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Did DHB get benched Sunday?


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I remember him taking a pretty wicked hit to the head early in the game and assumed that he suffered a concussion (which would explain why he didn't play another snap), but I didn't see any follow up and he wasn't listed on the injury report from what I saw. Anyone know what was up? 

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They held him out because they thought he had a concussion but he didn't and they still held him out the rest of the game

Ok thanks. That seems odd tho. I don't see why they would take him out of the game when we were trying to mount a comeback if he was fine.

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I thought the same thing. Don't the results of those tests come back pretty quickly? Even if they thought it was a concussion, wouldn't that have been evident within 5-10 minutes like it is for other players when they're immediately ruled out? As far as I know, DHB was never officially ruled out, he just didn't play another snap.


I think the whole "precautionary" thing was more to save face that they just benched his butt.

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