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Collin Kaepernick allegedly being investigated for sexual assault.


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Kaep seems to be a great guy.  I did not like him at all with the 95% tattoos until I heard him interviewed I believe on 60 Minutes.


I am guessing this is not true.  I sure hope it is not.  We will see if The ESPNs or NFL.coms break any kind of story. I am not a Kaep fan either.  Just sayin for the record :)

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People are already calling him Colin *. Remember how much flack Big Ben, Kobe etc caught?


Kaepernick could be in big troubles here if true. Could cost him a lot of money on his next contract and it's certain to damage his reputation.

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Well, I certainly hope this isn't true; however, if the facts come out and reveal that there is merit to this, we will let justice be served. I will refrain from saying something like, "He seems like such a nice guy. There's no way he could have done it," since there is no way to predict what type of individual would engage in such a heinous act. For now, my condolences go out to the victim, and I will hope for a quick resolution one way or another. 

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I'm hopeful that none of this is true.....   but stranger things have happened.


This is the latest example of why coaches and GM's hate, Hate, HATE the off-season.   Players go WILD during the off-season and get into trouble.


By the way,  TMZ (which stands for Thirty Mile Zone, an entertainment union term for the zone around Los Angeles that unions have jurisdiction over) is right far more than they're wrong.


They may be tabloid-like, but they typically get their facts straight before they report.


I actually have friends who work on that show.....    (strange but true!)

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I'm hopeful that none of this is true.....   but stranger things have happened.


By the way,  TMZ (which stands for Thirty Mile Zone, an entertainment union term for the zone around Los Angeles that unions have jurisdiction over) is right far more than they're wrong.


They may be tabloid-like, but they typically get their facts straight before they report.


I actually have friends who work on that show.....    (strange but true!)

Unfortunately, I would have to agree. They seem to be thorough and they typically do their due diligence. They are definitely a ratings machine, but they are generally accurate with the scoops they report on. It's a shame that we stir up enough drama on a daily basis to fuel such a media outlet; however, we do and they are good at what they do in response. 

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hes a good looking guy. I dont get this

Listen, I'm not in any way one of the "jump on an issue and persecute the first thing you see types;" however, it really is time that we stop using an individual's looks to pardon them from a potential sexual assault charge. It is not about attraction, it is about control. I have no idea if Kaep did this or not; however, let's not be naive about the underlying intentions of individuals who perpetrate such crimes. 

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People are already calling him Colin *. Remember how much flack Big Ben, Kobe etc caught?


Kaepernick could be in big troubles here if true. Could cost him a lot of money on his next contract and it's certain to damage his reputation.


I really hate how people hear that someone was accused of something and immediately assume that they did it.  


The accused in this country don't get enough protections.  Once an accusation goes out, no matter how much the credibility is lacking people just decide you are a rapist. 


In Big Ben's case one of his alleged "victims" friends testified that said victim told her about the sexual encounter with Ben and told her that she was hoping for a "little Ben" and only cried rape after she found out there was no "little Ben"


Chick was obviously looking for money.  But we can't know her name.  God no.  But him he gets to spend the rest of his life with people saying he's a rapist.  

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I really hate how people hear that someone was accused of something and immediately assume that they did it.

The accused in this country don't get enough protections. Once an accusation goes out, no matter how much the credibility is lacking people just decide you are a rapist.

In Big Ben's case one of his alleged "victims" friends testified that said victim told her about the sexual encounter with Ben and told her that she was hoping for a "little Ben" and only cried rape after she found out there was no "little Ben"

Chick was obviously looking for money. But we can't know her name. God no. But him he gets to spend the rest of his life with people saying he's a rapist.

Ben was accused for sexual assault on more than one occasion though. Where there is smoke there is fire.
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Listen, I'm not in any way one of the "jump on an issue and persecute the first thing you see types;" however, it really is time that we stop using an individual's looks to pardon them from a potential sexual assault charge. It is not about attraction, it is about control. I have no idea if Kaep did this or not; however, let's not be naive about the underlying intentions of individuals who perpetrate such crimes. 


thats just it though. these sport athletes can have anything they want so why do they need to have a sense of control

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thats just it though. these sport athletes can have anything they want so why do they need to have a sense of control

I look at it this way. Your mom says you can't go out with your friends. You sneak out late at night, get caught, but she tells you that she understands and it's okay. Second scenario you sneak out, come back home, don't get caught. It is probably more thrilling to do something you know you shouldn't do and escape with impunity.
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thats just it though. these sport athletes can have anything they want so why do they need to have a sense of control

Fair point. I wish I had an answer for that, but sadly I do not. I'm not sure what causes certain individuals to seek control in such ways; however, it continues to happen...

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I look at it this way. Your mom says you can't go out with your friends. You sneak out late at night, get caught, but she tells you that she understands and it's okay. Second scenario you sneak out, come back home, don't get caught. It is probably more thrilling to do something you know you shouldn't do and escape with impunity.


this is a lot more serious then just sneaking out for the thrill of having fun and not getting caught

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Just means he sleeps around and more chicks had the chance to fleece him.

Neither case went to trial which says something.

Yeah, maybe. Maybe not. I guess we'll never know for sure unless it happens again, which hopefully it won't.
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Funny how only Ben has been fleeced though and not the countless other pro athletes that sleep around with chicks ...


A lot of them have been accused of rape with no evidence.  A lot of times for settlement money.  Kobe was another one.  


If you are a wealthy athlete and you sleep around that has a tendency to happen.  Guilty of not protecting himself by keeping himself to just one woman I would agree.  But no evidence that he did anything illegal.

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Funny how only Ben has been fleeced though and not the countless other pro athletes that sleep around with chicks ...


One of my friends cousins went to Miami(OH) around the same time big Ben did. If you believe some of his stories he tells about Ben from his college days, it's not hard to believe he would do what he was accused of.


Not saying that means anything tho. 

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this is a lot more serious then just sneaking out for the thrill of having fun and not getting caught

Of course it is. I was just offering a metaphor that could answer your question about why someone would do this, but obviously completely different situations.
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A lot of them have been accused of rape with no evidence.  A lot of times for settlement money.  Kobe was another one.  


If you are a wealthy athlete and you sleep around that has a tendency to happen.  Guilty of not protecting himself by keeping himself to just one woman I would agree.  But no evidence that he did anything illegal.

Oh boy. Do you believe Sharper was fleeced too?

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One of my friends cousins went to Miami(OH) around the same time big Ben did. If you believe some of his stories he tells about Ben from his college days, it's not hard to believe he would do what he was accused of.


Not saying that means anything tho. 

Yeah, there is a ton of scuttle on Ben.

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A lot of them have been accused of rape with no evidence.  A lot of times for settlement money.  Kobe was another one.  


If you are a wealthy athlete and you sleep around that has a tendency to happen.  Guilty of not protecting himself by keeping himself to just one woman I would agree.  But no evidence that he did anything illegal.


And a lot of times, players are guilty of the crimes they're accused of. Just look at the serial rapist Sharper.

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Oh boy. Do you believe Sharper was fleeced too?


I would say that's unlikely at this point.  One key piece of evidence is several people at the same time, likely without fully knowing about each-other telling very similar stories.  Which shows he has a consistent method.  That's not true in Big Ben's case.  


There is a reason why his case is going to trial.  They have evidence against Sharper.  They never had evidence against Rothlisberger.  

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And a lot of times, players are guilty of the crimes they're accused of. Just look at the serial rapist Sharper.


Hey I have no problem calling someone what they are if there's actually some solid evidence that they did it.  And the evidence against Shaper looks solid enough to assume that he likely committed the crimes he is accused of.  I'll still give him his day in court though.  Or several days as it may be since he's been accused of this in multiple states. 


The problem that there is no evidence against Ben but he still gets called it.  The Evidence against Winston is also lacking but everyone calls him a rapist anyways.


There are still some people that insist the Duke Lacrosse players are rapists despite the fact that they essentially proved beyond a reasonable doubt that they could not have done it.  


Kaps been accused of a serious crime.  I want to see some evidence of it first before we start calling him names.  


But sadly that doesn't matter.  Because the accusation has happened and no matter what the evidence there will be a lot of people who will call him a rapist for the rest of his life.  His reputation is destroyed upon one person's word and it doesn't just come back when the prosecutor declines to prosecute.

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Hey I have no problem calling someone what they are if there's actually some solid evidence that they did it.  And the evidence against Shaper looks solid enough to assume that he likely committed the crimes he is accused of.  I'll still give him his day in court though.  Or several days as it may be since he's been accused of this in multiple states. 


The problem that there is no evidence against Ben but he still gets called it.  The Evidence against Winston is also lacking but everyone calls him a rapist anyways.


There are still some people that insist the Duke Lacrosse players are rapists despite the fact that they essentially proved beyond a reasonable doubt that they could not have done it.  


Kaps been accused of a serious crime.  I want to see some evidence of it first before we start calling him names.  


But sadly that doesn't matter.  Because the accusation has happened and no matter what the evidence there will be a lot of people who will call him a rapist for the rest of his life.  His reputation is destroyed upon one person's word and it doesn't just come back when the prosecutor declines to prosecute.


Just because the amount of DNA gathered precluded them from getting a full match doesn't mean Big Ben was innocent. And the way the Winston case was handled still irritates many people. That police department is now under federal investigation.


Frankly, I just hate that whenever a woman accuses someone of rape, primary instinct is to suggest that she is lying, or a gold-digger, or looking for revenge of some sort. It's this sort of mentality that perpetuates rape culture. For every person that gives a false accusation, there are several more who never get justice. Sorry if it sounds like I'm preaching; I just have a lot of experience with this issue.

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I would say that's unlikely at this point.  One key piece of evidence is several people at the same time, likely without fully knowing about each-other telling very similar stories.  Which shows he has a consistent method.  That's not true in Big Ben's case.  


There is a reason why his case is going to trial.  They have evidence against Sharper.  They never had evidence against Rothlisberger.  


That may be true in the first case; but in the second case, Ben had a lot of help from the Midgeville police department who were dismissive of the claims made by the woman.


They told Ben about the accusation, but they never formally interviewed him. 


They released a non-detailed report so as not to alert the news media.


And, they failed to secure the crime scene which led to the disappearance of a surveillance video and the bathroom being scrubbed down with Pine Sol and Clorox. 


I'm all for justice being served; but in this case, it was not.

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One of my friends cousins went to Miami(OH) around the same time big Ben did. If you believe some of his stories he tells about Ben from his college days, it's not hard to believe he would do what he was accused of.


Not saying that means anything tho. 



My aunt's cousin's friend had a friend.  The friend's sister had a old friend who was friends with Abe Lincoln.  Honest :)

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My thoughts? Marijuana & alcohol are never a good combination for thinking clearly or acting responsibly. I can't crucify a guy via a TMZ tabloid report. Let's wait & see what the Miami D.A. does first. If this black woman was interviewed by Special Victims & a kit was administered for sexual assault that's not good from a public relations standpoint because then hired defense attorneys flip on the nutty/promiscuous attack mode implying that she either dressed provocatively & wanted sex or that the sex was consensual by both parties involved. 


CK's side will argue that this woman is an attractive gold digger out to get a huge financial settlement so that she will live on easy street the rest of her life. Who wins here? Nobody really because the damage has already been down either violation wise or reputation wise & once that rapist bell has been rung you can't un-ring it anymore. 


I wanna see what the charges are, the DA's statement about this incident, & I need to remind myself that CK has never been in trouble with the law before. No, I am not dismissing the woman's allegations, but I need to see more evidence from a reputable news source first. Thank you. 

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Just because the amount of DNA gathered precluded them from getting a full match doesn't mean Big Ben was innocent. And the way the Winston case was handled still irritates many people. That police department is now under federal investigation.


Frankly, I just hate that whenever a woman accuses someone of rape, primary instinct is to suggest that she is lying, or a gold-digger, or looking for revenge of some sort. It's this sort of mentality that perpetuates rape culture. For every person that gives a false accusation, there are several more who never get justice. Sorry if it sounds like I'm preaching; I just have a lot of experience with this issue.


Well I hate it when people go the other way and call someone a rapist without any evidence.


Sounds to me like this woman got drunk and high and doesn't remember jack squat and doesn't even think they had sex this time (although she's had sex with him before.)  


But don't let that derail the Colin * train.  Because facts are hard, saying someone's guilty of a serious crime without any evidence to support it is easy.



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