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Get a grip people


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They had a bad game……….so what. Everybody has bad days. I look at it that everyone got it out of the way at the same time and we can move on from here. We are 4-2 and leading the division so what is the bleeping problem? 




I really am tired of this instant gratification, entitlement demanding, no mistakes allowed mentality that some people think is owed to them for some reason. I would love to be able to go to every person’s place of business that has come on here and demanded that someone needs to be cut or fired because of a mistake, and look over their shoulder for 16 days. Then the first time they screw up or break the rules go to their boss and say “this guy needs to be canned! He took a 40 minute break instead of a 15 minute one. He logged on to facebook three times when he was supposed to be putting the presentation together. He took three personal phone calls, he checked his personal email five times today. He took credit for this persons work……….and if you are going to tell me that you NEVER make a mistake or do something wrong then I am going to tell you that you are lying to yourself.


And before someone says “Well they are professionals” I am going to say….”Well so are you. You are being paid to do a job aren’t you?”



It is Pep’s first year in the NFL. It is basically Chuck’s first year in the NFL as a HC. T-rich has been here what……three games? Don’t you think that they deserve more of a chance than this to find out what will work and what won’t?


Do you think that we need to win every single game that we ever play to be a supporter of this team? Other than the Dolphins, how has that worked out for everybody else for the last 60 some years? 

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I have a grip. I don't come unhinged easily.........especially not for entertainment.........which is what football is


I get a bit unhinged about bills sometimes  :hairout:


But I know what you are saying.  I can't remember if we were always like this or if it became habit when a lot of people actually  did get fired.


My perspective on mistakes is that they happen.........and usually the upside to them is that you can learn from them.


So, we are not having a perfect season.........we sure are better than most teams in year 2 of rebuilding


People ranting.........doesn't bother me either. It's venting.......it's gonna happen

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I think we should be allowed criticise our team. It doesn't make us any less of a fan. What's the point sitting there with the rose tinted glasses on pretending everything's fine and dandy. Mistakes will be made and we have a right to dissect those mistakes and offer our own analysis.

At the end of the day this forum is a form of entertainment and should be enjoyed as one pleases.


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I have a grip. I don't come unhinged easily.........especially not for entertainment.........which is what football is


I get a bit unhinged about bills sometimes  :hairout:


But I know what you are saying.  I can't remember if we were always like this or if it became habit when a lot of people actually  did get fired.


My perspective on mistakes is that they happen.........and usually the upside to them is that you can learn from them.


So, we are not having a perfect season.........we sure are better than most teams in year 2 of rebuilding


People ranting.........doesn't bother me either. It's venting.......it's gonna happen


I do understand that but sometimes I just smh at what some people demand of others that i know they don't practice themselves. I am in a managerial position at my place of business and see this mentality all the time. It is really frustrating sometimes. I cannot stand the do as I say but not as I do mentality  

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I think we should be allowed criticise our team. It doesn't make us any less of a fan. What's the point sitting there with the rose tinted glasses on pretending everything's fine and dandy. Mistakes will be made and we have a right to dissect those mistakes and offer our own analysis.

At the end of the day this forum is a form of entertainment and should be enjoyed as one pleases.



Criticizing and pointing out mistakes is fine that is the only way that anyone can get better. I am talking about the FIRE HIM BECAUSE HE SCREWED UP AND SUCKS mentality

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Fine then go with the negative nancies and fire Chuck, fire Pep trade the whole team and tell Irsay to stick it and move the team to LA

I think the point is.....this threads OP could've just been posted in an existing thread. 


The message aside, you're just complaining about complaining and I, in turn, am complaining about you complaining about all the complaining. 

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Like I said in another thread it's one game.  Honestly it's the most frustrating game I've seen the Colts play since the 2004 20-3 playoff loss to New England because even in like the 375 game against the Jags we had some offense going at some point.  Last night the offense never got going and the defense would have been more helpful just to let the Chargers score on a big play because at least then you were just giving up points and not a long drive and points.  It's one game though we saw this team lay an egg like this to a worse team in the Jets last season.  They responded by winning seven of their next eight including the next four in a row.  Odds are during a 16 game schedule you are going to have a game like this where nothing works. 


I get people are mad over it and trust me I was mad and frustrated after the game last night too but if any of us think we are more mad or embarrassed than the players and coaches were we have another thing coming.  My guess is that we are going to see a much better effort on Sunday night.  Keep in mind the Chargers had a game much like we did the week before and came back extremely focused against us.  That's kinda how things work in the NFL if you lose and don't play well you tend be much more focused and have a better effort the following week as long as you have a team that doesn't quit and if the Colts have proven anything over the last two years they are never going to quit. 


Bad and ugly loss but nothing to panic over and start demanding things like players be released or coaches be fired.  As Tony Dungy would say we do what we do.  You get back to basics figure out what you did wrong and correct it.  Teams that panic and over react to things like this are teams that draft in the top five every year.  Teams that are winners do what I said before, you correct mistakes and stay true to what you are because odds are if you are good being what you are is what you got you there in the first place.  The Colts just need to survive their next two games and honestly if they split with the Broncos and Texans they would be 5-3 and still in good position because the back half of the schedule is no where as nasty as this first eight has been.  Outside of the Jags game The Colts are in a portion of their schedule where they have play a playoff level team in six of seven games.  Including three that are serious Super Bowl contenders and at one point would have been argued to be the best team in the league.  So far the Colts are 2-0 vs. those teams with the third coming on Sunday.  This is a good football team that just had a bad game last night. 

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I think the point is.....this threads OP could've just been posted in an existing thread. 


The message aside, you're just complaining about complaining and I, in turn, am complaining about you complaining about all the complaining. 

I get your point but my statement would have been overlooked by the other 12 threads of “Get rid of AV”, “Pep is the Worst”, “Pathetic”, “The biggest offseason mistake we made was keeping Chuck”…….and so on and so on and so on.


Don’t I have a right to say what I feel as long as I don’t break the rules?


If you don’t like these threads then stay out of them. Are they taking up your computer space or something? 

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I get your point but my statement would have been overlooked by the other 12 threads of “Get rid of AV”, “Pep is the Worst”, “Pathetic”, “The biggest offseason mistake we made was keeping Chuck”…….and so on and so on and so on.


Don’t I have a right to say what I feel as long as I don’t break the rules?


If you don’t like these threads then stay out of them. Are they taking up your computer space or something? 

Didn't you get the memo you are entitled to any opinion you would like to have as long as you agree with the masses.

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Nothing wrong with making a mistake, but if you make one after the other after the other after the other - THAT'S where problems arise and its really exacerbated when there seems to be little effort / little care to what is going on over an extended period of time!


At this point I think its unwarranted to start saying fire em' however I acknowledge the fact that was a horrible effort last night and if we should not be surprised if we see the same effort or lack there of in the future!   

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Fine then go with the negative nancies and fire Chuck, fire Pep trade the whole team and tell Irsay to stick it and move the team to LA

This right here ladies and gentlemen is called an overreaction (or extremely bad sarcasm). Was there even a moment while you were typing that you might have thought I never chose a side in my post at all? I'm not with the "negative nancies", but you're assuming I am. Your original post was as much of an overreaction as the one claiming pep was the worst OC in the NFL after the game yesterday. Why even give those people the time of day by making this thread? It's just not worth the time or effort.



I get your point but my statement would have been overlooked by the other 12 threads of “Get rid of AV”, “Pep is the Worst”, “Pathetic”, “The biggest offseason mistake we made was keeping Chuck”…….and so on and so on and so on.


Don’t I have a right to say what I feel as long as I don’t break the rules?


If you don’t like these threads then stay out of them. Are they taking up your computer space or something? 

Sure you have the right to say how you feel, just as I have the right point out how ridiculous that feeling may be, how I agree with you, how I disagree with you and so on and so on. Nobody is stopping you (unless you break the rules) from making these threads.  
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This right here ladies and gentlemen is called an overreaction (or extremely bad sarcasm). Was there even a moment while you were typing that you might have thought I never chose a side in my post at all? I'm not with the "negative nancies", but you're assuming I am. Your original post was as much of an overreaction as the one claiming pep was the worst OC in the NFL after the game yesterday. Why even give those people the time of day by making this thread? It's just not worth the time or effort.


Sure you have the right to say how you feel, just as I have the right point out how ridiculous that feeling may be, how I agree with you, how I disagree with you and so on and so on. Nobody is stopping you (unless you break the rules) from making these threads.  

So my original post was an overreaction because I think someone should be given a chance? Then you post that these threads should not exist anymore. What are you trying to ignore? What am I supposed to gain from your post that mine shouldn’t exist? That you don’t agree with the fire everyone crowd?



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This right here ladies and gentlemen is called an overreaction (or extremely bad sarcasm). Was there even a moment while you were typing that you might have thought I never chose a side in my post at all? I'm not with the "negative nancies", but you're assuming I am. Your original post was as much of an overreaction as the one claiming pep was the worst OC in the NFL after the game yesterday. Why even give those people the time of day by making this thread? It's just not worth the time or effort.


Sure you have the right to say how you feel, just as I have the right point out how ridiculous that feeling may be, how I agree with you, how I disagree with you and so on and so on. Nobody is stopping you (unless you break the rules) from making these threads.  



So my original post was an overreaction because I think someone should be given a chance? Then you post that these threads should not exist anymore. What are you trying to ignore? What am I supposed to gain from your post that mine shouldn’t exist? That you don’t agree with the fire everyone crowd?

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I get your point but my statement would have been overlooked by the other 12 threads of “Get rid of AV”, “Pep is the Worst”, “Pathetic”, “The biggest offseason mistake we made was keeping Chuck”…….and so on and so on and so on.


Don’t I have a right to say what I feel as long as I don’t break the rules?


If you don’t like these threads then stay out of them. Are they taking up your computer space or something? 

hypocrite to the max...

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People come here cause they love this team, and most of us are pretty reasonable most of the time. What are we supposed to do? Not acknowledge errors or act like everything is always perfect? It is not reasonable to come here and demand 10 peoples heads per loss or say we suck, we are 4-2 and one loss isn't the end of the world, I know that and all of you know that too. And people who over react I'm sure a day down the road regret most of the ranting.


 But sometimes there are glaring problems that frustrate the heck out of people, it's part of loving a team. People need to vent on some of these issues and being a public forum where better to do it :)

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People come here cause they love this team, and most of us are pretty reasonable most of the time. What are we supposed to do? Not acknowledge errors or act like everything is always perfect? It is not reasonable to come here and demand 10 peoples heads per loss or say we suck, we are 4-2 and one loss isn't the end of the world, I know that and all of you know that too. And people who over react I'm sure a day down the road regret most of the ranting.


 But sometimes there are glaring problems that frustrate the heck out of people, it's part of loving a team. People need to vent on some of these issues and being a public forum where better to do it :)

Pretty simple concept really, but for some posters on here if you don't blindly follow everything they do or look at everything with rose colored glasses it's a terrible thing...smh


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Well just because the masses say it is so doesn't make it true.

The irony here.

How so exactly

You make thread complaining about certain types of posters/criticizing them, and saying how dumb all the "fire so and so" threads are. Someone criticizes you and you tell them not to read this thread/get out of it....seems legit

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In my opinion the Colts only played on the last two drives for both the offense and defense. There was an obvious difference of a sense of urgency and desire on those drives. The rest of the drives were a complete joke. It kills me the heart that Jacksonville had in a no win situation against Denver and then to watch Indy have zero heart against the Chargers. Simple fundamentals lost the game...tackling, penalties and catch the freaking ball. I hope I never see another NFL game again with such a lack of effort. The Chargers played well but very beatable.



I think the front office needs to take away the players pool tables and ping pong tables. I am thinking 3 a days from Tues morning until Sat night.

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So my original post was an overreaction because I think someone should be given a chance? Then you post that these threads should not exist anymore. What are you trying to ignore? What am I supposed to gain from your post that mine shouldn’t exist? That you don’t agree with the fire everyone crowd?

Nah it's not because you think someone should be given a chance. It is an overreaction you're just giving the people who overreact negatively ammunition they don't don't need. First 24 hours after a Colts game is over no matter what there will be someone overreacting negatively. Why give them the time of day with a thread like this? Their existence doesn't need to be validated with a thread like this  :funny:. Making a thread to put them on blast makes no sense at all.


I'm trying to ignore most of the threads in the first 24 hours after the game is over. From the fire *insert coaching staff member here* to the release *insert player here* they're rarely if ever worth the time of day. Most if not all of the time the person posting those threads have little to nothing to back up their opinion (Their definition of a "fact" is ever changing) 

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The irony here.

You make thread complaining about certain types of posters/criticizing them, and saying how dumb all the "fire so and so" threads are. Someone criticizes you and you tell them not to read this thread/get out of it....seems legit

I never said those threads shouldn't exist. I said that I had the right to make a thread stating my opinon which you and ruksak said shouldn't exist


so who is the hypocrite now.

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I never said those threads shouldn't exist. I said that I had the right to make a thread stating my opinon which you and ruksak said shouldn't exist


so who is the hypocrite now.

Never said this shouln't exist. I just called you a hypocrite. Thats on Ruksak bro, personally i think you can write whatever you want on here as long as it follows the rules

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They had a bad game……….so what. Everybody has bad days. I look at it that everyone got it out of the way at the same time and we can move on from here. We are 4-2 and leading the division so what is the bleeping problem? 




I really am tired of this instant gratification, entitlement demanding, no mistakes allowed mentality that some people think is owed to them for some reason. I would love to be able to go to every person’s place of business that has come on here and demanded that someone needs to be cut or fired because of a mistake, and look over their shoulder for 16 days. Then the first time they screw up or break the rules go to their boss and say “this guy needs to be canned! He took a 40 minute break instead of a 15 minute one. He logged on to facebook three times when he was supposed to be putting the presentation together. He took three personal phone calls, he checked his personal email five times today. He took credit for this persons work……….and if you are going to tell me that you NEVER make a mistake or do something wrong then I am going to tell you that you are lying to yourself.


And before someone says “Well they are professionals” I am going to say….”Well so are you. You are being paid to do a job aren’t you?”



It is Pep’s first year in the NFL. It is basically Chuck’s first year in the NFL as a HC. T-rich has been here what……three games? Don’t you think that they deserve more of a chance than this to find out what will work and what won’t?


Do you think that we need to win every single game that we ever play to be a supporter of this team? Other than the Dolphins, how has that worked out for everybody else for the last 60 some years? 

I believe the problem is how they lost. BTW you're showing the same discontent for the frustrated fans as they're showing for the game. Seems a bit hypocritical.

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I believe the problem is how they lost. BTW you're showing the same discontent for the frustrated fans as they're showing for the game. Seems a bit hypocritical.


I am just stating my point of view. I have never said that they can’t. I have never said that they are wrong. All I have said is how I feel about that opinion.


 So they can voice their opinion and its ok but when I rebut it is being hypocritical?


No one answers any of the questions that I propose but I am a hypocrite for asking them.  

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hypocrite to the max...



I believe the problem is how they lost. BTW you're showing the same discontent for the frustrated fans as they're showing for the game. Seems a bit hypocritical.



Thorndike-Barnhart Dictionary definition of hypocrite.(that is the dictionary that I have)



1 person who puts on a false appearance of goodness or religion


person who pretends to be what he is not.; pretender.




I am not infallible. Never have claimed to be. I don’t expect anyone else to be either.

Wanting someone’s head for a mistake when one will not face the same scrutiny…..THAT is hypocritical     

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Thorndike-Barnhart Dictionary definition of hypocrite.(that is the dictionary that I have)



1 person who puts on a false appearance of goodness or religion


person who pretends to be what he is not.; pretender.




I am not infallible. Never have claimed to be. I don’t expect anyone else to be either.

Wanting someone’s head for a mistake when one will not face the same scrutiny…..THAT is hypocritical     

INDEEd it is.... 

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