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Patriots claim waived/injured rookie RB Tyler Gaffney from the Panthers


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Posted Today, 02:27 PM

TAPLOOK, on 29 Jul 2014 - 2:17 PM, said:snapback.png

I believe you may be wrong here, this for him is unfortunately all over the news, surly awkward among his football colleagues, and Irsay has always wanted to have or be perceived as having a first class organization, including his reputation. All have been tarnished! If this is you or I no one knows but, friends and family, bad enough, but not everyone we meet!




Did you just have argument with yourself? 



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I would have to research it as I don't know. But really past history is irrelevant. The Pats did not have great luck signing WRs FAs prior to Moss so does that mean they should not have signed Moss? Or Revis this year? Because their success singing FA CBs was pretty awful as well. You have to make the best decisions in the moment and if the Pats FO sees something in this RB then why not pick him up? It is low risk as they are only paying him less than a half million and gave up a roster spot on the 90 man roster. If he works out then they will have gotten a nice return on a low risk investment.

I'm not talking about just the pats. Im talkng about any team.

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Did you just have argument with yourself? 



Looks that way doesn't it? Some of the post deleted but that's just a sampling of what one Colt fan thinks of Irsay's actions effect on the ethics of the Colts as and organization.

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Bottom line, IMO: You have 90 roster spots in preseason. If you really like a young player, just use a roster spot on him. Don't try to get him through waivers.


I get that some teams won't claim guys in this situation, but that's their fault. Waivers is waivers. If Belichick is the only one doing this, that's the fault of 31 other organizations. 

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I'm not talking about just the pats. Im talkng about any team.

The logic still applies though. If a team feels a player on IR can help their team then they should sign them regardless of what the team that put them on IR thinks of them. Countless players don't do well on one team and then thrive on another.

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Well played. 


Irsay's personal decisions have nothing to do with the Colts as an organization, so I don't know where you are going with this. 


I'm having fun with another poster, don't read into it too much. 


But I do have to say, I totally disagree with what you wrote. Irsay's personal decisions have everything to do with the Colts, their image, etc. Irsay obviously cares what people think about him and his team. My only point in ribbing about it was that very few of us can say we have no secrets, skeletons, etc. I'm not defending the Patriots ethics, just saying we're all human, we all make mistakes. That includes wealthy, influential people like Belichick and Irsay. 

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I didn't say it was illegal, it's just frowned upon.


And there's really no argument you can make that would paint the Pats ethical. Sorry man. 


I didnt see you posting all upset when Patriots lost players to this very same method.  If they wanted him that badly, they could have held him until final cuts and placed him on IR, but instead they released him through waivers which means hes a FREE AGENT.


But of course, the Pats go and sign a waiver wire position and everyone goes nuts and suggests that they're unethical cheaters.  Its really just pure entertainment at this point to see how some people react to everything the Pats do.  This goes on every day in the NFL, every single year, but you don't hear about it until its the Pats that take someone else's player lol

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I remember that the Browns put rookie cornerback Don Carey on IR and the Jags picked him up. I think that was in 2010. It is really easy to prevent this. Just wait to put them on IR. Teams used to hoard young talent before this rule came about. Once a player reaches their four season, they no longer have to go to waivers.


The Jets did this just last year when they signed Zac Sudfeld from the Patriots when they tried to put him on waivers to place him on IR.  I didn't see any posts in the Colts forum crying foul then..  Funny isn't it?


Literally common practice, you release a player to waivers and you subject them to all 31 other teams who have the option of signing them.  It happens every year, it happens to the Patriots and they sign players from other teams as well.  This isn't news, its not unethical and its not against the rules regardless of what some insanely bitter fans might think.


Ridley and Vereen's rookie deals are up this year, so this made total sense to carry him while he rehabs and have him compete in training camp next year.  If the Panthers didn't want to risk losing him, they shouldn't have released him PERIOD.


Unreal how much bitter hatred runs through some fans here towards the Pats.  Everything they do is looked at from an evil lens of foul play and deceit, while every other team is floating on rainbow clouds above them.

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Did you hear that?


Oh yeah, the Pats signed someone else, now that automatically means that player is gold all of a sudden.


Kinda like how every signing is always an automatic "genius" move by them.


Oh well, they need someone to run the ball cause Brady is getting old and age is starting to really show his decay.

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My point is, i think it's dumb to claim a player on the way to IR. If the player was worth keeping, the original team wouldn't take the chance of losing him on waivers.




Fact: The Patriots scouted him before the draft, had a lot of information on him and liked him as a player.

Fact: Steven Ridley and Shane Vereen (#1 and #2 RBs on the roster) are on the last year of their rookie deals.

Fact: Recovery from knee injuries has been astronomically improved from say, 10 years ago and players can come back full strength, especially at 22 years old.


So no, theres nothing dumb about it.  They scouted him, they liked him and they had an opportunity to sign him off of waivers, help him rehab with their state of the art medical facility and team doctors, and have him compete for a roster spot next year in training camp when there is the very real possibility that their top 2 RBs will be GONE.


Maybe that is why the Patriots are always in the hunt every single year, winning division titles, winning playoff games and competing in Conference Championship and Super Bowl Championships nearly every single year...  Yea, what a DUMB organization..  Im surprised they can even find the stadium on game day they're so dense.

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Clearly BBs success is undeniable. But he, like most coaches try to be too smart at times. The pats are going to pay this kid 500 grand this season, and its very likely he never wears a Pats uniform


The Niners spent a 4th round draft pick on Marcus Lattimore, knowing it might be a year or more before he'd play, used the roster spot through preseason, and paid him a 4th rounder's salary and signing bonus. Lattimore is definitely more talented than Gaffney, but he had a more serious injury, and the Niners used more resources on him. He's still on NFI.


I don't think the rookie salary they're paying him is a big deal. I think the bigger deal is actually that they gave up their spot in waiver priority for a player that can't help them this year. 

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Fact: The Patriots scouted him before the draft, had a lot of information on him and liked him as a player.

Fact: Steven Ridley and Shane Vereen (#1 and #2 RBs on the roster) are on the last year of their rookie deals.

Fact: Recovery from knee injuries has been astronomically improved from say, 10 years ago and players can come back full strength, especially at 22 years old.

So no, theres nothing dumb about it. They scouted him, they liked him and they had an opportunity to sign him off of waivers, help him rehab with their state of the art medical facility and team doctors, and have him compete for a roster spot next year in training camp when there is the very real possibility that their top 2 RBs will be GONE.

Maybe that is why the Patriots are always in the hunt every single year, winning division titles, winning playoff games and competing in Conference Championship and Super Bowl Championships nearly every single year... Yea, what a DUMB organization.. Im surprised they can even find the stadium on game day they're so dense.

And they do a lot of other things as well :)

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420,000 for this season


This is the NFL, Kraft is a multi BILLIONAIRE..  That $420,000 won't even count against their cap so in reality they're just carrying a guy as a red shirt year so that he can get healthy, rehab with their team doctors, study the playbook and build a relationship with the rest of the team.



That is an investment, and an extremely low risk/potentially high reward one at that.  Kraft won't bat his eye at having to pay someone $420,000 as a redshirt year..  He has paid Wilfork like $11 million to sit on the bench an entire year.. he paid Ochocinco $6 million for like 21 catches.. He paid Albert Hanesworth some absurd amount of money to be a totally waste..


$420k is nothing to Kraft..  especially for a long term investment (if you consider 1 year a "long term" investment)

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This is the NFL, Kraft is a multi BILLIONAIRE..  That $420,000 won't even count against their cap so in reality they're just carrying a guy as a red shirt year so that he can get healthy, rehab with their team doctors, study the playbook and build a relationship with the rest of the team.



That is an investment, and an extremely low risk/potentially high reward one at that.  Kraft won't bat his eye at having to pay someone $420,000 as a redshirt year..  He has paid Wilfork like $11 million to sit on the bench an entire year.. he paid Ochocinco $6 million for like 21 catches.. He paid Albert Hanesworth some absurd amount of money to be a totally waste..


$420k is nothing to Kraft..  especially for a long term investment (if you consider 1 year a "long term" investment)


The $420k will count against the cap, presuming he stays on the roster all season. I don't think it's a big deal, either.

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The $420k will count against the cap, presuming he stays on the roster all season. I don't think it's a big deal, either.


 No because only the top 51 salaries count against the cap, and since his is the league minimum it wouldn't qualify as one of the top 51 contracts so its exempt from the salary cap

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 No because only the top 51 salaries count against the cap, and since his is the league minimum it wouldn't qualify as one of the top 51 contracts so its exempt from the salary cap


Until the regular season starts. And presumably, Gaffney will be on the reserve roster through the regular season.

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Until the regular season starts. And presumably, Gaffney will be on the reserve roster through the regular season.


You can have 53 players on your active roster, only 51 of the top salaries count towards the cap so they could still IR him and not have him count towards the salary cap.  This applies to the regular season as well, i will try to find an article to reference but we have a cap guru over at the patsfans forum named Miguel and he does amazing cap numbers over there.

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You can have 53 players on your active roster, only 51 of the top salaries count towards the cap so they could still IR him and not have him count towards the salary cap.  This applies to the regular season as well, i will try to find an article to reference but we have a cap guru over at the patsfans forum named Miguel and he does amazing cap numbers over there.


I'm sure Miguel is great and all, but all salaries count toward the cap during the regular season, not just the top 51. I bet Miguel would tell you the same thing. The top 51 mechanism is only for the offseason, from the first day of the league year through to the first day of Week 1 of the regular season. After that, all players on the roster, active or reserve, count against the cap.

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I didnt see you posting all upset when Patriots lost players to this very same method.  If they wanted him that badly, they could have held him until final cuts and placed him on IR, but instead they released him through waivers which means hes a FREE AGENT.


But of course, the Pats go and sign a waiver wire position and everyone goes nuts and suggests that they're unethical cheaters.  Its really just pure entertainment at this point to see how some people react to everything the Pats do.  This goes on every day in the NFL, every single year, but you don't hear about it until its the Pats that take someone else's player lol


Nobody is upset, least of all me. 



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The Jets did this just last year when they signed Zac Sudfeld from the Patriots when they tried to put him on waivers to place him on IR. I didn't see any posts in the Colts forum crying foul then.. Funny isn't it?

Actually, the patriots cut Sudfeld

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You can have 53 players on your active roster, only 51 of the top salaries count towards the cap so they could still IR him and not have him count towards the salary cap.  This applies to the regular season as well, i will try to find an article to reference but we have a cap guru over at the patsfans forum named Miguel and he does amazing cap numbers over there.



I'm sure Miguel is great and all, but all salaries count toward the cap during the regular season, not just the top 51. I bet Miguel would tell you the same thing. The top 51 mechanism is only for the offseason, from the first day of the league year through to the first day of Week 1 of the regular season. After that, all players on the roster, active or reserve, count against the cap.


I went ahead and looked this up to confirm: http://images.nflplayers.com/mediaResources/files/PDFs/General/2011_Final_CBA.pdf

Page 92, Article 13, Section 6(a)(1)

The highest applicable Salary set forth in Paragraph 5 of the NFL Player Contract shall be included in Team Salary in the year earned, except that, between the start of the League Year and the first day of the regular playing season, only the following amounts from Paragraph 5 shall be included for players whose Player Contracts are not among the Team's 51 highest valued Player Contracts, tenders and Offer Sheets (as determined under this Section 6):


So the top 51 rule only applies during the offseason. Once the regular season starts, all contracts count toward the cap, even practice squad contracts.

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I went ahead and looked this up to confirm: http://images.nflplayers.com/mediaResources/files/PDFs/General/2011_Final_CBA.pdf

Page 92, Article 13, Section 6(a)(1)

The highest applicable Salary set forth in Paragraph 5 of the NFL Player Contract shall be included in Team Salary in the year earned, except that, between the start of the League Year and the first day of the regular playing season, only the following amounts from Paragraph 5 shall be included for players whose Player Contracts are not among the Team's 51 highest valued Player Contracts, tenders and Offer Sheets (as determined under this Section 6):


So the top 51 rule only applies during the offseason. Once the regular season starts, all contracts count toward the cap, even practice squad contracts.


Thanks, you're right he will count against the cap for the split salary amount of $303k it looks like, so anyone on the roster/IR/PUP or Practice Squad once the season starts would count.   Thanks for clarifying that!


So they must have definitely liked him if they were willing to basically manage his rehabilitation for the year and get his head into the playbook.

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Thanks, you're right he will count against the cap for the split salary amount of $303k it looks like, so anyone on the roster/IR/PUP or Practice Squad once the season starts would count.   Thanks for clarifying that!


So they must have definitely liked him if they were willing to basically manage his rehabilitation for the year and get his head into the playbook.

Thats why you Patsy  fans lurk here....to learn.

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