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Spikes and Talib Say Patriots Put Out False Injury Reports


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Right, it is impossible to be a Colts fan AND not detest the Patriots. Does not exist in your world does it which must be why you took upon yourself to insert spygate into a thread that had nothing to do with the thread topic. From what I have read here, the Pats fans that you detest so much have taken upon themselves to try to educate you on spygate as you posted erroneous information and your responses have been infantile. Sure it is a Colts forum and this is the NFL section and the topic is Patriots related and here you are trying to flex your hate by bringing up a rule violation from 7 years ago. Quite frankly it is embarrassing as a Colts fan. It's not like we don't have our own baggage to deal with it right now with our owner.

For your information I did not open the spygate comment. There is no hate as you call it because of the fact the Pats have not won a super bowl since then. I am not one to beleive in coincidences. As far as our so called luggage we Colt fans can deal with it without help and sarcasm from trolling Pat fans. I dont feel the need to go to any Pats forum and be thinking of how to word my comments and not be kicked out. Just because the Colts forum is very open does not make it an open invatation for non Colt fans to back door comments just to instigate trouble. It never ceases to amaze me as to the length that is taken by some Pats fans to come up with just the right wording. This is a Colts forum and any negativety brought by outside non Colts fans will and should be chastised. If it is imbarrassing to you that is your problem, not mine. The only error I made was the $200.000. should have been stated $250.000 fine for the team. If that is what you call erroneous information I guess my memory was off a little. No matter, the commish and the rest of the owners came down on the Pats and there are Pats fans who refuse to accept the punishment was just.

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For your information I did not open the spygate comment. There is no hate as you call it because of the fact the Pats have not won a super bowl since then. I am not one to beleive in coincidences. As far as our so called luggage we Colt fans can deal with it without help and sarcasm from trolling Pat fans. I dont feel the need to go to any Pats forum and be thinking of how to word my comments and not be kicked out. Just because the Colts forum is very open does not make it an open invatation for non Colt fans to back door comments just to instigate trouble. It never ceases to amaze me as to the length that is taken by some Pats fans to come up with just the right wording. This is a Colts forum and any negativety brought by outside non Colts fans will and should be chastised. If it is imbarrassing to you that is your problem, not mine.

I concur every single word. Cant say it any better.

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For your information I did not open the spygate comment. There is no hate as you call it because of the fact the Pats have not won a super bowl since then. I am not one to beleive in coincidences. As far as our so called luggage we Colt fans can deal with it without help and sarcasm from trolling Pat fans. I dont feel the need to go to any Pats forum and be thinking of how to word my comments and not be kicked out. Just because the Colts forum is very open does not make it an open invatation for non Colt fans to back door comments just to instigate trouble. It never ceases to amaze me as to the length that is taken by some Pats fans to come up with just the right wording. This is a Colts forum and any negativety brought by outside non Colts fans will and should be chastised. If it is imbarrassing to you that is your problem, not mine. The only error I made was the $200.000. should have been stated $250.000 fine for the team. If that is what you call erroneous information I guess my memory was off a little. No matter, the commish and the rest of the owners came down on the Pats and there are Pats fans who refuse to accept the punishment was just.

You do realize this thread was started by a Colts fan? And the topic is about a negative report on the Patriots injury practices? If anything it is Colts fans trolling Pats fans on a Colts forum which is particularly sad.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, March 24, 2014 - quoting removed post
Hidden by Nadine, March 24, 2014 - quoting removed post

Feel sorry for crazy colt he's got a pack of cheater fans teaming up on him on his own teams board. Here's an idea why don't they defend the cheaters on the cheater board??? It's not just the colts fans that can't stand the patriots pretty much every teams fans can't stand you.

Wow. What an intelligent and factual post.

Winning breeds jealousy, after all.

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Still not sure how this got turned into "i hate people" people I'm talking about the patriots most teams fans do not like that franchise hate to burst everyone's bubbles

You probably struggle with the fact, then, that many NFL fans despise the Colts for tanking for Luck.

Whether or not that's true, it's still the national perception of that season, like it or not.

And yes, go in any NFL team's board and ask.

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Go to Patriot Planet and just start a ... Colt / Andrew L thread....

OR.... inquire if Tommy is "getting old" ?

hehe... they are quick to hit the switch...

Many, many Colt fans have been posting there for years.

Jaric has been there for almost a decade, as has Tmack and others.

Trolls are squashed; those wanting to actually engage in football conversation stay for years.

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You probably struggle with the fact, then, that many NFL fans despise the Colts for tanking for Luck.

Whether or not that's true, it's still the national perception of that season, like it or not.

And yes, go in any NFL team's board and ask.

I don't feel the need to go to any other teams forum because I couldn't care less about what non Colt fans think or have to say. Unlike some I don't troll other web sites. 

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I don't feel the need to go to any other teams forum because I couldn't care less about what non Colt fans think or have to say. Unlike some I don't troll other web sites. 

Perhaps it is lost on you that you can go to other forums and engage in civil debate or just discuss football without the need to bash fans of other teams.

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Perhaps it is lost on you that you can go to other forums and engage in civil debate or just discuss football without the need to bash fans of other teams 

That's funny being said from a Pats fan that props Brady up so tall in the Colts forum. I would find it out of taste to list the other starting quarterbacks in the NFL that think that Manning is tops.  I doubt I would be welcomed at all going to the Pats forum with flaunting that Manning is the greatest said by Big Ben or any other quarterback with a ring. 

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Perhaps it is lost on you that you can go to other forums and engage in civil debate or just discuss football without the need to bash fans of other teams.

Kind of funny I just read in bleacher report that Manning is the greatest over Brady followed by Marino, Brees and Young. So my point being just because Rogers said Brady is best it's all opinion and not fact. 

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That's funny being said from a Pats fan that props Brady up so tall in the Colts forum. I would find it out of taste to list the other starting quarterbacks in the NFL that think that Manning is tops.  I doubt I would be welcomed at all going to the Pats forum with flaunting that Manning is the greatest said by Big Ben or any other quarterback with a ring. 

Whether I had the quote or the avatar, it would be inferred that I think Brady is the best QB. Does not mean I am right and I have no issue if others think Manning or Montana or Marino. It is a never ending debate that will never have a conclusion. But I do enjoy discussing such things with Colts fans or others in a civil manner. Did not always use to be the case for me but I have learned that better to focus on what you do have in common which is the love of the game.

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Kind of funny I just read in bleacher report that Manning is the greatest over Brady followed by Marino, Brees and Young. So my point being just because Rogers said Brady is best it's all opinion and not fact. 

You are right. Just opinion. There is never a fact when it comes to these things. If you read Shane's quote he has one from Brady saying Manning is the greatest. Again just opinion.

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Wow. What an intelligent and factual post.

Winning breeds jealousy, after all.


Winning?. The winningest team of last decade is Colts.


Please dont talk about 2001 to 2004. Comments like this are provoking and we have to bring in a lot of asterisks. 


Talk about intelligent posting.

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Just curious, you think Brady is lying?.

No. I think he is being humble. He has said Montana is the greatest too. When he broke Montana's TD total a couple of years ago and they asked him about surpassing Montana he said that he would never be in Joe's league. I think that is what makes Brady great. I do believe he generally feels like he has to go out and prove it every day. Probably comes from being selected in the sixth round and being fourth string.

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No. I think he is being humble. He has said Montana is the greatest too. When he broke Montana's TD total a couple of years ago and they asked him about surpassing Montana he said that he would never be in Joe's league. I think that is what makes Brady great. I do believe he generally feels like he has to go out and prove it every day. Probably comes from being selected in the sixth round and being fourth string.

He is a competitor. I love that about him.

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He is a competitor. I love that about him.

Probably his best attribute. I also think, unlike Manning, he has been able to play his career free of expectations. No one ever expected anything of him so everything he did was gravy. And on the flip side, Manning has had all the expectations which is why everyone goes over board on criticizing him. I find sports psychologically fascinating and I don't think these factors get discussed enough when looking at Manning and Brady.


And it looks like the same thing may be playing out with Luck and Wilson.

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Probably his best attribute. I also think, unlike Manning, he has been able to play his career free of expectations. No one ever expected anything of him so everything he did was gravy. And on the flip side, Manning has had all the expectations which is why everyone goes over board on criticizing him. I find sports psychologically fascinating and I don't think these factors get discussed enough when looking at Manning and Brady.


And it looks like the same thing may be playing out with Luck and Wilson.

Thats exactly why i love Manning. 


Being able to deliver under pressure. No.1 pick overall. Failure is not an option for him.

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I don't feel the need to go to any other teams forum because I couldn't care less about what non Colt fans think or have to say. Unlike some I don't troll other web sites.

You clearly don't know what the word "trolling" means. Jaric posts on the Patriots board, and is one of the most popular posters there.
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Winning?. The winningest team of last decade is Colts.


Please dont talk about 2001 to 2004. Comments like this are provoking and we have to bring in a lot of asterisks. 


Talk about intelligent posting.

Uh, no, they're not. Please include playoff wins, and it's the Patriots.
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From 2004 to 2013, the Patriots won 13 more games than the Colts. That doesn't even include playoffs.

Nice try, but your math is faulty.

Do you know the meaning of Decade - go look into the dictionary.


I said last decade. I know its hard to comprehend.

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I wonder why there were fines. Oh and there was a fake rule called Tuck which doesn't even exist now.

Not to mention the total rape of Colts receivers that lead to changes with the refs calling the game as the rules were written? The Pats have had the talent to win but when the refs give them the benefit of advantage over teams it is what it is. 

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You clearly don't know what the word "trolling" means. Jaric posts on the Patriots board, and is one of the most popular posters there.

So you want to point out one or two posters and draw a conclusion on them? Sorry but a narrow minded and nieve opinion don't speak very loud. 

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Not to mention the total rape of Colts receivers that lead to changes with the refs calling the game as the rules were written? The Pats have had the talent to win but when the refs give them the benefit of advantage over teams it is what it is. 

Every team played like the Patriots did back then which was within the rules. The Colts never adjusted.

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Every team played like the Patriony ts did back then which was within the rules. The Colts never adjusted.

Not every team played that way because they couldn't get by with it. Next thing you will say the Pats didn't get a lot of calls going their way or the benefit of non calls. I highly doubt you will get too many non Pat fans that think that way. 

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Winning?. The winningest team of last decade is Colts.


Please dont talk about 2001 to 2004. Comments like this are provoking and we have to bring in a lot of asterisks. 


Talk about intelligent posting.



Regular season wins don't count when you can't deliver when it matters.





Thanks again for that Super Bowl ring.

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Not every team played that way because they couldn't get by with it. Next thing you will say the Pats didn't get a lot of calls going their way or the benefit of non calls. I highly doubt you will get too many non Pat fans that think that way. 

The Steelers and Chargers were were also beating the Colts back then and beat us the same way the Pats did. Pretty much any Manning-led team where you are physical with the receivers and can get pressure on him will be soundly defeated. Just look at this year's super bowl. Not much has changed in a decade. Rules or no rules. 

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The Steelers and Chargers were were also beating the Colts back then and beat us the same way the Pats did. Pretty much any Manning-led team where you are physical with the receivers and can get pressure on him will be soundly defeated. Just look at this year's super bowl. Not much has changed in a decade. Rules or no rules. 


You could argue we were doing the same to the Broncos when we played them until our CBs started going down like flies.

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I had no idea that people had such distain for a great organization like the New England Patriots or that Spygate was such a big deal. It's pretty much acknowledged across the board that BB is a rotten coach and a cheater and the Patriots unrivaled success is due purely to the said cheating. I just can't wait for the day a departed coach, player or maybe BB himself enlightens us on Spygate. 

His genius is keeping his secrets under wraps. It's hard to believe that he's so smart he knows things about football that no other coach has Yet to decode. The guy's an evil genius for sure. What a cheating SOB. He makes me sick. That goes for Krafty and Brady as well because they're in on the whole thing. Goodell to because he works for the owners and they pull the strings but he destroyed the tapes so even his bosses couldn't find out BB's secret formula. Krafty must have paid Goodell a lot of money for that little act..

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