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The Return Of Donald Brown (Merge)


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So in other words you were unhappy with him the way he was playing before, and the fact that Sunday he addressed those concerns is to you a cause for additional concern. What, pray tell, does the man have to do exactly to satisfy you?

I'm not sure that I agree with your implication that it's simply a matter of effort, as in "he's only trying because his job is on the line". Others have talked about him being a bad fit for our system, and making poor decisions about which holes to attack. I'd actually be interested in hearing some of those people discuss whether or not he played better within our system Sunday, and made better decisions.

With that in mind, if I wanted to spend the time I could probably go back to the preseason and find a quote I remember from Caldwell to the effect that "Donald knows what we expect from him, and he is working on it." Isn't it conceivable that this is actually an example of good coaching (dare I say it), and hard work. Why would you look at Brown's perform and think anything other than "good job. I'm looking forward to the Bengals game to see if he can sustain it". I know I am.

(Mod edit) Dude, Of course I want him to succeed, but not just when he feels like his back is against the wall. I want to see that kind of effort all the time. Just like we get from Joe........dont make this into me not ever accepting him at all no matter what...because that comes off as a fruedian slip on your part. I just want the best players on the roster.

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he's been hurt a lot but you see flashes of top play...

...He is hit a lot behind the line of scrimmage and he rarely breaks those tackles...

....but I'd prefer him not to be hit behind the line of scrimmage...

...and I wish they'd throw to him in the open field where he can use his speed..and confront defensive backs..not defensive tavkles

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With Joe Addai out this week...Donald Brown (yes, you know him. You love him)

will rush for 100 yards and lead the Colts to victory over Cincinnatti on the road...

Brown, who was unable to play the first two weeks of the season because he was emotionally overcome

with the outpouring of love shown him from Colts fans..

.......will scored two TDs...as the Colts win for the first time this season...

I know of him and he might be a great guy, but I don't love him as a RB. He might get 2 or 3 good runs in a game, but then he will suck for weeks if not months. He should have been cut a long time ago and repaced by the 2nd Team RB from Rhodes College.

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(Mod edit) Dude, Of course I want him to succeed, but not just when he feels like his back is against the wall. I want to see that kind of effort all the time. Just like we get from Joe........dont make this into me not ever accepting him at all no matter what...because that comes off as a fruedian slip on your part. I just want the best players on the roster.

How is that a Freudian slip? lol

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How is that a Freudian slip? lol

No no, X-Files said "Fruedian slip".

"I want to believe" that it has something to do with a Fruehoff trailer and a ladies undergarment.

I was a little too nervous to ask for clarification, but I'm sure that "the truth is out there".

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Insinuating others want someone to fail without proof or even a shred of evidence to back it up means it was already in his mind upon reading this thread.....i.e. fruedian slip on his part.

um yeah, that's not a Freudian slip. Yes it was in his mind and he was pretty much straight up implying that you want him to fail, or at least are unwilling to give him any credit for success. He was making an implication. An example of a Freudian slip would be a friend asks you about your girlfriend, but when replying you call her by an ex-girlfriend's name. See link for more info below.


Edited by Jason
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um yeah, that's not a Freudian slip. Yes it was in his mind and he was pretty much straight up implying that you want him to fail, or at least are unwilling to give him any credit for success. He was making an implication. An example of a Freudian slip would be a friend asks you about your girlfriend, but when replying you call her by an ex-girlfriend's name. See link for more info below.


Thanks....I bet you love to comb the boards looking for things to correct. Despite however you want to define what he said, it was incorrect, as I never indicated that I want DB to fail, only that it seems like he was running harder than he ever has, and its likely related to him nearly being cut before the season. If that forever motivates him to fullfill that first round pick shoes, and helps the team, then fine. I take no joy in seeing any Colts player fail.

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um yeah, that's not a Freudian slip. Yes it was in his mind and he was pretty much straight up implying that you want him to fail, or at least are unwilling to give him any credit for success. He was making an implication. An example of a Freudian slip would be a friend asks you about your girlfriend, but when replying you call her by an ex-girlfriend's name. See link for more info below.


A Freudian slip, also called parapraxis, is an error in speech, memory, or physical action that is interpreted as occurring due to the interference of some unconscious ("dynamically repressed") wish, conflict, or train of thought. The concept is thus part of classical psychoanalysis.

By the way, train of thought seems to fit this example precisely. Nice try with the smart A-$-$ use of Let me google that for you though.

Incidentally, welcome to my ignore list. Have a nice life friend!

Edited by Xfiles
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No no, X-Files said "Fruedian slip".

"I want to believe" that it has something to do with a Fruehoff trailer and a ladies undergarment.

I was a little too nervous to ask for clarification, but I'm sure that "the truth is out there".

Yeah, I figured it was a bit much to correct his spelling and use of the term so I just spelled it the right way in my response. However, you could be on to something in that he misspelled it on purpose therefore giving Fruedian slip a different meaning than Freudian slip. Who knows. lol

though I'm sure he won't see it

A Freudian slip, also called parapraxis, is an error. This is why the term Freudian slip was so incredibly incorrect. Mac did not make an unintentional error in speech. And no I don't comb through the boards looking for errors, otherwise I would constantly be correcting misuses of their, there and they're (yes this is a big pet peeve) but it's also against forum rules. I simply stumbled across someone trying to use a smart sounding term but with no clue what the term actually means. But I digress...

I strongly agree with whoever said to get Brown involved with screens. There have been several WR bubble screens but I've felt for the past 3 weeks that there should be more RB screens. The running game was looking better early but has slumped off due to OL injuries. If we can't get the running game going then we need to keep the RB's involved with swing passes and screens to help take pressure off of Painter.

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Ladies and gentlemen of the jury...

At the risk of taking major abuse here....

I obviously do not understand what many of you have against Donald Brown...

If you accept my premise that he was drafted to be a compliment and eventual successor to Joe Addai..

his numbers are not worthy of execution..

Brown has 816 yards in 215 caries in his career...which is 2 years an 5 games..He has been injury prone.

But folks say his 100-yard game against Jacksonville in a must-win Colts scenario was his ONLY good game. Not so.

in 2010: He ran 16 times for 69 yards against the Giants......caught 5 passes for 47 yards against San Diego..

Brown ran 17 times for 68 yards against New England....all top opponents

I dont think the Colts have a good offensive line and they pass the ball most of the time.

Those are decent numbers for a second year player. right?

Now, the coaching staff moving a rookie ahead of him in the depth chart speaks volumes.

I admit. His 3rd season started badly.

But given a chance..11 carries..38 yards last week..again with a makeshift O-line.

With Addai hurt..new to Pierre G..Donald Brown is our breakaway threat..and he's starting Sunday.

15 carries and 75-100 yards is possible and we need it.

The defense rests t-h-u-d t-h-u-d

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I agree with you, GD....

He's not an inside runner and he doesn't have Addai's running smarts....

But he would score on some runs that Addai gets caught on..

His acceleration is very good..and he has good hands..which was one of the reasons we drafted him..

Caught 20 passes in 2010 in limited duty. Throw to him more..

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have you ever seen him do anything except run straight ahead? I'm not just talking about spins/jukes/broken tackles, using the visual test obviously, he just doesn't have that "wow" factor ever when running.

I mean watch a guy like starks of GB or Torain of washington run. They were low round picks and look run like 1st rounders. Brown runs like roosevelt Potts without the broken tackles.

actually I'd take Potts over brown

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Ladies and gentlemen of the jury...

At the risk of taking major abuse here....

I obviously do not understand what many of you have against Donald Brown...

If you accept my premise that he was drafted to be a compliment and eventual successor to Joe Addai..

his numbers are not worthy of execution..

Brown has 816 yards in 215 caries in his career...which is 2 years an 5 games..He has been injury prone.

But folks say his 100-yard game against Jacksonville in a must-win Colts scenario was his ONLY good game. Not so.

in 2010: He ran 16 times for 69 yards against the Giants......caught 5 passes for 47 yards against San Diego..

Brown ran 17 times for 68 yards against New England....all top opponents

I dont think the Colts have a good offensive line and they pass the ball most of the time.

Those are decent numbers for a second year player. right?

Now, the coaching staff moving a rookie ahead of him in the depth chart speaks volumes.

I admit. His 3rd season started badly.

But given a chance..11 carries..38 yards last week..again with a makeshift O-line.

With Addai hurt..new to Pierre G..Donald Brown is our breakaway threat..and he's starting Sunday.

15 carries and 75-100 yards is possible and we need it.

The defense rests t-h-u-d t-h-u-d

1) The 2nd thread is pointless

2) This is an odd player to defend and you are doing it oddly.

3) The 2nd thread is pointless

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....... Are you seriously serious. He's our breakaway threat?

Brown is the fastest back the colts have.... i would love to see brown have a stellar game against the bengals but i doubt he'll get a whole heap of carries, but the carries he does get they will be positive... thats if the line can run block.

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I think if donald brown starts in the bengals game, i believe he will have a really good game alot of ppl fail to mention the really good blocking he did in the cheifs game.... after the bengals game he will show us the reason why we are fans and not coaches.... donald is an explosive player there's no doubt about it, he just needs the opportunity.... these are practically the same ppl that said painter sucked and wasnt a good QB O_o

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portage.....He's had some mischaps blocking but so has Dallas Clark...

Brown was excellent blocking last week. Watch that first half again

Brown is a third year player..much like Painter...right?

Given a chance..Curtis improved.....and has showed it...

....why not (ala Painter) start him for the rest of the season (if Addi is hurt) and see......

Nobody's a bust after 2 years...you guys all know that/

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There is a reason why Donald Brown was passed on the Depth chart by a rookie. He has terrible vision, sure he has break away speed vs joe addai but thats it. He's terrible at pass protection, Hes not a good running back bottom line. When the coach openly says he's dissapointed in Browns progress thats very telling :sorry:

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His coach is trying to motivate him. I agree there's something there. Maybe something that is not public..

But watch last week's tape.. Brown is not terrible at pass protection...In fact..he got a blitz pickup on a couple of Painter completions

Explain his success (which I documented) last year against good teams.

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portage.....He's had some mischaps blocking but so has Dallas Clark...

Brown was excellent blocking last week. Watch that first half again

Brown is a third year player..much like Painter...right?

Given a chance..Curtis improved.....and has showed it...

....why not (ala Painter) start him for the rest of the season (if Addi is hurt) and see......

Nobody's a bust after 2 years...you guys all know that/

You can't seriously be trying to compare the development of a 6th round QB to that of a 1st round RB.

Running back is one of the few positions in the NFL where it is reasonable to expect a rookie to come right in and contribute

Going into his 3rd year, Brown has racked up 816 yards and 5 tds for a underwhelming average of 3.8 hards a carry, and 28.1 yards per game.

For comparison sake, Dominic Rhodes came in as an UDFA in the middle of the 2001 season when edge went down and ran for 1104 yards and 9 touchdowns with a 4.7 yard per carry average and 73.6 yards per game (which doesn't account for the fact that he only started 10 games that year.)

Brown had 38 yards last week. Let's keep that in perspective.

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You can't seriously be trying to compare the development of a 6th round QB to that of a 1st round RB.

Running back is one of the few positions in the NFL where it is reasonable to expect a rookie to come right in and contribute

Going into his 3rd year, Brown has racked up 816 yards and 5 tds for a underwhelming average of 3.8 hards a carry, and 28.1 yards per game.

For comparison sake, Dominic Rhodes came in as an UDFA in the middle of the 2001 season when edge went down and ran for 1104 yards and 9 touchdowns with a 4.7 yard per carry average and 73.6 yards per game (which doesn't account for the fact that he only started 10 games that year.)

Brown had 38 yards last week. Let's keep that in perspective.

Prospects are prospects....jaric////

a 3rd-year player is a third year player. I know you dont think everyone develops at the same rate...That's the persepctive we need to hold onto.

its not realistic to bad mouth anyone who does not compete well as a rookie...especially when you dont start him.

You cant pick out a player who did well (Rhodes) and say ALL should do that..

I'm not blaming the Colts for not starting him...but he did not start.....

Note the game I cited last year where he played well.

He has untapped potential....as a runner and a pass catcher..which is crucial to our offense...

Is he not to be given time because of where he was drafted? Tha same goes for Jerry Hughes..

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Success? All 500 yards he got?

What is it about this forum and mediocre back up running backs? First Kenton Keith, then Mike Hart, now Donald Brown?

Jaric ..come on...he doesnt get to play ALL of the games....and he's been out seveal times like Addi has

I KNOW you watch closely...he was effective against good teams...you cant throw that away...

you watch Sunday

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and if he flops again on sunday, what will you say then? Being a good Rb means you are consistent Brown was afforded many chances in his second season and flopped. 3 point something yd per carry is not success for his career. Thats terrible (Charles Barkley Voice)

Edited by Rich Cannon
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