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Rumor: Gary Kubiak to resign from Texans? (mod edit)


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Hence the word rumor, Ive seen a couple places hint that it might happen today, and its been a topic of some discussion in places, but I dont have anything solid or I would have posted it.

Apparently the Texans messageboard is also now allowing discussion of the next head coach in the Texans discussion area, which they wouldnt do before as discussing guys not on the active team is strictly verbotten there.

Its all very wishy washy and heresay at this point, but given the season, firing the coach now may be in the cards.

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Hence the word rumor, Ive seen a couple places hint that it might happen today, and its been a topic of some discussion in places, but I dont have anything solid or I would have posted it.

Apparently the Texans messageboard is also now allowing discussion of the next head coach in the Texans discussion area, which they wouldnt do before as discussing guys not on the active team is strictly verbotten there.

Its all very wishy washy and heresay at this point, but given the season, firing the coach now may be in the cards.


I know, but usually a rumor has a source. Not saying you made it up, just wondering if the rumor has crawled out of some dark corner of the Internet, or if it's actually viable.


By the way, if Kubiak resigns, he's a joke. If they fire him, that's a different story.

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I think that would make him a quitter. I wouldn't want to hire someone who walks out when things are going bad. 

Well, to be fair, there are several reasons as to why someone would resign instead of being fired.  Even though this is a sport where quitters are looked at negatively, things change when you introduce business and politics.  It may very well be that he was told that he should either resign or he'd be fired.  The former is a preferred method PR-wise.  There could also be contract implications for Kubiak if he were fired.  Say he was due a bonus of sorts, even if he got fired, but that bonus wouldn't become realized if he resigned.  The money tied up in the bonus means much less to the franchise than what Kubiak's lasting impression has on the Texans. 


Any owner or GM would certainly be interested in whether they are signing a head coach who may potentially be a problem if everything goes wrong.  Maybe they don't hire him, but if they do, Kubiak's willingness to make the split as amicable as possible will affect any job offers and contract negotiations down the road.  So he also has an interest in not damaging his career (or at least stigmatizing it).  So while pride is an element in any head coach firing or resignation, there are plenty of other good reasons that you, the Owner, would consider in addition to, and potentially overlook, quitting. 

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Gary, don't resign. We love you, and despite what anybody claims, you're doing a great job! Keep up the good work, buddy!


Well I believe their team has lost like all their games ever since the 2-0 start. Meanwhile he is causing strife in the locker room with the QB changes, Andre Johnson is publicly saying they're the worst team in the NFL, they cant get wins despite Pro Bowl caliber players (esp. JJ Watt and Andre Johnson). I'd resign if I were him before he gets fired.


Edit: Also, he has a medical condition apparently. Even if it was a one time fluke, the honorable thing for him to do would be to resign, because he knows ownership firing him would make the organization look bad what with all the medical drama.

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Well I believe their team has lost like all their games ever since the 2-0 start. Meanwhile he is causing strife in the locker room with the QB changes, Andre Johnson is publicly saying they're the worst team in the NFL, they cant get wins despite Pro Bowl caliber players (esp. JJ Watt and Andre Johnson). I'd resign if I were him before he gets fired.


Edit: Also, he has a medical condition apparently. Even if it was a one time fluke, the honorable thing for him to do would be to resign, because he knows ownership firing him would make the organization look bad what with all the medical drama.



I was being sarcastic, lol. With that said, I go back to my previous statement; don't resign Gary. I love me some mediocre AFC South coaches. That goes for you too, Gus and Mike. God bless your hearts.

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I know, but usually a rumor has a source. Not saying you made it up, just wondering if the rumor has crawled out of some dark corner of the Internet, or if it's actually viable.


By the way, if Kubiak resigns, he's a joke. If they fire him, that's a different story.



This is all I could find






“I hear you, Texans Nation, I see the state the team is in, and I’m going to take action. After 8 years of dedicated service to the franchise I have asked Gary Kubiak to resign. I don’t do this out of spite or malice, he’s done the best he could and we are ever thankful to him for his efforts. This isn’t how any of us imagined the season turning out, now we look to 2014 and bringing back the quality of football Houston Texans fans rightfully demand and properly deserve. I’ve also Special Teams coach Joe Marciano and General Manager Rick Smith to step down. While the players on the field ultimately are the ones that have to achieve, that success starts with the coaching and management. We’re going to set this ship right.”




Still looks like a rumor at this point, never been to this site before to know if I can trust it's word.

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This is all I could find


Still looks like a rumor at this point, never been to this site before to know if I can trust it's word.

That was what the blogger wanted to hear, not something Bob McNair actually said. The rumor stemmed from guys who called in to the local Houston radio station claiming to have inside sources, and because of desire for Kubiak to be gone, it spread within the Texans fanbase.

It turned out to be one of those dark corner internet rumors.

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That was what the blogger wanted to hear, not something Bob McNair actually said. The rumor stemmed from guys who called in to the local Houston radio station claiming to have inside sources, and because of desire for Kubiak to be gone, it spread within the Texans fanbase.

It turned out to be one of those dark corner internet rumors.



yeah that's what I thought. It would be too good to be true, plus no link for the source. I didn't buy it but thought I would post it anyway.

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yeah that's what I thought. It would be too good to be true, plus no link for the source. I didn't buy it but thought I would post it anyway.

I didnt necessarily believe it myself, but it seemed plausible given his current health concerns. Hes gone after this year anyways, he lost the fanbase and split the locker room when he pulled Keenum vs the Raiders. Andre Johnson is now actively talking about how bad the Texans are to the media.

An in season "resignation" (read: firing) wouldnt have shocked me.

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No validity to that rumor whatsoever. Coach Kubiak won consecutive AFC South titles. He's not going anywhere. Plus, it would look nefarious, fiendish, & cruel if Bob NcNair released Gary after collapsing on the sidelines due to a heart issue a week or so ago.  


Would you wanna spend 24/7 with your wife & kids to reconnect with your family? No, a forced pink slip really blows. Besides with the proper medication, diet, & exercise almost any health scare is manageable. Gary is no invalid sucking food through a straw okay. Let's not get crazy here. 


Even if I accept the premise that a resignation is possible, why would a HC fire themselves? The dumbest thing I have ever heard in my life. The salary is incredible, you are a known celebrity, & the NFL annual meeting sites have catered food & access to the best golf courses. What a guy's gonna give that up to bag groceries at Walmart? Yeah right... :lol:  :P

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No validity to that rumor whatsoever. Coach Kubiak won consecutive AFC South titles. He's not going anywhere. Plus, it would look nefarious, fiendish, & cruel if Bob NcNair released Gary after collapsing on the sidelines due to a heart issue a week or so ago.

Kubiak is done after this year regardless. The locker room has quit on him and the fans are threatening to boycott if hes back next year.
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Well I believe their team has lost like all their games ever since the 2-0 start. Meanwhile he is causing strife in the locker room with the QB changes, Andre Johnson is publicly saying they're the worst team in the NFL, they cant get wins despite Pro Bowl caliber players (esp. JJ Watt and Andre Johnson). I'd resign if I were him before he gets fired.


Edit: Also, he has a medical condition apparently. Even if it was a one time fluke, the honorable thing for him to do would be to resign, because he knows ownership firing him would make the organization look bad what with all the medical drama.

Honorable? Was he snorting cocaine on company time & visiting brothels in his spare time? I never walk away from a job willingly. If you don't my leadership skills, drop me like a hot potato. You never give your boss an easy out. Besides, maybe Gary Kubiak & Mike Shanahan can find work together on another NFL team & rekindle their old magic from their Denver days working together. I don't know. 

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Kubiak is done after this year regardless. The locker room has quit on him and the fans are threatening to boycott if hes back next year.

Everybody always thinks firing a coach is easy until you realize your pool of replacement applicants is not always better than what an owner currently has right now.


Although for the life of me, SW1 can't understand why Bengals DC Mike Zimmer & Saints DC Rob Ryan can't get head coaching gigs in this league. I love the aggressive style of these men & I am dumbfounded that no owner has hired them yet to run their football program. JMO.


I know Rob gets flake for his long hair, but who cares, the guy is brilliant. He beat the Patriots as a DC for the Browns man. That carries huge weight with me. Besides, SW1 has a soft spot for unconventional, stomp on your enemy's throat rebels.

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Everybody always thinks firing a coach is easy until you realize your pool of replacement applicants is not always better than what an owner currently has right now.

Although for the life of me, SW1 can't understand why Bengals DC Mike Zimmer & Saints DC Rob Ryan can't get head coaching gigs in this league. I love the aggressive style of these men & I am dumbfounded that no owner has hired them yet to run their football program. JMO.

Kubiak's situation is no longer about finding a replacement. The team is likely to be bulldozed and starting over. They need a fresh face, the fans despise him as a coach, and hes a ticking timebomb healthwise. If he wont go on his own, then he will be fired, for both the good of his health and the franchise's image in Houston.

Rob Ryan doesnt strike me as the type who would want to be a head coach. He seems perfectly content with coordinator money and only having to worry about defense.

Not sure what Zimmer's deal is though. Hes been a buzzword coaching candidate for years now.

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Kubiak's situation is no longer about finding a replacement. The team is likely to be bulldozed and starting over. They need a fresh face, the fans despise him as a coach, and hes a ticking timebomb healthwise. If he wont go on his own, then he will be fired, for both the good of his health and the franchise's image in Houston.

Rob Ryan doesnt strike me as the type who would want to be a head coach. He seems perfectly content with coordinator money and only having to worry about defense.

Not sure what Zimmer's deal is though. Hes been a buzzword coaching candidate for years now.

I just feel sorry for JJ Watt if the Texans start completely over. Their GM has been really good accumulating a talented roster of players. Regarding Rob Ryan, I don't view him the same as Rex. I have no idea if he knows offense, but he might be good at it or have a guy in mind to call plays. Rob has seen Brady & Brees in practice. He might know exactly who he wants as OC. Plus, I would be curious to tap into his mind & whether or not running an entire football program fascinates him or scares him flat out. Just because Rex failed running the NY Jets, it doesn't necessarily mean Rob would suck at running the whole show. 


Zimmer...Maybe he just loves the Bengals & has no interest in leaving. Some coordinators are lifers like the US military I guess. 

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I just feel sorry for JJ Watt if the Texans start completely over. Their GM has been really good accumulating a talented roster of players. Regarding Rob Ryan, I don't view him the same as Rex. I have no idea if he knows offense, but he might be good at it or have a guy in mind to call plays. Rob has seen Brady & Brees in practice. He might know exactly who he wants as OC. Plus, I would be curious to tap into his mind & whether or not running an entire football program fascinates him or scares him flat out. Just because Rex failed running the NY Jets, it doesn't necessarily mean Rob would suck at running the whole show.

Zimmer...Maybe he just loves the Bengals & has no interest in leaving. Some coordinators are lifers like the US military I guess.

I didnt mean that Rob would be bad at it, just his demeaner and how he seems to carry himself both on and off the field suggest hes perfectly content where he is. I think if he wanted to, Rob could be a decent head coach. I just think he doesnt want to.
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I didnt mean that Rob would be bad at it, just his demeaner and how he seems to carry himself both on and off the field suggest hes perfectly content where he is. I think if he wanted to, Rob could be a decent head coach. I just think he doesnt want to.

No worries SkyBane. I wasn't upset at you or anything. I get what you were saying Buddy Ryan raised 2 defensive minded sons & that's what Rob & Rex do: Go after the QB like a possessed legion of mad men. It's what they were taught since they could walk & talk. A valid point no argument there. I just would love to see what Rob would do if you gave him the reins completely. 


I am torn though. Rob is a great fit with Drew Brees & Sean Payton. With all 3 men there, New Orleans will win another ring together it's inevitable & a spectacular combination. I'm still ticked off at Jerry Jones for firing Rob. Jerry was a darn fool. I almost want Dallas to make the Playoffs just so Ryan's defense can crush & smother Tony Romo. SW1 would laugh so bleeping hard. Yes, my Cowboys hatred runs deep & I want revenge for Rob in Dec./Jan. Enough said.


Yes, I know Dallas got their caboose kicked in the Superdome. I want an encore a 2nd helping if you will. Come on Santa let me see America's Team get demolished again. Ha! Ha! I live for this stuff man.  :thmup:

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I think that would make him a quitter. I wouldn't want to hire someone who walks out when things are going bad. 



He might be stepping aside due to health issues......?


I don't know this, I'm just thinking out loud.........


Either way,  my instincts say no one does anything there until after the season is over.....

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He might be stepping aside due to health issues......?


I don't know this, I'm just thinking out loud.........


Either way,  my instincts say no one does anything there until after the season is over.....


That's legit. It doesn't seem that this is real at this point, but I hadn't really thought about his health. I was assuming it had to do with how awful the Texans have been this year.

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He might be stepping aside due to health issues......?


I don't know this, I'm just thinking out loud.........


Either way,  my instincts say no one does anything there until after the season is over.....

I wouldn't completely dismiss that concern NCF. You could be right, but it would have to be really high blood pressure, trouble breathing, or frequent anxiety attacks caused by extreme stress though. He looks as heathy as a race horse, but looks can be deceiving I suppose. If this indeed the case, you know what this means? Fitness may be hazardous to a person's health. Just Kidding! Drop that dumb bell & pick up that cupcake man.  :D


All kidding aside, I hope Gary Kubiak is okay.

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That's legit. It doesn't seem that this is real at this point, but I hadn't really thought about his health. I was assuming it had to do with how awful the Texans have been this year.

Yeah, I agree Superman. I don't keep track of contracts or their extensions, but if Gary is in his last year of his latest deal, a severing of ties might be in order or a buy out with only 1 season left for instance. Just speculating...

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Yeah, I agree Superman. I don't keep track of contracts or their extensions, but if Gary is in his last year of his latest deal, a severing of ties might be in order or a buy out with only 1 season left for instance. Just speculating...


Kubiak is under contract through 2014. You don't usually see buyouts of coach contracts because the contracts are guaranteed, with offsets. So if a coach gets fired, he still gets his money. If another team hires him, the previous team only has to pay the difference. Only time you see buyouts is when the coach wants to leave to coach another team, and even then, it's rare, and it's the other way around.


I think Kubiak gets fired at the end of the year. That seems obvious. But if he resigns, he abandons the remainder of his guaranteed money. Doesn't seem likely to me.

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Kubiak is under contract through 2014. You don't usually see buyouts of coach contracts because the contracts are guaranteed, with offsets. So if a coach gets fired, he still gets his money. If another team hires him, the previous team only has to pay the difference. Only time you see buyouts is when the coach wants to leave to coach another team, and even then, it's rare, and it's the other way around.


I think Kubiak gets fired at the end of the year. That seems obvious. But if he resigns, he abandons the remainder of his guaranteed money. Doesn't seem likely to me.

Thanks for dropping some serious knowledge on SW1 Superman. Do you have any educated guesses/personal preferences about what direction the Texans should go coach wise if you owned the team? I respect your opinion & I'm curious what your thoughts are here. You are under no obligation to answer & please feel free to ponder the matter for a few days if you wish. 


You know who I like Mike Zimmer & Rob Ryan. 

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Jim Mora is the only coach I can think off of top of my head that really did resign half way through the season leaving his team out in the cold after some hard losses.

"Playoffs? Playoffs? Are you freaking kidding me?" That never gets old Bogie. LOL! A classic! Couldn't you just picture Jim Mora rants as the Texans HC this season? 


"You tell me me reporter. Other than JJ Watt what the hades else is there to talk about on this active non injured roster Mr. smarty pants?" Sorry QuizBoy & Vance87. You know how much I respect you guys. My bad. 

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This is a little off topic but connected to the whole situation with the Texans and what a horrible season it's been for them so far.


It was classless and weak what Andre Johnson did by walking off the field like Randy Moss did when he was with the Vikings.  It doesn't matter if your QB is struggling and you're both not on the same page.  And then Andre Johnson throws his QB under the bus in front of the fans and media.


But I think the Texans will give the Patriots a good game when the Pats play in Houston.  The Texans said they had that game circled on their calender since the playoffs last season.

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Interesting how the same Texan fans that apparently loved Kubiak before about mid October of 2013, as they couldn't stop running their mouths about making a Super Bowl this year, meaning they must have been real believers in him.......now blame the entire downfall of the organization on Kubiak (who's the same person today as he was when they first hired him).  How come he is just now "holding you back"?


Nevermind that you're weak at QB, OL, NT, ILB, DB & you have no depth anywhere.  Not to mention the worst special teams in the league.  It's all Kubiak's fault.

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