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What is it that makes luck so great?

Trace Pyott

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What do you think is the reason luck is as amazing as he is? For instance I would say Manning isn't the most athletic guy to put on the pads, but his intelligence and work ethic are off the charts. I've heard people say luck lacked arm strength which I think is a load of crap but anyways.... I don't think luck is the most accurate of qbs......I know he is super intelligent and very athletic so is it just a mixture of everything. If this were madden it would possibly be Like Peyton would score 5 out of ten for athleticism, 7 for accuracy, 10 for intelligence, and. 10 for work ethic equalling all those equal 32/40. Where luck would equal 8 for athleticism, 7 for accuracy,9for intelligence, and 8 for work ethic 32/40. They have the same score just luck is good at everything but not absolutely off the charts where Peyton is decent at most and off the charts at a few things. What do you guys think? What makes luck so good and what seperates him and makes him better than almost any qb to play the game today and some say better.

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At this point I don't know if there is anything that jumps out and says "This is what makes him a great QB."  I think it's more of the lack of glaring flaws.  I think that's what made him so highly touted out of Stanford.  


However I think if you had to point to one thing it would be pocket presence.  Eyes are always down field, he's always looking to make the play with his arm while he's behind the line of scrimmage . . . and he moves extremely well in the pocket.  

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He's very good right now, but not great. He needs to work on accuracy, and to a lesser extent, decision making.

I wonder if he ever got an OL that could actually hold a block for 3+ seconds would make a diff?


AL is the best QB I have EVER seen at this point in his career.     It's not even a debate.   


And what separates Luck is his toughness.    He is a MLB playing QB.      Hard to find these days...  In fact ..  IMPOSSIBLE>

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I wonder if he ever got an OL that could actually hold a block for 3+ seconds would make a diff?


AL is the best QB I have EVER seen at this point in his career.     It's not even a debate.   


And what separates Luck is his toughness.    He is a MLB playing QB.      Hard to find these days...  In fact ..  IMPOSSIBLE>

Great point!  RGIII, Eli, Vick, and Geno Smith don't have good O-lines and they have looked like garbage.  

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I wonder if he ever got an OL that could actually hold a block for 3+ seconds would make a diff?


AL is the best QB I have EVER seen at this point in his career.     It's not even a debate.   


And what separates Luck is his toughness.    He is a MLB playing QB.      Hard to find these days...  In fact ..  IMPOSSIBLE>

If we had a decent line he would be shattering records. I think Andrew Luck is a student of the game, and someone who spends more time with a playbook trying to make himself better as opposed to being out at the club every night making a spectacle of himself. He has a great arm with the ability to move around while making plays when need be, and not as a forethought. Another thing I like to see is that he is a bit of cheerleader on the sidelines too cheering on other guys when they make big plays. Not to mention that fact that he is a tough sob.

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There is a lot to it he seems to be a natural born winner some people have a gene that makes them great . The one thing that sticks out is his ability to extend plays a lot of QB's fall under pressure he has a great awareness hangs in there and delivers .

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For me, it's his brain.   It's always been that.


He's processing more information more quickly than anyone else.


Then again,  it's part of what gets him in trouble from time to time, making stupid under-handed passes trying to avoid taking a sack....    those drive me crazy.


But I'd agree with others here who made nice long lists of his great qualities.


Another I'd add....  he's never satisfied.   He'll want to be better next year.   And the year after.    And every year he plays.   He's never satisfied.    I'll be stunned if he ever says the words.....   "I've got nothing to prove...."


By the way,  I'm still of the opinion that Luck will never be as good as Manning.    And I'm OK with that.


He's just got to be the best Andrew Luck he can be.   And that will be enough......

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If we had a decent line he would be shattering records. I think Andrew Luck is a student of the game, and someone who spends more time with a playbook trying to make himself better as opposed to being out at the club every night making a spectacle of himself. He has a great arm with the ability to move around while making plays when need be, and not as a forethought. Another thing I like to see is that he is a bit of cheerleader on the sidelines too cheering on other guys when they make big plays. Not to mention that fact that he is a tough sob.


He's already breaking records :thmup:

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For me, it's his brain.   It's always been that.


He's processing more information more quickly than anyone else.


Then again,  it's part of what gets him in trouble from time to time, making stupid under-handed passes trying to avoid taking a sack....    those drive me crazy.


But I'd agree with others here who made nice long lists of his great qualities.


Another I'd add....  he's never satisfied.   He'll want to be better next year.   And the year after.    And every year he plays.   He's never satisfied.    I'll be stunned if he ever says the words.....   "I've got nothing to prove...."


By the way,  I'm still of the opinion that Luck will never be as good as Manning.    And I'm OK with that.


He's just got to be the best Andrew Luck he can be.   And that will be enough......


Interesting.  I like that statement btw :)


I don't think Manning is a fair comparison for anyone.  The guy is the first great QB who never had an actual Coach to go with him.  Everyone else had a counter part that made the team enough for the QB to be great.  Manning is usually the only piece that is viable.

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So basically my premise was basically correct. He is good at everything And not off the charts at one thing. He's near off the charts on many things though. To the guy who said he isn't playing great lol.....if this was 2008 luck would prob be in line for MVP. Rogers is just having a monster year. If it wasn't for that I would have to give luck the MVP. A 3rd yr MVP.....if that isn't great I don't know what or who is. Can he be better I think so.

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He's young... but definitely on the fast track toward future greatness.

His movement in the pocket and ability to evade pressure are truly elite already.

I think that he can become more accurate and avoid some of the turnovers with experience...

He's going to be worth every penny when he breaks the bank on his next contract... virtually the safest bet in the NFL.

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If it is one characteristic about him that stands out, I would have to call it resilliency.  No matter the score or time on the clock, he is giving it 100%.  It just so happens he has all the skills to help him fluorish in those situations.  I've heard him say it before, but I don't think I've ever saw a game the Colts lost and Luck was to blame.  He may forced certain things and contribute to the majority of the loss (playoffs @NE) but that is the only game that comes to mind


He has all the skills and abilities you need in a franchise QB, and it just so happens he is only in his 3rd year!

The one characteristic I don't care for but learned to accept it, is the (Brett Favre) risk taker attribute.  He makes a lot of bone headed mistakes, like an INT before half to keep a team in the game, or a safety because he threw the ball when he is on his back. In one instance I will be screaming throw it away, and then he busts out of the pocket for a first down run of 15 yards, or delivers a perfect strike downfield over the outstretched arms of the defender to an open TY Hilton for a gain of 30.  It goes both ways, so I am fine with it now.  I just wish the line could hold it's own to where Andrew didn't have to put on the S on his chest and go all SuperLuck to save the day! 

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For me, it's his brain.   It's always been that.


He's processing more information more quickly than anyone else.


Then again,  it's part of what gets him in trouble from time to time, making stupid under-handed passes trying to avoid taking a sack....    those drive me crazy.


But I'd agree with others here who made nice long lists of his great qualities.


Another I'd add....  he's never satisfied.   He'll want to be better next year.   And the year after.    And every year he plays.   He's never satisfied.    I'll be stunned if he ever says the words.....   "I've got nothing to prove...."


By the way,  I'm still of the opinion that Luck will never be as good as Manning.    And I'm OK with that.


He's just got to be the best Andrew Luck he can be.   And that will be enough......

Only truly great players have this quality...    SPOT ON.


I would take Luck right now over Peyton in his prime...      for ONE reason.      Andrew can MOVE.     And in the really big games Peyton's Achilles heal always comes out.   Mobile QB's that can throw are always a headache for DC's.


All that said...    I really think Luck and Manning are VERY similar in every way except....    mobility.   Andrew is going to be very special.      Colt fans we are SO "lucky" to have witnessed what he have since 98.   

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Peyton had it and still does ....  in spades...      He is simply getting old.. 


Manning has worked some of the most incredible comebacks in NFL history.     I'm not even going to list some of them because IF one has watched his career in INDY they know.


He has all the skills that can be taught, but even more of the skills and intangibles you can't teach... my number 1great trait is his on field "dementia"... He's almost like. . "What interceptions?", "what 21 point deficit? " Stuff like that is contagious and that is one thing not even Peyton, Brady, or even Rogers have

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