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Not Impressed

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Im a huge Luck supporter and i would really want to draft him. But lately ive been watching some stanford games. And honestly Luck really didnt impress me. I mean i get the oregon game but i really wasnt impresses against Cal. I think Luck should be considered but was anyone else not impressed.

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Im a huge Luck supporter and i would really want to draft him. But lately ive been watching some stanford games. And honestly Luck really didnt impress me. I mean i get the oregon game but i really wasnt impresses against Cal. I think Luck should be considered but was anyone else not impressed.

Yes I know exactly what you mean, though for me I've felt that way all year and not just the past 2 games.

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Didn't watch the game, but....

He seemed to have had an off-day just by looking at stats and highlights. I'd like to see how he does in the Bowl game and against Notre Dame, and if he shines he'll really convince me.

Yes I feel the same way I would like to see him play on the big stage. Also I've been very impressed with Robert Griffin III has played great and has a 87% completion rating with 5 ints on the year, he is A very intelligent person and has better arm power and strength then Luck. I just don't like how baylors offense isn't very pro style.

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Well in Lucks defense... Because he lost one of his top offensive weapons his play has gone down. I did notice with some of Lucks passes they are soft when trying the back shoulder fade. He needs to get that ball quick in the NFL. He can't throw those soft balls. They'd be intercepted in the NFL

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He's really missing his only real deep threat Chris Owusu. It's actually pretty impressive when you consider he's throwing to a bunch of tight ends. To be honest, Stanford's offense outside of the running game and Luck obviously, is very underwhelming. If they had an average QB, they'd be unranked. Andrew Luck will do great throwing it to Reggie Wayne, Dallas Clark and Pierre Garcon or whatever our receiving corp looks like in 3-4 years if Peyton is hopefully back.

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Yes I know exactly what you mean, though for me I've felt that way all year and not just the past 2 games.

Hey Jason..... does that mean you agreed with the 26 GMs who passed on Dan Marino after HIS subpar senior season and the 23 mongoloids who passed on Aaron Rodgers in 2005? rotfl

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Hey Jason..... does that mean you agreed with the 26 GMs who passed on Dan Marino after HIS subpar senior season and the 23 mongoloids who passed on Aaron Rodgers in 2005? rotfl

Rodgers was hardly considered an NFL-ready prospect in college. Weak arm strength, bad throwing motion, slow release, etc.

Marino proved to have the shakes in big games, and that carried into the NFL. His playoff statistics, as well as his Super Bowl performances, were abysmal.

So far, Luck has been at his worst when on national television. He has also declined steadily as defenses have started taking Stanford's running attack away. When forced to carry the load, he's proven to be only slightly above average for a college QB. James Vandenberg has a better passer rating under pressure.

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Rodgers was hardly considered an NFL-ready prospect in college. Weak arm strength, bad throwing motion, slow release, etc.

Not sure of your definition of NFL ready, but he was projected early first round, and folks says Nolan and Rodgers had a personality clash keeping the 49'ers from taking him #1 overall, going with Alex Smith instead. Rodgers was second QB taken, all the way down at 24. It was his size (or perceived lack thereof) that folks were concerned with. But he excelled in a Pro style Offense at Cal. (But many others from there failed at the NFL level, too).




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Rodgers was hardly considered an NFL-ready prospect in college. Weak arm strength, bad throwing motion, slow release, etc.

Marino proved to have the shakes in big games, and that carried into the NFL. His playoff statistics, as well as his Super Bowl performances, were abysmal.

So far, Luck has been at his worst when on national television. He has also declined steadily as defenses have started taking Stanford's running attack away. When forced to carry the load, he's proven to be only slightly above average for a college QB. James Vandenberg has a better passer rating under pressure.

Doogan..... I realize you don't want Andrew Luck and you'd rather we trade down. If Peyton is healthy and intends to finish his 4 years out....I think we should trade down too.

But you'll go as far as saying that a Hall of Fame QB, Dan Marino..... and the best QB in the NFL today, Aaron Rodgers..... were properly scouted and drafted in the correct positions when they came out of college?

Do you realize exactly how crazy that sounds?

Dan Marino as the 27th overall pick in ANY draft in NFL history is an absolute joke and a study in how flawed NFL GMs can be sometimes.

And coming off an incredible Super Bowl display that Peyton Manning can only dream of (blasphemy!!)......Aaron Rodgers is now in the process of slaughtering his opposition on a weekly basis. If he has a weak arm and a bad delivery....he's putting on a heck of an act.

But look.....we're talking about the first pick in the draft, not the greatest QB of all time.

I'm not saying Andrew Luck is a lock to have a Hall of Fame or Pro Bowl career....but just as the "bust" label exists for some of these hotshot draft QBs.....as it should....so does the fact that complete amateurs like us and professionals who get paid handsomely alike, have gotten it drastically wrong in the past.

Yes....the NFL has been littered with QB busts who had no business getting drafted as highly as they were. Is Luck the next one? It's always possible....as it is with whatever trade-downs we get.

But if you can't acknowledge the reverse situations with Marino and Rodgers as ridiculous draft day mistakes on the part of GMs who passed on them....then it undermines the very good points you usually bring to these draft conversations.

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Luck reminds me of Tim Duncan, or as Shaq had dubbed him, "The Big Fundamental." What Luck has going for him is his great footwork and overall fundamentals that make him pro ready. He's not flashy, doesn't make incredible plays like RG3 (well actually he has a few highlight plays when running or catching the ball, or tackling a USC defender), and doesn't have a rocket arm. He's just very consistant over a long period of time. Overall, it's a good thing, but I'm used to watching Peyton Manning and I guess if you compare anyone to Peyton Manning, you would end up being dissapointed. I'll keep watching Luck to see if he comes out sharper than he has the last three games.

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Never watched Marino or Rodgers in college so I can't answer. :P

That's no excuse Jason.....NFL GMs got Marino and Rodgers wrong. All it takes is a look at their NFL careers and their draft position....and if you want a good laugh, the players they were passed over for.

Anyway....I doubt that my advice or yours based on watching them in college would've changed their minds.

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That's no excuse Jason.....NFL GMs got Marino and Rodgers wrong. All it takes is a look at their NFL careers and their draft position....and if you want a good laugh, the players they were passed over for.

Anyway....I doubt that my advice or yours based on watching them in college would've changed their minds.

It's easy to say, with the benefit of hindsight, that the GMs were wrong and that Rodgers and Marino were drafted later than they should have been. The same could be said of Brady, Brees, Robert Mathis, Bethea etc. And on the flip side everyone was wrong about guys like Tim Couch, David Klingler, Jamarcus Russell, Ryan Leaf etc etc. If GMs had a crystal ball then they'd never (hopefully) whiff on a draft pick but they don't. All they can do is their own homework and scouting on each player and make the best possible decision with the information they have at the time.

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It's easy to say, with the benefit of hindsight, that the GMs were wrong and that Rodgers and Marino were drafted later than they should have been. The same could be said of Brady, Brees, Robert Mathis, Bethea etc. And on the flip side everyone was wrong about guys like Tim Couch, David Klingler, Jamarcus Russell, Ryan Leaf etc etc. If GMs had a crystal ball then they'd never (hopefully) whiff on a draft pick but they don't. All they can do is their own homework and scouting on each player and make the best possible decision with the information they have at the time.

I agree with that 100%....there are going to be screw-ups.

All I was pointing out....which we already knew....are that the possibilities of those mistakes flow in both directions as you point out.

And that, such was the case of Marino and Rodgers....we could be in the position of passing over Luck....and unless we reap 3-4 excellent starters in a trade down, badly regretting it. That's also the reason I want a Pro Bowl player as part of any trade down package.

Peyton's health aside.....my main concern with a trade down is Polian's track record since 2007 and the coaching staff charged with developing the players we trade down for. Now...... I like the little we've seen so far from Castonzo, Ijalana, Nevis and Carter.....but I'm not ready to declare them draft successes and forget Polian's 2007 - 2010 foul-ups.

I'll wholeheartedly root for whoever we draft next April though....whether its Andrew Luck, your Nick Foles or whoever else they pick. :D

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The last two games have not been Lucks best, but I watched both and I can tell you:

A. The dude had zero offensive line protection in both games. The Line was solid at one point this year but they have played badly lately, and especially against Oregon, they couldnt block anyone.

B. The defense wasnt looking good either, and Luck was, to his fault, trying to force things and do too much. He has to learn to let his team help him when they can, and trust his instincts to throw the ball away or run more when no one is open.

Those observations of mine aside, I still believe he is the best QB prospect I have seen since Manning.

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