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Chuck Pagano expresses his concern on Colts current offensive line situation


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Here's the #Colts OL story I referenced. I give Pagano credit for honesty, admitting legitimate concern: http://t.co/fhXlt6a9lE

— Stephen Holder (@HolderStephen)

July 31, 2014

I don't know who you all personally prefer as writers, but I like Stephen Holder. Does good work on his articles, imo

Link for those who can't see the tweet (Due to Tapatalk lol)


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we've been letting the OL grow for a decade and as a fan I for one am tired of completely terrible play from the unit.

Not the same guys. Very bad line play, staring about 2008. But you have to admit, the OTs are solid now.

Time will tell if this young group of interior lineman are our future.

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Posted · Hidden by Blackhawk4, August 1, 2014 - This post has nothing to do with the topic at all. Just complaining about the filter.
Hidden by Blackhawk4, August 1, 2014 - This post has nothing to do with the topic at all. Just complaining about the filter.

That's cute, the forum software won't let me call the A ints, the AINT s. Sorry Boggie.

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I think the lineup of Castonzo/Mewhort/Holmes/Thorton/Cherilus will surprise people this year. Yes, the interior of the line is inexperienced but their bigger and more athletic then last year. I'm not expecting much in the running game because of Trent, ranked in the 20s at best but I do think will be top 5 in passing.

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Not the same guys. Very bad line play, staring about 2008. But you have to admit, the OTs are solid now.

Time will tell if this young group of interior lineman are our future.

I guess I see the turnaround teams make (3 of the best lines in the league in Philly, Dallas, and Chicago were laughingstocks a couple years ago) and ours just seems to sh in the gutter makes me uneasy. You have a point but we have a young franchise QB now and I don't want to wait for a capable OL any longer for his sake.
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I think the lineup of Castonzo/Mewhort/Holmes/Thorton/Cherilus will surprise people this year. Yes, the interior of the line is inexperienced but their bigger and more athletic then last year. I'm not expecting much in the running game because of Trent, ranked in the 20s at best but I do think will be top 5 in passing.

Trent is not holding our running game back at all.
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I think Mewhort will replace Thomas just fine.  The interior of the line is now funded with a 2nd, 3rd, and 4th round draft choice, all with weight and strength in mind.  Grigs has invested more premium picks and salary in the OL than the previous regime did.  


I don't think that using the struggles in the OL during the past regime is a real good reason to assume it will be the same way going forward.   Different players, different philosophy.

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This whole thing is setting up to be another instance where Grigson plays with fire and gets burnt. I for one am not sold on his ability to GM a super bowl contending team. Look at his draft picks and free agent signings. Look at the amount of money he has wasted on injury prone players who spend a good part of the season injured. I love the Colts. I want them to win more than anything. I just have no trust in Grigson. This whole offensive line situation shows me once again that he gambles big and loses often.Our interior line has been a horrilbe for years and years. He cuts 2 of last years starters and brings in no one. I agree that Satele and McGlynn needed to go, but to cut them and bring in no one is insane. Did he not even consider that Thompson could go down again? What if one of these young guys we have left on the line gets hurt for a couple games? What are we going to do then? He is putting so much trust in Holmes, and he hasn't even started one game in his short career. I just have this recurring nightmare of Clowney and Watt making a Luck sandwich. We have cap money left. I just don't see why he didn't bring in a couple good linemen to compete for starting jobs and to have for depth in case something like this happens. How many years do we have to have one of the worst O-lines in the league before we do something about it. At least Richardson will have an excuse for being horrible again this year. 

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I'd definitely like to see Mewhort come in and be a solid starter right away, but I think it would almost be better to let Reitz start at LG for a while. Having a collective one year of starting experience along the three interior Oline positions does not generate much confidence in my mind. I've always liked Reitz anyway so his starting would be alright by me.

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I like our OL, but Andrew Luck is at a point where our OL can't be questionable.  Luck has been hit too many times and he's only been playing for 2 seasons.  If it was not for Lucks build, he would have been injured by now.  Having an inexperience OL is an issue and would be a concern for anyone.  I think we should bring in a veteran for depth or maybe even trade for a Guard because I believe we have a good chance of taking home a championship this season.

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This whole thing is setting up to be another instance where Grigson plays with fire and gets burnt. I for one am not sold on his ability to GM a super bowl contending team. Look at his draft picks and free agent signings. Look at the amount of money he has wasted on injury prone players who spend a good part of the season injured. I love the Colts. I want them to win more than anything. I just have no trust in Grigson. This whole offensive line situation shows me once again that he gambles big and loses often.Our interior line has been a horrilbe for years and years. He cuts 2 of last years starters and brings in no one. I agree that Satele and McGlynn needed to go, but to cut them and bring in no one is insane. Did he not even consider that Thompson could go down again? What if one of these young guys we have left on the line gets hurt for a couple games? What are we going to do then? He is putting so much trust in Holmes, and he hasn't even started one game in his short career. I just have this recurring nightmare of Clowney and Watt making a Luck sandwich. We have cap money left. I just don't see why he didn't bring in a couple good linemen to compete for starting jobs and to have for depth in case something like this happens. How many years do we have to have one of the worst O-lines in the league before we do something about it. At least Richardson will have an excuse for being horrible again this year. 

He brought in Mewhort and Lance Louis.....Holmes was waiting in the wings. Think you are jumping the gun a little? You haven't even seen this line play together. While I agree the line may not have improved by leaps and bounds; it certainly hasn't gotten worse.

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I think we let the best LG start at LG be it Mewhort, Reitz, Louis or someone yet to be seen. The key to the line is still Holmes as far as I am concerned. Those that are worried are you this worried:


Incognito is still floating around out there. He is 31 years old with nine years of experience. He has started more than 100 games, including eight last season. The year before, he played in his first Pro Bowl. At worst, he is considered an average NFL guard. At best, he is an above-average to good guard.


He is ready willing and cheap. Yes he is a dirt bag no one believes he is a changed man but he's not coming into our locker room to be a vocal leader. Chances are he keeps his mouth shut and plays. He has experience at all 3 interior line positions including C. One step over the line you send him away.


Are we that desperate is it even desperate if opens holes and keeps your QB upright?


It's not like he knocked his wife out cold then dragged her caveman style or even smoked pot.

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ColtJ82    I may be jumping the gun a little about the line. This is how my mind works. If Holmes was a really good center why did he only get 12 snaps last year when Satele was obviously struggling horribly. I am all for letting him start, but who is the backup plan if he doesn't work out?  Mewhort is changing positions from tackle to guard and he is a rookie. How can he be trusted to jump right in and be a starter? Lance Louis to me isn't an upgrade in any sense of the word. I am starting to feel like I'm being negative, and I dont want to be. It just scares me to have all these questions marks on the line that is protecting ANDREW LUCK.. I am just tired of us having this problem year after year. Luck has hit the ground 250 times in his first 2 years. That is absolutely insane. This was a year when we could have afforded to spend money to upgrade the line, and Im afraid we didnt again this year. I hope Im wrong trust me.

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I know he just retired but if I'm Grigson, I think I'm going to consider calling someone like Travelle Wharton to see if they have any interest in playing on a one year deal. You get a shot to start and be a mentor on a Super Bowl contender, I think that'd be hard for some guys to turn down.

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ColtJ82 I may be jumping the gun a little about the line. This is how my mind works. If Holmes was a really good center why did he only get 12 snaps last year when Satele was obviously struggling horribly. I am all for letting him start, but who is the backup plan if he doesn't work out? Mewhort is changing positions from tackle to guard and he is a rookie. How can he be trusted to jump right in and be a starter? Lance Louis to me isn't an upgrade in any sense of the word. I am starting to feel like I'm being negative, and I dont want to be. It just scares me to have all these questions marks on the line that is protecting ANDREW LUCK.. I am just tired of us having this problem year after year. Luck has hit the ground 250 times in his first 2 years. That is absolutely insane. This was a year when we could have afforded to spend money to upgrade the line, and Im afraid we didnt again this year. I hope Im wrong trust me.

Holmes not playing has been answered by Grigson/Pagano plenty of times, and Mewhort played just as many games at OG as he did Tackle in college so I wouldn't really call it changing positions
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I think we let the best LG start at LG be it Mewhort, Reitz, Louis or someone yet to be seen. The key to the line is still Holmes as far as I am concerned. Those that are worried are you this worried:


Incognito is still floating around out there. He is 31 years old with nine years of experience. He has started more than 100 games, including eight last season. The year before, he played in his first Pro Bowl. At worst, he is considered an average NFL guard. At best, he is an above-average to good guard.


He is ready willing and cheap. Yes he is a dirt bag no one believes he is a changed man but he's not coming into our locker room to be a vocal leader. Chances are he keeps his mouth shut and plays. He has experience at all 3 interior line positions including C. One step over the line you send him away.


Are we that desperate is it even desperate if opens holes and keeps your QB upright?


It's not like he knocked his wife out cold then dragged her caveman style or even smoked pot.


I would definitely take Incognito on vet minimum deal ... but grigson would never do it.

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I would definitely take Incognito on vet minimum deal ... but grigson would never do it.

We want nothing to do with Ricky Incognito. We've had enough trouble as it is. There is no need to bring a well-known knucklehead into the mix. Look at his past history. "Hurricane Ricky"? HELL no!

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We want nothing to do with Ricky Incognito. We've had enough trouble as it is. There is no need to bring a well-known knucklehead into the mix. Look at his past history. "Hurricane Ricky"? HELL no!


I want talent, and cheap talent at vet minimum is even better... if he he steps a toe over the line cut him ... There are plenty of teams who have players far worse than him, and I am far less concerned that the Colts are viewed as this "high class" "squeaky clean" organization than many posters.

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I want talent, and cheap talent at vet minimum is even better... if he he steps a toe over the line cut him ... There are plenty of teams who have players far worse than him, and I am far less concerned that the Colts are viewed as this "high class" "squeaky clean" organization than many posters.

"High class" and "Squeaky clean" are a bit overrated, I agree. But that isn't the point. The point is that you're willingly bringing in a well-documented, well-known, recently big-news knucklehead. And you're bringing him in as an emergency(?) stop-gap just in case a catastrophe happens. And he still has to sign a contract. And he, or more likely his agent, will craft that in his favor. If he goes all Ricky Incognito and we cut him...he still gets paid. Waste of money, time, damage in the locker room/media. HELL no. 

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It's always nice after getting torn apart in another thread for expressing concern to come here and hear that the head coach actually agrees with you.  Hopefully the people that are saying this isn't a big deal and that this team still has a good chance at a decent run in the playoffs will listen to the own coach of their team.

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"High class" and "Squeaky clean" are a bit overrated, I agree. But that isn't the point. The point is that you're willingly bringing in a well-documented, well-known, recently big-news knucklehead. And you're bringing him in as an emergency(?) stop-gap just in case a catastrophe happens. And he still has to sign a contract. And he, or more likely his agent, will craft that in his favor. If he goes all Ricky Incognito and we cut him...he still gets paid. Waste of money, time, damage in the locker room/media. HELL no. 


He has no leverage, he takes the vet minimum deal we offer or he stays on the street ... I don't want him that bad; his agent won't dictate anything or no deal. He most likely would not be "just in case of emergency", because he would probably beat out Mewhort or Thornton.  He would be a "stop gap" in the sense he would play until hopefully Mewhort was able to.  His past isn't any worse than many others just got more attention ... don't care about his rep, I care about his ability to play.  But like I said, it is never going to happen, so it really doesn't matter.

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He did last year, he has no vision. I expect Luck to be top 5 in pass attempts this year, will have to throw to open up the running game.

The amount of weapons the team has at the receiver spot dictates that the team will pass more. None the less, a decent run game will also open up the passing game (vice versa)... and I expect the team to use a lot more play action too. Give em something to think about.

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He has no leverage, he takes the vet minimum deal we offer or he stays on the street ... I don't want him that bad; his agent won't dictate anything or no deal. He most likely would not be "just in case of emergency", because he would probably beat out Mewhort or Thornton.  He would be a "stop gap" in the sense he would play until hopefully Mewhort was able to.  His past isn't any worse than many others just got more attention ... don't care about his rep, I care about his ability to play.  But like I said, it is never going to happen, so it really doesn't matter.

I'm a freshly made newbie and I'm not trying to argue. In fact, I thank you for replying to me...but you're right. It will never happen...so we're wasting our breath, time, fingers typing. Good talking with you though. 

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This whole thing is setting up to be another instance where Grigson plays with fire and gets burnt. I for one am not sold on his ability to GM a super bowl contending team. Look at his draft picks and free agent signings. Look at the amount of money he has wasted on injury prone players who spend a good part of the season injured. I love the Colts. I want them to win more than anything. I just have no trust in Grigson. This whole offensive line situation shows me once again that he gambles big and loses often.Our interior line has been a horrilbe for years and years. He cuts 2 of last years starters and brings in no one. I agree that Satele and McGlynn needed to go, but to cut them and bring in no one is insane. Did he not even consider that Thompson could go down again? What if one of these young guys we have left on the line gets hurt for a couple games? What are we going to do then? He is putting so much trust in Holmes, and he hasn't even started one game in his short career. I just have this recurring nightmare of Clowney and Watt making a Luck sandwich. We have cap money left. I just don't see why he didn't bring in a couple good linemen to compete for starting jobs and to have for depth in case something like this happens. How many years do we have to have one of the worst O-lines in the league before we do something about it. At least Richardson will have an excuse for being horrible again this year. 


I agree a failure by the interior line this year falls directly on Grigson's shoulders.  If the line does not take a significant step forward this season ... his seat should start getting hot.

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I would definitely take Incognito on vet minimum deal ... but grigson would never do it.


akcolt:  "Yes he is a dirt bag no one believes he is a changed man but he's not coming into our locker room to be a vocal leader. Chances are he keeps his mouth shut and plays."





Grigson also tried to bring in Costa.  He has had chances at big name OL, but passed.  His idea to sign average vets isn't working due to injury, retirement etc..  so youngster have to start: at situation he was trying to avoid.  It's sink or swim for the young guys.  I hope they catch on to the nuances of  OL play and perform.

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