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Dallas Cowboys


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Look, everyone has either said it or whispered it,

Dallas didn't play anybody. The defense wasn't that good. Lucky.

They don't sack the QB...cant pass protect....

They're a .500 team on a hot streak.

Last place Washington (with a 3rd string QB) 20, Dallas 17....in Dallas ....anybody surprised at all?

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Yeah, they have one of the best offensive lines in the league. But how many fumbles did they have? Seemed like 10. They killed themselves. If you claim they are terrible based on this game, then you can't also claim that the Colts are good. Things happen. They didn't allow 51 points and 6 TDs like a certain team I know. Romo was out half the game too. 

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Lets be honest though... Romo clearly wasn't healthy there at the end. If you think this Dallas team is just the same old 8-8 team you are just one of their many haters. 


Brandon Weeden did an excellent job filling in. I just think they turned the ball over too much. Demarco Murray ran over the defense for a huge gain, then fumbles at the very end of the play. Then there was a poor handoff... Just a few mistakes that made the difference in this game.


I don't know why people have so much trouble giving the Cowboys credit for being a good team. "They haven't beat anyone..." Except the defending Super Bowl champs, in Seattle, in a game where they were clearly the better team. It's just silly.

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Not too many things make my night than watching America's Beloved Team lose to a third string QB.


Anybody see ESPN's promos for the game tonight during the week? Looked more like Dallas Cowboys promos than promoting an actual game between two teams.

I thought Bob Lilly and Too Tall Jones were going to roar out of the locker room..

I juat think that 8-8, 8-8, 8-8 speaks for itself..

You don't suddenly become great..and as a franchise,,,teams like the Packers and the Colts built the NFL..not Dallas

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Yeah, they have one of the best offensive lines in the league. But how many fumbles did they have? Seemed like 10. They killed themselves. If you claim they are terrible based on this game, then you can't also claim that the Colts are good. Things happen. They didn't allow 51 points and 6 TDs like a certain team I know. Romo was out half the game too.

They have a lot of first round draft choices in the line

..but they couldn't block a haystack Monday...on pass plays..

Dallas has one win over a winning team all season.

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The blocking was fine. The Redskins sent more blitzers than there were Cowboy blockers. That's on Romo and coaching.

Not always..they disguised the blitzes and the young line couldnt adjust.(SD does the same thing)...They fooled the Dallas line.

Just because you have No.1 draft choices in the line doesnt make it a top line. ask the Bears

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Regardless, it was a hard fought game and the Redskins played their hearts out tonight.  I really enjoyed the game.  Not a Dallas fan, but not a hater either.

Dallas is fine..as in 8-8.

I just dont like it when teams get credit because they have a lot of alums in the media.

Whos' better?

Dallas or San Diego?

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Well... I'm prejudiced.  But if I stand back and try to be objective, Dallas' running game is head and shoulders above ours.  I like Gates a little better than Witten, especially around the end zone.  Our WRs are similar.  If we're healthy I like our D better.  


If we went head to head (which I don't think we do this year) I like our chances assuming we start getting some players back.  

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Doesn't even matter. The NFC is open, even the Saints have a shot if they mold into something decent by years end and win the South.  Lions ain't so bad either this year.


But, watch out for Seattle later on. Either as a WC or division winner they will regroup later and go on another run. And we all know they are capable of it.......

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Divisional games tend to be tough like this.


Dallas is an average team but so is Philly. Don't tell me you really think that team is worth anything when their defense looks worse each week.



The NFC is a mess like Jules said. We may have multiple division winners lose early in the playoffs, sort of how last year we had GB and Carolina who had no business being in the playoffs at all.

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Look, everyone has either said it or whispered it,

Dallas didn't play anybody. The defense wasn't that good. Lucky.

They don't sack the QB...cant pass protect....

They're a .500 team on a hot streak.

Last place Washington (with a 3rd string QB) 20, Dallas 17....in Dallas ....anybody surprised at all?

I guess the colts aren't very good either then using that logic

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I thought Bob Lilly and Too Tall Jones were going to roar out of the locker room..

I juat think that 8-8, 8-8, 8-8 speaks for itself..

You don't suddenly become great..and as a franchise,,,teams like the Packers and the Colts built the NFL..not Dallas

colts 97 3-13 98 3-13 99 13-3

your premise is wrong

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Lets be honest though... Romo clearly wasn't healthy there at the end. If you think this Dallas team is just the same old 8-8 team you are just one of their many haters.

Dallas has a very strange fan base now. I know several old time Dallas fans and they all claim that they lost their loyalty to the Cowboys when Jones bought the team. They all, to a person, say that the Cowboys lost the class that they had prior to Jones taking over.

Many wish the Cowboys would lose every game if that meant Jones could somehow be run out of Dallas. The disrespect people have for him is incredible.

Some of those Cowboys "haters" are really old time fans.

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On that last drive in OT, when you got 8 yards on 1st down, and it is a 2nd and 2 and you have PLENTY of time to go down the field methodically and have been one of the best run blocking O-lines, why on earth would you call 2 straight passes forcing you to go down to a 4th down and another pass play which doomed the game.


Coaching and the RBs/OL not picking up blitzes doomed the Cowboys yesterday.

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Doesn't even matter. The NFC is open, even the Saints have a shot if they mold into something decent by years end and win the South.  Lions ain't so bad either this year.


But, watch out for Seattle later on. Either as a WC or division winner they will regroup later and go on another run. And we all know they are capable of it.......


No they wont. Where do you know they are capable of anything ? Last year was their  great year and that was it. Where have they proven anything about regrouping or coming back from anything ? If they do this year it would be the first time

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On that last drive in OT, when you got 8 yards on 1st down, and it is a 2nd and 2 and you have PLENTY of time to go down the field methodically and have been one of the best run blocking O-lines, why on earth would you call 2 straight passes forcing you to go down to a 4th down and another pass play which doomed the game.


Coaching and the RBs/OL not picking up blitzes doomed the Cowboys yesterday.

no,its called Washington was supposed to win.

  where was the phantom  pressure Romo was running from as soon as he took the  snap ?

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On that last drive in OT, when you got 8 yards on 1st down, and it is a 2nd and 2 and you have PLENTY of time to go down the field methodically and have been one of the best run blocking O-lines, why on earth would you call 2 straight passes forcing you to go down to a 4th down and another pass play which doomed the game.


Coaching and the RBs/OL not picking up blitzes doomed the Cowboys yesterday.

Good point, Chad....very strange calling./..was it because Romo was back in??

..and by the way..how, in the 8th game of the season, can you reenter a guy who, coming off back surgery, was temporarily immobilized by a hit in the back.?

..and what was Jerry Jones doping on the sidelines talking to the coach.???

...and have we all forgotten what a mess this team is?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Check again...The game has changed.

Dallas isn't as good as many thought they were...and its obvious to all of us

Who is all of us?

They also have great receiving weapons as well. I'm nit sure what your beef is with the cowboys, but they are a good team offensively.

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You know exactly what my beef is because you comment on most all my posts:

Dallas is average. I'm not sure they're a playoff team. I say it. You argue. That's the game we're playing

Leading the league in rushing doesn't mean they're a playoff team or a good team.

You forget we've had this debate before

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You know exactly what my beef is because you comment on most all my posts:

Dallas is average. I'm not sure they're a playoff team. I say it. You argue. That's the game we're playing

Leading the league in rushing doesn't mean they're a playoff team or a good team.

You forget we've had this debate before

Not before this season. They haven't had a dominant oline before.

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But you checked in on this subject a month ago..as this thread shows..

Its okay....

I want comment on what I say...so we can debate it...as we have..

I don't think the run game matters in the NFL as much as you obviously do.

Its big in high school..but its a Rotary Engine Mazda in the NFL

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