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Jim Irsay Says He's 'committed' To Polians , Not As Much To Caldwell


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Here was Irsay yesterday when asked if he still felt committed to the leaders of his front office:

"I'm committed. In their defense, it's pretty radical after the successes we've had to start even talking about the question, in my opinion. If this is five or six years of losing . . . (but) you're talking about eight weeks. With Bill and Chris, that transition is a strong transition plan. I think it's really not a fair question to be asked.

"Chris is certainly the one who's much more involved now. Bill as vice chairman doesn't have as much of a presence but still has a presence. I think it's a good succession plan."

Irsay was somewhat less committal to his head coach, which suggests that the owner is going to dump this 0-8 start on Jim Caldwell, not on the people who have been missing on draft picks left and right the last four years or so.

Interestingly, Irsay himself admitted, an an odd, roundabout sort of way yesterday,

that the --- front office has been less-than-stellar in the draft in recent years, -- acknowledging that there have been some 'misses.'

When asked about Jim Caldwell's status (( SEE BELOW )) as head coach going forward, Irsay rambled into mentioning the drafts in recent years.

Special thanks to Phil Wilson for sending me the Irsay quotes

We had a great draft this year. There have been some things in the past with misses and those sort of things recently. We know we’re going into another critical draft. This draft was an outstanding draft. We’ve been without our three top draft picks, which hurts

Again, nothing new to anyone who knows this team, but it was refreshing to see the owner of the team acknowledge the obvious ( ABOUT MISSES IN PAST DRAFTS )



Just about any question is fair when your team is 0-8. Change happens. Irsay also supported the job coach Jim Caldwell was doing, but he was less equivocal there.

“When it comes to changes and Jim’s status, it’s something that eight games going forward, more will be revealed. This situation is always changing,” Irsay said.


Edited by bayone
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Well I for one applaud Irsay for not throwing his personnel under the bus. I know that some drafts haven't always panned out the way everyone wanted them to but if I was a betting person I bet other teams have draft bust the same as we feel we have had. We just don't read about them unless we go to their forum board. I'm also sure that other fans of other teams are not happy with their coach's either. Look at the Eagles (Dream Team) everyone called them after their draft and FA and how long it took them to get it together. I bet their coach is not the most popular person in Philly.

I am not a Caldwell lover and wouldn't lose any sleep if he goes after the season but that will be Irsay's decision. JMO of course.

Edited by Susie Q
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I understand Jim Irsay's logic even though I disagree. I feel like the Polians should be gone for depending on Peyton too much, but when Irsay brings up this is one year out of the many successful ones, I guess I can give the Polians another chance. However, Caldwell is gone.

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The Polians are often spoken of as if they're one melded mind on this board. I see them as fiercely competing minds. My impression has been that Chris is much more in sync with the general consensus found on this board when it comes to personnel decisions. This year's draft broke from the previous mold and in my eyes it was Chris who broke through and asserted his voice. Only the son of BP could have the standing to spar with Bill head-to-head and keep his job. I'm definately onboard with Chris calling the shots.

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The Polians are often spoken of as if they're one melded mind on this board. I see them as fiercely competing minds. My impression has been that Chris is much more in sync with the general consensus found on this board when it comes to personnel decisions. This year's draft broke from the previous mold and in my eyes it was Chris who broke through and asserted his voice. Only the son of BP could have the standing to spar with Bill head-to-head and keep his job. I'm definately onboard with Chris calling the shots.

Good post. I have been critical of Bill for obvious reasons but the jury is still out on Chris. I like the fact that he is willing to go against the grain somewhat and this years draft class looks promising. I wish Bill would just go ahead and retire though. LOL

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Well I for one applaud Irsay for not throwing his personnel under the bus. I know that some drafts haven't always panned out the way everyone wanted them to but if I was a betting person I bet other teams have draft bust the same as we feel we have had. We just don't read about them unless we go to their forum board. I'm also sure that other fans of other teams are not happy with their coach's either. Look at the Eagles (Dream Team) everyone called them after their draft and FA and how long it took them to get it together. I bet their coach is not the most popular person in Philly.

I am not a Caldwell lover and wouldn't lose any sleep if he goes after the season but that will be Irsay's decision. JMO of course.

I think some Colt's problem with Irsay and the Polians is not the drafting but the "total resistance to change or adjust".. it is mind bobbling...

Tony Dungy is gone, and this franchise needs to understand it. This season was a serious "wake up call"

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Good post. I have been critical of Bill for obvious reasons but the jury is still out on Chris. I like the fact that he is willing to go against the grain somewhat and this years draft class looks promising. I wish Bill would just go ahead and retire though. LOL

I agree...

But, in the past Bill tried to mold a quality D. "Luck" was not on our side.... Simon, Booger, the OSU, Johnson, even the failed trade for McCargo... Bill tried to address DT. Factor in the injuries to Sanders, Jax, Morris, and the FA exodus of "quality" LB'rs like Wasington, Thornton, June, and Pete and we have this team....

Totally void of talent. And when Superman is a no show............ you get....

0 fer.

Edited by Maureen
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I think Polian has had some hits & misses but let's face it Manning over Leaf & James over Williams (primarily Manning) paved way for the Polian regime. Just imagine if he would've picked Leaf & Williams. Willams though might've been good for the Colts but Polian has had alot of bad misses as well hence DB over Hakeem Nicks in 2009 was just one. Joseph is our boy but for some reason they drafted Brown who is basically all but done for the Colts. It's just luck of the drawl but I do love this years draft, Castonzo, Carter and Nevis should be franchise caliber players & IMO the best draft the Colts have had in ages (it's to bad to see Nevis and A.C injured though).

The bearer of the burden with a bad team primarily falls on the coaching staff in which has been obsolete on many fronts IMO mainly D and ST but if they aren't getting the job done neither is the HC.

Very tough decisions to be made @ the end of this season none the less. I won't really gripe at all if major coaching changes take place. Tressell is also by FAR to prestigious to just keep in the booth for all those years as well, an offensive mastermind like him along with a solid DC could do alot of damage especially if the Manning era is coming to an end (god forbid)

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The Polians are often spoken of as if they're one melded mind on this board. I see them as fiercely competing minds. My impression has been that Chris is much more in sync with the general consensus found on this board when it comes to personnel decisions. This year's draft broke from the previous mold and in my eyes it was Chris who broke through and asserted his voice. Only the son of BP could have the standing to spar with Bill head-to-head and keep his job. I'm definately onboard with Chris calling the shots.

Excellent post and definitely agree.

With that said though, I don't have near the problem with Bill that many people do. I think a lot of people really overexaggerate when talking about how poorly recent drafts have been. The '07 draft killed us but on draft day it was considered by many to be an outstanding draft. He has done, for the most part imo, the best with the information he has going into the draft. Clearly if he had a crystal ball he wouldn't have drafted a WR made of glass, a DT who would retire a year later due to depression and video game addiction, and an OT who couldn't be properly developed before being thrown into the starting lineup due to the unexpected early retirement of Tarik Glenn. Still not sure what happened with Daymeion Hughes...I wonder how much of the issue there was coaching not being able to develop him properly.

The Brown and Hughes picks were clearly bad and the ones I have the biggest problem with. The majority of the rest though I personally feel he made the best decisions he could have with the information he had at the time the picks were made. And no, I'm not a die-hard fan of Polian and think he's the greatest thing since sliced bread, but I'm also not one who would like to see his head on a silver platter. I am excited to see how Chris handles the team moving forward though.

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The '07 draft killed us but on draft day it was considered by many to be an outstanding draft.

:/ Agree with everything in this post except for the second part of this line. If I'm correct, many people hated this draft and gave us grades from C to B-. I for one didn't like this draft.

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:/ Agree with everything in this post except for the second part of this line. If I'm correct, many people hated this draft and gave us grades from C to B-. I for one didn't like this draft.

Outstanding may have been a bit much but I do believe they were still praised overall. At the time, Hughes and Pitcock were both great value picks because they were considered to go much higher leading up to the draft. I believe Hughes fell largely due to a slow 40 time at the combine and Pitcock, I don't remember why he fell but I believe throughout most of the year he was considered a 2nd or 2-3 and we got him at the very bottom of the 3rd.

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I think Polian has had some hits & misses but let's face it Manning over Leaf & James over Williams (primarily Manning) paved way for the Polian regime. Just imagine if he would've picked Leaf & Williams. Willams though might've been good for the Colts but Polian has had alot of bad misses as well hence DB over Hakeem Nicks in 2009 was just one. Joseph is our boy but for some reason they drafted Brown who is basically all but done for the Colts. It's just luck of the drawl but I do love this years draft, Castonzo, Carter and Nevis should be franchise caliber players & IMO the best draft the Colts have had in ages (it's to bad to see Nevis and A.C injured though).

The bearer of the burden with a bad team primarily falls on the coaching staff in which has been obsolete on many fronts IMO mainly D and ST but if they aren't getting the job done neither is the HC.

Very tough decisions to be made @ the end of this season none the less. I won't really gripe at all if major coaching changes take place. Tressell is also by FAR to prestigious to just keep in the booth for all those years as well, an offensive mastermind like him along with a solid DC could do alot of damage especially if the Manning era is coming to an end (god forbid)

Just imagine if he paid Fauk & traded the James ( thus Ricky Williams Pick rights ) away for the ton that was given for it. It would have instantly made this team , we went to 13-3 that year, just imagine with far more and better picks, besides a different 1st round selection

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I understand Jim Irsay's logic even though I disagree. I feel like the Polians should be gone for depending on Peyton too much, but when Irsay brings up this is one year out of the many successful ones, I guess I can give the Polians another chance. However, Caldwell is gone.

I am merely curious. I have seen a lot of posts regarding who someone thinks would be a better coach than Caldwell.

But, I can't recall seeing any as to who would do a better job than the Polians.

So if the Polians were fired, who would you bring in to replace them?

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Irsay was talking out loud but saying nothing. He said nothing to address specific issues concerning the team.

Like - given that we only have NFL caliber talent at few positions (RB, QB - with Peyton, DE and 1 DT and 3 positions along the O line) is there a plan in place to bring the rest of the roster to NFL standards. Our starters at positions other than what I highlighted, IMO, couldn't start for other NFL teams and before we hear that crap about "System Players" that has not worked. Our small players and Cover/Tampa 2 play 9 yards off the LOS defense is broken. We do not have the athletes or coaching to run that scheme.

Like - Are we gonna revise the "Next Man Up" mantra? For a lot of us it means we replace our below NFL caliber starters with even less talented off the street stiffs and really expect to win just because we have that silly cliche in place. And worse, you think you can sell that junk with a straight face to us Colts fans as well as the rest of the league?

Like - When are we finally getting a Coaching Staff that has NFL level talent. Having a HC that averaged less than 3 wins a year over 8 seasons (at WC) and having friends that just happen to be rejects as DC and ST coaches is the height of incompetence and reflects badly on everyone; especially the owner.

Like - When are we finally getting players with at least NFL average level talent, size and athleticism? Our players are currently the laughingstock of the league and other teams can't wait to play us to pad their stats. The know that each week we will turn one or more of their average player into a superstar for that game (right Jackie Battle). We are tired of being the Middle Tennesse State vs LSU "Homecoming" misfits week after week.

Edited by Fatboyslim11
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