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Cracks me up how quickly fans will change their opinion.  After playing Denver and Philly the first two weeks, what I saw on here was mostly the season was done, better get a better draft pick, we can't cover a TE, Richardson sucks, and Luck is playing pretty average.  This was against two of the better teams in the NFL.  So the next two weeks we destroy Jacksonville and Tennessee.   How Luck is playing incredible football this year, Pep Hamilton is really stepping it up for play calling, Shipley is the new Saturday, and this is a championship team.  hahahaha  


How about we played two good teams then too bad teams.  We were never as bad as we though the first two weeks and probably aren't as good as we looked the last two weeks.


I think this team has great potential. If we had Mathis I would feel really good.  I do think we will have a problem against the better QBs because we simply cannot get pressure.  But I think this offense will mature enough that later in the year, we will be really tough to stop.

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So apparently, once one has formed an opinion, they are not allowed to modify it later?  Okay, good to know.


For the record I agree with your last two paragraphs.  I'm still not sold on Pep, but if the last two games are any indication, we are on the right track.  T Rich, well, the jury is still out on him also, but he too has shown improvement over last year.

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So apparently, once one has formed an opinion, they are not allowed to modify it later?  Okay, good to know.


For the record I agree with your last two paragraphs.  I'm still not sold on Pep, but if the last two games are any indication, we are on the right track.  T Rich, well, the jury is still out on him also, but he too has shown improvement over last year.


No, I think people are fine changing their opinion.  But it might be wise to consider who we are playing when gauging our team.

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Cracks me up how quickly fans will change their opinion.  After playing Denver and Philly the first two weeks, what I saw on here was mostly the season was done, better get a better draft pick, we can't cover a TE, Richardson sucks, and Luck is playing pretty average.  This was against two of the better teams in the NFL.  So the next two weeks we destroy Jacksonville and Tennessee.   How Luck is playing incredible football this year, Pep Hamilton is really stepping it up for play calling, Shipley is the new Saturday, and this is a championship team.  hahahaha  


How about we played two good teams then too bad teams.  We were never as bad as we though the first two weeks and probably aren't as good as we looked the last two weeks.


I think this team has great potential. If we had Mathis I would feel really good.  I do think we will have a problem against the better QBs because we simply cannot get pressure.  But I think this offense will mature enough that later in the year, we will be really tough to stop.




Not sure exactly what your point is, but I'd like to point out that we can't cover TEs (at least not with LBs or safeties), and Luck is playing incredible, even though he wasn't very good in the first two weeks of the season. 

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what I saw on here was mostly the season was done, better get a better draft pick, we can't cover a TE, Richardson sucks, and Luck is playing pretty average. 

"Mostly"? Really? 


You really think so? 


There was that element, but precedence says teams that start 0-2 don't make the playoffs, only 15% of the time, actually. The worry was acceptable, however some did take it too far. 




How about we played two good teams then too bad teams.  We were never as bad as we though the first two weeks and probably aren't as good as we looked the last two weeks.

We played two VERY good teams and barely lost, then we played two VERY bad teams and blew them out. That tells us much. If anyone wants to beat us, they better be a VERY good team. 

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When a team loses and makes terrible decisions or plays bad they deserve criticism.  When they play well, they deserve praise.  We are 2-2 and going into a 6 game stretch that is going to be very very difficult.  Baltimore, @ Houston on a Thursday night, Cincinnati, @ Pittsburgh, @ New York Giants, and New England is going to be tough.  To go 4-2 during that stretch would be a huge achievement, but we could easily go 2-4 or worse.  Let's say we go 3-3 and we are 6-6 coming out of the New England game, that's mediocre.  


I am not impressed by beat downs of bad teams.  We played terrible in Denver and blew a game we should have won at home to the Eagles.  We beat two of the worst teams in the NFL.  That Houston game is going to be huge coming up in a couple weeks because right now, they are the threat in the South.

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When a team loses and makes terrible decisions or plays bad they deserve criticism. When they play well, they deserve praise. We are 2-2 and going into a 6 game stretch that is going to be very very difficult. Baltimore, @ Houston on a Thursday night, Cincinnati, @ Pittsburgh, @ New York Giants, and New England is going to be tough. To go 4-2 during that stretch would be a huge achievement, but we could easily go 2-4 or worse. Let's say we go 3-3 and we are 6-6 coming out of the New England game, that's mediocre.

I am not impressed by beat downs of bad teams. We played terrible in Denver and blew a game we should have won at home to the Eagles. We beat two of the worst teams in the NFL. That Houston game is going to be huge coming up in a couple weeks because right now, they are the threat in the South.

I see what you are saying but good teams are suppose to beat down bad ones. I am impressed because they didn't disappoint and displayed they are capable of elite level play. Look at Pittsburgh, they should have beaten a bad Bucs team but laid an egg at home. Or the Pats, they should have destroyed the Raiders at home. They won the game but only by a touchdown and left a lot of questions.

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From the discussion I saw, many were about concerns we may still have when playing some of the best teams out there, and specific down and distance play calling issues.  A few broad based game planning complaints.  As far as season done?  I heard nothing about that.  I saw stats posted about 12% moving on to playoffs.  and with 7 teams at  0 - 2, which 1 team would make it?  4 were ruled out immediately, so it was between Colts, Saints, and Chiefs.  I think Colts was our choice (of course!).  Vegas backed the Saints, but we supported our Colts (as we should).  It looks good for us now, but the season is only 25% completed.  Plenty of football to go, and plenty of ways for us to get better.

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