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Pats look terrible.


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last year- more like most of his career. I've given up on him having that asset. Not that you don't want to throw them- especially if he sees something. But Josh calling them just because its 2nd and short....too many of those kind of calls because HE CAN'T HIT THEM.


Brett Farve he's not - in that dept :)

I think the last pass to Edelman where he was open at the 20 with three minutes to go was the killer. It was not really a deep throw but a 25 yard down pass that he can hit in his sleep. He missed badly on that one and it cost them the game. When it is time to win the game, he usually delivers that pass. Perhaps I am overacting to that one throw. :(

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What do you think is going on with Joe? Is he trying to press? Your D played a great game holding the Bengals to 15 for most of it so need for him to do anything out of the ordinary to win.

He didn't prepare for the season. I understand he's a family man, but while Peyton was at Duke with his receivers, Flacco took the whole off season off. When you are getting 20 million, and want to be elite, you have to do more, or look rusty like yesterday.

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He didn't prepare for the season. I understand he's a family man, but while Peyton was at Duke with his receivers, Flacco took the whole off season off. When you are getting 20 million, and want to be elite, you have to do more, or look rusty like yesterday.

He said he took the entire off-season off? Wow.

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He said he took the entire off-season off? Wow.

And it showed. I'm sure he did some conditioning etc, but if you want an elite tag, you have to do what Peyton does. That being said, Joe is no Peyton, but a good, above average quarterback. That is why he should work even harder, instead of resting on the Super Bowl MVP laurels. The Ravens invested a lot of money in him, and he owes the organization more.

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After a night of sleeping on it, you know, the Pats controlled pretty much most the first half.   They might have just gotten over confident and cocky after half time and sat on it expecting the Dolphins to roll over.  Well the Dolphins came out and punched them in the face.


No other coach is better at making adjustments than Belichick so they should have this figured out.  If not then they're a 10-6 wild card team at best.

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Quick hits:


Brady played very poorly, especially in that 3rd quarter. He didn't look comfortable and seemed to be laboring to throw the ball. Wondering if the mystery injury on Thursday is a problem, because he was chucking it pretty good in preseason. He was off, even when he had time, and even on some intermediate throws. Forget about the long ball.


Offensive line was just atrocious in that second half. Don't know what kinds of adjustments the Dolphins made but the Pats didn't respond well at all. They looked good early, but either couldn't adapt to what Miami was doing or they ran out of gas. Or both. By the end of the game it was ridiculous. 


Defense? Most disappointing part I think. They were unable to stop the run and if not for some boneheaded Miami plays (2 fumbles and an INT) this would have been a blowout. Once again they made Tannehill look like an All-Pro in the second half. I bet he wishes they had more than two games/year against NE.


All in all a game Pats fans will want to forget. Better to get this stinker out of the way if this team is going to contend this season though. For the first time since I can recall, the Patriots are alone this morning in the basement of the AFC East! 


There's a lot of football left to play. Bring on the Vikes...

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I think the entire AFC East is legit this season.



No worries with the Patriots. It wasn't the game that Patriots fans wanted to see but it happens. Remember the year Buffalo beat them 35-0 in the opener? They went on to win the SB that season.


The AFC east is second only to the NFC north for the best record against the other divisions in the Brady/BB era. The Patriots are .750 against the AFC east and .750 against the rest of the league over that same period. The AFC east is strong this year but it was never the weak division that some like to portray it to be.

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You have to admit that it's hysterical that the Pats lost, especially after the big time celebration done by Brady and Gronkowski after the TD early in the game.  Gotta love it.  They were celebrating like they just won the Super Bowl.  After a touchdown, big deal.  Jerks.  Serves them right to have lost.  Hope it happens frequently this season.  Tom is soooooo professional.  Professionals don't celebrate till they win the game.  At least not the way those 2 jerks did it.  



No celebrating in Indy yesterday?

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He didn't prepare for the season. I understand he's a family man, but while Peyton was at Duke with his receivers, Flacco took the whole off season off. When you are getting 20 million, and want to be elite, you have to do more, or look rusty like yesterday.


He got his ring and payday though :).

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And it showed. I'm sure he did some conditioning etc, but if you want an elite tag, you have to do what Peyton does. That being said, Joe is no Peyton, but a good, above average quarterback. That is why he should work even harder, instead of resting on the Super Bowl MVP laurels. The Ravens invested a lot of money in him, and he owes the organization more.

You think Joe is fat and happy at this point? I always thought he was a gym rat and had a great work ethic. But a ring and that kind of pay day can change people.

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I mean I'm happy because it helps the Colts probably come seeding time but all in all I think pats still get#1 overall seed. Bad half like colts first half, broncos second half, sf second half, Phillys first half it just happens. Only team that plays 4 qtrs at high level right now is Seattle. Got to give Brady and peyton a clean pocket bit that said they both missed some passes they usually make. I expected better run defense with wilfork back so I can't figure that out. Pats need to run the ball better. Miss Blount I think and clearly grok was rusty. Team will pick up steam and be deadly dangerous come December. Remember Brady was slow to start last year than after that brilliant drive against the saints was deadly after that. He will bounce back if he is healthy. Looked sick to his stomach or something to me. Those leg cramps or whatever maybe was a sign he wasn't healthy. Pats still class of AFc IMO.

Don't know what was up with flacco and Baltimore play calling. That was ugly but so was a lot of teams so it's just one week. If we based the season off 1 week then colts pats and ravens wouldn't be in the playoffs and I think chances of that is slim to none of them not making at least one of them. If what people say is true that he isn't putting in the work than that sucks for his teammates. They deserve his best. Peyton has his faults but working hard isn't it. He earns his paycheck and he doesn't short change his teammates. Brady too.... He is always working out in California in the offseason.....not globe trotting or sitting at home or in the club. That all said I'm done with this sb rings define qbs. Watching Eli with his two and Big Ben with his two and flacco with his it's clear they aren't half the qbs of Brady Bree's and peyton. A lot goes into a sb championship yes including qb play but there is no doubt no matter who has more rings etc where the greatness lies.

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I mean I'm happy because it helps the Colts probably come seeding time but all in all I think pats still get#1 overall seed. Bad half like colts first half, broncos second half, sf second half, Phillys first half it just happens. Only team that plays 4 qtrs at high level right now is Seattle. Got to give Brady and peyton a clean pocket bit that said they both missed some passes they usually make. I expected better run defense with wilfork back so I can't figure that out. Pats need to run the ball better. Miss Blount I think and clearly grok was rusty. Team will pick up steam and be deadly dangerous come December. Remember Brady was slow to start last year than after that brilliant drive against the saints was deadly after that. He will bounce back if he is healthy. Looked sick to his stomach or something to me. Those leg cramps or whatever maybe was a sign he wasn't healthy. Pats still class of AFc IMO.

Don't know what was up with flacco and Baltimore play calling. That was ugly but so was a lot of teams so it's just one week. If we based the season off 1 week then colts pats and ravens wouldn't be in the playoffs and I think chances of that is slim to none of them not making at least one of them. If what people say is true that he isn't putting in the work than that sucks for his teammates. They deserve his best. Peyton has his faults but working hard isn't it. He earns his paycheck and he doesn't short change his teammates. Brady too.... He is always working out in California in the offseason.....not globe trotting or sitting at home or in the club. That all said I'm done with this sb rings define qbs. Watching Eli with his two and Big Ben with his two and flacco with his it's clear they aren't half the qbs of Brady Bree's and peyton. A lot goes into a sb championship yes including qb play but there is no doubt no matter who has more rings etc where the greatness lies.



The early losses count just as much in the end. They're going to hurt a little in the best scenario.   

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The early losses count just as much in the end. They're going to hurt a little in the best scenario.   

I agree..sorry that post had a ton of stupid auto corrections from my ipad. But really NE and Indy didn't lose ground too much. With Denver playing the NFC West I think they go 2-2 at best so this is just a learning/growth experiement for Belichek and he ALWAYS uses this kinda stuff to bring his team together and make them stronger....feel soo sorry for Minnesota. I'm predicting a 20 pt drubbing at least. IMO the byes will come down to the head to heads and IMO NE matches up really really well against DEN and IND. Your strengths in your passing game is the weakness in both their defenses (lb/s). You also have great corners and that is the strength of both those teams offense too. Now some other teams may not match up well with (imo SEA/SF) but you aren't playing them so I think you will be just fine!


Also and don't yell at me but that early schedule should get you guy settled until you find your groove/identity. I know the schedule thing is over done but it can't suck not to play the NFC West or South....but your schedule is pretty tough later in the year so you need to make hay now in case you hit a hiccup. When was the last time you lost back to back games???

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Bad game all around. Played a great first half, lousy second half. Miami Dline is as good as advertised. The Pats woes in South Florida continue.

Yeah, I can't explain why Miami always has NE's number either. It's okay though, they'll never make the Playoffs so the Patriots will be just fine. 


Not that surprised, NE always get better down the stretch, besides opening in Miami when it's still hot, tough game.

Good point SCC; NE always plays like gang busters in November & December. 


BUF 1-0

MIA 1-0

NYJ 1-0

NEP 0-1


Uh-oh. Now on to 1-0 Minnesota to face Matt Cassel.

Rodgers, Brady and Brees all lost. PManning next?

Touche my friend. Touche.  ;) It's way too early to forecast doom & gloom yet for any squad except Dallas & the Raiders since they are notorious underachievers annually. 

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No worries with the Patriots. It wasn't the game that Patriots fans wanted to see but it happens. Remember the year Buffalo beat them 35-0 in the opener? They went on to win the SB that season.


The AFC east is second only to the NFC north for the best record against the other divisions in the Brady/BB era. The Patriots are .750 against the AFC east and .750 against the rest of the league over that same period. The AFC east is strong this year but it was never the weak division that some like to portray it to be.


Yeah, but didn't they have more a complete team that year with a good offensive line, good defensive line, Charlie Weis and Romeo Crennel?


This current Pats' team has so many flaws at the most important positions (O-line and D-line).  They're run game isn't that good either.

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Yeah, but didn't they have more a complete team that year with a good offensive line, good defensive line, Charlie Weis and Romeo Crennel?


This current Pats' team has so many flaws at the most important positions (O-line and D-line).  They're run game isn't that good either.



Yes that was a good young O-line and a solid D. I 'm not to worried about the O-line but the D scared me. I expected a noticeable improvement immediately and it was like watching last years D play WITHOUT Talib in the lineup.

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Yeah, I can't explain why Miami always has NE's number either. It's okay though, they'll never make the Playoffs so the Patriots will be just fine. 


Good point SCC; NE always plays like gang busters in November & December. 


Touche my friend. Touche.  ;) It's way too early to forecast doom & gloom yet for any squad except Dallas & the Raiders since they are notorious underachievers annually. 

sometime they'll buck that trend, and maybe sooner than later...

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No worries, Buck. I still respect your football skill set overall. Delusional or not, you're still alright by me man.  :thmup:


Ha, awesome SW,

looking back at the Dolphins schedule last year, they did manage to beat 4 of the 6 AFC playoff teams in Indy, San Diego, New England (I know they are div. rivals & split, but stil), & Cincy, so that also may have something to do with my feeling that if they make a jump this season they could possibly be in the WC hunt... 

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Yes that was a good young O-line and a solid D. I 'm not to worried about the O-line but the D scared me. I expected a noticeable improvement immediately and it was like watching last years D play WITHOUT Talib in the lineup.


The '03 team, at the beginning of that season, had tons of questions. They had let Milloy go, which resulted in them sleep-walking through the 31-0 beating they took in Baltimore. Eugene Wilson was moved to FS to play next to Rodney. The '02 team had defensive issues... couldn't stop the run... so there was a lot of doubt about what kind of team they'd have in 2003. Half their 14 wins were by 7 points or fewer, plus one that they won by 8. 


They didn't exactly look, at the time, like a team that would win the next two SBs and go 28-4 in that season and the next one combined. 

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Yes that was a good young O-line and a solid D. I 'm not to worried about the O-line but the D scared me. I expected a noticeable improvement immediately and it was like watching last years D play WITHOUT Talib in the lineup.


I think that's due to bad coaching and not lack of talent.  They have one of the most complete secondary's in the NFL and could have a decent pass rush if they moved to a 4-3 D since Jones and Easley are 4-3 edge pass rushers.  I think they're biggest mistake and flaw is using a 3-4 D when they don't have the right personnel for that scheme now.  They are suppressing Jones' and Easley's talents by using a 3-4.  Mayo is a 4-3 inside LB too.


Football is a emotional game and the the Pats lack emotion and passion and I think that's due to Belichick's controlling quiet ways.  He doesn't allow his players to be themselves.

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I think that's due to bad coaching and not lack of talent.  They have one of the most complete secondary's in the NFL and could have a decent pass rush if they moved to a 4-3 D since Jones and Easley are 4-3 edge pass rushers.  I think they're biggest mistake and flaw is using a 3-4 D when they don't have the right personnel for that scheme now.  They are suppressing Jones' and Easley's talents by using a 3-4.  Mayo is a 4-3 inside LB too.


Football is a emotional game and the the Pats lack emotion and passion and I think that's due to Belichick's controlling quiet ways.  He doesn't allow his players to be themselves.

I get what you saying about scheme but it was week one. He may very well come out in the 4-3 this week. Vince is a classic 3-4 NT and the D played a great first half in the 3-4. They are still finding their way. I was more upset by Revis playing zone and not shadowing Wallace. They are not paying him $12 mil to cover space. I expect to see improvements this week against a very good Minn OL and run game.

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I get what you saying about scheme but it was week one. He may very well come out in the 4-3 this week. Vince is a classic 3-4 NT and the D played a great first half in the 3-4. They are still finding their way. I was more upset by Revis playing zone and not shadowing Wallace. They are not paying him $12 mil to cover space. I expect to see improvements this week against a very good Minn OL and run game.


Basically the Pats haven't been drafting the right type of D-linemen or OLB's for their scheme they want.  They draft 4-3 edge rushers and then put them in a 3-4 OLB position.  But they're undersized for 3-4 OLB.  Richard Seymour is a classic 3-4 OLB, not Jones or Easley.  But maybe the problem is they don't have the depth at defensive line to use 4 down linemen consistently.  but they also don't have the depth at LB to use a 3-4.  Wilfork, Jones and Easley doesn't go together.


On the plays Revis got outplayed by Wallace was Revis covering Wallace man on man or was he playing zone?

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I get what you saying about scheme but it was week one. He may very well come out in the 4-3 this week. Vince is a classic 3-4 NT and the D played a great first half in the 3-4. They are still finding their way. I was more upset by Revis playing zone and not shadowing Wallace. They are not paying him $12 mil to cover space. I expect to see improvements this week against a very good Minn OL and run game.

Yeah your guys personnel is too good not to show up next week. Too much talent and coaching to not have a good bounce back performance. Revis probably was having a nightmare from the heat that he was back in Tampa Bay playing zone defense for the Bucs. He definately didn't look like the old Revis...rather an OLD Revis but I think that is what you get when you play zone defenses...a lot of time guys get passive if they aren't used to playing in that style of defense. Let them play man and be aggressive...he still has plenty of game left.

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Basically the Pats haven't been drafting the right type of D-linemen or OLB's for their scheme they want.  They draft 4-3 edge rushers and then put them in a 3-4 OLB position.  But they're undersized for 3-4 OLB.  Richard Seymour is a classic 3-4 OLB, not Jones or Easley.  But maybe the problem is they don't have the depth at defensive line to use 4 down linemen consistently.  but they also don't have the depth at LB to use a 3-4.  Wilfork, Jones and Easley doesn't go together.


On the plays Revis got outplayed by Wallace was Revis covering Wallace man on man or was he playing zone?

I won't argue on the personnel. It is lacking especially when compared to the other Dlines in our own division. I do think Bill needs to move to the 4-3. It suits us better.


I am not sure on Revis. On the play where Wallace beat him with the double move but caught the TD pass out of bounds, he was covering him 1 on 1 I believe. The other plays, I am not sure. He was in zone a lot.

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Yeah your guys personnel is too good not to show up next week. Too much talent and coaching to not have a good bounce back performance. Revis probably was having a nightmare from the heat that he was back in Tampa Bay playing zone defense for the Bucs. He definately didn't look like the old Revis...rather an OLD Revis but I think that is what you get when you play zone defenses...a lot of time guys get passive if they aren't used to playing in that style of defense. Let them play man and be aggressive...he still has plenty of game left.

I think I may be the only one that did not have an issue with the way Revis played. I really thought he was very good all day. He got burned once but that is going to happen against the top guys in the league. He also had a fumble recovery and always looked to be in good position balls thrown his way. I was MUCH more concerned with the play of the Dline and of course the fact that it appears to be a player by committee at the SS position.

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Going to keep an eye on Brady this Sunday. The last few games he has played (Dolphins, Broncos) and a few last year.....well I don't think he looks as good. I am not bashing him either here. He looks off to me at times whether it is injuries, age catching up to him or players lost/hurt. I don't know.


I think this Vikings game is crucial. Imagine.....a game vs. the Vikings being IMPORTANT. 

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Going to keep an eye on Brady this Sunday. The last few games he has played (Dolphins, Broncos) and a few last year.....well I don't think he looks as good. I am not bashing him either here. He looks off to me at times whether it is injuries, age catching up to him or players lost/hurt. I don't know.


I think this Vikings game is crucial. Imagine.....a game vs. the Vikings being IMPORTANT. 

He needs to be ON this game Jules. The last two games we have seen him, he has not been good although he did have a good first half vs the Fins but a lousy second half. It may have been the leg injury as he looked good in the preseason but we need vintage Brady Sunday. He generally lights it up when he plays in a dome but honestly that Oline has to do a better job for him to have a chance.

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Going to keep an eye on Brady this Sunday. The last few games he has played (Dolphins, Broncos) and a few last year.....well I don't think he looks as good. I am not bashing him either here. He looks off to me at times whether it is injuries, age catching up to him or players lost/hurt. I don't know.


I think this Vikings game is crucial. Imagine.....a game vs. the Vikings being IMPORTANT. 


It's painful to say it but the second half of the Miami game was probably the worst I've seen him look in a long time. Part of it was that they couldn't block anyone, and Brady's movement within the pocket just doesn't look as good as it used to be. Obviously he's never been a runner but he always had the Marino-like ability to find a little room, take a step up or to the side to create a throwing lane, that sort of thing. He's more immobile than ever, and if teams can get straight at him, he struggles. He just looked like he was forcing every throw in the second half of that game.


There may or may not be anything else to it... could have been a bad day, could have been a sign of things to come. I don't think anyone's going to judge him after one game, or even a couple games. We'll have to see though. 

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Blind post but it will be interesting to see how the pats perform against the Vikings.  


Honestly I don't know a ton about them but it seems like they don't have a ton of talent outside of Brady, Gronk, and Wilfork.  They seem to have let a lot of their best guys go without finding suitable replacements for them.


I get that these guys where aging and all but you have to find someone who can replace them.  

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Going to keep an eye on Brady this Sunday. The last few games he has played (Dolphins, Broncos) and a few last year.....well I don't think he looks as good. I am not bashing him either here. He looks off to me at times whether it is injuries, age catching up to him or players lost/hurt. I don't know.


I think this Vikings game is crucial. Imagine.....a game vs. the Vikings being IMPORTANT. 

Vikings OC Norv Turner can generate offense & it would be interesting to see if that game went TD to TD, but like GP said if you fix Brady's pocket & give him time to shuffle his feet he will be fine. Also, get WR Edelman involved early this week. Julian is more valuable than Gronk to me on drives down the field. 


Miami is always a thorn in NE's side & San Diego is always a thorn in INDY's. The Pats are going to go 12-4 easy and make the playoffs. Book it. JMO. 


Yes, I know NE is an AFC rival but darn it I respect their toughness & winning consistency & I don't care who calls me a traitor either. Not directed at you Jules BTW. 


I will be recording this Pats vs Vikings game on my DVR because I specially want to watch how comfortable or rushed Brady is in the pocket & whether sacks of him are front 4 related or coverage related. Lastly, throw passes early to WR Kenbrell Thompkins too. I've got a good feeling about that kid being a reliable chain mover.

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