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New England (+3) @ Green Bay (11-30-14)


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If Packers make that field goal and Adams catches that sure TD pass, this game wouldn't have been as close as it looked.


You can go in any direction with that kind of scenario... 


If you watched the game and didn't think it was that tight that's cool. I just didn't see it that way. 

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So the golden child stomping back and forth screaming F-bombs on national TV just because the opponent made a play is completely acceptable to you?


Total exaggeration, as usual. "Stomping back and forth?" Please. 


He dropped F-bombs, yes. He was angry at himself and the offense for coming up short on their final drive. I saw an angry athlete. You apparently saw something else. 



More excuses...  I'm done with this subject.  It was classless and low and showed a complete lack of poise and no amount of excusing will change that.  If you disagree I honestly do not care.


Again, more hater nonsense. The cameras found Brady, not the other way around. 


I guess, though, you don't mind having QBs who are accustomed to losing big games.

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More excuses... I'm done with this subject. It was classless and low and showed a complete lack of poise and no amount of excusing will change that. If you disagree I honestly do not care.

Lol, thanks for the lesson in what it means to be a super classy guy in the face of defeat in a close, highly competitive game of football

Every thread on the Pats on this board turns into an overreaction thread

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Total exaggeration, as usual. "Stomping back and forth?" Please.

He dropped F-bombs, yes. He was angry at himself and the offense for coming up short on their final drive. I saw an angry athlete. You apparently saw something else.

Again, more hater nonsense. The cameras found Brady, not the other way around.

I guess, though, you don't mind having QBs who are accustomed to losing big games.

Camera is for people who are watching on TV. What about the kids who are watching the game from the stadium?.

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Camera is for people who are watching on TV. What about the kids who are watching the game from the stadium?.




Are you guys being serious with this? Any excuse to rip Brady, huh?  :clap:


I have two kids Shane. If either of them "look up" to professional athletes or view them as role models then I've failed miserably as a father. 

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It was 4 and 20 vs 4 and 3

Was it honestly that far? I thought it was like 3rd and like 7 before he got sacked and it would have been like 4th and 15....ok..if that is the case I understand. It happened so fast I never really saw the down and distance. That is my bad.

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Total exaggeration, as usual. "Stomping back and forth?" Please. 


He dropped F-bombs, yes. He was angry at himself and the offense for coming up short on their final drive. I saw an angry athlete. You apparently saw something else. 




Again, more hater nonsense. The cameras found Brady, not the other way around. 


I guess, though, you don't mind having QBs who are accustomed to losing big games.


Lol, thanks for the lesson in what it means to be a super classy guy in the face of defeat in a close, highly competitive game of football

Every thread on the Pats on this board turns into an overreaction thread




Are you guys being serious with this? Any excuse to rip Brady, huh?  :clap:


I have two kids Shane. If either of them "look up" to professional athletes or view them as role models then I've failed miserably as a father. 

Good Grief.... I just now read through this thread,  (I have no idea why :scratch:)   


I think some "loved" the fact that Tom was "caught" on camera, slinging the F-bombs...     not so much because they really think it's wrong,  but more for the fact that some constantly sing his praises on here, like he's Holier than Thou... and such.


Fact:  He's merely human.  

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This witch hunt on Tom Brady is just pathetic guys. He has no clue the cameras are on him and he is on his own sideline. I am a Christian man and honestly playing sports I've let slip a bad word or two in my time and I'm not proud of it but its a fact its very emotional. Honestly I have more problem with a GD than what Brady said. Had this been in a football camp with children or in an interview etc I get it...but on the field in the heat of the action when no one can really hear him...yeah...this is just a pathetic attempt to bring a guy down when he is having an MVP worthy season. At this point I don't think if Tom saved a child from a well he would get any credit on this web site so I'll leave it at that. Do I condone his words/actions...no...do I think that this is anything more than a chance to slam the guy....you betcha. May the first person to never utter a curse word be the first to cast a stone....seriously guys...overreaction.

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I think some "loved" the fact that Tom was "caught" on camera, slinging the F-bombs...     not so much because they really think it's wrong,  but more for the fact that some constantly sing his praises on here, like he's Holier than Thou... and such.


Fact:  He's merely human.  


They all are (human, that is). I just think it's nonsense. It's not like he was staring into a camera.


Some people just want to see others fail because it somehow makes them feel better about themselves, their teams, and their favorite athletes. That's one of the things I've always liked about you. You're passionate without needing to stoop to taking shots at others. 

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This witch hunt on Tom Brady is just pathetic guys. He has no clue the cameras are on him and he is on his own sideline. I am a Christian man and honestly playing sports I've let slip a bad word or two in my time and I'm not proud of it but its a fact its very emotional. Honestly I have more problem with a GD than what Brady said. Had this been in a football camp with children or in an interview etc I get it...but on the field in the heat of the action when no one can really hear him...yeah...this is just a pathetic attempt to bring a guy down when he is having an MVP worthy season. At this point I don't think if Tom saved a child from a well he would get any credit on this web site so I'll leave it at that. Do I condone his words/actions...no...do I think that this is anything more than a chance to slam the guy....you betcha. May the first person to never utter a curse word be the first to cast a stone....seriously guys...overreaction.


I lol'd at the bold part because it reminded me of the mock "United Way" commercial from SNL... 



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It was 4th and 18 at the end. Still, I think you wing it to the end zone vs the long FG that was not going to help you.


They should have run more. That was the most surprising part of the game. When they did run, they had some good success.

I kinda agree. I'm not sure what their plays look like for that but I definately give Gronk a shot at a first down. You haven't stopped GB all night so I felt like you knew you weren't getting the ball back fg or no fg. I think the percentages were low to convert but then again I think they were just as low to stop GB. I guess considering how Bill plays the games I just thought he would put it in Toms hands. We've seen them convert plenty of 3rd and longs over the years...and GB had only that one stop....besides if GB gets the ball...you still get the ball back with a chance to go for a td to win the game if you get a 3 and out with 2 mins. That was my opinion at least.

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You keep making these fortress and castle references to describe Brady's line, but it's pure hyperbole.. the oline isn't elite, they haven't been for years now and Brady is havin to get rid of the ball fast.

The oline was completely dominated yesterday







Top 5. Top 6 at worst. Pretty damn good. DEN is certainly great at pass blocking and if the run blocking keeps playing like it has you can throw them in there as well.


Having to get rid of the ball fast and being dominated nearly every week with poor run and pass blocking is what a bad line looks like. Try ours. We can't do either. Getting beat in one game against a damn good football team doesn't mean they're not elite when they still dominate 9/10 teams. Keep in mind GB didn't really stop your run game, just your pass game. If BB had ran more, the game could have been very different.

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I lol'd at the bold part because it reminded me of the mock "United Way" commercial from SNL... 



And I do feel that way about the GD part...and we've all heard Peyton say that one and I grimmace everytime on that Donald Brown thing. I've seen almost every pro sports athelete other than like perhaps Kurt Warner, David Robinson, and Tim Tebow use such language....even my beloved Peyton Manning. Had he done this on the field to a ref or something...thats one thing...this isn't the Carolina deal here...and even then I get that...this is just people happy seeing NE lose....and if that is what makes you happy on Sunday afternoon then more power to you...kinda pathetic but more power to you....but to continue this dialog about Tom being a bad guy because of this is just dumb. Just be honest folks...we have a ton here that would bad mouth him if he stepped on crack in the side walk....that he broke someones mothers back....and we have some others here that think because he has won some SBs he should be up for saint hood....to everyone...its monday...lets move on lol.

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That's football. If the refs bothered to call all the blatant push offs on the Packers receivers then the Pats are probably up in the fourth quarter instead of behind.

Honestly I have a problem with the offensive pass interference...but there are some games when you got all the grabbing and contact even past 5yds like you see with Seattle, Denver, NE I'm ok with it. Honestly if you are going to let the defense put their hands on you down the field like they do...then there is no other way to get any separation. People say they want to let them play and then when they do...they complain anyways. If someone is always on here crying about the illegal contact rules and then watches a physical game in the secondary like that I can't think you would be upset that they let the offensive guy push off when they are letting the defensive guy clutch. It happened both ways...Gronk is often responsible at the top of his routes with a little nudge here and there and as big as he is its a big advantage. I saw some Denver receiver guys do it last night too...but if the defense is going drap themselves all over you 10 yds down the field and keep contact even past the 5 yds...good for you with a little physical play of your own. To me that was a great game...and I didn't mind the calls or non-calls one bit.

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That's football. If the refs bothered to call all the blatant push offs on the Packers receivers then the Pats are probably up in the fourth quarter instead of behind.

They gave Edelman a flag when he whined for it after running in to the defender.. Making it the best Pats offensive play over a two quarter span. I'd say the non-call push off offset it.


Not a clinic in officiating, like usual, but it wasn't lopsided.

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Honestly I have a problem with the offensive pass interference...but there are some games when you got all the grabbing and contact even past 5yds like you see with Seattle, Denver, NE I'm ok with it. Honestly if you are going to let the defense put their hands on you down the field like they do...then there is no other way to get any separation. People say they want to let them play and then when they do...they complain anyways. If someone is always on here crying about the illegal contact rules and then watches a physical game in the secondary like that I can't think you would be upset that they let the offensive guy push off when they are letting the defensive guy clutch. It happened both ways...Gronk is often responsible at the top of his routes with a little nudge here and there and as big as he is its a big advantage. I saw some Denver receiver guys do it last night too...but if the defense is going drap themselves all over you 10 yds down the field and keep contact even past the 5 yds...good for you with a little physical play of your own. To me that was a great game...and I didn't mind the calls or non-calls one bit.

I prefer to let them play. But as long as the calls are consistent both ways it does not bother me much. That did not happen in the GB/NE. The calls were inconsistent, other calls were plain bad like the hold on the DB covering Edelman and then others were missed like the blatant push offs by the GB receivers. Not sure last night was as much about the new rules as just bad officiating. 

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Total exaggeration, as usual. "Stomping back and forth?" Please. 


He dropped F-bombs, yes. He was angry at himself and the offense for coming up short on their final drive. I saw an angry athlete. You apparently saw something else. 




Again, more hater nonsense. The cameras found Brady, not the other way around. 


I guess, though, you don't mind having QBs who are accustomed to losing big games.



Who knew they were so sensitive? Kudos to their husbands for dealing with them.

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Those thinking this was a preview for the SB....hate to break it too you but Seattle is going to get home field imo. They will have the tie breakers against the NFC after they beat Philly next week. I don't see GB winning out and even if they do...I think Seattle still shuts them down. They are going to win that division going away and SF and ARI neither will make the playoffs...as long as that defense is playing that physical and they stay healthy I see NE vs Sea in the SB. Throwing against NE's defense is hard...but doing it against SEA and against that SEA pass rush is an entirely different ball game....and SEA won't abandon the run....they will shove it down GBs throat....the same way NE should have.

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They gave Edelman a flag when he whined for it after running in to the defender.. Making it the best Pats offensive play over a two quarter span. I'd say the non-call push off offset it.


Not a clinic in officiating, like usual, but it wasn't lopsided.



I agree. The officiating was pretty good. One of the fairest games I've seen this season.

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I prefer to let them play. But as long as the calls are consistent both ways it does not bother me much. That did not happen in the GB/NE. The calls were inconsistent, other calls were plain bad like the hold on the DB covering Edelman and then others were missed like the blatant push offs by the GB receivers. Not sure last night was as much about the new rules as just bad officiating. 

It was a push off...no doubt...but it was a physical game in the secondary...a lot of clutching/hand fighting and the ref was letting that go for the most part. There was some missed calls but I don't expect perfection...it was a good game and I didn't see a play that was just devastating to one team or another...both had plenty of opportunities and easily could over come any call that went against them. What I'm saying there was no call like GB got against them like in the hail mary play in SEA....or say some call that set up a game winning play in the final seconds.

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Those thinking this was a preview for the SB....hate to break it too you but Seattle is going to get home field imo. They will have the tie breakers against the NFC after they beat Philly next week. I don't see GB winning out and even if they do...I think Seattle still shuts them down. They are going to win that division going away and SF and ARI neither will make the playoffs...as long as that defense is playing that physical and they stay healthy I see NE vs Sea in the SB. Throwing against NE's defense is hard...but doing it against SEA and against that SEA pass rush is an entirely different ball game....and SEA won't abandon the run....they will shove it down GBs throat....the same way NE should have.

I think Seattle will be heard from this post-season. They can go into GB and win. 

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Those thinking this was a preview for the SB....hate to break it too you but Seattle is going to get home field imo. They will have the tie breakers against the NFC after they beat Philly next week. I don't see GB winning out and even if they do...I think Seattle still shuts them down. They are going to win that division going away and SF and ARI neither will make the playoffs...as long as that defense is playing that physical and they stay healthy I see NE vs Sea in the SB. Throwing against NE's defense is hard...but doing it against SEA and against that SEA pass rush is an entirely different ball game....and SEA won't abandon the run....they will shove it down GBs throat....the same way NE should have.



I was thinking almost the same thing. But who knows...crazy man Lynch may decide to quit or something then It'll be GB. Also Sherman's number is coming up. He just won't shut up and is eventually going to get his clock cleaned.  

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I agree. The officiating was pretty good. One of the fairest games I've seen this season.

Not even good because they missed a bunch of stuff, but yeah it was FAIR which is not always the case. I'll take inconsistent but fair/balanced any day of the weak over flatout lopsided. Kinda sad that's the best we can hope for every week.

The NFL needs some accountability with the zebras and get rid of all these judgement call rules. Either call this stuff to the letter or eliminate those kind of rules entirely.

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Lol, thanks for the lesson in what it means to be a super classy guy in the face of defeat in a close, highly competitive game of football

Every thread on the Pats on this board turns into an overreaction thread

Lots of threads end up this way....the fact that we just watched easily the game of the week and it was a wonderfully well played/contested game between two elite teams in the league and all we can take away from it was an F bomb on the sideline when one team lost just shows that those that watched it can't appreciate good football...regardless of the teams. I honestly don't root for either of those two teams....one because they often beat my Colts and the other because they often beat my late fathers Bears so I rarely root for either to win..but I GREATLY enjoyed the quality football I witnessed and appreciated everyone that played.....Gronk for smashing lol..Brady for his leaderships and passion....Rodgers for some INCREDIBLE throws and pocket awareness...Nelson for even though he was being shut down all night still didn't hang his head and give up but made the play of the game with his stick on Revis and then run after the catch. Belicheck for always drawing up a great game plan (although I think they made it too much of a Brady vs Aaron thing and could have stuck to the run more). It was a good game and I didn't even mind the announcers....game of the week!!

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I was thinking almost the same thing. But who knows...crazy man Lynch may decide to quit or something then It'll be GB. Also Sherman's number is coming up. He just won't shut up and is eventually going to get his clock cleaned.  

I doubt he gets his clock cleaned unless its on an int return but man Kap made him look like the GOAT with those two easy ints. Must be nice to have the two best safeties in the league backing you up so you can play that bail technique and just watch the qbs eyes and not have to worry about your man.



Oh and even though I picked NE before the season I still think if Denver gets healthy on offense and continues this running of the ball they CAN beat NE...even in Foxboro....as unlikely as that may seem. Actually there are a couple teams that could match up with NE imo and give them problems...KC still is one of those if they should happen to face them in the second rd....Revis and Browner don't matter much when you never throw to your WRs anyways....if they get pressure against you guy with that pass rush and stick to running the ball with Charles and throwing screens and flairs to him and that little rookie Thomas....but I would expect you to take a page out of Denvers book and run it down their throats too. Miami is another team that could give you fits. You simply match up very well against Denver and Indy two teams that offensive strength is matched by your defensive strenght in your corners.

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Lots of threads end up this way....the fact that we just watched easily the game of the week and it was a wonderfully well played/contested game between two elite teams in the league and all we can take away from it was an F bomb on the sideline when one team lost just shows that those that watched it can't appreciate good football...regardless of the teams. I honestly don't root for either of those two teams....one because they often beat my Colts and the other because they often beat my late fathers Bears so I rarely root for either to win..but I GREATLY enjoyed the quality football I witnessed and appreciated everyone that played.....Gronk for smashing lol..Brady for his leaderships and passion....Rodgers for some INCREDIBLE throws and pocket awareness...Nelson for even though he was being shut down all night still didn't hang his head and give up but made the play of the game with his stick on Revis and then run after the catch. Belicheck for always drawing up a great game plan (although I think they made it too much of a Brady vs Aaron thing and could have stuck to the run more). It was a good game and I didn't even mind the announcers....game of the week!!

Game of the year honestly. I still think we'll see the rematch in Feb.

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Not even good because they missed a bunch of stuff, but yeah it was FAIR which is not always the case. I'll take inconsistent but fair/balanced any day of the weak over flatout lopsided. Kinda sad that's the best we can hope for every week.

The NFL needs some accountability with the zebras and get rid of all these judgement call rules. Either call this stuff to the letter or eliminate those kind of rules entirely.



100% and it is sad that we as fans have to settle for fair.

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Are you guys being serious with this? Any excuse to rip Brady, huh?  :clap:


I have two kids Shane. If either of them "look up" to professional athletes or view them as role models then I've failed miserably as a father. 


Seriously...its getting pathetic now. 

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Lots of threads end up this way....the fact that we just watched easily the game of the week and it was a wonderfully well played/contested game between two elite teams in the league and all we can take away from it was an F bomb on the sideline when one team lost just shows that those that watched it can't appreciate good football...regardless of the teams. I honestly don't root for either of those two teams....one because they often beat my Colts and the other because they often beat my late fathers Bears so I rarely root for either to win..but I GREATLY enjoyed the quality football I witnessed and appreciated everyone that played.....Gronk for smashing lol..Brady for his leaderships and passion....Rodgers for some INCREDIBLE throws and pocket awareness...Nelson for even though he was being shut down all night still didn't hang his head and give up but made the play of the game with his stick on Revis and then run after the catch. Belicheck for always drawing up a great game plan (although I think they made it too much of a Brady vs Aaron thing and could have stuck to the run more). It was a good game and I didn't even mind the announcers....game of the week!!

Very well said, as usual. It was a great game to watch between two well-coached teams who are both playing at a very high level. I thought Rodgers played an outstanding game. The guy is arguably the best QB in the game now. His accuracy and pocket presence are second to no one else's, IMO.

I too am not a fan of either team but I appreciated watching a well-played football game. It was a close game and I think the Pats would have won had GB not gotten that last 1st down (before the 2 minute warning, I believe. My memory is failing me :) )

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Are you guys being serious with this? Any excuse to rip Brady, huh? :clap:

I have two kids Shane. If either of them "look up" to professional athletes or view them as role models then I've failed miserably as a father.

You do jump up and down to send a simple message across. The animation you add to the messages are exemplary.

To the topic, it clearly doesn't matter to you but it matters to a lot of other parents. There is a reason you have parental controls on TV. Any professional athlete should be responsible enough of his behavior in public.

It's a PG13 environment.

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Was it honestly that far? I thought it was like 3rd and like 7 before he got sacked and it would have been like 4th and 15....ok..if that is the case I understand. It happened so fast I never really saw the down and distance. That is my bad.

And when they were at 4 and 3, they were out of FG range.

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You do jump up and down to send a simple message across. The animation you add to the messages are exemplary.

To the topic, it clearly doesn't matter to you but it matters to a lot of other parents. There is a reason you have parental controls on TV. Any professional athlete should be responsible enough of his behavior in public.

It's a PG13 environment.

You're definitely the first person to ever suggest that an NFL football field in the heat of competition is a PG13 environment.

There were no microphones on him, you could only make out what he was saying by his lips moving and the network are the ones that decided to air that shot, even with the 7 second or so broadcasting delay

It's a non story/issue that again is not being brought up or talked about anywhere else besides this forum.

It's a shame that people can't focus on the actual game between two of the best teams in the league that came down to a nail biter and instead are choosing to steer the conversation toward an insignificant side show where a player used the ^^^ on the sideline surrounded by teammates in an emotional and super competitive game.

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You're definitely the first person to ever suggest that an NFL football field in the heat of competition is a PG13 environment.

There were no microphones on him, you could only make out what he was saying by his lips moving and the network are the ones that decided to air that shot, even with the 7 second or so broadcasting delay

It's a non story/issue that again is not being brought up or talked about anywhere else besides this forum.

It's a shame that people can't focus on the actual game between two of the best teams in the league that came down to a nail biter and instead are choosing to steer the conversation toward an insignificant side show where a player used the ^^^ on the sideline surrounded by teammates in an emotional and super competitive game.

What environment is it?. Kids are allowed to be in a football game.

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New member here...


Some takeaways from the game...


After a night to think about it, for any team to be able to hold the Packers to 26 points at Lambeau Field and almost beat the Packers is a small moral victory in of itself, knowing that if this game was in NE the Pats could have won.


But the Packers left more on the field and the Patriots were lucky the Packers didn't score 36 points.


The Packers for at least 80% of the game controlled the tempo and dictated the pace.  I think that's due to Josh McDaniels' fault and a bad offensive game plan.  They didn't commit to the run and didn't stay committed to Blount.  When Blount had the ball he was bowling over Packers' defenders.


The Packers only punted one time.  So obviously the Pats' D had trouble getting off the field.


The Pats' deep secondary at times seemed out matched and on the heels.  It was too fast paced for them.  The Packers have too much fire power.  I put that more at the fault of the Pats' lack of talent on their D-line not having the system in place to successfully counter a mobile QB.  But the secondary did a pretty good job at times covering the Packers' WR's and TE's.   Rodgers toyed with the Pats' D-line.  If it wasn't for the Patriots secondary that game wouldn't have been so close.


At first didn't the Pats have either Browner or Ryan on Jordy and then eventually moved Revis over 1 on 1?


Revis and McCourty got flat out beat by Jordy on that one TD play and McCourty took a bad angle.  But for most the game I think Revis did a better job covering Jordy than anyone else has this season so far.  Only CB's who can cover Jordy are Revis, Sherman or Davis but even then Jordy will make his catches.


Chung is a mediocre Strong Safety.  Decent tackler in stopping the run but not good in coverage.  Pats should upgrade at SS in the off season.


With regards to the Pats' D-line.  After the game I heard former Patriots players in the press like Troy Brown say the Pats' didn't want to rush Rodgers to try to sack him for fear or leaving the lanes open and Rodgers would run through them.  The Pats' D-Line wanted to keep Rodgers contained in the pocket and not go in for the sack.  So I don't think there was a lack of pass rush on purpose, it was intended to not rush Rodgers, just to incircle and surround him.  Also, the Pats' either don't have the talent or system in place to successfully speed rush mobile QB's now.  They're not a 4-3 speed rush pressure D.  If Rodgers wasn't a mobile QB then I bet he would have gotten sacked at least 4 times last night and the Pats might have won.


This was the worst game the Pats' O-line played since the KC game.  Packers D-line won the battle at the line of scrimmage.  Brady didn't have as much time in the pocket as previous games.


Pats are thin at WR.  Lack of depth and lack of talent there.


Where was Tyms?  I think he's better than Dobson.  McDaniels being stubborn and holding a grudge?  If they're not going to use Dobson and Tyms as every down WR's then trade them or cut them and bring in WR's who are dependable.


Where was Wright?


Packers' Defense played very well, specifically their D-Line and LB's putting pressure on Brady.  If Brady wasn't under pressure he would have carved up the Packers' secondary though.

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What environment is it?. Kids are allowed to be in a football game.

Kids are allowed to watch from the seats in the stadium or on TV with their parents guidance and supervision, but down on the actual field is no place for kids, these are grown men playing a highly competitive and violent sport...

An athlete dropping an ^^^ in the field of play is a non story..

Now if Brady went to his post game press conference or up to a sideline reporter and started dropping F-bombs, that would be a different matter all together.

There's a reason they have a 7 second broadcasting delay on the network, to make sure nothing gets onto the air that shouldn't

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Kids are allowed to watch from the seats in the stadium or on TV with their parents guidance and supervision, but down on the actual field is no place for kids, these are grown men playing a highly competitive and violent sport...

An athlete dropping an ^^^ in the field of play is a non story..

Now if Brady went to his post game press conference or up to a sideline reporter and started dropping F-bombs, that would be a different matter all together.

There's a reason they have a 7 second broadcasting delay on the network, to make sure nothing gets onto the air that shouldn't

There is no delay to the kids who watch direct from their seats and the giant screen.
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