyStreet

— Machiavelli Kraken (@OverlordKraken)

November 8, 2015
Never knew he was such a fan of "Only Fools and Horses".


Did you notice what was in those statements? I this and I that nothing about her.

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I don't even bother reading your posts because they're so long winded and missing anything you couldn't put in a single sentence. Don't waste your time.

So this is your solution huh? Duck & run when you can't take the heat eh? It's okay. It probably speaks volumes as to why you pardon Hardy right & left simply because he makes plays on the field. 


Thank you so much for your valuable contribution JB95 Sarcasm.


Is 'longwinded' meant to be an insult? Because it didn't work. Some people prefer sophistication & detail while others flee from it in droves. To each their own I guess. So be it. 

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So this is your solution huh? Duck & run when you can't take the heat eh? It's okay. It probably speaks volumes as to why you pardon Hardy right & left simply because he makes plays on the field.

Thank you so much for your valuable contribution JB95 Sarcasm.

Is 'longwinded' meant to be an insult? Because it didn't work. Some people prefer sophistication & detail while others flee from it in droves. To each their own I guess. So be it.

Did you see this:

JB - SW1 is one of the coolest posters around here man.

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Did you see this:


No, I missed that one. I appreciate you highlighting this post NFLfan. Thank you also Shane Bond for your kind words on my behalf. Tip of my Colts cap to ya brother... :hat:


Lots of fans make valuable contributions on here not just me. Many of whom I am fortunate to call my friends & NFL colleagues. Peace out. 


I just admire the high football IQ on here & the humor is priceless man. It's what keeps drawing back like a moth to a flame. Zap! Pop! 

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This is just my opinion which you are free to listen to or dismiss as you deem fit, but when I think of Michael Vick, his dog fighting conviction, his time spent behind bars at Leavenworth, & his commitment to turn his life around. I respect that. However, Greg Hardy almost commits murder of a former lover, pays her off to avoid prison time, & then he acts like he never did anything wrong simply because the case got dismissed & the arrest erased & all is forgiven is so deep in denial that it would be hilarious minus the assault & battery charge in real life. 


Remember when Jerry Jones let WR TO go for disrupting team chemistry in the locker room? But Hardy can explode on the sidelines toward a special teams coach over a NY Giants TD & Greg's a leader now? In what universe Jerry? If Greg was forthcoming about his mistreatment of Nicole Holder to the media, showed some genuine remorse, & sought professional help for his anger issues, I'd back off. 


The dude is garbage & a piece of crap. Athletic talent doesn't entitle that pass rusher to throw his finance around like a rag doll & beat her severely. Jones made a huge mistake in signing him because Hardy has no control  over his explosions. He escalates vs de-escalates & the word no isn't in his vocabulary. That's his primary problem in my book. 


Greg truly believes that his skill set on a football field means that everyday mortal rules of conduct & human dignity don't apply to him. It's all about his immediate gratification socially & sexually. 

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So this is your solution huh? Duck & run when you can't take the heat eh? It's okay. It probably speaks volumes as to why you pardon Hardy right & left simply because he makes plays on the field.

Thank you so much for your valuable contribution JB95 Sarcasm.

Is 'longwinded' meant to be an insult? Because it didn't work. Some people prefer sophistication & detail while others flee from it in droves. To each their own I guess. So be it.

Lol, I pardon Hardy, which is why I don't bother with your posts. Wow brother... I pardon Hardy. Alrighty. You have a comprehension problem if you think I pardon Hardy. Just stop.
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