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Irsay checks himself into highly regarded health care facility.


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Misery loves company. When people make mistakes it brings out all the *s on their high horse. What ifs don't matter. He didn't hit anyone. I can't tell you how many time I drove totally trashed. Didn't even know how I made it home at times. It was flat out stupid and count my blessings for not hurting myself or anyone else.

Jim isn't hooked on pain killers for %s and giggles. He has had major physical alignments where he needed to take pain killers. That's how you become dependant on them. Why do you think so many athletes get hooked on pain killers.

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Get well Jim.  Not a lot of people understand how dark addiction really is, including myself.  But I've seen it first hand.  It'll be a battle you'll fight for the rest of your life, but if there's one thing that will get you through, it's the love and support of family and friends.  To the extent the Colts fanbase is family, we are here and supportive of you. 

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Because not all fans are as kind as you and IcEWOLF. 


I haven't been to any other team's boards, but I remember reading some cruel comments on other team's boards after Dungy's son died. So, I wouldn't be surprised in the least to read some cruel comments regarding Irsay.


However, I have read a few tweets and all I can say is that some people are just plain nasty.  The sad fact is that all teams (including the Colts) have fans like that.


And, Mr. Irsay, my thoughts and prayers are with you.


I can't even begin to imagine what you will be going through in the days ahead.


Heck, as an x-mod; I'm still trying to battle my "colts.com addiction" and it hasn't been easy.


I'm not saying that to trivialize your situation, but merely to say that you have my support and understanding


I have seen a few other team's boards and as you can imagine they are not quite so understanding but that's sports fandom for you, I'm sure if the shoe was on the other foot some people here would be just as bad. 


The underlying rule of course is wherever you go there is always at least one complete *. 


To make it clear, the above censored word was in no way profanity...

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We've become a society of excuse makers. People don't even have to make their own excuses anymore because everyone does it for them. The USA is circling the bowl.


The implication here is that Colt's fans are making excuses for Irsay.


Yet, I haven't seen anyone condone what happened; but merely give their support and understanding.


Btw, shouldn't you be more worried about the latest news regarding the Patriot injury listings?

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We've become a society of excuse makers. People don't even have to make their own excuses anymore because everyone does it for them. The USA is circling the bowl.

no one is making excuses....

Most here are giving support and encouragement.


others.....are showing their own true colors and character. 

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The implication here is that Colt's fans are making excuses for Irsay.


Yet, I haven't seen anyone condone what happened; but merely give their support and understanding.


Btw, shouldn't you be more worried about the latest news regarding the Patriot injury listings?


I wouldn't be to concerned about Mr. Irsay. He's not doing anything that he hasn't always done it just got him in a little (very little) trouble this time. Jim is going to be his old self in no time at all.

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I wouldn't be to concerned about Mr. Irsay. He's not doing anything that he hasn't always done it just got him in a little (very little) trouble this time. Jim is going to be his old self in no time at all.

Its not like it was a Massachusetts senator that killed a girl while drunk driving and failed to notify authorities.

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The implication here is that Colt's fans are making excuses for Irsay.


Yet, I haven't seen anyone condone what happened; but merely give their support and understanding.


Btw, shouldn't you be more worried about the latest news regarding the Patriot injury listings?

Many are making excuses. Re-read the posts. Old sports injury...yada yada yada. People need to take responsibility for their actions. I hope he never takes another drink or drug again but I don't feel the least bit sorry for his situation.

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Many are making excuses. Re-read the posts. Old sports injury...yada yada yada. People need to take responsibility for their actions. I hope he never takes another drink or drug again but I don't feel the least bit sorry for his situation.

Did anybody here ask you about your feelings?

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I wouldn't be to concerned about Mr. Irsay. He's not doing anything that he hasn't always done it just got him in a little (very little) trouble this time. Jim is going to be his old self in no time at all.

nice Trollish post...

in a thread where people are offering up support for the teams owner this is uncalled for...



Nice. Gotta love these Midwestern values. Say classy.

Stay classy indeed...

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I don't care if you own a sports franchise or are the garbage man I just don't condone this behavior under any circumstance. You guy are entitled to seek your own moral level and I'm perfectly fine with that. I wouldn't think of attacking you for your honest opinion.

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I don't care if you own a sports franchise or are the garbage man I just don't condone this behavior under any circumstance. You guy are entitled to seek your own moral level and I'm perfectly fine with that. I wouldn't think of attacking you for your honest opinion.

I'm quite sure you know many people who have driven under the influence
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Your classy fellows in the state elected him over and over again

I know. It's just mind boggling. Go figure. Mass is without a doubt political messed up and has been for a long, long time. We roll out the red carpet for drunks and drug abusers and that's the truth. Maybe that's why I'm so intolerant.  

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I'm quite sure you know many people who have driven under the influence



I don't live in a cave. I actually gave a extremely drunk stranger a ride home about a month ago. I rarely drink anymore myself because it's just to much to risk. 

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nice Trollish post...

in a thread where people are offering up support for the teams owner this is uncalled for...



Stay classy indeed...

So you think this time it will be a life altering event for him and I don't. I'm not going to insult you for your opinion.

It's not a support thread but a thread about him checking into a facility. A standard move in my experience. 

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So you think this time it will be a life altering event for him and I don't. I'm not going to insult you for your opinion.

It's not a support thread but a thread about him checking into a facility. A standard move in my experience. 

c'mon now, the overwhelming number of posts are offering up support since he has "checked into a facility"

you know your posts are intentionally stirring the pot...

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c'mon now, the overwhelming number of posts are offering up support since he has "checked into a facility"

you know your posts are intentionally stirring the pot...

No they are not. I hope Mr. Irsay rights himself as much as the next guy but I don't feel bad for him one bit. This country has a huge substance abuse problem and I chose not to sympathize with abusers. I see that as a big part of the problem. We make it to easy and convenient for them. 

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I wouldn't be to concerned about Mr. Irsay. He's not doing anything that he hasn't always done it just got him in a little (very little) trouble this time. Jim is going to be his old self in no time at all.


It's no shocker - let's put it that way.  :)

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No they are not. I hope Mr. Irsay rights himself as much as the next guy but I don't feel bad for him one bit. This country has a huge substance abuse problem and I chose not to sympathize with abusers. I see that as a big part of the problem. We make it to easy and convenient for them. 

There's a huge difference between "offering up support" & "feeling sorry for"...


Mankind has a pretty hardy history with intoxication btw, not like it is some new problem...


Not sure what the "We make it too easy & convenient for them" part even means as that is pretty much a blanket statement, if it means that we make things Too easy for addicts by offering up rehab facilities instead of throwing all addicts in jail, that's a pretty intelligent stance, since the penal system is already overcrowded & a huge drain on taxpayers, a much bigger problem imo...

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Many are making excuses. Re-read the posts. Old sports injury...yada yada yada. People need to take responsibility for their actions. I hope he never takes another drink or drug again but I don't feel the least bit sorry for his situation.


Injuries are reasons as to why a person is put on prescribed medicine which may have led to his abuse of such meds. 


I agree that people need to take responsibility for their actions and I have no reason to think that Mr. Irsay is not accepting responsibility. 




I don't care if you own a sports franchise or are the garbage man I just don't condone this behavior under any circumstance. You guy are entitled to seek your own moral level and I'm perfectly fine with that. I wouldn't think of attacking you for your honest opinion.


Again, where is anyone saying that it is okay to drive while impaired or to become addicted to drugs?  All I have seen is fans offering their support.


So you think this time it will be a life altering event for him and I don't. I'm not going to insult you for your opinion.

It's not a support thread but a thread about him checking into a facility. A standard move in my experience. 


You don't know for a fact that it will not be a life-alerting event for him anymore than anyone knows that it will.  All we can do is hope and pray that it will.


No they are not. I hope Mr. Irsay rights himself as much as the next guy but I don't feel bad for him one bit. This country has a huge substance abuse problem and I chose not to sympathize with abusers. I see that as a big part of the problem. We make it to easy and convenient for them. 


I detest substance abuse and won't even get behind the wheel if I have had anything more than communion wine.


Mr. Irsay is fortunate that no one was injured and the knowledge that someone could have been is something that he will have to live with for the rest of his life.


However, I can sympathize with those who have become addicted the same as I can sympathize with Aaron Hernandez for whatever demons possessed him.  But, that doesn't mean that I am condoning murder.


It merely means that I can love the sinner while hating the sin. 

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There's a huge difference between "offering up support" & "feeling sorry for"...


Mankind has a pretty hardy history with intoxication btw, not like it is some new problem...


Not sure what the "We make it too easy & convenient for them" part even means as that is pretty much a blanket statement, if it means that we make things Too easy for addicts by offering up rehab facilities instead of throwing all addicts in jail, that's a pretty intelligent stance, since the penal system is already overcrowded & a huge drain on taxpayers, a much bigger problem imo...

Rehabbing is more expensive than jail. But you a correct that it's a dilemma either way. I'm all for mandatory sentencing and work camp like facilities with straight up cold turkey detox. They have one in Thailand with a 95% success rate. It'll never happen in the USA because of the exact type of sentiment you see in this thread. Massachusetts is crazy. Druggies arrested 20-30 times without doing any real time. We have the same people that OD's a couple times every week. Drunk drivers with 4-5 convictions that do little or no time. If you are a regular working Joe and get popped for the 2nd time you're going to jail but these druggie and habitual drunks somehow get sympathy and leniency time and time again.  

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Injuries are reasons as to why a person is put on prescribed medicine which may have led to his abuse of such meds. 


I agree that people need to take responsibility for their actions and I have no reason to think that Mr. Irsay is not accepting responsibility. 





Again, where is anyone saying that it is okay to drive while impaired or to become addicted to drugs?  All I have seen is fans offering their support.



You don't know for a fact that it will not be a life-alerting event for him anymore than anyone knows that it will.  All we can do is hope and pray that it will.



I detest substance abuse and won't even get behind the wheel if I have had anything more than communion wine.


Mr. Irsay is fortunate that no one was injured and the knowledge that someone could have been is something that he will have to live with for the rest of his life.


However, I can sympathize with those who have become addicted the same as I can sympathize with Aaron Hernandez for whatever demons possessed him.  But, that doesn't mean that I am condoning murder.


It merely means that I can love the sinner while hating the sin. 

You are the same type of person as my mother. That's a very good thing. Right or wrong I don't possess the same faith.

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Careful...eyes wide open honesty doesn't seem to go over very well in this thread.

I'm all for honesty...   I'm also all for  Empathy and Compassion  which some here seem to lack.


There's a line between being honest, while showing compassion, and understanding ~ and/or being downright rude.

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I'm all for honesty...   I'm also all for  Empathy and Compassion  which some here seem to lack.


There's a line between being honest, while showing compassion, and understanding ~ and/or being downright rude.

I used to own a home in a city called Brockton. It was a nice blue collar city for years. Home to Rocky Marciano, Marvin Hagler and one of the best High School football programs in the country. It's a dump now and one of the most dangerous cities per capita in the country. All because of drugs. I moved 25 miles away and only go back if it's a must. My compassion is long gone because of my understanding. I'm neither rude or blind. 

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I used to own a home in a city called Brockton. It was a nice blue collar city for years. Home to Rocky Marciano, Marvin Hagler and one of the best High School football programs in the country. It's a dump now and one of the most dangerous cities per capita in the country. All because of drugs. I moved 25 miles away and only go back if it's a must. My compassion is long gone because of my understanding. I'm neither rude or blind. 

That's unfortunate, but understandable I suppose.


But this is a thread of people wanting to support and encourage Mr. Irsay.  We could do without the negativity.  That's all.,

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That's unfortunate, but understandable I suppose.


But this is a thread of people wanting to support and encourage Mr. Irsay.  We could do without the negativity.  That's all.,

Your a very nice person without a doubt but trust that I feel very fortunate. We have different views and I respect that. One question. Were are at all surprised when this happened with Mr. Irsay? 

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Your a very nice person without a doubt but trust that I feel very fortunate. We have different views and I respect that. One question. Were are at all surprised when this happened with Mr. Irsay? 

Thank you,  I try my best to always be nice.  


What I meant ~ is that it is unfortunate that you no longer have compassion for people.  It's a great trait to have.  And maybe I misunderstood you.  Maybe you meant you no longer have compassion for people who do drugs..??   Okay, I get that.


Now to answer your question...   Was I at all surprised..??     Okay, I will be honest here too.   No, I was not surprised, and I think it explains a lot.  It also changed my perception and attitude.   I am completely and totally behind him getting the help he needs to beat this addiction.  And I wish him the best on the road to a full recovery.

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