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Irsay quotes in USA Today (merge)

The Old Crow

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SVP (scott van pelt) and Rusillo are talking about this today and SVP basically says Irsay is another Jerry Jones and I agree. He brings up they way Irsay was doing a lot to focus attention on himself while the Super Bowl was going on. I'm sure there's threads in the archive that will support this.

The problem with what Irsay said was that he sounds ungrateful for the most successful run ever in Colts history with Peyton at the helm. By bringing up the 7 of 11 one and dones it looks like he's pointing fingers a little.

The point is, shut ur mouth Jim and take a classy leadership role in this team and in the community. You don't need to hog the spotlight...learn the definition of humility.

Jim Irsay is far from Jerry Jones. The Colts have a bad preseason game, and Jim Irsay ripped this team a new one for lack of a better term. Jerry Jones went out to the media to let people know that Tony Romo had a great game, but disregarding the interception he threw that cost his team the game. Jones is very much like Mr. Burns from The Simpsons.

As long as there are butts in seats he is happy.

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You mean, you can insist on twisting Irsay's words to mean what you want them to mean.


By the way, there's a difference between complaining and explaining. Irsay said he wanted better results, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. As special as the Polian built team was, they were deficient. Irsay looked at that run and said 'We had one of the best offenses in the league, one of the best quarterbacks, and we only won one Super Bowl? I want more than that, and I think we need to improve our defense and special teams to have a better shot this time around. I'm going to hire a team builder who will be more balanced in his approach.' That's good ownership, not poor ownership.


Also, it's hilarious how you can promote the overall accomplishments of the Polian era, but when it's about quarterbacks, "rings are the only thing that matters." Once again, you're talking out of both sides of your mouth.

He said them plain as day. You are the one saying he was not taking shots at Manning when he specifically called him out by name. Whatever ... agree to disagree.


You said yourself that he probably should have not said what he did publicly or had chosen a better way to say it. He came off as selfish, spoiled and ungrateful. If he was trying to just "explain" things as you say then perhaps he needs a course in PR 101 as this is not the first time and I am sure it won't be the last where he looks like a bafoon.


You are right. It is about the rings and your owner has one and had a chance at a second and now has Luck. Too bad he can't see all the great things that Polian and company did but then again it has always been all about Jim.

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He said them plain as day. You are the one saying he was not taking shots at Manning when he specifically called him out by name. Whatever ... agree to disagree.


You said yourself that he probably should have not said what he did publicly or had chosen a better way to say it. He came off as selfish, spoiled and ungrateful. If he was trying to just "explain" things as you say then perhaps he needs a course in PR 101 as this is not the first time and I am sure it won't be the last where he looks like a bafoon.


You are right. It is about the rings and your owner has one and had a chance at a second and now has Luck. Too bad he can't see all the great things that Polian and company did but then again it has always been all about Jim.


Wow. Him saying Manning's name does not equal him taking a shot a Manning. Again, you say agree to disagree, but it's plainly obvious how you're willingly ignoring reason.


As for me saying he probably shouldn't have said it, that's not because I think he came off as selfish, spoiled and ungrateful. Please don't try to assert your opinion onto mine. I also disagree -- vehemently -- that he looks like a buffoon. I think the media and certain fans are blowing this out of proportion. And that's the reason he probably shouldn't have said it, because people ::ahem:: twist things to fit their preferred narrative.

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Wow. Him saying Manning's name does not equal him taking a shot a Manning. Again, you say agree to disagree, but it's plainly obvious how you're willingly ignoring reason.


As for me saying he probably shouldn't have said it, that's not because I think he came off as selfish, spoiled and ungrateful. Please don't try to assert your opinion onto mine. I also disagree -- vehemently -- that he looks like a buffoon. I think the media and certain fans are blowing this out of proportion. And that's the reason he probably shouldn't have said it, because people ::ahem:: twist things to fit their preferred narrative.

I read the full article. He was taking shots at Manning. You can interpret it however you like but it is obvious you have a bias. Saying he should have not said it because people would twist things is as about as an intelligent an argument as saying water is wet. We are in the media age and Irsay knew full well what he was saying and how it would be viewed. To say it was twisted is ridiculous. This was a lay up for the media. All they had to do was run with it ...

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Manning wouldn't comment on the comments, lol...   He was asked if playing the colts is like playing Eli, he responded.. "I know Robert Mathis hits harder then Eli"   class act, game on.   Hope the media turns their focus now.   



I'm posting this in this thread because I figured it was pretty much the end all to TweeterGate2013.


of note, Manning did say he'd like to miss a couple days of training camp next year to be at Marvins Hall of Fame.   


Luck said this earlier.   Another class act.   Time to move past IrsayGate or whatever it is and get back to the people on the field.


I think for us, it’s a football game,” Luck said. “Obviously, there’s some excitement around it, which is great for the game, great for the sport. But we’re preparing as an offense to go against a great defense. Our defense is preparing to go against a great offense, and what a challenge.”

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boy this thing with Irsay is getting way to much hype. I don't think the remarks were a cheap shot on P.M. Media just needs to have something to talk about. MY opinion  is that Irsay was talking about how the team was built around  P.M. Peyton has soem fault in why we only have 1 SB trophy but it was other things also contributed. Irsay does have some fault in this as well as the the front office even the Coaches and players. I wish Irsay would stay off twitter but we all know that won't happen. I Don't hold any of that agaisnt Irsay as at the time they thought that would work. Coach Fox is right the 1 SB chamionship The Colts since they have been in Indy we should be greatful becaust there is a lot of tems that don't have 1 or haven't even been to a SB. I for one would not have signed Peyton as no one was sure about his neck. I a glad he is doin so well but it still was the right thing to do. I hope the Colts woke up after the Monday night debalicle and play a great game and beat the Broncos  but the media should concetrate on the game and not what an owner tweets and if i remember correctly and i could be wrong Irsay ahs said what he tweeted several times going back to last year. Nothing was made of it til Peyton plays the Colts which i guess this is the only news they can find about this game.

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Why Irsay would make comments like this before the biggest game of the season is beyond me. We can debate if these were digs at Polian/Manning, but the bottom line is these were still very stupid things to say before this game. He has to be aware no matter he meant the media would make this a huge story and just be a distraction for our team.

This team already seemed to be looking forward to this game during the Charger's game so this kind of attention is just not needed.

Thankfully Manning was aware to choose his words so this did not get escalated more in the media.

I will be just glad when this week is over.

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His original comments were pointed at Manning. He is now back tracking on Twitter to try to easy the media storm but really him disparaging Dungy and Polian would burn Manning as much as the Brady comment.

you know Manning personally?  


let me just ask you this.  What do you think Manning would say if he was asked if he wished we would have won more super bowls while he was in Indy?  

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I would imagine he wishes for 10 Sbs. Why say it to a national media reporter and blame Manning for it?

he didnt blame Manning.  He just said he would rather have Super bowls than stats.'


he basically said Manning was the only thing not to blame.

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you know Manning personally?  


let me just ask you this.  What do you think Manning would say if he was asked if he wished we would have won more super bowls while he was in Indy?  

I think Manning's "no comment" said everything you need to know. For Irsay to basically say that Manning needed the perfect team around him to win more Super Bowls would be insulting to Mannin IMO. I also don't think Manning views his time in Indy the way Irsay does.  

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I think Manning's "no comment" said everything you need to know. For Irsay to basically say that Manning needed the perfect team around him to win more Super Bowls would be insulting to Mannin IMO. I also don't think Manning views his time in Indy the way Irsay does.  

Basically say? How can you basically say something? you either say it or you dont in my opinion and what he said was he wanted to redo the model we had to be capable of winning more rings, How do ya think us fans felt watching Manning almost carry the team time and time again only to come up short because we were not built to win in January and February, We won the SB by playing physical football running it down the Bears throat and playing good run defense, Thats how we failed Peyton we couldn't give him a complete team to work with, Peyton felt compelled to pass because our run defense was terrible most years and teams could just go right down the field running the ball right at Freeney and Mathis and dinking and dunking us and when our running game went out the door it was basically Peyton and Marvin and Reggie and to a slightly lesser extent Dallas Clark against the opposing teams defense and OUR OWN DEFENSE, Thats why Irsay wanted to get across that we were redoing the model a bit (poorly chosen words no doubt but his intent was pure) also why he would even open his mouth about it I have no idea, I dont agree with it. I think he should have left it alone but I believe his intentions were purem. Insulting to Polian? absolutely...Insulting to Peyton? No not even close, At best its an interview that was not needed though

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Basically say? How can you basically say something? you either say it or you dont in my opinion and what he said was he wanted to redo the model we had to be capable of winning more rings, How do ya think us fans felt watching Manning almost carry the team time and time again only to come up short because we were not built to win in January and February, We won the SB by playing physical football running it down the Bears throat and playing good run defense, Thats how we failed Peyton we couldn't give him a complete team to work with, Peyton felt compelled to pass because our run defense was terrible most years and teams could just go right down the field running the ball right at Freeney and Mathis and dinking and dunking us and when our running game went out the door it was basically Peyton and Marvin and Reggie and to a slightly lesser extent Dallas Clark against the opposing teams defense and OUR OWN DEFENSE, Thats why Irsay wanted to get across that we were redoing the model a bit (poorly chosen words no doubt but his intent was pure) also why he would even open his mouth about it I have no idea, I dont agree with it. I think he should have left it alone but I believe his intentions were purem. Insulting to Polian? absolutely...Insulting to Peyton? No not even close, At best its an interview that was not needed though

I hear you on all this. I just think Manning took his comments differently. Whether or not he had the perfect team, he won 12 games almost every season so for Irsay to say the model was flawed would probably bug him. It is hard to win in the post-season and it often comes down to coaching and some luck. Many seasons the Colts were beat by teams playing better then them. Just like every other team that loses in the playoffs. It is hard to win Super Bowls or even just to get to them.

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I hear you on all this. I just think Manning took his comments differently. Whether or not he had the perfect team, he won 12 games almost every season so for Irsay to say the model was flawed would probably bug him. It is hard to win in the post-season and it often comes down to coaching and some luck. Many seasons the Colts were beat by teams playing better then them. Just like every other team that loses in the playoffs. It is hard to win Super Bowls or even just to get to them.

I actually doubt it hurts Peyton really, If you watched him in games after some drives were stalled or he had to go right back out on the field because we had no run defense you would have noticed he was frustrated several times, I agree teams were playing better then them in the playoffs but much of that 'better then them' was our fault because of bad defenses or no run game

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I actually doubt it hurts Peyton really, If you watched him in games after some drives were stalled or he had to go right back out on the field because we had no run defense you would have noticed he was frustrated several times, I agree teams were playing better then them in the playoffs but much of that 'better then them' was our fault because of bad defenses or no run game

Sure. I think it goes both ways. Who wouldn't want the perfect team? The Pats had the closest thing to it in 2007 and still lost the SB. I just don't thinking winning championships is as simple as Irsay paints it to be.


Do you think he is running this conservative offense because he is so bent on winning a different way? He seems to have his heels dug in and not really letting Luck do his thing. There is a balance. It almost seems as if he wants to win this way or no way to prove he was right. I could be mis-reading it totally so would be interested in your take.

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Sure. I think it goes both ways. Who wouldn't want the perfect team? The Pats had the closest thing to it in 2007 and still lost the SB. I just don't thinking winning championships is as simple as Irsay paints it to be.


Do you think he is running this conservative offense because he is so bent on winning a different way? He seems to have his heels dug in and not really letting Luck do his thing. There is a balance. It almost seems as if he wants to win this way or no way to prove he was right. I could be mis-reading it totally so would be interested in your take.

I think he wanted a tougher more physical team, does he want our team to try to impose there will? (it has been pretty succesful til the Charger game where the Chargers gave us a dose of our own medicine) Yes and is much as it is talked about by coaching staff it may be to much, I think he is bent on winning a different way sure but that way is a complete team, Nothing wrong with that

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I think he wanted a tougher more physical team, does he want our team to try to impose there will? (it has been pretty succesful til the Charger game where the Chargers gave us a dose of our own medicine) Yes and is much as it is talked about by coaching staff it may be to much, I think he is bent on winning a different way sure but that way is a complete team, Nothing wrong with that

I guess it depends how you define complete team. Luck is your best player and gives you the best chance to win. If you modify the O too much then you take away the one player that gives you the best chance to win every game. I think in the FA/cap era it is really tough to build two complete units especially with the crazy QB salaries which Luck will be demanding soon enough. That being said, I think favoring the D is probably the way to go with just enough on O and then you pray to stay healthy all year. ;)

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Basically say? How can you basically say something? you either say it or you dont in my opinion and what he said was he wanted to redo the model we had to be capable of winning more rings, How do ya think us fans felt watching Manning almost carry the team time and time again only to come up short because we were not built to win in January and February, We won the SB by playing physical football running it down the Bears throat and playing good run defense, Thats how we failed Peyton we couldn't give him a complete team to work with, Peyton felt compelled to pass because our run defense was terrible most years and teams could just go right down the field running the ball right at Freeney and Mathis and dinking and dunking us and when our running game went out the door it was basically Peyton and Marvin and Reggie and to a slightly lesser extent Dallas Clark against the opposing teams defense and OUR OWN DEFENSE, Thats why Irsay wanted to get across that we were redoing the model a bit (poorly chosen words no doubt but his intent was pure) also why he would even open his mouth about it I have no idea, I dont agree with it. I think he should have left it alone but I believe his intentions were purem. Insulting to Polian? absolutely...Insulting to Peyton? No not even close, At best its an interview that was not needed though

dude, seriously, best post ever.  i 100% agree.

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