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Colts trenches through week 3

Lawrence Owen

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Hmm, now that may just be taking it too far. Whatever he is doing, he's not going a great job at it. At the same time the OL isn't filled with all world talent so I'll give him some benefit of doubt.

Still, you play to your strengths of what you have.

Brady seems fine behind whatever guys they stick in there. No all world talent. Just have to play short yardage ball for the most part.

I know that's on Pep, not Gilbert. But shouldn't Gilbert say "Pep, my guys can't hold the blocks long enough for that gameplan."?

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Your friend the Eagles fan doesn't know how math works.  Coming into this season, Cole had played 10 seasons in the NFL and had racked up 85.5 sacks.  85.5 / 10 = 8.55 sacks per season.  No idea where this friend got 6-7.5. 


Also, an 8.5 average per season over the course of a 10 year (so far) career is hardly pedestrian.  For comparison, coming into this season, Mathis has averaged 10.1 sacks per season. 

Career numbers were above average but the problem is that the last 3 seasons was a steady decline. A number of us pointed this out when he was signed but the hope was that he didn't have to play all that much and that Mathis would be back quickly. I wasn't all that excited about the signing and although the bears are not winning games the addition of Parnell McPhee has been a bright spot for them and should be a player on the upswing. Whereas with our OLB position we're in trouble there in my opinion. Mathis is in the twilight of his career, Trent Cole is in the same boat and Werner has underachieved. Newsome hasn't looked good so far this year. This is another position that needs attention. Any defense that wants to be elite has to have an elite pass rusher. We have Mathis who was elite but is old and coming off of an injury. The position needs to be addressed.


Personnel wise we have really taken a step back in a couple of areas over the last two years.

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Still, you play to your strengths of what you have.

Brady seems fine behind whatever guys they stick in there. No all world talent. Just have to play short yardage ball for the most part.

I know that's on Pep, not Gilbert. But shouldn't Gilbert say "Pep, my guys can't hold the blocks long enough for that gameplan."?


Yep, it doesn't seem quite like rocket science.  That being said I have no idea what these fellas go through so my opinion is invalid. 

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Well, We have proven two things so far, we can run, and stop the run. We are 6th in the NFL averaging 4.5 YPC as a team, and defensively are 12th giving up only 3.7 ypc.

However, in the pass game, we allow way to much QB hurries and hits, and Defensively, don't get enough pressure on the QB, -granted having Mathis back helps, he Freeman and Parry got sacks last game.-

We're 19th in total run offense, not that great.

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We probably also lead the league in drive killing holding calls. 


I don't know anything about our O line coach, is he teaching proper technique? 


I keep asking the same question - how come the Patriots can swap guys in and out of their O line without missing a beat?  (I know it helps that they have plays designed so that Brady gets rid of the ball in 2.5 seconds...)


Do you really think an OL coach can get to the NFL level without teaching proper technique?

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Do you really think an OL coach can get to the NFL level without teaching proper technique?


To an extent, yes.  There are variations on each type of block, zone, man to man, etc. 


Obviously, some coaches are better than others at teaching the proper technique.  My example was the Patriots, where they seem to switch guys in and out without missing a beat.  I'm guessing their coach is pretty good at teaching proper technique.

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I've seen games against Houston where Robert Mathis was shut out the entire game so I'm going to be more patient.  I think he also gives some pretty good value as an edge player against the run.  Edges are pretty good when Cole and Walden are in the game. 





however, most "fans" will want spectacle....and what is more fun to watch: a sack? or forcing the action to the middle of the field and not being the 1st body on the ball carrier? (how many times have we read the jokes about Cole "jumping on the pile")


we know one makes highlights....but the other wins games



just my thoughts at least

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To an extent, yes. There are variations on each type of block, zone, man to man, etc.

Obviously, some coaches are better than others at teaching the proper technique. My example was the Patriots, where they seem to switch guys in and out without missing a beat. I'm guessing their coach is pretty good at teaching proper technique.

I think that is scheme more than technique. If we have a zone blocking OL coach then that is on management.

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We're 19th in total run offense, not that great.

But we are 6th in ypc allowed,..that is what I look at. IDC how many yards we give total.  A team gets 120 yards in a game,  but carries the rock 40 times to get it does not mean they had a good game.  The Colts have given up alot of run yards, but on average gives up less yards per carry than all but 5 other teams in the NFL means other teams run the ball to their own detriment thinking we are still last last few years Colts.  

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Has there been any better rookie defensive lineman than Henry Anderson? He's been really good, I haven't followed other teams as closely as I would like so I'm asking this here for someone who knows better than I do.

I think Leonard Williams for the Jets has been pretty good...but he was taken like #6 overall.
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But we are 6th in ypc allowed,..that is what I look at. IDC how many yards we give total.  A team gets 120 yards in a game,  but carries the rock 40 times to get it does not mean they had a good game.  The Colts have given up alot of run yards, but on average gives up less yards per carry than all but 5 other teams in the NFL means other teams run the ball to their own detriment thinking we are still last last few years Colts.  

10 turnovers and several penalties has hurt....leaving our defense on for an extended period of time, The opponent on average a game this year has had the ball for over 5 more minutes a game then the Colts

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I don't think we've given up a 100 yards to a single back yet.  Not sure we've given it up to a duo either and that including the Bills if you exclude the quarterback rushing yards.


In the words of Robert Mathis:


Running backs are averaging just 3.4 yards per carry against the Colts this season (78 attempts for 267 yards).


Robert Mathisicon-article-link.gif about this newer, more athletic, Colts defensive front and his eyes light up.

“They are dogs,” a grinning Mathis says. “I can’t say enough about them. I tell them every play, ‘I love my d-line.’

“They are definitely the heart and soul of our defense. It starts and stops with them and they are doing a tremendous job for us.”



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I think that is scheme more than technique. If we have a zone blocking OL coach then that is on management.


I think it's scheme with the Pats more than anything else.  I think the parts are pretty interchangeable when you have a QB who gets rid of the football in 2.5 seconds or less. I'm not saying you can just throw anybody in there however, but the lineman they choose doesn't have to be a perennial pro bowler to do his job with how they scheme things.  We saw when Jimmy G was in there behind that same group he was sacked multiple times.  Now there are some obvious differences between Jimmy G and Tom Brady, but my point is the longer they are asked to block the more you see negative plays.

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