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Question of the Day - 11/22 "Flashback Friday"


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:blueshoe:   I was in 3rd grade.  The teachers were called to the office via intercom.  When my teacher returned she looked visibly different.  Shortly thereafter - it was announced over the intercom - that the President had been assassinated & school was being let out early.  They asked us to gather up our things quietly.  The students who lived in town & walked to school were dismissed immediately.  Students who rode buses had to wait until the buses arrived.  School was cancelled on Friday too. 


I had no interest in politics - OR - current events at that point in my life.  However - I thought JFK was "cute" - and - was STUNNED that someone would DARE to kill the President.


I watched every single second of the wall-to-wall coverage of the startling events of that weekend.  Every single second is etched in my memory as if it were yesterday. 


Rest in peace - John F Kennedy - Jacqueline Kennedy - and - John F Kennedy Jr.  :blueshoe: 

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:blueshoe:   I was in 3rd grade.  The teachers were called to the office via intercom.  When my teacher returned she looked visibly different.  Shortly thereafter - it was announced over the intercom - that the President had been assassinated & school was being let out early.  They asked us to gather up our things quietly.  The students who lived in town & walked to school were dismissed immediately.  Students who rode buses had to wait until the buses arrived.  School was cancelled on Friday too. 


I had no interest in politics - OR - current events at that point in my life.  However - I thought JFK was "cute" - and - was STUNNED that someone would DARE to kill the President.


I watched every single second of the wall-to-wall coverage of the startling events of that weekend.  Every single second is etched in my memory as if it were yesterday. 


Rest in peace - John F Kennedy - Jacqueline Kennedy - and - John F Kennedy Jr.  :blueshoe: 

Archivists to this day still have no idea what happened to Jacqueline's pink pillbox hat. 


"And The Hat? The L.A. Times reports that the iconic pillbox hat, which was removed at Parkland Hospital while Jackie was waiting for doctors to confirm her husband's death, is lost. It was last known to be in the possession of her personal secretary, Mary Gallagher." Just an interesting fact I guess. 


Is there a Warren Commission Report on misplaced hats? Hmmm....



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I think this was a bad question. Not many 60-70 year olds that would actually remember the event hang out on internet messageboards. Its just something that happened and has no real personal relevance to most people on the internet, I imagine.

I don't know SkyBane. I have come across some internet savvy individuals who aren't exactly spring chickens anymore. True, there will be people who were not around. However, for those who were alive during that fateful day, their memories & recollections have meaning, influence, & that tragedy defined their generation. I get what you are saying just try be cautious about not evoking a dismissive tone. 


Nov. 22, 1963 may be a crystal clear memory to some people just like 911 is to another generation. I like you SkyBane. No harm done. History is 1 of my passions &, even though I was not alive during this historical tragedy, I am well versed in it. 

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Who did JFK play for?

My guess would be either the NE Patriots, the Massachusetts focal point is obvious, or Buffalo Bills. I actually like the Buffalo selection because it's the only NFL franchise that plays in NY & it's a blue collar city which would appeal to JFK's pursuit of economic prosperity for all regardless of a person's upbringing. 

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My guess would be either the NE Patriots, the Massachusetts focal point is obvious, or Buffalo Bills. I actually like the Buffalo selection because it's the only NFL franchise that plays in NY & it's a blue collar city which would appeal to JFK's pursuit of economic prosperity for all regardless of a person's upbringing. 

But the Bills were an AFL team in 1963. I don't think many democrats would support the then up & coming AFL.

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15 years old, sophomore year if HS, I remember coming out of Swim Team practice and hearing about it on my transistor radio (lol),

That weekend was very strange, sort of like getting punched in the gut and the feeling wouldn't go away.  I saw some of the strongest adults that I knew crying openly, in a time when people showed little emotion publicly.


I was just becoming politically aware, and was very much into JFK, proud of how he stood up to the Russians during the Cuban missile crisis, there was a lot of pride and hope for the country at that time.  This assassination was shocking to the whole country!


In my mind the "American Dream" began dying with the killing of JFK, and if you follow the decline of the US since then, it was the beginning of what we have now, what I call "The American Nightmare".


Yep, some of us old coots still remember and are still impacted by this event in American history!

(my two bits) 

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I don't know SkyBane. I have come across some internet savvy individuals who aren't exactly spring chickens anymore. True, there will be people who were not around. However, for those who were alive during that fateful day, their memories & recollections have meaning, influence, & that tragedy defined their generation. I get what you are saying just try be cautious about not evoking a dismissive tone.

Nov. 22, 1963 may be a crystal clear memory to some people just like 911 is to another generation. I like you SkyBane. No harm done. History is 1 of my passions &, even though I was not alive during this historical tragedy, I am well versed in it.

I certainly didnt mean it to be dismissive. There is just such a small minority of people who hang out on messageboards who were alive at that point in history, youll get one, maybe two responses that arent increasingly sarcastic ways of saying "not born yet".
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But the Bills were an AFL team in 1963. I don't think many democrats would support the then up & coming AFL.

Good point CFS65. Sometimes, my obsession with american history & early football history doesn't always mesh together well. Thanks for setting me straight on the AFL end. I appreciate that.  :thmup:

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I was 9yo & in 4th grade. My memory is very similar to sb41's. I mostly remember my sister who is 5 years older than me being deeply effected by the whole episode & the remaining days ahead. She kept a scrapbook with newspaper clippings & pictures of the President & his family. Makes me wonder if she still has it. I'm gonna have to give her a call tomorrow & ask her.


I do remember later, perhaps in jr. high being somewhat infatuated with all the conspiracy theories & studying the different angles & writing several papers on it in school.


It is one of the many sad events in our nations history.

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:blueshoe:   I was in 3rd grade.  The teachers were called to the office via intercom.  When my teacher returned she looked visibly different.  Shortly thereafter - it was announced over the intercom - that the President had been assassinated & school was being let out early.  They asked us to gather up our things quietly.  The students who lived in town & walked to school were dismissed immediately.  Students who rode buses had to wait until the buses arrived.  School was cancelled on Friday too. 


I had no interest in politics - OR - current events at that point in my life.  However - I thought JFK was "cute" - and - was STUNNED that someone would DARE to kill the President.


I watched every single second of the wall-to-wall coverage of the startling events of that weekend.  Every single second is etched in my memory as if it were yesterday. 


Rest in peace - John F Kennedy - Jacqueline Kennedy - and - John F Kennedy Jr.  :blueshoe: 

Almost the same story for me also...

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I certainly didnt mean it to be dismissive. There is just such a small minority of people who hang out on messageboards who were alive at that point in history, youll get one, maybe two responses that arent increasingly sarcastic ways of saying "not born yet".

Look, I realize that your intention was not a dismissive one SkyBane. God knows that SW1 sometimes has trouble turning my own joke meter off. No, I am not claiming that anyone on this site is making a mockery of such an unforgettable tragedy. I am merely saying that I am no position to judge anyone.


Perhaps, your line "I think this was a bad question" was meant to illustrate that it happened before a lot of people were even here & therefore is a footnote in the annuals of human history to numerous people that carries no 1st hand impact on their daily lives.  I just didn't want SB41Champs to perceive her forum topic as lame, insignificant, or without merit that's all. Nothing more; nothing less. 


Thanks SkyBane for elaborating on your position & eliminating any ambiguity. I respect that. Thank you. It says a lot about your character.  :thmup:

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I was 9yo & in 4th grade. My memory is very similar to sb41's. I mostly remember my sister who is 5 years older than me being deeply effected by the whole episode & the remaining days ahead. She kept a scrapbook with newspaper clippings & pictures of the President & his family. Makes me wonder if she still has it. I'm gonna have to give her a call tomorrow & ask her.


I do remember later, perhaps in jr. high being somewhat infatuated with all the conspiracy theories & studying the different angles & writing several papers on it in school.


It is one of the many sad events in our nations history.

I'm right there with you CFS65. I have always had an intense attraction to conspiracy theories pertaining to this subject matter & I wanna talk to Fidel Castro before he dies too. Castro knows something. I can feel it. 

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Look, I realize that your intention was not a dismissive one SkyBane. God knows that SW1 sometimes has trouble turning my own joke meter off. No, I am not claiming that anyone on this site is making a mockery of such an unforgettable tragedy. I am merely saying that I am no position to judge anyone.

Perhaps, your line "I think this was a bad question" was meant to illustrate that it happened before a lot of people were even here & therefore is a footnote in the annuals of human history to numerous people that carries no 1st hand impact on their daily lives. I just didn't want SB41Champs to perceive her forum topic as lame, insignificant, or without merit that's all. Nothing more; nothing less.

Thanks SkyBane for elaborating on your position & eliminating any ambiguity. I respect that. Thank you. It says a lot about your character. :thmup:

Yeah, thats all I meant. Perhaps it would have been better to say its a bad place for the question, rather than that the question was bad, as the reality is that its a good question.

And thanks lol. I actively work to state my points accurately and try not to insult the person behind them. Usually if I say something insulting its being directed at the idea, not the person :P

To the topic: yet another born 20+ years after the event.

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Just an addenda, many were shocked and appalled that the NFL played games the Sunday following this tragedy, but in retrospect I think that it was a very good decision, in that it said "life must go on"


In many ways it set the tone and broke the morbid attention that all the media and most of the country had on the sad event.

The following Monday things seemed to start to move back to normalcy. I think the NFL's decision helped with that.

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" individuals who aren't exactly spring chickens anymore." --SW1




Hey you talkin about me SW1..!!!???

Ironic that the word "chickens" was even brought up actually. It reminds me of the Malcolm X statement "Chickens coming home to roost" in the aftermath of the JFK assassination. Malcolm X was not taking glee in this tragedy at all. Just pointing out how far apart our nation truly was regarding civil rights in 1963. I won't elaborate on this in order to avoid getting this topic locked down. 

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" individuals who aren't exactly spring chickens anymore." --SW1




Ironic that the word "chickens" was even brought up actually. It reminds me of the Malcolm X statement "Chickens coming home to roost" in the aftermath of the JFK assassination. Malcolm X was not taking glee in this tragedy at all. Just pointing out how far apart our nation truly was regarding civil rights in 1963. I won't elaborate on this in order to avoid getting this topic locked down. 

Spring chicken Hummmm??? Why do I some times feel a little FRIED???? But seriously I can remember the day JFK was shot like I can remember the first Colts game I saw in 1958. Sitting in my desk 3rd or 4th grade... 

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15 years old, sophomore year if HS, I remember coming out of Swim Team practice and hearing about it on my transistor radio (lol),

That weekend was very strange, sort of like getting punched in the gut and the feeling wouldn't go away.  I saw some of the strongest adults that I knew crying openly, in a time when people showed little emotion publicly.


I was just becoming politically aware, and was very much into JFK, proud of how he stood up to the Russians during the Cuban missile crisis, there was a lot of pride and hope for the country at that time.  This assassination was shocking to the whole country!


In my mind the "American Dream" began dying with the killing of JFK, and if you follow the decline of the US since then, it was the beginning of what we have now, what I call "The American Nightmare".


Yep, some of us old coots still remember and are still impacted by this event in American history!

(my two bits) 

There is something to be said for that. JFK ended the Cuban Missile Crisis, beat the Russians to the moon despite the launch of Sputnik, & he started the Peace Corps...When the Eternal Flame was lit, our country seemed to lose it's forward progress for awhile. JMO. Not to say that LBJ's "Great Society" wasn't beneficial either etc. etc.  

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Spring chicken Hummmm??? Why do I some times feel a little FRIED???? But seriously I can remember the day JFK was shot like I can remember the first Colts game I saw in 1958. Sitting in my desk 3rd or 4th grade... 

I am always fascinated to hear my friends document their recollections of that day through putting that oral history on tape & video. The sights, the sounds, the smells, the confusion, the tears, the disbelief, & the numbness...


You feel "fried" Cs4? SW1 feels "baked" sometimes buddy. Thanks for sharing brother.  :D My oldest nephew Josh has his birthday on Nov. 22nd too. Obviously, not the same year. He turned 21 yesterday.  Probably adds to my obsession with it actually to be honest with you. 

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Spring chicken Hummmm??? Why do I some times feel a little FRIED???? But seriously I can remember the day JFK was shot like I can remember the first Colts game I saw in 1958. Sitting in my desk 3rd or 4th grade... 

Yeah, those two events had great impact on my life, the assassination changed my view of the world, that football game gave me a life long passion for the NFL and the Colts, Keeps me sane, well maybe.... LOL


@ SW1 I can't discuss this much fuller without getting political and assigning blame.

But being a naive, young idealist; JFK's death just burst the bubble.

What followed, Viet Nam, Watergate, the counter-culture revolution of the 60's 70's & 80's, DISCO and the social and moral devastation it brought to the country-oh my. The 90's weren't too bad, but 911 punched a hole in all that positive and then the govt' allowing the money managers (stock & bond exchange) ruin the economy.


I'm a tired old man and am thankful that I can still crawl up in my hole in the world and watch my Colts play, and I can still play a half decent game of Golf.  Life Goes ON!  Just a little more painful these days, Yup Fried Chicken to say the least.


Edit: that crack about disco was a joke, sort of...

p.s. Disclaimer, I am intoxicated this evening!

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