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CBS/98.5 Sources: Under-inflated balls OK'd by refs pregame


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That's fine. I was basically arguing that it doesn't matter whether or not the officials even checked them properly. The guy was trying to imply that it was the NFL's fault for not catching them.....and that trying to out-wit rule enforcement is part of the game...even before the game starts. (as with spygate too).

What underpins all of the Pats transgressions over the years is the apparent effort put into finding holes in the way the rules are enforced and driving a truck through them. That mindset should not be tolerated by the other NFL owners. It would cost the league too much money to increase the amount of policing necessary to monitor individuals who operated that way.

And even policing aparently isn't good enough.....they demand proof. How much will it continually cost the NFL to gather enough proof to overcome the tremendous effort a coach places in continually breaking the rules.

The BelliKraft way is simply is forcing the other 31 owners to waste their time and money..aided by an enabling fan base...which pressures the costs of tickets and jerseys to be inflated for everyone.

Its time to vote Kraft, Bellichick, and Brady out of the league......and move the franchise to LA.

ROFL at "all those transgressions". What an absolute load of garbage.

I'll spot you Spygate, which most here still don't understand; what other transgressions are you inventing?

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Yeah I blame them as it's totally absurd to keep insisting these officials squeezed footballs to measure the PSI. If that were the case the investigation would have been over the second that was determined. No way an official would lie about that either as it would no doubt come out in the end that this was the practice . They would just HAVE to say something like "we've been goofing up on this for a long time as we never really thought it was an issue."   

Oh yea that's just comical at this point, they said they gauged the balls according to protocol, like they do every single week, which is means they tested the air pressure with a tool. But we got people looking up the word gauge in the dictionary on here and saying it's just a squeeze test it's hilarious. Your team is in the Superbowl go enjoy it for once.

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I'm pretty sure I get your point. The Colts' footballs lost pressure.


Yet, they were still compliant. 


Just about how many of the initial details, which have widely been accepted as fact, are wrong, and in some cases way off. That's all. 

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Oh yea that's just comical at this point, they said they gauged the balls according to protocol, like they do every single week, which is means they tested the air pressure with a tool. But we got people looking up the word gauge in the dictionary on here and saying it's just a squeeze test it's hilarious. Your team is in the Superbowl go enjoy it for once.


To use the word comical is very generous of you. I'd use one more letter and call it a little something else.

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Yeah I blame them as it's totally absurd to keep insisting these officials squeezed footballs to measure the PSI. If that were the case the investigation would have been over the second that was determined. No way an official would lie about that either as it would no doubt come out in the end that this was the practice . They would just HAVE to say something like "we've been goofing up on this for a long time as we never really thought it was an issue."

Right, because the NFL is always honest and forthcoming.


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Interesting article if you haven't read it already: 


Sharp’s idea was to look at fumbles. That led him to a more refined topic: how well the Patriots held onto the ball both before and after the 2006 season, which happened to be the year Brady and Peyton Manning pushed for a rule change which allowed each team to provide their own footballs for games.

“Something significant changed from 2006 to 2007 that allowed them to retain the football,” Sharp said by phone Tuesday, “and that continues today.”

According to Sharp’s calculations, the Patriots’ fumble rate was 42 touches per fumble from 2000 through 2006. That was about the league average. Since 2007, however, that rate has dropped dramatically, to 74 touches per fumble. Over that time, the Pats are the best team in the NFL at holding onto the ball, even including dome teams.

“Based upon the data we’ve collected and the probabilities, it definitely is extremely unlikely that their ability to hold onto the football would change so much and be as far away from the rest of the NFL,” Sharp said. “It’s extremely unlikely.”

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Interesting article if you haven't read it already: 


Sharp’s idea was to look at fumbles. That led him to a more refined topic: how well the Patriots held onto the ball both before and after the 2006 season, which happened to be the year Brady and Peyton Manning pushed for a rule change which allowed each team to provide their own footballs for games.

“Something significant changed from 2006 to 2007 that allowed them to retain the football,” Sharp said by phone Tuesday, “and that continues today.”

According to Sharp’s calculations, the Patriots’ fumble rate was 42 touches per fumble from 2000 through 2006. That was about the league average. Since 2007, however, that rate has dropped dramatically, to 74 touches per fumble. Over that time, the Pats are the best team in the NFL at holding onto the ball, even including dome teams.

“Based upon the data we’ve collected and the probabilities, it definitely is extremely unlikely that their ability to hold onto the football would change so much and be as far away from the rest of the NFL,” Sharp said. “It’s extremely unlikely.”

According to the Pats fans thats "circumstantial evidence".  I am glad you posted this, I read the same thing and it personally raised a red flag for me.

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Nice read from a personal Pats fan.  I will say none of this would have came out if them balls weren't considered "deflated".  Now that Brady and BB deny any involvement things like this make them look guilty as heck imo.  Of course a Patriots fan is going to disagree.  I thought it was a pretty crazy statistic though.  The NFL will do the investigation and the truth will come out.  It's only a matter of time.

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Nice read from a personal Pats fan. I will say none of this would have came out if them balls weren't considered "deflated". Now that Brady and BB deny any involvement things like this make them look guilty as heck imo. Of course a Patriots fan is going to disagree. I thought it was a pretty crazy statistic though. The NFL will do the investigation and the truth will come out. It's only a matter of time.

And if the NFL comes back and exonerates the Patriots, will you do likewise?
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lol...you're big on old news, eh? We've all moved past this stuff. No starting PSI measurements were logged, meaning the Colts balls very likely deflated same as the Pats, and most reputable scientists agree that it was due to the weather.


As a bricklayer I spend alot of time out side this winter it was below zero several days & a 1 tire got a little low . I realize cold weather does create a issue .


But IMO 50 degrees & rainy  ?   Dude I just ain't buying what your selling period .

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Nice read from a personal Pats fan.  I will say none of this would have came out if them balls weren't considered "deflated".  Now that Brady and BB deny any involvement things like this make them look guilty as heck imo.  Of course a Patriots fan is going to disagree.  I thought it was a pretty crazy statistic though.  The NFL will do the investigation and the truth will come out.  It's only a matter of time.


I dont take much away from either set of numbers, other then they can be made to say what you want, if you are looking for them to say something in particular. One set eliminates dome teams, and one set eliminates dome games. Small difference, huge shift in the outcomes.

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As a bricklayer I spend alot of time out side this winter it was below zero several days & a 1 tire got a little low . I realize cold weather does create a issue .


But IMO 50 degrees & rainy  ?   Dude I just ain't buying what your selling period .



Just 1 tire? Did the ball boy not get a chance at the others? :)

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And if the NFL comes back and exonerates the Patriots, will you do likewise?

I'm counting on that, won't change the public opinion though. It's literally the same thing as a high profile murder case like OJ Simpson. Everyone has preconceived feelings and looks at the evidence and also can't put personal feelings aside. I know the NFL is going to botch this investigation, I know Kraft is indirectly paying for this investigation which is a conflict of interest, I know Goodell cares more about the image of the shield than doing the right thing and will sweep it under the rug. Nothing is going to change on either side.

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ROFL at "all those transgressions". What an absolute load of garbage.

I'll spot you Spygate, which most here still don't understand; what other transgressions are you inventing?

Playing with underinflated footballs

Concealing who is eligible (by knowing the refs won't take the time to sort it out)

From what I read, bunching up coaches and players on the sidelines to interfere with the gunner who gets run OB on punts and kickoffs.


Willie McGinest faking an injury to stop the clock and allow the defense to rest when the colts are driving. (knowing that the refs don't prove that a player is injured before they stop the clock)

BB constantly listing Brady on the injury report out of spite for getting punished for not doing it once ten years ago,...thereby mocking the rule enforcers.

A fan base that enables this behavior by their team does not deserve a franchise. I guess you could say that Boston/Providence are not "real" NFL cities.

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Playing with underinflated footballs

Concealing who is eligible (by knowing the refs won't take the time to sort it out)

From what I read, bunching up coaches and players on the sidelines to interfere with the gunner who gets run OB on punts and kickoffs.


Willie McGinest faking an injury to stop the clock and allow the defense to rest when the colts are driving. (knowing that the refs don't prove that a player is injured before they stop the clock)

BB constantly listing Brady on the injury report out of spite for getting punished for not doing it once ten years ago,...thereby mocking the rule enforcers.

A fan base that enables this behavior by their team does not deserve a franchise. I guess you could say that Boston/Providence are not "real" NFL cities.

Don't forget BB trying to get in Harrison's way on the sideline.


Providence shouldn't be considered a "real" city anyway, it's really just a hole with a nice mall. If I went to PC I would be afraid to walk one foot off the campus.

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And I forgot to add to my list.....

The fact that BB lists Brady on the injury report for ten years...because he got called out for not doing it once ten years ago....

probably means that he was trying to cheat in the first place when he didn't list Brady on the injury report...not wanting the opponent to know Brady was hurt.

Just more ammunition for Goodell to pull a Silver like maneuver and force Kraft to sell the team.

Here come the LA Patriots!!!!!!

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A fan base that enables this behavior by their team does not deserve a franchise. I guess you could say that Boston/Providence are not "real" NFL cities.


Come on man... do you really think that if this were, say, the Seahawks under fire, that their fans are so much more noble and righteous than we are that they wouldn't be trying to defend their team? 


I understand disliking the Patriots, but ripping their fans and saying we don't "deserve a franchise" is just a low blow and totally unnecessary. None of us are on trial or under investigation here. All we do is sit on our couches and watch football on Sundays. I don't sit in on team meetings you know. 


Keep it on the level. It's about the game, the NFL, and the Patriots. Don't make it about Boston or the people who live here. You preach about class and integrity... but a statement like that is just the opposite. 

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Yep, the refs never check just by feel.



Wow, i thought he was going to confess and say he and other Refs willingly did not due their jobs properly at times and did not perform due diligence before a game.  He only confessed they can only go by feel during the game.  And that if it is under inflated they will know and throw it out.  Well guess what, they didn't know, or throw one out.  DQ intercepted and an astute Colt equipment guy noticed it immediately. 


That tells me once the game is underway, the Refs don't pay attention because they feel there is no way a ball that was properly checked and marked by them pre-game is going to suddenly be out of compliance.  And certainly nobody would try to alter them, because as he said, the officials know what's going on! {right}


So he doesn't admit to only hand testing them pre-game ( he mentions they are tested and marked, but specifically how.  Good thing as he could have got himself in bad trouble) only during the game.  But that just shows how even then it is a poor method because Walt Anderson and crew missed it!  Colts balls test fine, Pats Balls do not.  Not until league is notified do the funny business of finding 'suitable balls' begin  and even going so far as having to use the Colts balls for both teams at one point. I wonder if Wells ream will get it right, or do their part in the mixup messup.


We should all just laugh at every report and reporter right now   Shucks with Bill Belichick doing science experiments and Pete Carroll getting 'Very Clear Message' s wrong... this Super Bowl is a laugher.  We should all join in!


I still need to find Goodell's State of the NFL address and the segment where Rachel Nichols gets kicked off of his Christmas Card list...

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Yep, the refs never check just by feel.




Are you serious ? Man .. you have serious problems. All that official says in that 6 minutes is that when a ball enters the game the check it by fell. Did anyone say they have a gauge on the field and check balls as they come into the game ?There is NOTHING to even hint that they didn't use gauges to check the PSI on the 24 balls before the game started. Man... I won't pick on you anymore. I"m beginning to understand . No problem bud... every things cool . You right...

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Come on man... do you really think that if this were, say, the Seahawks under fire, that their fans are so much more noble and righteous than we are that they wouldn't be trying to defend their team? 


I understand disliking the Patriots, but ripping their fans and saying we don't "deserve a franchise" is just a low blow and totally unnecessary. None of us are on trial or under investigation here. All we do is sit on our couches and watch football on Sundays. I don't sit in on team meetings you know. 


Keep it on the level. It's about the game, the NFL, and the Patriots. Don't make it about Boston or the people who live here. You preach about class and integrity... but a statement like that is just the opposite.

I'm probably guilty of hyperbole (insert smiley face emoticon if function worked)

Seriously, there is a pattern over the years. Each one no big deal. But collectively, it does show BBs overall approach. The thing is, his approach has the potential of tarnishing the NFL...and BB doesn't care because he will retire and leave the others to build back an image.

As a Colts fan, I don't really care...really I don't.

But...if I were the other teams' owners...I'd be really p.o'd...BB continually forcing us to police his actions (now slowing down the game to sort out who's eligible) and undo his tarnishment of the NFL after he's gone.

As a collective of 31 owners, yes, I would tell Kraft to get his rogue coach in line with the rest of us or face some significant consequences.

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I'm probably guilty of hyperbole (insert smiley face emoticon if function worked)

Seriously, there is a pattern over the years. Each one no big deal. But collectively, it does show BBs overall approach.

The thing is, his approach has the potential of tarnishing the NFL...and BB doesn't care because he will retire and leave the others to build back an image.

As a Colts fan, I don't really care...really I don't.

But...if I were the other teams' owners...I'd be really p.o'd...BB continually forcing us to police his actions (now slowing down the game to sort out who's eligible) and undo his tarnishment of the NFL after he's gone.

As a fan it hurts to see that. One would think if this continues and Goodell just makes money decisions rather than the right decisions (talking about everything not just this incident) the league would implode similar to what Mark Cuban has predicted. I wonder if people in the 1980's thought about the possibility that boxing would be completely irrelevant one day, maybe it could happen to the NFL.

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Playing with underinflated footballs

Concealing who is eligible (by knowing the refs won't take the time to sort it out)

From what I read, bunching up coaches and players on the sidelines to interfere with the gunner who gets run OB on punts and kickoffs.


Willie McGinest faking an injury to stop the clock and allow the defense to rest when the colts are driving. (knowing that the refs don't prove that a player is injured before they stop the clock)

BB constantly listing Brady on the injury report out of spite for getting punished for not doing it once ten years ago,...thereby mocking the rule enforcers.

A fan base that enables this behavior by their team does not deserve a franchise. I guess you could say that Boston/Providence are not "real" NFL cities.

Right, you have nothing .

Brady is always on the report because if a player misses ANY practice time, they must be listed in the report.

You do realize it was the Jets who gathered to block gunners, yes?

Nothing was illegal about the substitutions, but thanks.

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This ref did not check by feel. We are on hour 8 of debating this. Blandino said the correct protocol was followed by Anderson and that they were gauged. Using a tool, not a squeeze test. Please, facts only.


Man, if you stick to that facts only thing, we all might as go back to discussing the boring stuff :)

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