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Is a pass rusher a priority with Newsome's performance Sunday?

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We've been talking the draft a bit and needs for the Colts. A pass rusher has been one of the main priorities and has come up numerous times as something we should focus on and draft. A good number of people are saying we should draft one in the 1st round.


My question is, with Newsome having 2 big games in the 2 games he got big playing time in and us having Werner, Walden, and resigning Mathis for another year, is the pass rush really a big priority anymore? I think Newsome was that big hit we needed and he takes a lot of pressure off that position of need. Honestly, I think we can wait until the mid rounds to grab one now unless someone falls significantly. Where would you take a pass rusher (if at all) in next year's draft and why? 

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I don't think so. I've liked what I've seen from Werner when he's in coverage and in space. He looks like he can be a Sam backer, while Newsome is probably the future at Rush OLB. I think that eliminates the need. There are other more pressing holes we should be looking to fill early on like ILB and Safety. I'm glad some one else is behind me on this. I've been saying it for weeks lol.

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Yes we still need pass rush help, but more from the DL. I don't think any of our current DL can offer much in pass rush. Arthur Jones is probably considered our best pass rusher from the DL as of now. But we need improvement at DB to give us coverage sacks. Vontae can't do it all.

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We'll be getting Mathis back, Newsome will have another year to develop. We could hit FA for another OLB, I'd like to see Brandon Graham given a shot as a Colt. I don't think we'll need to draft an OLB early. I would love it if they take a gamble on Mike Orakpo with a late round pick.


I think our bigger holes are at S (with little talent and lots of guys going FA) and ILB (not playing up to par against the good teams and Freeman going FA). CB depth could definitely stand to be improved upon as well with Davis being our only "shutdown" corner and Toler being so injury prone. Another impact player on the D-line would make a big difference. Jones when healthy is realistically our best D-lineman and Kerr, RJF, Hughes, and Chapman are solid rotational guys but if we could add an impact player there I'd be for that move. 


On the offensive side of the ball, the line could use a boost. I don't think we need skill players, other than maybe a running back. Wide receiver looks great, especially if we land Duron Carter. Tight end looks great, especially when Allen is healthy (Fleeners come up big in recent weeks Doyle is a good TE3 and maybe the Swoope project will go somewhere too). Backup QB, if Hasselbeck retires, will have to be addressed somehow.

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Yes, we should still draft one in the 2nd or 3rd round but ILB is the position we really need. We need a Wagner type ILB that can do it all. Jackson is too slow and Freeman is undersized and inconsistent. Neither of them are traditional 3-4 man coverage ILB's, If we had Wagner we would be a dominant defense.

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Yes, we should still draft one in the 2nd or 3rd round but ILB is the position we really need. We need a Wagner type ILB that can do it all. Jackson is too slow and Freeman is undersized and inconsistent. Neither of them are traditional 3-4 man coverage ILB's, If we had Wagner we would be a dominant defense.

I really want Denzel Perryman on this defense. If we could trade down into the early 2nd and get him there I'd be thrilled. Would love to see the Colts add playmakers on defense and talent on OL while also adding extra picks in next year's draft.

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I like Perryman as well, reminds me of Daryl Washington. If were going to draft him It'll have to be in the 1st round. The Packers and Broncos need ILB's too, if we pass they might take him in the late 1st.


I really want Denzel Perryman on this defense. If we could trade down into the early 2nd and get him there I'd be thrilled. Would love to see the Colts add playmakers on defense and talent on OL while also adding extra picks in next year's draft.

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I like Perryman as well, reminds me of Daryl Washington. If were going to draft him It'll have to be in the 1st round. The Packers and Broncos need ILB's too, if we pass they might take him in the late 1st.


I really want Denzel Perryman on this defense. If we could trade down into the early 2nd and get him there I'd be thrilled. Would love to see the Colts add playmakers on defense and talent on OL while also adding extra picks in next year's draft.


I agree on Perryman. I would love it if we drafted him, but honestly I expect Freeman and DQ back.

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We've been talking the draft a bit and needs for the Colts. A pass rusher has been one of the main priorities and has come up numerous times as something we should focus on and draft. A good number of people are saying we should draft one in the 1st round.


My question is, with Newsome having 2 big games in the 2 games he got big playing time in and us having Werner, Walden, and resigning Mathis for another year, is the pass rush really a big priority anymore? I think Newsome was that big hit we needed and he takes a lot of pressure off that position of need. Honestly, I think we can wait until the mid rounds to grab one now unless someone falls significantly. Where would you take a pass rusher (if at all) in next year's draft and why?

I don't think you can have too many pass rushers. I mean, with Mathis coming back, and the young emerging talent in Newsome, I think that takes a lot of pressure off from us. My focus will be on the secondary and possibly adding more bodies across the defensive line. We also have Shaun Phillips signed through next year if we choose to keep him. I feel a lot better about our pass rush now then I did a few weeks ago.

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I'm responding now because it's a week after Newsome's nice game vs. Washington.


He looked lost out there vs. Cleveland.     I don't think he got the 30 snaps he got vs. the Skins.


That's the road of rookies.    You can look good one week,  and not so good the next.


So, judging by yesterday,  yes, we need more help with the pass rush....


But,  check back weekly......   you never know which Newsome will show up....

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