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Say What You Want About Jim Irsay..

Dark Superman

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Love him or hate him Jim has always wanted what's best for this organization and his attitude to "win now" mentality has always intrigued me as a fan..

I love the aggressive style Irsay and Grigson have when it comes to targeting players and doing whatever it takes to make that particular player a Indianapolis Colt.

Some may be annoyed by his tweets but as a fan I find it rather exciting..The waiting game always has me anxious and we all know that we all feel that way until the trade either happens or falls apart right before our very eyes..

Jim's a good owner for the city, players and the fans..

He has tken us to the big dance twice already and he has brought us home one championship..

I believe we will once again get there with the way this team is shaping up..

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Granted he's bias but Lamey says when he goes to NFL events announcers and people from other teams come up to him and tell him all the time we have the best owner in the NFL.

Phil B. Always talks about his charity and how we don't see close to the true amount of charity he gives out because he doesn't want the headlines from it because that's not why he does it.

Irsay is a bit nutty but no doubt he has a heart of Gold.

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I like Irsay because he has the moxie to do what he thinks is best for the team no matter what anyone else thinks. Jim is a strange guy but his heart is in the right place. I would take Jim over any other owner because he is different. He hires who he thinks will do the best job and then lets them do their job without sticking his nose in the daily routines. For those who have a problem with his tweets get over yourself. If you don't like it no one is forcing you to follow them. I think his tweets are funny in a dry sense of humor way. 

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Love him or hate him Jim has always wanted what's best for this organization and his attitude to "win now" mentality has always intrigued me as a fan..

I love the aggressive style Irsay and Grigson have when it comes to targeting players and doing whatever it takes to make that particular player a Indianapolis Colt.

Some may be annoyed by his tweets but as a fan I find it rather exciting..The waiting game always has me anxious and we all know that we all feel that way until the trade either happens or falls apart right before our very eyes..

Jim's a good owner for the city, players and the fans..

He has tken us to the big dance twice already and he has brought us home one championship..

I believe we will once again get there with the way this team is shaping up..

How do you find Jim Irsay's tweets exciting? You have to decipher almost every tweet he types lol. As for him being our owner, I'm satisfied with him. I wouldn't necessarily say we have the best owner, but when I look at owners like Jerry Jones or Daniel Snyder..we're very fortunate indeed.

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Posted · Hidden by shecolt, September 22, 2013 - inflammatory
Hidden by shecolt, September 22, 2013 - inflammatory

Do people actually buy stock in the colts? Do they make or break your life? Why do people act like it's life altering? 


I love watching the colts as much as anyone, but all this useless banter is annoying. My focus in life involves other things besides the colts. I get the feeling that some people have nothing else to do. judging by how much people post here, they don't have fulfilling lives. Pretty sad.


Like I said, on sunday, I'm as big a Colts fan as there is, (since 72), but some of you need to get lives and focus on what's important.

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Jim is great.  I love quirky people and no one can say he's not an original.  :)  His tweets are entertaining and I love the pics he posts.  He often makes me laugh and I would not trade him for any other owner out there.  Life should be fun and he helps add that element to mine.


Kudos to Jim.  I'm proud to say you are the owner of my team. :yes:

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Love this topic because I think Jim is one of the BEST owners out there regardless of the tweets because I think it gets MOST (not all) Colt fans excited of what's to come. He's done a lot for the community and is passionate for his team and fans. I still don't get the Colt fans who say shut up Jim or have a problem when he expresses concern about the team or coaching. Jim wants to WIN now and last year showed him REGARDLESS the situation it can be done. EVERYTHING was new last year yet what the Colts pulled off was remarkable. The Colts were far under the cap coming into this season and Jim did not sit pat. He went out and spent over 140 mil via FA to improve the team and build on the young talent from last year that produced an 11-5 playoff team. This coaching staff SHOULD be on the clock with no excuses. I always thought Peyton won despite the subpar coaching staff that the Colts held onto for way too long. (nice guys etc.) This team should be in attack mode on both sides of the ball. Not liking the vanilla defense scheme I'm seeing thus far or the Stanford short to midrange passing/power running game lacking EXPLOSIVE plays downfield. Hopefully they will spread the field to give the beast Richardson lanes to run through instead of that tight power I formation limiting Luck's options on the field. Still not sold on Chuck or his conservative style. If his idea of points are attempting long fgs with a kicker who's age is starting to catch up with his leg then the Colts are in trouble. The season is still young and things can be corrected but early or not there are some concerns with this staff but in Jim I trust.

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Love this topic because I think Jim is one of the BEST owners out there regardless of the tweets because I think it gets MOST (not all) Colt fans excited of what's to come. He's done a lot for the community and is passionate for his team and fans. I still don't get the Colt fans who say shut up Jim or have a problem when he expresses concern about the team or coaching. Jim wants to WIN now and last year showed him REGARDLESS the situation it can be done. EVERYTHING was new last year yet what the Colts pulled off was remarkable. The Colts were far under the cap coming into this season and Jim did not sit pat. He went out and spent over 140 mil via FA to improve the team and build on the young talent from last year that produced an 11-5 playoff team. This coaching staff SHOULD be on the clock with no excuses. I always thought Peyton won despite the subpar coaching staff that the Colts held onto for way too long. (nice guys etc.) This team should be in attack mode on both sides of the ball. Not liking the vanilla defense scheme I'm seeing thus far or the Stanford short to midrange passing/power running game lacking EXPLOSIVE plays downfield. Hopefully they will spread the field to give the beast Richardson lanes to run through instead of that tight power I formation limiting Luck's options on the field. Still not sold on Chuck or his conservative style. If his idea of points are attempting long fgs with a kicker who's age is starting to catch up with his leg then the Colts are in trouble. The season is still young and things can be corrected but early or not there are some concerns with this staff but in Jim I trust.

were not lacking in attempting explosive plays, Luck simply is not throwing those passes accurately, we have 7 passes completed through 2 games of 20+ yards which is tied for 14th with 5 other teams, Ahead of us there are 4 teams tied with 8, The only team to separated itself in the regard is Phladelphia with 17

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There is no doubt Irsay is a fascinating character. I do believe he truly cares about his fans and is committed to winning. I have no problems with his aggressive moves in moving ahead with Luck. , or taking a chance on the Richardson trade for a #1.

The tweets come from a man that psychologically wants to be loved by his fans. This is why he does these giveaways , and is a social media addict. Based on his past background, you can almost understand why he does this. My only criticisms of the tweets is that he might tip his hand to other teams in deals , and you shouldn't berate your subordinates in public. It should be done in house , and behind closed doors.

On being the best owner , these factors would come into play :

Irsay family record as owners since 1972.

Jim Irsay record as GM 1984 - 1997

Jim Irsay record as an owner 1997- present

Number of Super Bowl appearances and wins

Number of indy Colt Hall of Famers since 1984

Number of regular season wins

Number of Division Championships

Number of AFC Championships.

Irsay has done well in a number of these categories , and is definately moving up the chain of top owners. Is he the best , probably not, but his legacy still has a long way to go.

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How do you find Jim Irsay's tweets exciting? You have to decipher almost every tweet he types lol. As for him being our owner, I'm satisfied with him. I wouldn't necessarily say we have the best owner, but when I look at owners like Jerry Jones or Daniel Snyder..we're very fortunate indeed.

Well his trade tweets..

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Well, to be honest the

16 trades

Good draft class from last year

Big FA signings

All that was Mr. Grigson. Irsay just signs the checks. As you see in his tweets when the trade talks have popped up. He's said Grigson wheeling & dealing and I believe in the Vontae trade he said I have my checkbook out

It's Grigson who's aggressive. But thanks to Mr. Irsay for hiring him :D

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