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Colts put most players on I.R. this year and still....


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I want to say THANK YOU colts players and coaches. All of you guys have worked your TALES OFF to get where we are today!! So THANK YOU! Not sure of the actual count of players that we lost to IR but nomatter what you all kept fighting. NO EXCUSES! This team has shown the heart of a champion and in my eyes you guys are already WINNERS.Sometimes we has FANS forget the hardwork and dedication it takes to play this game as a unit. ANDREW LUCK is a true leader and for that one reason i feel we are in great hands for a long time. I can't say enough about Robert Mathis he is just simply amazing. I love this game so much and I LOVE MY COLTS EVEN MORE. THANK YOU COLTS.         

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Unfortunate circumstances happened at the right time for us this year. We had time to regroup from losing key players in the middle of the season. Had we lost key players at the end of the season then we would be in a tough spot. 


We are poised to make a strong playoff run. 


I can see this current Colts team beating KC at home, travelling into Foxboro and knocking off the Patriots, and then either beating the Broncos in Denver or the Chargers at home. 


3 games gets us in the Super Bowl and we have the team to pull it off. This team is battle tested. 

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This team is 11-5 without that much talent....  and a fair amount of the talent that we do have got injured....


And yet.....


There are posters who call themselves Colts fans who do not like Pagano...   do not like the coordinators....   do not like the GM...   and wouldn't be disappointed if some or even all of them were let go....


Unbelievable to me....


They can't explain how and why this team won 11 games, (beyond having Andrew Luck)  including wins over Denver and San Fran and Seattle and KC and they won't acknowledge that some of our losses were to teams that turned out to be surprisingly good...   like Arizona, Cincinnati and San Diego....


These people just are not happy.   Hard to see them ever being happy short of a Super Bowl win and even then you wonder....


They just suck the fun out of this website....


So......   from 2000 miles away.....  Go Colts!!      :thmup:

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