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Super Bowl weather (2-2-14)


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but can you get them as soon as the Colts make it? so like 2 weeks before? 


I have some money saved up (about 10k) so I would love to go. 


im sure they go on sale probably the next day after the championship games

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If we make it, I actually might consider going with a friend. How much are tickets approx?


The cheapest tickets on StubHub right now is $2500.  I made the trip to Miami for the 2009 Superbowl and I think I paid $1600 for 2 tickets, which was still way above face value. 

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Personally, I would never want to go to a cold weather stadium and pay $2,000 for a seat - REALLY?!  When I can sit at home, warm, in front of my 52" screen tv?  I think it's the dumbest thing they've ever done.

Yup...they're asking over $7,000 for a lower sideline seat!  I'll bet that some of those prices come down drastically as we get closer to game day. I hope these scalpers get stuck with them. I'll be snuggled up on the couch with Mrs. Harry, having an adult beverage or two, and watching on the big screen TV. Oh, and by the way...I'll still have that 20 grand in my pocket when it's over!

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On a funny note - my husband is so ADD that when we go to a game he can't tune out all the people walking up and down the aisles, people's conversations around us and is NEVER watching when the play happens.  Attending a game in person with my beloved  --- as much as I adore him, just doesn't work so well!


We are constantly backing up and watching a play over using the TIVO and you just can't do that at the big show :yes:

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