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Jim Irsay charged with 2 misdemeanor counts of DWI


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Players need to get a grip. Their oversized egos won't let allow them to recognize that there are different rules for owners as opposed to employees. Everyone knows this, but since it's a decent story during downtime people are harping on it.


I saw a comment that pointed out that at work if they as an employee come in late they will get in trouble but the owner can come in late if they want.


I get that aspect of it, but this will be a media frenzy that will not be positive towards the league if nothing is done.  So he will have to do something.  My guess is a fine and suspending him for a certain length of time from involvement with the Colts.


The people pushing for taking draft picks or punishing the team are silly though.  This didn't affect what happened on the field at all.  I don't think there is much risk of that.  


But I think Irsay is gonna see at the very least a suspension.  


What we have to remember is that league punishments are typically done in a way to minimize criticism and prevent things from becoming a threat to profits.  


A lot of people want to point out that Sterling for example never endangered any lives with what he did.  But they arn't looking at this from the angle of profits and minimizing criticism.  Because of the way the anger about Sterling's comments spun out of control there was no choice but to ban him for life and try and sell the team out from under him.


That isn't true here although there will need to be a punishment.  


It all has to do with the public's outrage at the particular incident.  Not really the seriousness of it.  

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Do you think they would give him a full year for it though?  


Good question.....


And honestly, I just don't know.    I think we're in mostly uncharted water.


I think having the charges reduced from four felonies to two misdemeanors can only help Irsay.    That's a Big Plus in his column.


But I would think it has to be of some considerable length, otherwise, it will have no meaning.    Goddell doesn't want to give out a penalty and have everyone (players, fans, media)  laugh at it.


So, it's tricky.


This is not one I'd feel comfortable guessing beyond saying there will be a suspension......

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..... At what point is he going to grow up? I swear he is the worst owner I have ever seen. I just want Jim to know this, I mean come on your 54 years old your not a kid it's time to grow up. Be an example, not a child!!!!

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I saw a comment that pointed out that at work if they as an employee come in late they will get in trouble but the owner can come in late if they want.


I get that aspect of it, but this will be a media frenzy that will not be positive towards the league if nothing is done.  So he will have to do something.  My guess is a fine and suspending him for a certain length of time from involvement with the Colts.


The people pushing for taking draft picks or punishing the team are silly though.  This didn't affect what happened on the field at all.  I don't think there is much risk of that.  


But I think Irsay is gonna see at the very least a suspension.  


What we have to remember is that league punishments are typically done in a way to minimize criticism and prevent things from becoming a threat to profits.  


A lot of people want to point out that Sterling for example never endangered any lives with what he did.  But they arn't looking at this from the angle of profits and minimizing criticism.  Because of the way the anger about Sterling's comments spun out of control there was no choice but to ban him for life and try and sell the team out from under him.


That isn't true here although there will need to be a punishment.  


It all has to do with the public's outrage at the particular incident.  Not really the seriousness of it.

I'm sure goodwill will suspend him, bout I'm not convinced anyone outside of the players/media actually cares. I don't think the public gives two craps about Jim Irsay.....but it's a 24 hr news cycle, so,they have to talk about something.

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..... At what point is he going to grow up? I swear he is the worst owner I have ever seen. I just want Jim to know this, I mean come on your 54 years old your not a kid it's time to grow up. Be an example, not a child!!!!

If I had billions I wouldn't grow up either....screw that.

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..... At what point is he going to grow up? I swear he is the worst owner I have ever seen. I just want Jim to know this, I mean come on your 54 years old your not a kid it's time to grow up. Be an example, not a child!!!!


Since when is prescription drug addiction a kid's problem.  


Actually I think if you looked into it there are more old people addicted to prescription drugs then young people.


Reason is old people have more problems, more pains and get access to the prescription drugs that way.  


I'm not defending what he did as responsible.  But it's not like this is just something kids do.

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I'm sure goodwill will suspend him, bout I'm not convinced anyone outside of the players/media actually cares. I don't think the public gives two craps about Jim Irsay.....but it's a 24 hr news cycle, so,they have to talk about something.


They do care about perceived double standards, especially were the wealthy benefit.

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Yes older people take it for pain and become addicted to it.. Not for recreational use that our great owner... He acts like a collage kid not like the owner of a respected franchise... We need an owner with class not an immature drug addict.

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Yes older people take it for pain and become addicted to it.. Not for recreational use that our great owner... He acts like a collage kid not like the owner of a respected franchise... We need an owner with class not an immature drug addict.


I'm guessing given Irsay's known back problems he became addicted to it the same way a lot of people do.


It means he needs help, doesn't mean he's childish.

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Yes older people take it for pain and become addicted to it.. Not for recreational use that our great owner... He acts like a collage kid not like the owner of a respected franchise... We need an owner with class not an immature drug addict.

You may want to consider giving up your fandom for this team. Owners are not plug and pull. Even an owner that is involved with such controversial actions for decades as Sterling, is still hard to remove. I loosely speak for those who back this owner through the good and bad..........your frustration will not get a reprieve unless you change allegiances.

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how long did he spend talking Pacers before he got to Irsay?

Wells is probably right but I just get tired of him going on local radio to talk Colts and spends the whole time talking Pacers.

Basketball is all he knows.  His football writing is so ho hum.  It is like he reads someone else's comments and writes them down as his.


He was pretty good on the Pacer's beat, but I like Candace Buckner much better.

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Yes older people take it for pain and become addicted to it.. Not for recreational use that our great owner... He acts like a collage kid not like the owner of a respected franchise... We need an owner with class not an immature drug addict.

educate yourself on the situation before you embarrass yourself further

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I think the inevitable suspension of Irsay will unfold something like this....


The fine will have to be paid out of Irsay's personal account, not a Colts account.


And the suspension, no matter the length (let's say it's 1 year)  will mean the following...


-- Irsay can not be at the Colts facility.


-- Irsay can not attend any Colts games, home or away.


-- Irsay can not attend any Colts charity or cultural events in the City of Indianapolis.


-- Irsay can not represent the Colts at any NFL meeting or gathering.



I suspect it will further emphasize Irsay meeting the conditions of his probation....  meaning community service as well as more drug counseling meetings.


This is roughly what happened when the Saints GM, Mickey Loomis, as well as their HC, Sean Peyton, were suspended.


I don't think this will be difficult to enforce.....


I can see all the above being a plausible punishment barring the bolded, the league might not want to seem too scrooge like in stopping Irsay from attending any philanthropist type events. One thing you can't question I think is he genuine desire to give back to people and it would be a good part of his rehab to be seen helping out charitable causes, Colts affiliated or not.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some of you couch potato justice seekers need to get a grip.  


First time offenders of far more serious crimes often get off lightly or completely.   How about a thug who was robbing pharmacies at gunpoint getting off with probation?  Happens a lot in Indianapolis.  I know this first hand due to having victims of these crimes in my family.  There's a guy right now robbing pharmacies with a gun in his pocket (or the threat of it) and because he is only stealing one box of a particular drug treatment at a time, people feel sorry for him and though he's now robbed nearly a dozen pharmacies, no one expects him to do serious crime, based on previous situations where the criminal pleads desperation for drugs they were legally given and became addicted to.  Addiction is a disease, unless you want to tilt against that windmill.  If no actual physical harm comes to anyone, people get away with a wide array of drug crimes daily in Indy and all over the USA.  


In the NFL, a first drug offense is nothing... nada...zip... a second is up to 4 games, sometimes reduced.  Hell, there's a psycho in San Fran with 3 gun chargers and multiple DUI's and a bomb threat who hasn't been kicked out of the league and to date still hasn't been punished, so why are you all so out for blood on Irsay?  Because he's successful and wealthy he should be punished more harshly than Joe Blow off the street?  You guys are arguing for special treatment, only you want special punishment verses special right of way.  


Just hope you never suffer from chronic pain or have a loved one who does.  It ruins lives and makes people desperate to escape the pain by any means they can.  

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In all honesty Brother if it was You or I it would be a felony ,just proves the justice system is not just for all.Im all behind Jim but facts are facts.

Fact: I've pled out clients charged with similar charges for similar level misdemeanors.

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Would you feel that way if he killed your child while driving around in a pill addled, alcohol induced stupor?


The man should do time.  


Not that it's going to change your mind or matter at all, but Irsay wasn't drinking. Whatever stupor he was in was not alcohol induced.


If you're going to voice your sanctimonious rage, you should at least base it on what actually happened.

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Not that it's going to change your mind or matter at all, but Irsay wasn't drinking. Whatever stupor he was in was not alcohol induced.


If you're going to voice your sanctimonious rage, you should at least base it on what actually happened.

OK...he was high on pills and buying thousands of dollars worth of illegal drugs. Awesome. 


I have no pity for him. He embarrassed all Colts fans with his selfish act. 


If this was Jerry Jones, y'all would be on him like ravenous jackals. You guys ripped into me last year for supposing he was addled on prescription meds. When I talked about his slurred speech, his dilated pupils and his constant carrying of a water bottle, I knew. Fast forward 6 months and the dude gets popped with a ridiculous amount of pills. 




Take off the blue tinted glasses for 5 minutes, please. 

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i wasn't aware he killed anyone

The police robbed him of that opportunity. Now we're making jokes about driving while intoxicated. Neat. 


Nobody will garner pity from me when they make such a choice. To do so is the epitome of selfishness. I hope he gets better, I really do. But my impression of him has been sorely tainted by his actions. Society deserves to be able to drive from point A to point B without worry of billionaires getting plastered on meds and driving around like common street trash. 

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OK...he was high on pills and buying thousands of dollars worth of illegal drugs. Awesome.

I have no pity for him. He embarrassed all Colts fans with his selfish act.

If this was Jerry Jones, y'all would be on him like ravenous jackals. You guys ripped into me last year for supposing he was addled on prescription meds. When I talked about his slurred speech, his dilated pupils and his constant carrying of a water bottle, I knew. Fast forward 6 months and the dude gets popped with a ridiculous amount of pills.


Take off the blue tinted glasses for 5 minutes, please.

You clearly have no clue what an addiction can do to a person.

And for the record, I'm not embarrassed. So he didn't embarrass all colts fans

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The police robbed him of that opportunity. Now we're making jokes about driving while intoxicated. Neat.

Nobody will garner pity from me when they make such a choice. To do so is the epitome of selfishness. I hope he gets better, I really do. But my impression of him has been sorely tainted by his actions. Society deserves to be able to drive from point A to point B without worry of billionaires getting plastered on meds and driving around like common street trash.

Where was the joke?

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OK...he was high on pills and buying thousands of dollars worth of illegal drugs. Awesome. 


I have no pity for him. He embarrassed all Colts fans with his selfish act. 


If this was Jerry Jones, y'all would be on him like ravenous jackals. You guys ripped into me last year for supposing he was addled on prescription meds. When I talked about his slurred speech, his dilated pupils and his constant carrying of a water bottle, I knew. Fast forward 6 months and the dude gets popped with a ridiculous amount of pills. 




Take off the blue tinted glasses for 5 minutes, please. 

You know... I call nonsense on the whole "homerism" thing. And to be perfectly honest, I'm tired of it.


First off, I speculated a few months ago that Irsay could be using pain killers. It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to come up with that theory after he'd had major surgeries and was in visible pain. So even through my supposed "blue tinted glasses," I wasn't so blinded that I couldn't be suspicious that something was up.


Second, if this was Jerry Jones, my reaction would be the same. I'm not here to speak for anyone else, and I certainly don't need to be lumped in with anyone else, but I don't have any problem with Jerry Jones or anyone other NFL owner. So if Jerry Jones got pulled over, and it was determined that he was struggling with an addiction to pain meds, I would NOT be on him like a ravenous jackal. Why you think I would be is unknown to me.


My reaction to your comments is that I think you're going overboard. The fact that you continue to exaggerate what happened supports that. He wasn't drunk, he wasn't buying thousands of dollars of illegal drugs, and he didn't kill anyone. If he did, the reactions would be different. What he did was bad enough on its own; you don't have to pretend that it was worse.


The typical person arrested for DWI and possession of controlled substances would NOT do time in prison. Several legal experts have gone on record saying as much, and there is tons of anecdotal evidence to support that. First time offenders typically do not do time. As reckless and dangerous as Irsay's actions were, his status should not mean that he receives special treatment, nor should it mean that he is treated more harshly than anyone else. 


There's no pity for Jim Irsay. He did something stupid and wrong, and embarrassed himself and his family, and maybe the organization. But Jim Irsay doesn't represent me, so he didn't embarrass me. And I'm not arguing that he receive any special treatment or be let off easy. A player in his situation might be suspended a game or two; that's unclear; players have recently done worse, and still haven't been penalized by the league. I said he should be suspended half a year, and fined the maximum amount. Again, where you get this concept of pity or special treatment from anything I've posted is a mystery.


Perhaps you're mistaking support for pity. They're not the same. Some people recognize that Irsay has a serious problem -- addiction ruins lives, but it doesn't necessarily make someone a bad person -- and hope he gets the help he needs. When someone says "We support you, Irsay," it doesn't mean that they excuse his actions or think he should be absolved of all guilt and punishment. It means that they hope overcomes his problem.


So, IMO, it's pretty absurd for you to play the "what if he killed your child" card whenever someone voices their support. And it's pretty absurd, and also irritating, to be called a blind homer because I don't think he should be buried under the prison.



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So are you just as hardcore on all the players and fans who smoke weed and drive? That's definitely impairment.  And for me, it's worse, the same as drinking recreationally and getting drunk... you have a willful choice and you do it to get off... an addict or alcoholic has a medical condition compelling them.  For a first offense, society doesn't throw the book at hardly ANYTHING these days.  They've let confessed multiple child rapists get off with a few months and probation.  Don't you watch the news?  If you are going to throw the book at him, make sure you support equally harsh punishment for anyone smoking weed and driving, or having more than one drink and driving or taking allergy medicines some of which make you drowsy... all that stuff makes you a dangerous driver.. the MOST dangerous these days are people texting or messing with phones.  At least a drunk sometimes swerves to tip you off, look to your left and right anytime you are in traffic and you'll see people texting, talking while holding the phone, playing with their music tracks, wearing headphones etc etc etc.   Are you for equally harsh punishment for anyone caught doing any of those things the first time as well?  Perhaps you are.  Just be careful what you preach as someone you know and care about is probably doing it tomorrow morning on their next drive.  And ALL those people are WORSE because they do it so casually and without reason.  Just like smoking weed for fun... it all makes you unfit to safely drive.  Build more prisons for them all right? Because everyday people ARE dying because of distracted or high driving.  Just be consistent.  And stop projecting crap about how "we'd" all be attacking a coach of a different team.  Lumping people together and attributing a negative attribute to them is bigotry of thought.  Perhaps you're just projecting a bit. "Like common street trash" --Who in the heck would THAT be? Care to elaborate? 


It's a first offense.  The guy is very sick.  Hopefully these officers saved his life along with anyone he might have endangered.  I bet if he can pull himself out of this tailspin, he'll more than make up for his transgression.   Any kid texting while driving is a menace and could, at any moment, kill someone just as Irsay could have in his state.  Thankfully it didn't happen.  But rest assured in the next hour someone WILL kill someone doing something they shouldn't be doing while driving.  I wouldn't toss anyone in jail for a serious sentence for driving in a state they shouldn't have been in if they were lucky and did no harm to anyone else.   Should Irsay do this again, THEN by all means, light the torches. Until then, let's hope he gets some help and gets back to running a first class organization which is charitable and thrilling for so many of us.  

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The police robbed him of that opportunity.

Of killing someone. Did you actually type that? Like.........wth? Everytime someone looks at their cell phone while driving takes the risk of harming. So if a police person tickets them for using a cell phone...they robbed them of taking a life? That comes across to me as a rant looking for some logic. Fail.


By that logic, considering all the people that have driven without fully concentrating on their task, need to do time. Each one of them has been selfish and risked harm. That would be at least 80 % if the population by my small cranial estimates.


Everytime you take time to insert a CD (almost said cassette.......ugh), use a phone, gawk at an attractive human.......

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Of killing someone. Did you actually type that? Like.........wth? Everytime someone looks at their cell phone while driving takes the risk of harming. So if a police person tickets them for using a cell phone...they robbed them of taking a life? That comes across to me as a rant looking for some logic. Fail.

By that logic, considering all the people that have driven without fully concentrating on their task, need to do time. Each one of them has been selfish and risked harm. That would be at least 80 % if the population by my small cranial estimates.

Everytime you take time to insert a CD (almost said cassette.......ugh), use a phone, gawk at an attractive human.......

Good post.

Side point: These days, CDs are almost as obsolete as cassettes. ;)

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Would you feel that way if he killed your child while driving around in a pill addled, alcohol induced stupor?


The man should do time.  


Yes, the what if game can be quite fun for people at times. We are all guilty of it.  It is an excellent way to rally people for or against a certain person/group/cause. 


The facts are that Jim Irsay didn't kill anyone or hurt anyone other then himself (and possible friends/family) with drug abuse. He IS a drug addict or a recovering one now hopefully, this is a fact.


Another fact is that he has been nothing but an outstanding owner of this team who has been winning quite a few games for some time. He has not embarrassed us in any way until now if you feel this incident is embarrassing. (or if you are one of those classy folk who thinks twitter comments embarrass you too) And I personally do not find it embarrassing since a large chunk of this country could be classified as an addict of some sort for anything regardless of their social status. Can using drugs or alcohol hurt others? ABSOLUTELY. But, I sure the heck cannot judge anyone who has gotten plastered or high as if I am Mother Teresa.


So with Jim Irsay's past and present as our owner and my usually liking him, I just said I will support him. Support does not mean I am going to nominate him as man of the year....it simply means support and giving someone another chance and having faith. One of the best ways for someone to heal with any addiction is by being there for them; being a friend or supporter....not isolating, judging and ridiculing.

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Of killing someone. Did you actually type that? Like.........wth? Everytime someone looks at their cell phone while driving takes the risk of harming. So if a police person tickets them for using a cell phone...they robbed them of taking a life? That comes across to me as a rant looking for some logic. Fail.


By that logic, considering all the people that have driven without fully concentrating on their task, need to do time. Each one of them has been selfish and risked harm. That would be at least 80 % if the population by my small cranial estimates.


Everytime you take time to insert a CD (almost said cassette.......ugh), use a phone, gawk at an attractive human.......



Being distracted on occasion and being so loaded on drugs that you draw the attention of everyone around you, very different creatures. I cannot believe we're making comparisons here between the two. ....and people 'liked' this nonsense. 


Look, I like you guys so I'm not going to continue this. I have nothing nice to say about this criminal.

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You clearly have no clue what an addiction can do to a person.

And for the record, I'm not embarrassed. So he didn't embarrass all colts fans

Addiction isn't a disease, it's a choice. A choice I made for years. 

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Good post.

Side point: These days, CDs are almost as obsolete as cassettes. ;)

Yeah..."GREAT POST".


Warhorse doesn't understand the difference between a careless accident and making the choice to drive while inebriated. 



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People.....lets compare apples to apples.  Irsay broke what law?  Driving While Intoxicated (stoned)


How many times has he been arrested for that? First offense.   Why would a first offense DWI be worthy of a felony?


Is it against the law to have a lot of your own drugs in your car, all of which have a legal prescription?  Is it against the law to have $29K of your own cash in your car?


What we are doing is looking at his irratic behavior over the past few months, his weight loss and appearence, gobs of pills and cash in his car.....and we are all inferring that he has been part of an illegal scheme to feed an addiction. 


Who knows, maybe right now there is a State and Federal investigation into doctor shopping or drug fraud that is going on.  Felonious charges may be forthcoming.  If guilty, THAT would be the felony, and probably worthy of a serious supension by the NFL.  That is what we are ASSUMING he was doing.  But, so far, there is nothing to call what he did a felony, IMO.


Don't compare Irsay's drug situation to a player possessing pot.  Pot is illegal.  Irsay's drugs weren't (although we may find out later the method in which they were obtained was illegal). 


And it IS different for a player than an owner, because drug use by players impacts the play of the game, the integrity of the game on the field.  Its why PED's are banned.  An owner being stoned in his seat at the game has no impact on the product on the field.  Eric Winston is wrong....it should not be subjected to the same diciplinary framework. 


That difference is also seen in the Sterling incident.  As an owner, an employer, saying racially offensive comments is different than a player who might even use the n word on the field.  Sterling's use of the word in a capacity as owner is much more serious than a player using it.  (Wasn't there a WR on the eagles who said something offensive)  OTOH, an owner's use of drugs is much LESS serious than a player using them.





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I think I said this earlier in the thread...I know somewhere.  Pain absolutely sucks when you have it 24/7.


Been there...just awful.

You're right. Which is what I said to defend him last year about being "high" on meds. That's his business. 


But getting behind the wheel? Sorry, that's a particular pet peeve of mine for personal reasons. 

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You're right. Which is what I said to defend him last year about being "high" on meds. That's his business. 


But getting behind the wheel? Sorry, that's a particular pet peeve of mine for personal reasons. 

Not a fan of oxycontin...that is one I have never tried...nor do I wish to....too many side effects.  


I know people who got addicted to it...think they are fine..and we know the rest.  Just like Jim Irsay.  

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